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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 740 KB, 1200x941, ScrambledEggs-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11072770 No.11072770 [Reply] [Original]

I used to think my parents were master chefs when they would cook me up a plate of rubbery, hard, overcooked scrambled eggs, which were about 20% milk. Everywhere I went this is how they were served, and they were my favorite meal.

Only recently was I convinced to try "undercooking" them, and I realized that soft, velvety eggs made with extra butter rather than milk were infinitely better than what I grew up with.

What the fuck? Why is it that people don't make them this way? It still only takes a minute or two of pushing them around on low heat. Is this an American thing?

Furthermore why do people seem to think the goal of making scrambled eggs is ending up with a single unbroken brick of egg? Is this some accomplishment to be proud of? The dish is called "scrambled" eggs, isn't it?

To me, as soon as there isn't liquid egg left in your pan, it's time to plate them. Discuss.

>> No.11072779

most people suck at cooking and at best try to make up for it by adding tons of cheese

>> No.11072806

the "brick" thing is called an omlette not scrambled eggs

>> No.11072826

Why would anyone prefer an omlette out of curiosity

>> No.11072847

I’m not a fan of the porridge like consistency that some people (Ramsey, Pepin, Bocuse) suggest because that’s too soupy.
I really dove the consistency in your picture on the right. But they must be straight from the pan onto the plate into my mouth because they are garbage even 2 mins sitting.
I got really good at making scrambo short order style and let me tell you, a pile of soft heavenly scrambo on a croissant is some of the finest eating on this green earth

>> No.11072849 [DELETED] 

I prefer my eggs OPs way after learning to cook them this way. I don't even have to use butter. The problem is everyone I know likes/is used to overcooked puck sulfur eggs, they'll try them but act repulsed. One of those things you'll just have to acknowledge you won't win.

>> No.11072856

>It still only takes a minute or two of pushing them around on low heat.
I use high heat for a very short time so that the eggs get a little steam in them instead of being so dense. I guess I like a little texture variety with soft fluffy curds suspended in the "velvety" eggs.

>Furthermore why do people seem to think the goal of making scrambled eggs is ending up with a single unbroken brick of egg?
Frittatas are fine too.

>> No.11072870 [DELETED] 

Their eggs are not soupy. They're like a thick spread.

>> No.11072880

Sounds gay. Only french queers eat eggs like that. The goal is scrambled eggs, not egg puree.

>> No.11072894

This is actually interesting to me, when I was a REAAALLL little kid, I woulod have sleepovers at my grandparents, and they would cook me scramble eggs "right" and they were SOOOO damn good, when at home my dad's scrambled eggs (even though I love the guy, they sucked and were amde with milk. I never knew how my grandparents made their eggs so good, and I never put it together that it must be some sort of special technique. Damn, I gotta try it the right way someday.

>> No.11072909

>liking raw eggs
>putting milk in scrambled eggs
JUST fuck my shit up f@m

>> No.11072914

I suppose porridge is my main most accurate description.
I do very high heat as well and work them around the pan as soon as they hit the butter. Start to finish on a commercial cooktop should be like 40 seconds top

>> No.11072918

>But they must be straight from the pan onto the plate into my mouth because they are garbage even 2 mins sitting.
Would it be possible to make a chipotle style place that served various types of fresh eggs cooked in front of you?

I kind of live in a flyover state that doesn't like new things but I would be interested in opening one up. I guess the hurdle is that everyone can cook eggs at home, and most people have been conditioned to only crave them in the morning

>> No.11072925

I like them somewhere between those two pics.

But you're definitely right about lots of butter being the way to go, and milk is not necessary.

>> No.11072936

Americans are afraid of undercooked eggs because of spooky salmonella. Also most people can't cook, that's pretty much it

>> No.11072937

Next time you do scrambo try taking half of the whites out of the mix. So if you are cooking 6 eggs, use 3 whole eggs and 3 egg yolks. Whisk together and scramble using whatever method you prefer. You will end up with vibrantly yellow silky decadant scrambo.
At the restaurant I work in our single serving recipe is 1 egg 1 yolk generous punch s+p and a small squirt of bechamel sauce

>> No.11072945

This is called a diner and they have existed since humans first stole eggs.

