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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 876 KB, 1080x1080, BFV21677_Salmon_Meal_Prep_Two_Ways_FB_THUMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11090070 No.11090070 [Reply] [Original]

who here meal preps? what are your go-to meals and do you calculate out the calories?

gonna be moving out soon and will have to rely on cooking my own meals 3 times a day

>> No.11090077

Honestly eating the same microwaved food every day will make you want to live less.

>> No.11090114

>3 meals a day

Why do you need to eat 3 times in a day? You tryna build sum muscle mang?

>> No.11090115

Honestly I could eat chicken rice and veggies everyday and not get tired of it or have to reheat anything

>> No.11090117

This is true, and if you meal prep like op’s picture you’ll probably end up not eating it out of boredom. But there are some things you can prepare and use later. Like roast a chicken or braise some beef and you can use it throughout the week in sandwiches, salads, tacos, pasta, soups, whatever. You can also prep and freeze many doughs if you’re into baking. I would try to make most of your veggies the same day though, they usually don’t take long and don’t hold up as well in the fridge/freezer after being cooked

>> No.11090121

the trick with veggies is to stop cooking them when they are 5 mins from being done so they hold better structure

>> No.11090128

You don't eat 3 meals a day to gain muscle. More like 6.

>> No.11090136

I tried meal prepping but got easily bored and the food went to waste.

I find it easier to prepare a large portion of meat in advanced be it chicken, beef, turkey, or fish and make the sides when needed.

>> No.11090149

so why not cook the meat, cook some rice and roast some veggies and then portion it all?
saves time and effort

>> No.11090160

what part of "got easily bored" do you not understand?

He didn't want to eat the same food every day.

>> No.11090170

dude meal prep is only for lunches, you still have breakfast and dinner to eat new meals

>> No.11090195

Millennials have a high degree of entitlement, anon. The concept of sticking to a staple diet for health and budgetary concerns is totally lost on them. They feel like they have to indulge their silly whims (usually involving fast food) for each and every meal.

>> No.11090207

You can bulk on one meal a day if you can get enough calories in that meal. Six meals is only necessary if you have a pitifully small bladder.

>> No.11090213

i make food like 2 or 3 days in advance, using small pots instead of big shit.
except for sometimes when i make chili con carne, when i'm eating it all alone with proper refridgerating it ought to stay fresh for 5 days at least

>> No.11090222

I don't like eating the same sides over and over

Plus you can vary meals with the meat easily

>> No.11090240
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As long as you don't do this shit

>> No.11090241

there are thousands of different rice and vegetables combos you can make

you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.11090254

Sure. But I don't want to eat the same one today that I had yesterday because I'm an entitled little shit. I think it's OK to spend more money to eat out every day than to plan things like this. Then I can whine about how my wages aren't high enough, even though the root of the problem is my own entitlement.

>> No.11090277

Why not just make it the day of when you know what you want? Frozen rice and reheated veggies are absolute shit, I’d rather make food worth eating

>> No.11090289

You just can't be this fucking retarded

>> No.11090365

because it's more efficient to cook a weeks worth of lunches in a 4 hour sitting than spend an hour each day making the same exact thing
nothing is frozen unless you're retarded
cold veggies are fine stop being a baby

>> No.11090371

"Fine" isn't good enough anon.

Efficiency doesn't concern me, I have so much free time I can afford to waste it shitposting on a Laosian macrame forum. I don't need to save 10 min at lunchtime, I can easily cook each lunch a la minute.

>> No.11090375

Reheated rice is also terrible. You can justify your shitty food by saving 20mins a day, I just hope you’re not cooking for others

>> No.11090387

you're a fucking neet your opinion isn't relevant to actual human beings
holy shit dude you need to learn to eat stuff cold

>> No.11090390

But anon, that 20 minutes would be better spent posting on instabook and re-tweeting than cooking. Don't you know anything about modern life? Sheesh.

>> No.11090395

>you're a fucking neet your opinion isn't relevant to actual human beings

Hmm, it seems you also have so much free time that you can afford to waste it shitposting on a Laosian macrame forum. Why not spend that time cooking instead?

