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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11061067 No.11061067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ eat for breakfast?

>> No.11061072


>> No.11061077

I can't keep something that flavourful down in the morning.
It's usually vodka, from the freezer, and black coffee for me.
Trying to watch my weight after all.

>> No.11061078

Usually nothing, I intermittent fast.

>> No.11061081

According to ck, you're gay if you eat breakfast.

>> No.11061083


>> No.11061088

Take out breakfast and you'll be closer to the truth.

>> No.11061091


>> No.11061095
File: 1.87 MB, 1836x2444, 20180814_153301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made pancakes

>> No.11061096

i usually start off with a bowl of fruit loops but lately ive been on a fruity pebb kick. idk they're just so damn good, i mean they taste the same kinda but the pebbs have the crunch im lookin for.
i quickly load up a few clips of Doc n Marty on my awesome phablet, then i quickly load up a bowl of this Sour Diesel bud in the bubbler and have a few rips.
i thought the pic was similar but i vape instead of smoking.

>> No.11061098

what in the fuck is on these anon?!??!?! not your own secret sauce?? what the fuck could you put on these beside syrup, butter and possibly peanut/apple/honey butter

>> No.11061105

Not OP but melted whipped cream.

>> No.11061108

Those are just yogurt and honey, try it it's really great

>> No.11061110

ohh.... i guess i could see putting whipped cream on a pancake.................if i were 7.

>> No.11061111

I tried whipped cream at first but i find yogurt a bit more filling, the texture goes really well with honey too

>> No.11061112
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Something pretty light and then a more substantial second breakfast like a goddamn hobbit a couple hours later. Just makes me less lazy throughout the day.

Woke up an hour ago, worked out and now and eating a mixed greens salad and a hot black tea no sugar for breakfast. I got a couple of errands to run, so definitely wanna keep it light. A lot of times a small bowl of oats and couple of bites of whatever I have in the fridge. A lot of hard boiled eggs too.

>> No.11061118

Oatmeal porridge or cheese on rye.

>> No.11061144

Whipped cream is less processed butter

>> No.11061151
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oatmeal with coconut milk and fruits

>> No.11061160

cup of coffee

I usually do OMAD, not because I'm dieting but because I'm too lazy to eat more often than once a day.

>> No.11061163

I'm going to ignore the most obvious bait and go for the cigarettes. Only trailer trash smoke menthol

>> No.11061176


>> No.11061185
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>eating and smoking simultaneously
pic related

but also this >>11061078

>> No.11061189

been skipping breakfast lately, but I like raisin bran on the weekdays, and most sundays I like to make a bagel sandwich with fried egg, a slice of ham, some sharp cheddar cheese, and some sauteed onions.

lately I've really been wanting pancakes with strawberries, gonna pop by a diner for that on saturday most likely