IMO egg cookery needs a shield from the public eye. Give the short order cook a place he can swear in. Don’t stick him in front of all of the freaks.

>> No.11072956

Good luck competing with teppanyaki joints


>> No.11072961

Presentation, indicator of higher skill, classical dish, easier to add filling

>> No.11072974

I’ve never had food from one of these places that was anything more than average. I suppose that the point is the show but I’d like to be truly wowed one day

>> No.11072977

>not going a step further and just drinking your eggs raw

>> No.11072999

If you do this before a workout you will then have scrambled eggs

>> No.11073007

No need to compete, it would be more low-end like a chipotle

>> No.11073043

I actually hate euro style scrambled eggs and I wish they'd take their disgusting running 40% butter aids back to their shithole continent.
funfact: the average euro breakfast place doesn't even serve scrambled eggs because it's such a tryhard dish over there.

>> No.11073178

>Why would anyone prefer an omlette out of curiosity
>why do people seem to think the goal of making scrambled eggs is ending up with a single unbroken brick of egg

Because you can poke it with a fork and pick it up, rather than scooping around all day

>> No.11073183
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>throwing away good protein

>> No.11073376

>Not whipping it up into an egg paste and eating it raw with a spoon

>> No.11073788
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this is the only except way to eat eggs other than using it as an ingridient for baking

>> No.11073799
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try again

>> No.11073813
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>crisp edges

>> No.11073820

9 dubs > 8dubs

>> No.11073822
File: 47 KB, 652x408, EGG LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>umm sweeties

>> No.11073831

Many people think that uncooked egg is going to make them deathly Ill, and relate any softness to raw. I've made them with the double broiler type method (I forget the formal name) and while they flavor is significantly better, the texture was a bit off for me but I still like it. I also sometimes put milk in mine if I'm going to add cheese or put on toast. Its preference boi

>> No.11073834

you're a fucking retard i said that fried eggs are the best way to eat eggs then say try again and post a pic of fried eggs

>> No.11073845

>only 2 dubs
Try again chief

>> No.11073849

undercooked scrambled eggs are fucking gross


>> No.11073858

>fry eggs to shit because scared of salmonella
>happily scarf down huge quantities of raw cookie dough
Yet another way they prove themselves to be utterly devoid of taste

>> No.11073887

I agree with you there. Cooking them too slowly will give you a gloopy singular mass of egg. Cooking them longer or shorter won't prevent this, just give you a custard set to varying degrees. You achieve the consistency on the right with fast hot cooking, which allows long, silky curds to form.

>> No.11073896

A French omlette is godly and so is a Basque Tortilla de patata made fresh at home. Both feature a perfect temp of set whites and fudgy texture yolks

>> No.11073991

Is it true i should underboil my eggs as well? I always wondered if I could get the yolk slightly liquidy and eat it warm

>> No.11074006

The only time I like eggs runny is scrambled
>Cooking them too slowly will give you a gloopy singular mass of egg
>Cooking them longer or shorter won't prevent this
is "slowly" as in "shorter" ?

>> No.11074011

Hnnnng so good
Over easy is god tier

>> No.11074036

Yeah it's mostly ignorance. Its frustrating but not as bad as dealing with British people. You guys are like Brooklyn Jewish women and laughably you will never understand how.

>> No.11074042
File: 61 KB, 500x750, Steamed Soft Boiled Eggs01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, it's called soft boiling, as opposed to hard boiling
they're very good

>> No.11074050

Idk I prefer the texture of the eggs on the left

>> No.11074056

You didn't close your parenthesis, so I am confused by your story.

>> No.11074057 [DELETED] 

I like my fried eggs with a 99% liquid you'd and I'd still pick the left bowl.
Who the fuck wants phlegmy snot eggs?

