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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 696 KB, 720x869, Screenshot_2018-08-12-22-59-04-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11055032 No.11055032 [Reply] [Original]

Man it's been a long journey.

3 years doing shitty restaurants that I wanted nothing to do with.

3 years of getting yelled at by "chefs".

3 years of cleaning fryers and doing work for companies who were out there for the money

I finally made it. I finally got to the top restaurant in my city. I feel so good. Normal people don't care, you might not even care but I do. Ama.

>> No.11055091

Good shit man. I'm 19 and currently working as a cook at a popular sports bar and it fuckings sucks. I couldn't imagine working 3 years at any type of food establishment

>> No.11055098
File: 186 KB, 678x422, 1530791154416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations anon.

Be the change you want to see in this world and good luck with your restaurant.

What kind of food are you focusing on?

>> No.11055109

Will you one day open your own place? What is the place you're in doing now? How often does the menu change?

>> No.11055126

'Gratz man!

>> No.11055213 [DELETED] 

Lol loser cooking is womens work.

>> No.11055219
File: 542 KB, 720x718, Screenshot_2018-08-12-22-59-39-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do plan on opening my own place some day. I want to make pasta from scratch for a good price and for lunch. I work at a very popular resort in Arizona I will not say which though. The pics are the amuze-brouche which I make up every day. Thank you for you support anon.

>> No.11055228
File: 667 KB, 720x717, Screenshot_2018-08-12-22-59-20-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a blend of traditional french and southwestern with a modern twist. I'm trying my best to build a luxurious umami with my amuze brouche, which is what I mainly do.

>> No.11055236
File: 77 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1534139705894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's good things about those places you know!!! Panda Express to this day was one of the cleanest restaurants I've ever seen. And let tell you about some of the people I've met working at a sports bar myself. It's all an experience. Don't forget why your doing this and enjoy it.

>> No.11055245
File: 19 KB, 293x212, 2hTdTH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amuze brouche

>> No.11055255 [DELETED] 

take your instagram filters off queer

>> No.11055261
File: 66 KB, 720x772, Moby Lick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bartender at a michelin star restaurant. I could easily go back in the kitchen and throw down. Fag, do you know how difficult it is to tend bar under heavy service and maintain decent composure? In the kitchen, you obviously are sweating, swearing, and speaking Spanish. Being composed in front of the customer, while shoving out drinks like your life depends on it is completely different.


>> No.11055268

Well done. It's good to have ambitions and acheive them, be proud.

>> No.11055275 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is this reddit hugbox shit? have a (You) on the house

>> No.11055277

Who shit on this plate and smeared it with their hands?

>> No.11055308

So the fuck what dude. I wasn't talking about bartending in the first place. You're a better cook than me? That's nice. I worked my way up from washing dishes at a fast food restaurant, so I feel this is an achievement for me. Sorry that makes you feel like I'm a fag. Fuck off you faggot. And you're right I did all those things you mentioned, it's part of the job in some places, it just shows your disrespect for other people who are no less than you.

>> No.11055316

>edgy underage b& desperately tries to fit in

>> No.11055324

****Bouche lolol

>> No.11055329

>long journey.
>3 years
Dis sum millenial shit?
Try a real job that you can't get into without a Masters degree, and spend 11 years at it with a CEO's cousin running the Engineering Division , where he rejects your expertise and corrections, demands it be done "his way" and then goes into screaming tirades when parts fail costing the company time and money.
Fallout to happen soon; I sent copies of my current revisions to the CEO, COO, HR and have copies in my desk. His next tantrum at us has proof against him... if this finally proves he's the owner's pet then I have my resignation sitting in my desk too (would finally take the offers from Boeing).

>> No.11055344

> Where he rejects your expertise and correction s and demands it be done "his way" screaming triads when things fail.

Dude have you ever met a real chef before? That's like a dictionary definition of one....

So what if I didn't have to study I spent 3 years just learning the basics.....you know like you do in school, why hate?

>> No.11055889

good shit anon, I really hope it goes extremely well for you!

>> No.11055891

>comparing unrelated shit
>feels superior

Ah so you're that guy.

>> No.11055894

this amount of salt.

Don't vent your frustration on someone else cause you got it rough, pal.

Sorry to hear about your shitty job and your shitty decisions. Some people made it with less, let's enjoy that and cheer for them.

>> No.11056046

how fast can you cook a hard boiled egg?