What exactly do you need to save all this time for? It seems you have plenty.

>> No.11090401

There is absolutely no reason for me to learn to enjoy old rice except laziness. I’ll keep making mine and eating it fresh, you can keep eating your dog food

>> No.11090417

You sound like a fatass.

This Sunday I slow cooked 4 chicken breast in Trader Joe’s brown sugar BBQ sauce, Brown sugar, Apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire, and zesty Italian dressing. I cooked it on slow for 8 hours. It’s incredible.

I plan on eating that with brown rice and Brussels sprouts for majority of the week.

For dinner, I made my own chicken noodle soup with a whole chicken. I tossed the chicken in water on medium-low heat for 2 hours, got the meat off of the carcass, threw the leg bones back in the pot with it, a little bit of bouillon, fresh and dried parsley, 4 cloves garlic, butter, salt and pepper, celery and carrots. It’s the best chicken noodle soup I’ve ever had and it’ll last me and my gf all week.

With the leftover chicken breast I had from the chicken noodle soup I made a quart of walnut, cranberry chicken salad that I’ll use to snack on.

I love prepping food for the entire week but I get bored of the basic fitness stuff. I’m usually able to hit my macros and micros every day, without sacrificing flavor.

I usually just eat whatever I want for breakfast thoigh. I’m bulking so usually kefir, oats, eggs, and turkey bacon. Maybe whole milk

>> No.11090428

>without sacrificing flavor.
Everything you described is nothing but one huge flavor sacrifice.

>slow cooked breast not leg
>didn't grill the meat first to get some color on it it before you braised it
>cooked chicken soup in water instead of stock
>fucking boullion

I'm happy that you're cooking instead of going to McDick's but it's absurd to assert you aren't sacrificing flavor.

>> No.11090440

Look mate. I’m a college student, living with girlfriend and we push our budget to the limit, usually $50-60/week on groceries. We make really good food for the price. Also, when you make chicken stock from a whole chicken, you usually don’t use fucking store bought chicken stock in it. Using the bouillon was emergency scenario because my 4 lb chicken wasn’t enough to get a good rich stock. I don’t grill the meat first because I don’t have access to it, but I’m able to make due with what I have and it turns out really good. I use the best ingredients that I can reasonably afford

>> No.11090444

I have a job and i'm moving out in a week to go to school that's why I made this thread
I know it's hard for your neet brain to comprehend but wagies do not actually work every second of the day

>> No.11090471

sounds amazing, anon
I'm not trying to meal prep to be healthier I just want to save time and money

>> No.11090499

I make lunches for my fiancee and I every week. My go-to dishes for meal prep are lentil soup with rice, homemade chicken soup, curry chicken, roasted pork loin with rice and steamed veggies, turkey burgers, fried rice, and deli sandwiches. If I'm really lazy, I'll just mix some rice with steamed corn/beans/carrots (from those $.80 steam-in-the-bag things) and tiger sauce. Last week, I made some awesome beef and barley stew.
So mix up what you make? I made a bunch of corn/bean salsa this weekend, so today I'm having spiced pork loin taco salad.

>> No.11090500
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There’s a lot of bulk meals that I use that cover dinner for 2 for an entire week. Like this chili, I tend to make this when I find beef or bison on sale. I use all green peppers instead of the colors to save some money and I throw in 2 jalapeños that I sauté a bit. Takes no time

>> No.11090531

seems pretty simple for a chili

>> No.11090558

Yeah, simple, easy, quick and good. Make some good cornbread with it too.

>> No.11090572

If you find that you get bored eating the same meals over and over, the solution to that is to stop making such huge portions.
I do meal prep for myself and my SO since we never see each other during the work week due to opposite schedules. This week I made us each 2 garlic burgers with asparagus, 2 meals of chicken and chili-maple sweet potatoes, and we also each had a 7oz strip, which I used to make steak and eggs for breakfast but which he ate for dinner with some leftover sprouts from last week.