>> No.11074074
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I like my fried eggs with a 90% liquid yolk, and I'd still pick the left bowl.
Who the fuck wants phlegmy snot eggs?
I'm still pissed I made my deviled egg filling too runny

>> No.11074078

Both styles are fine, as long as they are done properly. Fluffy, quicker cooked, more aerated eggs are my preference but I also appreciate the velvety, slowly cooked to perfection style as well, especially on a sandwich. They hold together better and feel better. Also the velvety style is better when mixing in things I suppose, if you're into that kind of thing.

>> No.11074126

>burnt edges
>on over easy easy easy
The fuck. Baste that yolk and don't burn the fucking albumin.

>> No.11074149

In fact, fucking flip it earlier or flip it all and you get a softer yolk enveloped by cooked whites that ran down that stays warmer longer.

>> No.11074158

Because I'm assuming it's not sunny side up, or you'd have uncooked whites.

>> No.11074180

I much prefer the eggs on the left, mixed with a bit of hot sauce and beans. To each his own.

>> No.11074189

I hate runny or bloody food and eggs are no exceptions. I know for a fact if I were hungry I would eat the NO eggs with some salt and pepper. I may or may not eat the YES eggs, I've had some cooked properly and they were very good, but to me eggs are more of a vehicle for nutrition than a delicious meal so there's.not enough benefit to risk making them unappetizing to me.
>I'd probably hard boil them anyway

>> No.11074249

If im eating eggs plain, I scramble them properly. If im eating egg with something I leave the yolk runny

>> No.11074285

OP here, would you guys be interested in a fast casual breakfast place? Like a chipotle style line where they make it as you go

Instead of burritos it would be omelettes, so the customer would have to say what sides you want in it fast or it would overcook. It would be a social autists worst nightmare.

There would be pancake batter on hand, and a toasting press for quick toast. Of course any type of egg would be allowed, not just omelettes. The customer could try wacky combinations like a chocolate chip and peanut butter omelette, and you would be able to eat immediately after the cooking of the egg so soft cooked eggs like in the OP would be viable since they only taste good for a short period of time after cooking, giving us an edge on other breakfast places

Really thinking about putting money toward this

>> No.11074300

Definitely not. Sounds like a shitty continental breakfast or school cafeteria

>> No.11074304

Sounds like college dorm cafeteria and no. I'm not saying the general public wouldn't be interested, but I'm the type that got antsy to get home and cook for myself after a week on vacation.

>> No.11074335

That's a diner, you fucking tard

>> No.11074414

I got violently ill with some kind of horrendous sickness when I was 15, where I wasn't able to keep any of my orifices from violently expelling whatever was inside of it, and the only thing I could keep down were egg omelettes and scrambled eggs. This lasted for about a week. Still can't eat any straight egg related dish.

>> No.11074430
File: 20 KB, 593x313, 1534386809740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally just a diner you fucking retard

>> No.11074432

No it isn't, learn what a diner is and then come back to me

>> No.11074437

an omelette is actually anime

>> No.11074438

a lot of people can't cook OP, you're just gonna have to get used to it. Most people burn eggs, they burn bacon, they burn cookies. People are retarded is the bottom line.

>> No.11074466

>not torching it on a spoon and shooting it directly into your veins al'dente

>> No.11074480
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>> No.11074486

Eggs don't taste that fucking different either way, they mostly just feel different.

>> No.11074492

>To me, as soon as there isn't liquid egg left in your pan, it's time to plate them. Discuss.

No, dude. They'll continue cooking after you take them off for 30-40 seconds. You want moisture left in the eggs as you're plating them.

>> No.11074518
File: 81 KB, 631x590, 1532489926280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft baby food scrambled eggs are disgusting. I can promise you if I made you a frittata or an omelette you'd enjoy it, even though the egg is the same consistency as it would be when serving scrambled eggs in the "No." category of your pic. People have this psychological block about scrambled eggs and want them 20x softer than any other egg dish.

