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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11097757 No.11097757 [Reply] [Original]

do they have the most sophisticated cuisine?

>> No.11097760

No, they have the most visually pleasing cuisine.

>> No.11097762

No, just go there. They put a lot of effort into making it look amazing, however it is very bland without the amount of seasoning and shit they have to do to the food.

>> No.11097772

Fucking weebs. A jap could shit on a plate and you'd love it.

>> No.11097781

Their cuisine boils down to "Salt and umami" so I'm going to have to say no.

>> No.11097782
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Sushi is very sophisticated, everything else is mediocre. French is the most sophisticated overall.

>> No.11097794

>Fish or other protein (egg, tofu)
>A squirt of sauce possibly

Wow, Michelin material right here. I love it when sushifags get mad about sushi burrito shops for taking the piss out of what is a very simple food.

Quick fact: Sushi started as a subsistence food that was meant to be preserved through the winter, similar for surstromming in Scandinavia.

>> No.11097807

Japan has the whackiest foods, not sophisticated. One of my favorite things when over there is just going to get japanese style <take on another countries food>.

>> No.11097813

the origin of any particular dish has very little bearing on its current state. sushi as it exists now is hardly anything like how it was hundreds of years ago. it started out fermented ffs

>> No.11097838

If you consider deep frying everything sophisticated, maybe?

>> No.11097845
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Something can be simple but still sophisticated. Sushi is about allowing the flavor of the fish to shine, without adding to much extra. The sophistication is in the quality of the fish and how it is cut, how the rice is prepared, the garnishes, and how it is assembled.

>I love it when sushifags get mad about sushi burrito shops for taking the piss out of what is a very simple food.
I think your projecting your own intolerance and arrogance here. Nothing wrong with sushi burritos but they also don't have the same subtlety or range of flavors as traditional nigiri.

>> No.11097849


>> No.11097855

sushi is literally just a fucking quick cheap meal for 90% of people in japan. Most really don't consider it to be a classy dish for the most part unless it is an exotic cut of fish.

Your average sushi meal is around 100-170 yen tops, usually pretty straight forward served quick and fast since people are in a hurry.

>> No.11097872

Is French cuisine on the decline because of its sophistication? It's not a grab and go type food, like falafel or kebab, it seems to be a sit down type meal, and people are plebs now that want to multitask and don't have time for it. There is a beautiful French pastry shop in my town that's doing quite well and I can name many French desserts, but not very many main course meals, idk

>> No.11097876
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>raw fish
>vinegar and soy sause

>> No.11097893
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Japan has plenty of fancy sushi places, far more per capita than anywhere else. The fact that there are cheap versions is not relevant. Cheap takeway sushi exists in other countries too, like Australia.

French food is in part a victim of its own success. Almost all fine dining is somewhat French influenced nowadays (e.g. "modern American" cuisine). As for being too sophisticated, I can see that too: if a restaurant owner has to choose between something difficult and time consuming vs something easy, they will be pushed by economics to make the easy dish. And the same for home cooking. I think a lot of old fashioned dishes in general are unpopular because they are too labor intensive.

>> No.11097899

>Japan has plenty of fancy sushi places, far more per capita than anywhere else.

Yeah and it also has a shit load of cheap sushi more per capita than most places. What's your point with that statement.

>> No.11097901

How does one exactly measure the sophistication of food? Taste? Texture? How it was prepared?

>> No.11097904

My point is that you were implying in >>11097855 that in Japan sushi is not considered a delicacy (and by extension, that sushi as a delicacy is a viewpoint that non-Japanese invented). But the existence of many fancy upscale sushi places in Japan disproves this.

>> No.11097921

>that in Japan sushi is not considered a delicacy

It's not exclusively one, it would be like saying steak is a delicacy in the USA but without referring to kind of meat, cut, etc. I can go get a 12.99 dollar steak at some places or go get 100 dollar steak at others, doesn't mean it's exclusive to that term.