What I'm saying is that I make 2 smaller meal-prep meals rather than one big one, so there's some options for switching it up. Meal prep doesn't have to meal only one kind of meal for the whole week. I like to prep all my dishes and then get it all cooked back to back to back on one day, so I only have to turn the oven on once rather than heating up the apartment every day of the week.

>> No.11090589

>we push our budget to the limit,
you budget foolishly. For example, chicken breast? No. Costs twice what leg meat costs, and it's worse suited for braising.

>>Also, when you make chicken stock from a whole chicken, you usually don’t use fucking store bought chicken stock in it
I wasn't advocating that you used store-bought chicken stock. I was advocating that you used homemade stock.

>>I don’t grill the meat first because I don’t have access to it, but I’m able to make due with what I have and it turns out really good.
That's well and good, but don't claim that you aren't "sacrificing flavor" because you clearly are.

>> No.11090639
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>tell me chef, did you personally hand-chisel these ice cubes?

>> No.11090643

Try roasting your chicken before making the bones into stock for extra flavor - grilling isn't necessary at all. Also, you need to simmer it for a hell of a lot longer than two hours to make good stock. The bones should break in half easily when they're done simmering. I make mine in a pressure cooker, and the takes about an hour and a half at high pressure to get the bones to that point.

>> No.11090655

Anon said he was making soup, not making stock.

If he was making soup using pre-made stock then an hour is plenty. Any more than that and the meat becomes unpleasant to eat because it's flavorless pasty mush.

>> No.11090714

I only ever make things that freeze and reheat without much quality loss like gumbo, curries burritos. Its important to have a few different dishes if possible just so your not eating some busted ass meat+rice+veg dish for the whole week.

>> No.11090728

He literally said that he had to use bouillon because "my 4lb chicken wasn't enough to make a good rich stock". His problem isn't that he doesn't have enough bones (you can make great stock with any amount of bones if you use the right amount of water), it's that he didn't cook them for nearly long enough, or cooked them in too much water.

>> No.11090748

Scroll up and read the previous post where he discusses that this exercise is for making "chicken noodle soup".

anon wasn't trying to make stock. Anon was trying to make chicken noodle soup.

>> No.11090798

If you don’t mind making simple dishes then there is no problem, heck, even advisable
But pre-preparing core complicated meals is a recipie for disaster. Unless you don’t mind dry and bland food.

What I do it to prepare sauces on weekends and use them for quick dishes. With a slightly spicy tomato sauce you can make pasta, rice, blanched vegetables, manny meats and my favorite lazy dish; Panela melted in salsa eaten with tortillas.

>> No.11090824

Yeah, sorry I should’ve used the word soup base instead of stock

>> No.11090847

The base of which is stock or broth. Sounds like he was shooting for more of a broth.

>> No.11090862

He clearly stated that he was making chicken noodle soup using water and a bullion cube. He did not say anything about making stock or broth.

>> No.11090890

What exactly do you think happens when you cook a whole chicken in water for 2 hours?
He said that he added the bouillon because his broth wasn't rich enough.

>> No.11090892

what's the yellow stuff in this pic

cause it looks suspiciously like a whole ass lemon

>> No.11090895

It's obviously yellow squash, you dingus.

>> No.11090900

Once again /ck/ struggles with the basics of cooking.
Sticky when?

>> No.11090903

>What exactly do you think happens when you cook a whole chicken in water for 2 hours?
Not enough information to say. The end result might be a stock, broth, or a finished dish.

>He said that he added the bouillon because his broth wasn't rich enough.
Not "broth". WATER.

I suspect that chicken soupanon was talking about "the chicken making its own stock as it cooks", which is missing the point entirely. Make stock first. Then, use that stock, and ANOTHER chicken to make chicken soup.

Or if you prefer the short version:
chicken soup made with stock tastes a fuck of a lot better than chicken soup made with water, hoping that it will make its own stock as it cooks.

>> No.11090906

If you put some ground turkey, cream corn, collard greens, cornbread and a couple pieces of ham in a container you'll probably eat it every day for sure.

>> No.11090908


>> No.11090924

I have no idea what 11090900 is trying to say. It's just a list of terms.

