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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11066303 No.11066303 [Reply] [Original]

sausage sandwich innit

>> No.11066307
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>> No.11066310
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I had a QPC meal

>> No.11066322

looks p. nice. my lunch is gonna be a sando from deli down the street

>sharp cheddar
>black olives
>spicy banana peppers

>> No.11066326
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>> No.11066336

This looks like Fat Nick’s teeth

>> No.11066468

mtm hit em

>> No.11066894
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Polish and kraut sandwich with a home garden tomato.

>> No.11068462


>> No.11069935
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>> No.11069940
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>> No.11070232
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Chicken tits and a salad

>> No.11070255

How did you cook them titties?

>> No.11070289
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mustard garlic rooster with garden potatoes and rosemary

>> No.11070323
File: 1.28 MB, 3068x1849, ABBD529C-C57D-4C56-92E8-96783D241D32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plantains, avocado, bread roll, mango. Weirds my coworkers out when I bring in whole pieces of produce for some reason

>> No.11070351

marinated them over night and then just whiped out my 20" big black ribbed grill pan and fried them fuckers on medium-high heat for a couple of minutes on each side

>> No.11070356

Are you a vegan? Do you season the avocado?

>> No.11070359

I put salt on it and yes, vegan

>> No.11070400

a mexican family has been extremely extorted and abused by cartels just for you to consume that avocado, hope it was worth it

>> No.11070425

at least it wasn't a poor baby animal :'(

>> No.11070482

Damn, you got me, everything I’ve ever done has been for nothing. I better go back to eating meat.

I live in Europe, this avocado was from South Africa.

>> No.11070501

Yes yes, in South Africa they sure have "humane" agriculture, not at all gigantic mass market neverending land draining crops.
And what about the computer/phone you're posting from? Underage underfed kids die in absolutely horrible conditions first while mining the materials for your phone/computer, then they continue to be extorted to assemble your smartphone/computer. Same with almost anything you use, from clothes to house appliances. If you care about ethics so much you would first atleast check with manufacturer of all of these products makes less harm to humans first.

Why care about the life of a damn chicken than the life of a human? Fix your goddamn moral priorities.

>> No.11070511

I’m confused as to why you are so angry. Should I start eating meat again because there are other atrocities going on elsewhere?

Even if the moral argument from your point of view is bunk, there are still environmental and health reasons to be vegan.

>> No.11070527

How come you guys are at home on a Thursday afternoon?

Shouldn't you be at work?

>> No.11070528

>Should I start eating meat again because there are other atrocities going on elsewhere?
No, but you should most certainly apply the same morals/ethics in every part in your life, because otherwise you're living in a delusional fairy tale.
Even vegans acknowledge that animals are not equal to humans, so like I said how can you care about a chicken more than a human being? Why waste so much on looking for the right articles on the living conditions of chickens in factories and not make a simple google search to see which clothing brand's supply chain causes the least harm to actual humans? Why pretend like you care about the life of a fish if you don't give a fuck about actual human beings?

All I'm asking is for you to live in line with your morals.

>> No.11070537

What if someone goes vegan for environmental or health reasons?

>> No.11070556

Same goes for caring about the environment, you can't just pretend to be retarded and "care" about one element and ignoring the rest like a retard, you either care about it honestly or you don't.
If you cared about the environment you wouldn't even buy that avocado or any mass market shipped fruit or vegetable at all really. Two average-sized avocados add 846.37 grams of carbon dioxide to Earth's atmosphere, that’s almost twice as much as a kilogram of bananas (480g), and forty times more than a large coffee or tea. That steep CO2 figure doesn’t even incorporate the fact that Chilean avocados are one of the thirstiest fruits around, requiring nearly 97 gallons of irrigated water to produce a single pound. And if you cared about the environment you would buy only locally grown vegetables and fruit, you would care about the environmental issues of that same clothing brand etc etc
You're really living in a delusion otherwise.

As for the "health reasons", that's entirely debatable.

>> No.11070570

So what do you suggest I do? I’ll buy all products ethically sourced and only eat locally grown produce. What else?

>> No.11070594

>So what do you suggest I do? I’ll buy all products ethically sourced and only eat locally grown produce
That's great, I really hope you do. Not only better for the environment, but better for your country and the people living there also.
The rest I suggest like I said, applying your morals in every aspect in your life, not just when it comes to food. Cars, throwing your trash, buying electronics, clothes etc. If you do care about the environment, that is.

>> No.11070600

You’re right, I should be more mindful in other aspects of my life. Thanks for the insight.