>> No.11074526

Yum what is that liquid on it

>> No.11074588

scrambled eggs are for little kids.
so tired of this shit
enjoy your salmonella btw

>> No.11074610

That's the secret 'vark sauce my friend

>> No.11074696

I reserve judgement on the sauce but those eggs look damn good.

>> No.11074739

French baveuse omelette is the number one best egg preparation imo. Get it going in your pan such that the layer closest the heat gets cooked solid, but the top is still runny, then you roll the thing up and you end up with a cross section spiral kind of like a jelly roll, with layers of solid and gooey. It takes a while to get the motor skills down etc, but once you learn how to do it, it's actually both faster to prepare and better

>> No.11074749
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Who /brei/ here?

>> No.11074843
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>> No.11074845

>reddit spacing

>> No.11074876
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, DSC01536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I always cook my scrambled eggs. Thoughts? I use lots of butter, no milk, take them off the heat while slightly undercooked cause they keep cooking a bit.

>> No.11074883


most people don't know how to cook

>> No.11074896

>fry bacon/hotdogs/ham in pan
>cook scrambled eggs in the pan immediately after without wiping it down
>taste and texture completely changes
Anybody else do this?

>> No.11074899

>getting rid of all that meat flavor
bad for arteries, but good for morale

>> No.11074905

My grandpa made the best eggs, hebsaid he used a little cream instead of milk.
I make my eggs without milk, keep them a little watery, and than put thwm in some buttered toast, so good.

>> No.11074909

>good luck competing with a business that isn't open until you've closed for the day.

>> No.11074912
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>> No.11074926

If you need to use milk to make scrambled eggs, I feel sorry for you

>> No.11074931

The world thing in the world are slimey eggs. Get that shit away. As long as your scramble isnt slimey, I'll eat it

>> No.11074939
File: 412 KB, 505x450, 1533868476191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die in pain

>> No.11074995

never heard of milk in scrambled eggs

>> No.11075005

I keep screaming but God doesn't answer.

>> No.11075014

You've never even heard of it? Weird.

>> No.11075015

needs creme fraiche

>> No.11075017

scrambled eggs are gross in general, just eat them sunny side up - 10x better

>> No.11075022

i did this for a week because of a meme diet, i felt like throwing up for the whole day.

>> No.11075025

It's because you were a child and your parents didn't want you sick.

>> No.11075033

I like that but in order to do it right you need a lid, which I don't own, and I can't flip eggs without breaking them 8 times out of 10. I do scrambled for convenience.

>> No.11075034

Alright motherfuckers, I'm about to go scramble some eggs. How do I avoid fucking up? Keep in mind I've been told that if I so much as look at an egg that hasn't spent the past 6 hours in an autoclave I'll die from salmonella.

>> No.11075035

Hard boiled is the most convenient.

>> No.11075039

I like my eggs poached

>> No.11075163
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Scrambled eggs are stupid half-measure for lazy fags. It's inferior to both omelette and regular fried eggs in every possible way.

>> No.11075324

well duh, it was first borne out of an omelette that stuck to the pan and didn't fold over

>> No.11075409

Scrambled egg horror story time

>me the boys hanging at mates house after a night out
>all too hungover to go to the usual cafe round the corner so decide to cook fry-up ourselves
>usually I'd cook for everyone but was in no fit state to even talk
>the guys divvy up the tasks between themselves
>C picks the eggs because "I did them all the time when I worked at Maccies"
>puts nonstick saucepan on full gas
>puts in 50/50 eggs and milk
>assaults them for what felt like half an hour with a metal whisk
>get served cheese curd soup with suspicious black flakes
>no black pepper in sight

>> No.11076276


>> No.11076458
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>> No.11076545

>a doll
>paper plates

>> No.11076649

>i liked thing a lot
>until the first thing i was told was contradictory
this is literally how teenage rebellion works

>> No.11076787
File: 735 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_20180817_124050090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's good. I'm not even Jewish.

>> No.11076794

You must be new here. It's barneyposting

>> No.11076829

>You must be new here.

Tee hee, I get it.