>> No.11090936

>It's just a list of terms.
That you've been using incorrectly throughout this entire thread you fucking mong.

>> No.11090943

I haven't used any of those terms incorrectly, anon. Methinks you are confusing me with another poster.

And what's your point anyway? That people misuse culinary terms on a regular basis? I don't disagree with that.

>> No.11092977

t.brainlet roastie
I bulk on 4000kcal and I often only eat 2 meals

>> No.11093019

Fuck off nigger

>> No.11093031

Meal prepping is the stupidest fucking thing unless you have a legitimate food allergy. It's depressing, cold, gross, and pretty much anyone who does it acts smug as shit because they saved a whopping five dollars.

May as well just have a glass of soylent if eating the same thing doesn't matter.

>> No.11093177

unless you're on a strict budget or diet, it's the most retarded concept ever. it's called having leftovers.

>> No.11093184

the only things cu/ck/s prep is the bull.

>> No.11093252
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>they saved a whopping five dollars
3 times a day X 365 times a year = $5475 a year

>> No.11093257

what kind of autist do you have to be to eat home cooked meals every single day of the year?

>> No.11093261

an autist who is smart and doesn't have mommy money

>> No.11093359

or doesn't have any friends/family to celebrate special occasions with. how do you even date without going out to eat?

>> No.11093371

>posting this reply on 4chan
the fuck?

>> No.11093375

>calling someone an autist because they don't have normal social behaviors

that's strange to yo?

>> No.11093435

Same. knowing I have 6 more versions of the same meal makes it taste worse. I like to cook on a whim. Like if I hear of something tasty in a book I'm reading, I can try it.

>> No.11093446

Some people are tastelets and seriously can't tell the difference between eating stale weekly prepped meals vs cooking something fresh with fresh ingredients every meal vs exquisite meals from amazing restaurants.

>> No.11093456
File: 1.03 MB, 3024x2922, mealprepsket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong with making a huge batch of sauce, but pre-cooking the spaghetti as well? this seriously has to be such a shit re-heated meal

>> No.11093457
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, mealprepperogies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11093472

most people here don't date, they're in long term relationships. some of those relationships are with a hand tho.

>> No.11093474

those are some fuckhuge 'rogi

>> No.11093613


I make large soups & stews which are fairly simple to calculate the caloric intake from

Usually lasts me 3-5 days, break the routine with different snacks like raw carrots or frozen berries etc

>> No.11093659

A lot of that looks like plastic. Especially those mushrooms.

>> No.11093775

I'm a millennial and this is 100% true. I just wish I could be as hard working and slavelike as a good old boomer.

>> No.11093840

different anon, but the key is to make sure to minimalize moisture loss to your rice as well as adding a bit of water to it before you reheat it. Obviously the ideal scenario is to just fucking finish the rice and make a fresh batch, but you can make it stay near the same quality for atleast two days if needed.

>> No.11093846

>who here meal preps?
I do
>what are your go-to meals?
I just cook dinner like normal and make enough to feed 2-4 people. Just slap the leftovers into a couple of containers. Easy as that. Usually curries, stews, stirfries work out best. Meat & 3 veg with some rice goes good too
>do you calculate out the calories?
No, counting calories is for bodybuilders, diabetics and fat people. Normal people just eat sensible food in sensible amounts

>> No.11093849
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woah woah woah faggot, where the fuck is my cranberry sauce? Also replace that creamed corn with some stuffing and we're in business.

>> No.11093881
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I know it's a bit early to be handing out redpills on /ck/, but what the hell. Meal preppers tend to fall into two categories; Mentally stunted gymbros trying to "hit their macros" or roasties in their late 20's that have never cooked once in their lives and now realize they can't coast on looks forever and need to "demonstrate some value" to their partner

Typical prepper "meal" is unseasoned white rice, never a good variety like Jasmine or Basmati but that really grimy enriched Walmart variety; Stringy, dry never-brined Chicken Breast; A bland, boiled vegetable like Cauliflower or Broccoli; and a vaguely "ethnic" topping that they believe will redeem their monstrosity. Popular key words are "Thai", "Indian", "Chinese" or "Italian". If they have even a modicum of self awareness they will append the word "inspired" to the end.