>> No.11097938

Ok I see your point now. Your abrasive tone in >>11097855 made me think you were just throwing out random facts without any relevance to the topic at hand. I still think it's not particularly relevant since sushi can be an art form and that's what I was referring to, but I do see the comparison with steak.

>> No.11097980
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Dixie has a pretty complex cuisine imo

>> No.11097982

>literally what danes eat for 2/3 meals
>still our most sophisticated food when served at gourmet restaurants
>You're still a nigger

>> No.11097986

How the nuances work together to form flavors you couldn't even imagine.. also basics like looks and whatnot.

>> No.11098042

They have the most sophisticated everything and the fuck longest hair. What do you think?

>> No.11098058
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>> No.11098482
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>> No.11099095

> cuisine that uses one of two broths as the base of every dish

> everything revolves around rice

authentic Chinese food is more interesting and has much more variety

>> No.11099097

Japanese food is much like the Japanese themselves, bland and souless.

>> No.11099220

You decide what's sophisticated.

>> No.11099234

I'd not that say that the French cuisine is the most sophisticated, but it is pretty much the basis for most modern cooking techniques.
I'd call it developed and influential, but I can't say it's therefore sophisticated as a whole. Maybe specific dishes?

>> No.11099258


I live in Japan. Japanese cuisine is incredibly basic. Most recipes contain less than five ingredients. They focus on bringing out the natural flavors of fish and vegetables. Almost every dish can be explained as: ___ with salt, or ____ with soy sauce, or fried _____, or ____ with miso paste, any of the previously mentioned also with sake. Don't get me wrong. It's delicious, and even cheap places take great care in preparing their food, but is it sophisticated?

Compare it to French cuisine, which takes many different ingredients, marinates them, presses them, stews them, sautees them, to completely change the flavor from what they were originally. I think it's much more sophisticated.

The French would take snails and sautee them in butter and garlic. The Japanese would take snails, put them on a stick, cook them over an open flame with some salt, or soy sauce. Which is more sophisticated?

>> No.11099303

Nah, too isolated and resource-poor.
They have the cuisine most dependent on effort and training instead of sophisticated raw materials, though, because of this - neither the lower nobles nor the merchants were really allowed to spend lots of money on enduring private property, and the habit of centralization dating from the late feudal period made it impractical even after the war. So they have 800 years of practice dumping all the riches they can find into preparation in the most painstaking way; even the impetus toward quality of base materials has always been in terms of identifying the best piece of a mediocre harvest rather than ranging out into the world to find the best harvest.

It's basically a culture that has no conception of luxuries of rarity or extravagance, only thousand-times-folded artisanal handcrafting. That's not sophistication even though it has its own value, the French and Chinese are far better at sophistication when they try (although the French have a bad habit of haring off into "the more butter the better" and the Chinese get distracted by single extravagant but not hugely interesting or well-matched main dishes.)

>> No.11099321
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>reach into ocean
>pull out living sea creature
>bite into it and consume it alive

>"sophisticated cuisine"

>> No.11099347

>Compare it to French cuisine,
Most French cuisine is quite simple. Yes, there are some famous and elaborate dishes popularized by aristocrats in times past, but it's not like those are representative of day-to-day cooking for the average French person. A random Frenchman is not going to be eating Saddle of Veal Prinz Orloff on a regular basis.

And don't act like the Japanese don't have elaborate foods too. Kaiseki is just as sophisticated, if not moreso, than a multi course French meal. Even something basic like ramen often has a very elaborate prepration for the stock.

>> No.11099351

ITT: People who don't cook bash culinary arts they don't understand

>> No.11099376
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>Eating live animals is sophisticated
You fucking savage.

>> No.11099379

>>eating live animals is representative of more than a tiny miniscule proportion of Japanese cuisine

Sure is retarded in here

>> No.11099391

>Kraft singles
It works both ways, you get judged for your body of work, weeble.

