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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 930x439, the-mc-donalds-curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11090086 No.11090086 [Reply] [Original]

Finally fucking done with mcdonalds for the last time. The curve ends here.
they keep raising the fucking prices on pure shit food and im done. its not even like i fucking eat there 99% of the time i go there its to get other people/kids food.
They have a dollar menu with cheeseburger for $1 so i order one without cheese and its $1.19, im like wtf just gimme a cheeseburger and ill take the cheese off.
its not that i cant afford the fucking chump change in question, its about the proverbial shitty business practices they do all the time. like nickle and diming you to death over cheese while you can get any burger in the place including bigmac/QP for $1 with the app.
grown adults dont eat at mcdonalds, what kids gonna eat a fuckin bigmac.
Also the happymeal was on the dollar menu, but now its off and its $3.59, so again they're just trying to stick it to people yet again. They know happy meals are the bread and butter so they keep fuckin u with the price.
dont gimme this shit about inflation, value of dollar etc. in 3 years there will be no FOH employees for mcdonalds, yet do you think they will LOWER the price of food when they dont have to pay billions in min wage??? LOL NOPE. you're getting screwed again pal
i take kids there as a treat, not as a fucking meal replacement, so its my choice to go anywhere and idgaf if the kids cry, im done with mcdonalds forever

>> No.11090089


>> No.11090093

You're done when the clown fucking says you are.

>> No.11090112

no. I was spending about $8-10/week on the reg there. That would now jump up to $14 for the same shit. nope.

>> No.11090151

i, and many others apparantly, used to go there more often a while back when they had a decent dollar menu. They they got fuckin greedy and basically did away with the dollar menu. I stopped going, so did others, their sales slumped and guess what their next move was...yes, bring back the dollar menu again.
it wasnt the best dollar menu at all, but it had $1 mcchicken & $3 happy meal, which was what was bringing me in. $1 cheeseburger? $2 double cheeseburger? that shit sucks man. fuck the rest of the garbage on there. no ones ordering a fucking iced coffee or any of that other bullshit. lately the mcchickens have been so bad i have to have em on a grill ticket to make sure they're fresh, but even then they're drowned in mayo from some passive aggressive dropout angry aobut having to do extra work and saying "IF YOU WANT IT YOUR WAY GOTO BURGER KING."
i know what goes on there.

>> No.11090297

Use the app and only the app

>> No.11090339

>tfw they caught wise to my $1 buttermilk crispy chickens and removed it from the coupon
It was fun while it lasted I guess.

>> No.11090352

>order 5 dollar 20 piece nuggets
>get 21 nuggets

Thanks McDonalds

>> No.11090427

>I was spending about $8-10/week on the reg there
Do you think the McDonalds corporation will be able to survive?

>> No.11090432

>mcdouble off the dollar menu
>no more 2 for $5
Really no reason to go there over Wendys now. There only appeal was a cheap dirty burger and now it's not even cheap.

>> No.11090449


>> No.11090475

wait they ditched the 2/$5 mcdoubles? Shit.

>> No.11090482

your deranged rambling aside, McDonalds is fighting a losing war with it's own Dollar menu because it got super famous for it, and what was supposed to be a loss lead turned into a money siphon. They actually lose money because of it, hilariously enough. But, they conditioned people to expect that amount of food for that amount of money, so their target demo (poor people) riot (like this)

>> No.11090490

Imagine being so fat and so much of a loser in life that you complain on a chink forum to air your grievances and just when you think life couldn't get any more pathetic, you somehow dig the hole deeper.

>> No.11090491

mcdoubles were on the dollar menue and bigmacs and other things were 2 for $5. Now they don't have either.

>> No.11090498

>tyrone done counts it

>> No.11092014

i just imagined i was you.

>> No.11092165

4chan is Chinese????

>> No.11092173


>> No.11092187

I stopped going there after they dropped the 2 for 5. Instead for the same price I can go to local burger stand and get marginally better burger for the same price and at least the money is staying in the community more

>> No.11092215

going to spain tomorrow

is the beer worth it at mcdons? brit asking btw

>> No.11092444

I think he's referring to the fact that 4chan was originally an anime forum.

>> No.11092460

Trips of truth...sorta...Anime is Japanese, as is gookmoot the site owner...

>> No.11092466

A jap is still a chink I think....

>> No.11093546

you can get 2 for $5 whoppers at BK now through their app

which I think is better than mcdicks

>> No.11093691

gook = korean
chink = chinese
jap = japanese
how is that difficult

>> No.11093703
File: 50 KB, 720x528, 1494598563075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt: people acting like the way their local McDonalds is run is the same everywhere

My local mac shack still has $1 McChickens as well as $1 sausage biscuits and $1 sausage mcmuffins and $1 breakfast burritos.

The McDouble is $1.50 which is still okay by my metric. Can still get a regular cheeseburger for $1.

>> No.11093726

Aztec pottery forum*
Where I live a happy meal used to be 7$, they went bankrupt some 7 odd years ago though.

>> No.11093783
File: 2.48 MB, 200x153, 1534374610384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The two for 5$ deal is great, don't need a app for it at the one near me. Those fucking spicy chicken burgers are delicious.

>> No.11093804
File: 20 KB, 930x439, FTFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your chart was off.