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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11061456 No.11061456 [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside. Is it a good alternative to traditional food? I am fucking lazy to cook food. My diet only consists of fast food.

>> No.11061461


>> No.11061466

But, it's seems much cheaper than my average diet. I spend around 15-20 per day

>> No.11061469


>> No.11061478

It's people

>> No.11061479

you didn't ask if it was cheaper. you asked if it was a good food alternative. It's not.

>> No.11061504
File: 52 KB, 800x500, 954084274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huel you fucking soyboy

>> No.11062191

Just drink boost you faggot.

>> No.11062285


>> No.11062322

Replacing food entirely? No. That's stupid. You could use it as a quick breakfast substitute that's low in sugar and much healthier for you.

>> No.11062330

You could make a big pot of stew that would feed you for a week for $20.

>> No.11062339

Get a second-hand slow cooker and some slow cooker bags. It takes 99% of the effort out of cooking or cleaning up afterward. Even the laziest NEET could manage.

>> No.11062493
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I use to do long commutes to work, 2 hours each way. I was eating fast food all the time, and wasn't able to cook a good meal until the weekends. My health was suffering. I was pissing a bright reddish orange, My bowel movements were irregular and hard to pass, and I had no energy. I needed a fundamental shift. I found Jimmy Joy (then called Joylent) and it saved me. Replacing a minimum of 1 meal a day with it cleared up my urine, brought my bowels back into normal schedule, and I pooped like a champion. Not a shill, just a testimonial. I can't say it's great for everyone, but it was an absolute life saver for me.
I had my wisdom tooth taken out yesterday, and they wanted me for the first day at least to eat only cold liquid foods, pudding, or ice cream. I tried to do the ice cream and pudding, but my body wasn't giving me the "stop eating you're full" signal. I had 3 bags of Joylent left over (I quit that commute job about a year ago). I mixed it up with half/half with water and milk, cause all water tastes weird to me, added some mixed fruit, blended, and drank about 500mL. I was good, finally satiated. So ya anon, soyboy shakes have their usage cases, but don't give up on real food for good.

>> No.11063015


>> No.11063387
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>> No.11063433

Why not just go for a decent tasting protein shake at that point? 30% less calories and better taste.

>> No.11063575

Nigga, most protein shakes taste like sucralose-flavored jockstrap. I'll put some honey and a little vanilla into my Soylent and that's all it'll taste like. Also, protein shakes are fuckhigh in sodium and source a large portion of their calories from carbs instead of the protein or lipids which don't provide balanced energy. Soylent is a bit more balanced between kc from lipids vs. carbs, and has roughly 20g of protein per 8 ounce meal (a little more if you're using the powder).

It's better and cheaper. You can budget 400 kc into your diet every morning with ease.

>> No.11063590

It's fucking abysmal. Not as cheap as it should be, made by a myopic autist that doesn't know what the fuck they're doing, unsafe, moldy, tastes disgusting. Ditto Huel

Soylent and Huel are the bitcoins of food. This is a bad trend and I wish it would go away.

>> No.11063879

Not a good idea. I lived in an ED ward for a while and there were patients that refused to drink anything but Boost and they got so ill they transferred out. It's not good for total diet replacement.

HUEL is good

>> No.11064392

It's fine if you drink it instead of not eating or eating a fast food burger meal. I say if it's between one or the other, go for it, but work towards healthy eating cause drinking that shit for every meal isn't healthy

>> No.11064395


>> No.11064400

>HUEL is good

damn that looks neat
should I use this as an alternative instead of a protein shake of whey?

>> No.11064435

No, it is nearly $3 per bottle and you need to drink about 4-6 for a normal days worth of calories. You can eat cheaper and healthier with just whey protein, rice or noodles, cheap meats, and some veg

>> No.11064492


>> No.11064506

Then start cooking yourself you dumb shit.

>> No.11064559

Juat get premier protein
Filled with vitamins and minerals
Tastes good
30g of protein a drink
Only 160 cals
My diet is one in the morning, one for lunch, then a normal meal for dinner
Iv lost 35 lbs and am in my way to being thin again

>> No.11064560

memes aside I can't possible see how an all liquid diet could possible be good for you

>> No.11064709

I drink two of the coffee ones each day. It's pretty kino.

>> No.11064724

It is slave food for slaves like you.

>> No.11064802

Suicide is a good alternative, you'll never need to eat again and any resources that you'd consume would go to a more deserving person that isn't a faggot.

So in short you should eat buckshot.

>> No.11066344

No why would you even think that?

Whey is mostly protein while HUEL is meant to be macro balanced. They serve entirely different purposes. But it would be a decent post workout just not a protein shake.

>> No.11066347

Not everyone is trying to lose weight.

>> No.11066858

No such thing.

>> No.11067678

A bag of whey and a multivitamin would be more nutrionally complete (still not actually) and easier.
>Unironically being an oat water drinking redditor

>> No.11067684

>You could use it as a quick breakfast substitute that's low in sugar and much healthier for you.

>> No.11067689

>people being dumb niggers and falling for meme foods
Why does this affect me so much ? How 2 stop being frugal even mentally with anonymous strangers' money ?

>> No.11067698

Wrong. Protein shakes have much less carbs than fat you retard. He doesn't mean pre-bought weight gainers at the supermarket, he means a bag of whey protein. Imagine being so fucking stupid.

>> No.11067701

>HUEL is good

>> No.11067750

>60 euro for 14,000kcal worth of mainly oats and rice, with some whey and pea protein and a dribble of oil
You're paying at least double what you'd pay for similar macros if you used solid food and at least 5 or 6 times the equivalent price if you had a powder/liquid based diet. Also prepare yourself for atrophied jaw muscles and terrible digestion.

You're paying about 3 euro for an oat shake with protein in it. Even the oat and protein mixes that they sell in gym vending machines at a big price hike are more money efficient for the same nutrition.

>> No.11068619

Why do so many people in this thread think whey and meal replacements are the same. Whey powder (unless it's garbage) is mostly protein. You can't live healthily off of just protein.