>> No.11099404

The difference between the two is that kraft singles are a massively popular product that are bought/consumed by millions, whereas muh live seafood is a novelty even in Japan.

Kraft singles ARE represenative of the average Amerian diet. Muh edgy live seafood is not representative of the average Japanese diet.

>> No.11099414

No, just the most autistic.
>Dedicating your life to studying how to put raw fish on top of a block of rice

>> No.11099437
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>make one giant buckwheat noodle and let it steep in flavorless brown water
>"""sophisticated cuisine""""

But hey, at least they topped it with those super-hard-to-find green onions. That's genius and sheeit.

>> No.11099461

ITT: one weeb who thinks cracking an egg into a bowl of ramen is art

>> No.11099470

wut about japanese french cusine? Will they surpass the french themselves one day. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g1066451-d1504681-Reviews-NARISAWA-Minato_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html

>> No.11099507

Chinese is more influential than french desu.

>> No.11099517

Jap food is bland as fuck, it only looks pretty so you thinknits good

>> No.11099563

*chuckle* You gentlemen of low intelligence seem to think that Japanese cuisine consists of only Sushi.

>> No.11099583

why are your opinions are so polarized you fucking niggers

>> No.11099586

there is imbecility, and then there is this guy

>> No.11099587

>trip advisor
Where all the professional food critics post their reviews no doubt.

>> No.11099618
File: 59 KB, 500x333, Okonomiyaki 1 500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes. The side of Japanese cooking that actually employs heat in its creations... Here we have Okonomiyaki. "Japanese Pizza", as it were. Surely something with so many toppings and sauces would have a great flavor to it, right? NO. Somehow tt tastes like warm nothing with small amounts of salt.

>> No.11099660

>it's like a pizza
>the name of it is literally something "whatever toppings"
>flyover anon orders one with no toppings and no sauce, is surprised and dismayed to find that it lacks the soothing flavor of corn syrup

>> No.11099689

>being a contrarian just be to be one
where did your uncle touch you?

>> No.11099754

>french is better than Japanese
>not knowing they follow damn near the same fucking structures
>mother sauces, spice blends, cooking methods

>all these opinions from people who can't do either anyways

>> No.11099830

Don't know why people call okonomiyaki Japan's pizza when it's literally a cabbage pancake.

>> No.11100012

Every countries memefoods are simple, the same that every countries home cooking can be as difficult as you want it to be.

Is it sophisticated? Depends what you want to make I guess, the home cooking isn't difficult otherwise it wouldn't be called home cooking. Same with other countries. But I will say that I find that other countries put a bit more effort in flavour, I think it is very Japanese to keep the flavour as pure as it can be yet it can make bland food that not everyone likes. I think technique wise the french go a lot further.

>> No.11100044

>A flyover weeb
That toggles the goggles.

>> No.11101366

>the contrarian stance is to say that Japanese cooking has no flavor

Boy, you are deep in weebdom.

>> No.11101460

Absolutely not.

Sushi but almost every other dish have a subset of these same fucking ingredient
> sake
> mirin
> sugar
> soy sauce

The most sophisticated cuisine is the French one.
The better tasting is Italian (not the Italo-American, which is a joke).
Then it come the Lebanese.
All other country may have some good dish though.

>> No.11101541

soy sauce, mirin, sake, dashi

>> No.11101640

>They focus on bringing out the natural flavors of fish and vegetables

> soy sauce doesn't just cover the taste

>> No.11101758

it's become the norm on /ck/ to spout some variation of "jap food is bland" along with some comment about how it all uses the same base ingredients (not at all unique to japan anyway)

>> No.11102809

I would have to say Egyptian food is the most sophisticated.
Every dish is rich with socio-economic context which is impossible to ignore.

>> No.11103268

How could I forget. Japnese's wonder sauce. The sauce they use for okonomiyaki, takoyaki, tonkatsu, yakisoba and many more. For literally everything. Surerly that brings some variety for the local's palate!

