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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11069523 No.11069523[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do alcoholi/ck/s actually care about the taste of their liquor if they really crave some booze?

>> No.11069529

Did you really need to make this thread?

>> No.11069532

If they have the money and ability to obtain their preferred choice, yes. If they can't, no.

>> No.11069536

I'm a weed addict and yes it does need to be an OG based strain for me to touch it. Anything else is like smoking cigarettes and is a waste of lung irritation.

>> No.11069537

No. Its only straight vodka

Ive done mouthwash, vanilla extract, hand sanitizer, and rubbing alcohol

>> No.11069539

the ones on /ck/ do

>> No.11069541


>> No.11070019

You're not an addict and don't know what addiction is. You're a typical dude weed, trying to be cool and counter-culture.

>> No.11070042

you can get addicted to anything anon, even the internet

>> No.11070763

I'm going to buy a bottle of evan williams today exactly like the one pictured. ask me later.

>> No.11070784

is this al/ck/ now?

>> No.11070792

>Ive done mouthwash, vanilla extract, hand sanitizer, and rubbing alcohol
sort yourself out my dude.

>> No.11070807

I'm a pussy so yes

>> No.11070814

Yes because I'm not enough of an addict to crave ethanol 24/7. I enjoy myself a nice scotch or bourbon as well as a pint of imperial stout at Christmas time.

>> No.11070819

It's a bonus but not necessary

>> No.11070842

you can die from not having any, what do you think?
I've seen a canadian in al/ck/ drink isopropyl and mouth wash on another occasion

>> No.11070862

I've been sober 118 days, and no one will be around tomorrow to stop me from drinking.

What do I do.

>> No.11070865

just one fix

>> No.11070874

I'm not sure if I can lie convincingly enough if I do end up drinking.

>> No.11070878

don't drink maybe?

>> No.11070887

You must be new too the whole being an alcoholic thing.

>> No.11070892

no mate 4 years sober

>> No.11070908

you let me handle that

>> No.11070920


you can lie to everyone but yourself anon

>> No.11070948


Get someone to lock down your booze so that you can't do it even if you wanted to.

>> No.11070957

does OP care about the brand of cock he sucks?

>> No.11070971

If I'm gonna slowly poison myself it may as well taste good while I do it.

>> No.11071074

True alcoholics always end up with bottom shelf vodka.

>> No.11071140

I never went past middle tier vodka. I guess I never hit rock bottom

>> No.11071152
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>> No.11071169

All weed is the same, the only variation is potency, which itself is just "shit", "alright", or "good". You sound like one of those wine snobs who claims to taste subtle leather and mahogany overtones before learning that it came from Walmart.

>> No.11071179

I thought they started denaturing sanitizer and isopropyl alc because idiot kids were buttchugging them and dying

How much vanilla extract to you have to consume to get anywhere? Wouldn't any reasonable quantity be much more expensive than actual liquor?

>> No.11071668

only makes it less palatable

>> No.11071675

Wrong board, dipshit.

>> No.11071797

No, I actually hate it. I usually use up 2L of coca-cola with lemon & ice per 0.5L of 40% vodka. Gets me through the day.

>> No.11071810

Why did mods nuke the al/ck/ threads?

>> No.11071890

Ikr? These are comfy

>> No.11071897

I dillute in water but I don't like hard liquor drunkeness, I'd rather beer drunkeness.
You know, like crack and cocaine. They're made out of the same shit but the buzz is different

>> No.11072021

I believe in you, anon! It's gonna be hard, but you can resist. Take a walk, cook a meal, watch a show you like while enjoying a non-alcoholic drink you like. Having something special to enjoy helps me resist the urge to drink.

>> No.11072042

Just get some beers bro, it's just beer, not even hard liquor

>> No.11072051


haha yeah just some beers bro no big deal. you know, maybe some wine would be alright. can't hurt. while we're at it, how much harm can a shot or five do?

>> No.11072268


Treat yourself to something else you like.

Food, soda, activities....hell, get a granny prostitute. Just tell him he cant drink before f*cking you.

>> No.11072344

not really into hard liquor but went through a somewhat brief rum phase some years back where I would take a bottle of rum, a shit glass and a single can of diet coke and take a shot followed immediately by a sip of coke

incredibly effective but inadvisable way of getting smashed almost without even noticing

>> No.11072358
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did I actually just type 'shit glass'?

>> No.11072387

Was sober for a week then last night got hammered. My usual routine is get about 10-14 shots of vodka (bottom shelf, as I am poor) and yeah slam a shot and do a chaser of soda. Usually takes about 20-45 minutes to get through the shots and i'm good to go. Of course sometimes the blackout comes sooner rather than later and lately i've been drunkenly sending the absolute cringiest shit possible to everyone I know.

>> No.11072418

It's insane how tunnel visioned you can become to your screen to not realising the next drink is gonna take you over the edge.

>> No.11072433

it's way easier to steal than alcohol

>> No.11072447

Fuck that, you can lie to yourself for decades.

>> No.11072503
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Very true. And over the edge for me used to just mean pass out or if in a social situation I just became "the funny drunk". Now it seems to mean I turn into a fucking angry jackass to the point of violence or a total sad pussy acting like a 14 year old emo girl. And of course waking up in total horror the next day, nevermind the stupid hangover, but just scrambling to fix whatever damage I did the night before.

I need a drink

>> No.11072513

It hurts to drink. It hurts if I don't have it. Not sure what we're taking about.

>> No.11073780

You're on the wrong board newfag. Better run before I beat you up for trying to snitch on my friend.

>> No.11073823

I've been away for awhile what happened to al/ck/ someone said it got banned? Did it relocate to a different board

>> No.11073835
File: 407 KB, 500x571, 1488277101806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me? ive always been the guy everyone liked getting hammered with because i used to turn into a comedian and have fun with everyone, now I get angry at the slightest provocation or get emotional if someone brings up something I dont like. usually only drink alone or with one other these days. I got in a fight about.. I dont remember what at one of my favorite bars and dont dare ever go back, makes me hate myself and feel such shame.
seriously going to stop drinking for a good while and after that only lightly at parties and shit, we aint in our 20s anymore.
>that horrible feel when you slowly start to remember what you did the night before as you try to find your phone to see texts and voicemail from people saying youre an asshole
iktf bro

>> No.11073838

yay alck thread.
I got my liver tested and my bilirium level is 0.8 on a scale of 0.2-1.2.
My doctor said I am fine.
What should I drink to celebrate?

>> No.11073843

1.2 being the max in normal levels.
Really bad shit is in the 2.0-3.0 range.
I was drinking 4+ beers everyday for the last three years.

>> No.11074793


Exactly like me.

>> No.11074837

janny got mad at being made fun of

>> No.11074884

welcome back al/ck/!

>> No.11074903

get some self control you loser?

>> No.11074935

Fellow al/ck/oholic here. Don't take the first sip or it will spirale out of control. Remember you are just sober for the next 24 hours and what comes tomorrow doesn't really matter.

>> No.11075007

Yes. Whiny babies belong on >>>/qa/. That's the board for seeking attention with tales of your broken life.

>> No.11075927

I don't get what your point is, a wine from walmart can be good and have some subtle nuances