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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11102841 No.11102841 [Reply] [Original]

Guys how do I quit eating fast food... it's not even good I just feel compelled to eat it when i drive by. I don't like how I feel afterwards but every time I say I'm done I go back within a week

>> No.11102845

Don't eat it, I suppose.

>> No.11102889

I've been drinking too much. I drink less now. Don't let the jerks tell you that it's worthless unless you quit it completely.

>> No.11103145

I agree. Fast food is drunk food. Keeps you mellow and chill. That's of you're on the go. If your a homebody that likes to drink, get in the habit of drunk cooking. Does wonders

>> No.11103220

you need to find something at home you can make all the time and not get bored of. i like making boiled eggs and eat them all of the time.

>> No.11103222

Keep a rubber band around your wrist. Every time you feel like eating, snap it as hard as you can. You will come to subconsciously associate the craving with pain and find it less compelling.

>> No.11103303

Realize it's not about quitting fast food, it's about figuring out how to create a better life

Imagine the difference in three years if you quit compared to if you don't quit

>> No.11103317

Have some self control anon.


>> No.11103318

Yeah, it does seem pretty pointless when you put it that way. I guess I might as well just surrender to the impulse.

>> No.11103348

people take advantage of you all the time to separate you from your money. often you dont even realize it. remember all the times you got bamboozled, now apply it to cheap food. now think about surly teenagers who dont give a shit about their jobs preparing said food. those big $$ corporations are guaranteed putting shit into their food to keep it cheap and youre puttijng it in your body. disgusting.

>> No.11103358

Imagine a person so despicably weak that they become a "fast food addict."

Try heroin or cigarettes for 20 years.
Good God you're a pathetic waste of skin.

>> No.11103363

It's just money.

>> No.11103492

>Try heroin or cigarettes for 20 years.

>> No.11104452
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>using heroin and cigarettes to escape from your problems
>calling other people weak

>> No.11104495


Money can buy freedom from being a wage slave in your old age.

You really gotta work on that defeatist attitude mate.

>> No.11104511
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I@m addicted to my vape!!!11!!!

I'm going to start smoking so i don't look like a prick

>> No.11104534

You don't have another hobbies besides being a fat piece of shit?

Spend your money on hobbies. Is 5 bucks worth of shit for your dopamine sensors worth anything? You could save a lot of money just by being aware that you're just throwing it all away on nothing but momentary satisfaction.