They are truly human filth.

>> No.11093897


>> No.11093909

Haha, what's up with that first picture? Tomato sauce definitely can splatter a lot but that's just ridiculous.

>> No.11093963

I'm guessing they dropped a container, or can

>> No.11093973

that salmon is going to taste like shit by the 4th day

>> No.11093978

>le todays youth has no discipline argument

Fresh take, gramps

>> No.11093986

Its actually spelled "Laotian"

>> No.11094001

Literally doesn't matter.

>> No.11094005

It only got retarded on the last sentence to be fair.

>> No.11094011

>diet has no implication on muscle growth

>> No.11094016

This. /thread

>> No.11094022

My brother won't eat spaghetti until it's been sitting in the fridge for 12 hours and reheated.

He says it tastes better, I've heard that from a few people. I think lasagna is better reheated.

I certainly wouldn't keep pasta in the friday for more than like, 30 hours.

>> No.11094027

>a meal is a set size

No, youre the retard buddyboy

>> No.11094030
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>meal timing is the same as diet hurdur


>> No.11094036

it's true though

>> No.11094047


Mein nigga

>> No.11094068

>You sound like a fatass.
Reddit, the post.
also, youre wrong.

>> No.11094088

It might be that you're not letting the lasagna rest enough before digging in. Let it chill for 30-45 min next time.

>> No.11094234

Yeah. How are they ever going to figure out how to live on a government pension?

No, wait, they won't need to do that. Only the people with moral fibre and hep B from their rebellious youth get those.

>> No.11094591
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To the people complaining about meal preps: do you just eat out instead? If yes, what do you usually eat and how much do you normally pay?

>> No.11094639

Used to "meal prep" in the meaning of making a bunch of food at once. Its was really stale and pretty sad.

Then I got married. Wife makes all the food from breakfast to late night snacks. For lunch I usually drive from my work ( a 6min drive) to eat at home, when I don't I'll have the wife make me some food to go.

Easy stuff. Food prepping is for singles and lonely people.

>> No.11094805

ah, yeh, whoops, I definitely intended to say "stomach" there. Good eyes, detective

>> No.11094865
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if you cook the bones first you'll be making a brown stock which has an entirely different flavour profile.
>you sound like a fatass
>usess trader joe's brown sugar marinade, PLUS brown sugar, PLUS apple cider vinegar (the sugariest vinegar behind sherry), worcestorshire (sugary anchovy), zesty italian (probably sugary oil)
kind of ironic lad, the flavour of the chicken should speak for itself, there's no point in slow cooking something in all that additional flavour.

The best cost saving method is to learn to make the absolute best dishes you can with the fewest ingredients. Buy a whole chicken instead of 4 chicken breasts and roast it, or debone it and stuff it with panada or something similar of your choosing

>> No.11094874

>do you just eat out instead?
No, I cook each meal separately.

If I have to be out for lunch where I can't cook then I prepare it in the morning, or bring leftovers that I can reheat.

>> No.11094890

So why not spend a few of your free minutes to cook rice and vegetables fresh when you are at home? If we're talking about just the rice you can easily get other things done while it is cooking and only cost you two minutes or so.

>> No.11095588

I don't really always eat lunch, I mostly just get out and use my break to run an errand or go somewhere and take a walk/watch ESPN/whatever.

If I do eat, I eat out. Because there is nothing more depressing than eating a four day old meal that reeks of Pam's previously microwaved tilapia under the fluorescent lights at your desk so you can churn out more spreadsheets.

>> No.11096136

Protein shake and an apple for breakfast. Now it's only two meals a day.

>> No.11096143

I meal prep by putting money from the ATM into my wallet so I'm Prepared to get a Meal from the nearest McDonald's when I get hungry.

>> No.11096380

people don't understand multitasking, that's why you end up with people complaining about all of the dishes leftover after cooking or that laundry "takes forever to do"

>> No.11096510

Every single one of those looks disgusting.

>> No.11096517

Where's the vegetables, faggot?

>> No.11096529

You're wrong though.