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File: 40 KB, 550x309, eating-ants[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11109185 No.11109185 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't people on those survival TV shows ever eat ants? Aren't ants supposed to be high in protein and safe to eat?

If you were in a survival situation would you try to eat ants? how about grasshoppers?

>> No.11109192

take way too long to gather enough for a substantial meal in a survival situation. not enough energy. why eat bugs if there are other animals around to hunt?

>> No.11109215


This. How many fucking ants do you think you'd have to waste time trying to eat to make up for the energy you spent scrounging around on the ground digging them out and trying to keep them from crawling all over you while eating them? Also, some ants won't go down without a fight or are venomous, so that's more energy wasted trying to deal with them.

>> No.11109220

wouldnt they bite you back while they're in your mouth?

wouldnt that hurt like a bitch?

>> No.11109235

>take way too long to gather enough for a substantial meal in a survival situation. not enough energy.

If you can find one piece of fruit you can use that as bait to attract hundreds of ants. Then you can just eat the fruit with the ants on it, or you could pick them off and wait for more to show up.

>> No.11109243

You can roast them over a fire. Do this
and wrap your fruit in something like leaves if you can find it and place the fruit near the fire for a moment to roast them and then eat.

>> No.11109256
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Just make sure you cook everything properly.

>> No.11109266
File: 59 KB, 630x473, Panama-City-Crayfish2-630x473[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one I don't see people eat on those shows: crayfish.

Most creeks and streams in North America and Europe have some species of crayfish in them. And afaik they are all edible. A lot of them are quite small, but very easy to catch and in a matter of an hour or so you could catch a bucket of them. Put them in a pot and boil them and you can drink the broth, and get a bit of protein from the tiny bit of meat inside each of them. It would take some time and be a bit fiddly, but would be much better than starving.

>> No.11109297

only americans don't eat crayfish
in russia, for example, it's quite a delicacy and a favoured beer snack

>> No.11109301

Americans eat crayfish. Crawdad boils are a family event in the south.

>> No.11109305

>Americans don't eat crayfish.
>Never been to Louisiana

>> No.11109307

Americans eat them they just dont really sell them at grocery stores you have to catch them

>> No.11109310

damn straight, we eat crawfish here in LA

>> No.11109311

that's a very sharp observation friendo, as i have never been to Louisiana indeed
but it's the nigger country anyways so it's colourful and tasty cuisine cannot be extrapolated to the rest of the WASP-populated america, ok

>> No.11109314

i see you do not live in the south.

>> No.11109323

It's the whites who are into crawdads, blacks like chicken.

>> No.11109337

Plenty of Americans eat crayfish you fucking inbred

>> No.11109350

Survival TV shows are mostly fake

Knowing that if they were really starving/dehydrating they could just go to a medical tent or get taken to a hospital really puts a dent in their true will to survive.

>> No.11109386

The only groceries that sell live crawdads in my large southern city are international groceries (mostly asian/mexican) and most of the inbred wh*tes here are too scared to go into them. Occasionally during the season you'll see toothless old black guys with coolers of them in black areas. So no, whypippo groceries in the south don't sell crawdads.

>> No.11109603

Americans eat a shit ton of crayfish but you have to catch them yourself, retard

>> No.11109617

That in no one contradicts what he just said you actual inbred.

>> No.11109628

ants have formic acid in them
eating a few won't hurt you, but eating enough to actually have a meal would be really bad for you

>> No.11109629
File: 95 KB, 500x533, brainlet crayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for your shitass city, I guess? They sell crawfish in a bigass tent at the front of my local HEB and it's maybe 80% white, 15% hispanic, 5% nigger, and no Asian.

>> No.11109693

>only americans don't eat crayfish
They're on most Chinese Buffets across America.

>> No.11109694

WASPs love their lobster tho, and they might as well count as crayfish from a culinary standpoint.

>> No.11109727

They're called crawfish you filthy yankees

>> No.11109728

Yeah OP why don't you go try that and tell us how well it works for ya. Fucking faggot.

>> No.11109843

Is anybody else pissed that the "survival" tv shows aren't remotely like Lord of the Flies? no hunting each other for food or anything like that shit.

>> No.11109867

those things are too cute to eat!

>> No.11109877

perhaps, but in a survival situation all bets are off

>> No.11109892

>gee how come we can't watch people murder each other on tv

>> No.11109988

>all bets are off
I know what this phrase means but does anyone know what the origin is about? What does bets being off have to do with anything goes

>> No.11110001

when people bet on on an outcome and it is later determined that the match was fixed, or some people had access to information that others didn't have, or any sort of funny business, all bets are cancelled

>> No.11110253


>> No.11110301

I'm gonna be real with you my dude, if I was on any survival type show, even if it's a reality/game show like Survivor, I wouldn't want to eat the bugs to survive. I'd be way too lazy to actually catch them and even if we got some, I wouldn't eat it unless someone else offered to try them with me. I know that insects can be really healthy and all that, but most people who don't come from a culture where eating that stuff is normalized will have a hard time doing it for the first time.

>> No.11110327
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1505282458881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate these fucking cunts every time they crawl on you they have to bite like i forced them on me. now i have to itch for a week

>> No.11110433

They're not fish, you stupid fucking ameritards.

>> No.11110512

Suck em up with a straw like anteaters do

>> No.11110907

look at this fucker, can't even enjoy a mudbug crawdiddle.

>> No.11110915

Jesus Christ, look at this ignorant fuck.

>> No.11111633
File: 114 KB, 704x400, ShinerMinnowsShortage-704x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can eat minnows as well. I have seen some people on a couple of shows eat these, but they ought to be a staple of survival eating. When I was a kid I saw people catching these with just a tied up t-shirt.

>> No.11111706


>> No.11111725

How do I get rid of ants effectively? Cleaning doesn't help. Baking soda doesn't help either. I want to annihilate those little buggers.

>> No.11111738

Borax, poison gel.

>> No.11111756

crawdads are the shit please go away northeasterner

>> No.11111892

If you figure out what kind they are I can help

>> No.11111914
File: 90 KB, 365x401, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
