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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11064925 No.11064925 [Reply] [Original]

>That guy who pours his fries into the top half of his burger box and immediately applies ketchup

>> No.11064952
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>> No.11064953

His chin loogs like a balls xDDD

>> No.11065020

lol wtf i just notice

>> No.11065066
File: 47 KB, 960x954, 1533967008277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who puts his french fries on the bun of his hamburger

>> No.11065071
File: 15 KB, 301x167, E26F405C-8EFA-45E5-8C63-10DD4FBF844D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thar autistic anon who notice people’s estinf habits and posts about them anonymously because he’s too meek to say anything irl

>> No.11065076

t. frypoury mcketchup

>> No.11065077
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>> No.11065082

I rip off part of the brown bag and then pour the fries out on that.
People who pour them into the burger box are most likely redit fags who saw someone do it on tv and think it makes them look cool or something.

>> No.11065084

>People who pour them into the burger box are most likely redit fags who saw someone do it on tv and think it makes them look cool or something.
people have been doing that for decades because it's more convenient than having to reach into a container every time

>> No.11065087

somehow you missed

>> No.11065092

Pirates dont say estinf

>> No.11065098

Sorry I though we were just making fun of the phoneposting retard

>> No.11065101


>People who buy burgers that come in boxes

>> No.11065108

Its ok

>> No.11065119

No it's not ok, I let you down man. I'm not expecting you to forgive me because you shouldn't.

>> No.11065123

I’m only mildly retarded.

>> No.11065130
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Yeah me too, fren. My momma tells me I'm a normal boy but I know better

>> No.11065146

>pouring fries out of one cardboard box into another cardboard box

Anericans really are as retarded as they say huh

>> No.11065154

so now all you have to do is reach into another different container every time? shit that is more convenient

>> No.11065157
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You've just given yourself away, Reddit.

>> No.11065224
File: 100 KB, 1200x800, 6-brown-carry-out-paper-bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just refold the bag. It's originally flat

>> No.11065234

It's an open container rather than a narrow one you have to dig around in. It's also more stable, you don't have to steady it with one hand (or reach in cautiously if the fries box is stood up), you just grab from the top effortlessly. It's not that fucking hard to understand. Not even a yank.

>> No.11065243

Quit trying so hard to fit in

>> No.11065280

Yeah but I always buy more than I can eat so I wrap the rest of the bag around the other stuff for later

>> No.11065285

Why not just rip the front off the fries packet then? Or are your little soy fingers too weak to tear a bit of cardboard?

>> No.11065312

Why do that when I can just tip it into the burger box?

>> No.11065314

>rip open box
>can rip it to much dropping fries everywhere
>dont rip it enough and have to rip it more or just deal with a fucked up box

...or you could just effortlessly throw the fucking fries in an open container. No need to be autistic about how people eat deep fried potato sticks anon

>> No.11065370
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>> No.11065418

I like stick the crispiest fries into the top of the bun. if there are enough you can make it look like a hedgehog.

>> No.11065809
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>> No.11065818

Pouring the fries into the other half of the box is sensible unless you're eating while driving. Ketchup is never acceptable unless you're younger than twelve.

>> No.11065888

>Ketchup is never acceptable unless you're younger than twelve.

or mentally retarded, for that matter

>> No.11065993

What’s wrong with ketchup on fries, exactly?

>> No.11065999

Fries are low quality, the low quality of ketchup goes with it. but only cold ketchup on hot fries

>> No.11066000

Potatoes don't need more sugar.

>> No.11066001

>puts extra ketchup on my poorly made mcdouble
>"I bet he has autism" whispers from the other booths


>> No.11066006

No one needs to eat at McDonald’s, what’s your point?

>> No.11066047

The only one trying to fit in is you, redit boy. Now get the fuck outta here

>> No.11066066

Fries are great with just salt, there's no need to dump sugar syrup tomato sauce all over them. It's in the same class as little babbys who put BBQ sauce on everything. It's like people MUST have a very sugary element to whatever they eat. Usually it's childish and/or picky eaters.

>> No.11066074

it doesn't taste good

>> No.11066076

>ketchup is never acceptable
it is if theres no spicy sweet chili

>> No.11066094

Why do you need to put salt on fries when they are great without them? It’s like you’re some kind of tastelet babby who simply MUST have salt on everything

>> No.11066118

That's one of the weakest retorts I've ever seen on /ck/. Salt is fundamental to all types of cooking newfriend, sugar syrup is not.

>> No.11066498

Ducking phone posters

>> No.11066970

Given a lot of thought to eating some shitty little fries, haven't you

>> No.11067513

You’re not even worth my time

>> No.11069297
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As long as we can all agree this is subhuman and serves no purpose.

>> No.11069343



>> No.11069367
File: 90 KB, 480x320, 1533437137815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself french fries on a hamburger is one of gods great pleasures

>> No.11069381
File: 555 KB, 962x717, 1533261092788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See above

>> No.11069385
File: 160 KB, 779x635, 1529122829296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who dumps everyone's fries on the tray so he can eat more than his share

>> No.11069794
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, 1523778702011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That guy who eats evenly out of 2/3 fry containers on the way home and then takes the pristine one when he hands out the food
>That guy is me

>> No.11069835

nothing wrong with this desu i do this but i use mayo

>> No.11069852
File: 16 KB, 206x225, bitch pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even fry eating behavior can be reddit

>> No.11069853

I do it because I eat at my desk usually, and it takes up less space and I don't have fries getting on my desk and shit.

>> No.11069861

I'd consider that payment for being the one that drove, waited in line, and bought it tbqh desu.

>> No.11069864

that would be a lot more effort for anything but a kid's fries

>> No.11069868

I'm wondering what people would use ketchup for besides fries

>> No.11069875

sweet, sour, and umami flavors are present in ketchup which would otherwise be absent. It adds another dimension. Or are you saying sweet, sour, and umami are not fundamental tastes?