>> No.11103298

I've never heard someone call it a japanese pizza irl myself, I'd have had no idea what they were refering to if I didn't have the context

>> No.11103321

every single dish is the same

>> No.11103345

The Japanese continued to make Japanese favorite dishes. I also remodel overseas dishes to the taste of the Japanese.
It is not "refinement". It is Japaneseization.

>> No.11103350

blessed lore

>> No.11103367

I am Japanese. Japanese culture was very stimulated by the culture of China, the West, and the United States. And they are greatly influenced.
However, the Japanese are loyal to the tastes of the Japanese.
I ate the Sukiyaki course the other day. It is one form of Japanese culture influenced by the carnivorous culture of Europe and the United States.
I ate it at the cafeteria in the department store in Shinjuku.

>> No.11103373
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Appetizer of sukiyaki course.

>> No.11103381
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>> No.11103389
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Wannomono. This is a dish which fried eggplant boiled.

>> No.11103392
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>> No.11103394
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Other ingredients.

>> No.11103397
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Rice, miso soup and pickles.

>> No.11103399
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Wagyu is tasty.

>> No.11103404
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And various ingredients.

>> No.11103407
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After tasting everything, cook bowl with eggs added to the soup.

>> No.11103412
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After that. Japanese sweets. Matcha cream anmitsu.
The price of this course meal is about 100 dollars.
It is also a luxury for the Japanese.
However, my family and my family enjoyed their time very much apart from everyday life.

>> No.11103424

陳、鄭 hate japan food.
Because chin chon nation and people is awful , that image is just cheap and nasty ,

That's crying for the moon

>> No.11103463

How much did all of those dishes cost?

>> No.11103468

Damn that looks delicious.

>> No.11103536

I ate this meal at this shop Shinjuku Takashimaya store.
I listed the price once, it is about 100 dollars.


>> No.11104222


Most Japanese food meh. Kind of bland compared to most Asian cuisine.


French cuisine is over-hyped fancier English food.

>> No.11104227
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>> No.11104234

Japanese food having no flavor isn't some meme. It's well-known fact. It's why I don't eat Japanese food anymore. People even write articles about it and the Japanese lose their minds every time.

>> No.11104266
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>live in japan
>have nice conbini sandwiches and bread
>told everything is bigger in america (particularly texas)
>go to america
>bread is small???
what the hell man

>> No.11104303
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Japanese food is overrated.

Korean and Chinese food is severely underrated. Fucking gochujang put in anything makes it so fucking delicious. Chinese Sichuan dishes will make you want to cum.

>> No.11104310

not really. the cooking is generally pretty simple. they just have interestingly flavoured ingredients

>> No.11104312

I used to be so interested in Japanese cuisine so I tried making multiple dishes of it myself and I sadly have to agree. Especially the noodle dishes. Literally the base for every noodle recipe is fucking bonito flakes. It doesn't even taste like anything when you make it, just vaguely "umami". Throw some soy sauce and mirin, some veges, udon noodles, and you got yourself about as good as a Japanese noodle dish as you can get.

Don't get my wrong, it's pretty tasty, but it just tastes like "nothing". It tastes good, just flat.

>> No.11104348

They are depressive sexual deviants, and everything about them and their culture is disgusting.

>> No.11104385
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Japanese food is for the most part like Italian food. It's about minimalism, perfect execution and high quality ingredients.

>> No.11104402

>Literally the base for every noodle recipe is fucking bonito flakes
Yeah, except tonkotsu ramen, which is probably the most famous japanese noodle dish.
That's pork bones boiled for 12 hours.
Extremely flavourful.

>> No.11104439

All style, no substance

>> No.11104453

It's rice and 3 shreds of a carrot. I hope you choke on the next manga you deepthroat.

>> No.11104516

Still haven't tried that yet, really want to. Someone from Fukuoka told me it was the GOAT

>> No.11104640

it is a fact for twelve year olds and people who hate weebs, not people who are actually familiar with the food.