>> No.11076837

>used to be shit at eggs
>season cast iron pan over time with my shitty eggs
>cast iron pan now does all of the work for me and my eggs are always perfect

>> No.11076848

Hard scrambled eggs are far better than soft ones. Anyone who disagrees can fight me.

Are you stupid? What did you think a soft-boiled egg is?

>> No.11076998

and it's not just any doll, is a pony doll

>> No.11077038

doing low-heat scramble (french style) is great on toast, but it has too little body to eat normally.

British style (the one in your pic) is good for most applications.

American style (left of pic) is for use in breakfast burritos, mixed scrambles, or other applications where you want very little liquid and the firmest texture.

>> No.11077049

You add a VERY small amount (like 1 tsp) to the eggs to give it body. Also, use half and half or cream, not milk.

>> No.11077085

Just hire the surly egg king as a chef and your golden. Only drawback is you have to figure out how to get him out of the fort first.

>> No.11077181

This is my life struggle. Whenever I go out and actually order scrambled eggs (I usually get sunny side up or over easy for toast dipping and to avoid issues) I forget to order them undercooked. So half the time I'm like "sorry but I forgot I like "undercooked" eggs, can I get them a little wet/shiny? and they come back nearly identical but at least not dried out completely. I don't know how to explain to a waitress at a diner that I want the eggs if you scramble them until it's not runny anymore and then instantly plate them while they still have a glossy shine. I feel like going that specific is a little weird.
I also grew up with my parents not adding milk to eggs and I don't understand this "fluffy" nonsense. I always imagined just a better version of what my ideal is but instead it makes it kind of tougher/spongier.

>> No.11077226

I'm >>11077181 and they look pretty good

>> No.11077436

The most disturbing thing about this image is thst you still use skype

>> No.11077469

>Sorry, I forgot to mention I like rare steaks. Could you bring out another one that's pink on the inside?

>> No.11077534

I get people like you at my deli. I always try to do the order, but think, “If you want something that specific, just make it at home.”

>> No.11078711

oh so you mean a mcdonalds?

>> No.11078969
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>braphog makes me eggs
>adds water for more... something
>tap water
>my water is heavily chlorinated like pool water
tfw abusive

>> No.11079151

Tabasco, i always use sone hot sauce on morning eggs to wake me up

>> No.11080675
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What's, by fact, the best way to crack open an egg?

>> No.11080703

just make your eggs at home if you're that picky, fucko.

>> No.11080765

Crack flat on counter, then pull apart

>> No.11081164
File: 196 KB, 1600x1200, 0718181542-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried making these like in the gordan ramsay video. I think I let the pan get a little too hot. are they supposed to have the consistency of mashed potato?

>> No.11081167
File: 351 KB, 1600x1200, 0818181216-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait that's the wrong picture

>> No.11081191

insert egg in mouth, crack with teeth, spit egg wherever needed

>> No.11081236

I hope that's cream of wheat

>> No.11081274

it's eggs what did I fuck up? like I said I think I had the pan too hot because it started to stick to the bottom a little.

>> No.11081556

Personally I prefer a bit of singe on my eggs but I make them fluffier for bf. Except instead of butter I use ranch.

>> No.11081559

Right looks like someone failed to make an omelette and scooped it on a plate.

>> No.11082003

these are baked

>> No.11082220

what's that supposed to be, Kaiserschmarrn for retards?

>> No.11082222

Under cooked, spread your eggs around into a thin layer, you don't have to have it completely fry, but you have to at least rid some moisture

>> No.11082224

Also now I'm king of the eggs, check my quads

>> No.11082227

Try cooking your eggs with grape seed oil next. I know exactly what you mean by the soft velvety texture and trust me, my eggs went from 7/10 to 11/10 once I began cooking with grape seed oil.

>> No.11082262

Matzo brei

>> No.11082292

I like to cook breakfast for me and my gf on bthe weekends, but she prefers them the overdone way. It's maddening.

>> No.11082312

The smell of overcooked eggs reminds me of hotel breakfasts in my childhood. I don't mind it.