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11043646 No.11043646 [Reply] [Original]

Is milk actually as healthy as they say it is?
I've heard it has some kind of slime which can give you asthma if you drink to much.
And it is originally meant for infants, not adult humans.

Does anyone know anything about this?

>> No.11043656

FACT: 100% of milk drinkers eventually die

>> No.11043675

I don't care if it's healthy or not. I love milk. I'd get a bitch pregnant just so I could taste some tiddy milk.

>> No.11043724

>Is milk actually as healthy as they say it is?
I don't know, but keep in mind humans are the only race that consume milk even after grown up.

>> No.11043739

oh look a milk thread. this is new.

>> No.11043889

Depends. If you cant digest properly even milk, you probably have bigger problems.

>> No.11043938

We're also the only species that cooks food before eating it, and the only species that does a billion other "unnatural" things, so maybe that's a stupid point.

>> No.11043975

milk is estrogenic
so drinking too much of it is bad

>> No.11044362
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My nigga
>that one vid with the girl who overlactates and has to store gallons of her milk in a freezer

>> No.11044626

Milk gives me sleep apnea. I love the stuff but I had to give it up. If you feel like shit, quit milk and see if you feel better.

>> No.11044649

FACT: 100% of human being eventually die

>> No.11045476

whats in a glass of milk?
>200 spiders
>a fart
>half a dick

>> No.11045503

>too much of it is bad
too much of anything is bad for you.

>> No.11045508

Anon, do you know what Google is? I can explain it to you if you don't.

>> No.11045515

FACT: you need to drink more milk.

>> No.11045548

I used to like drinking milk but it makes me shit uncontrollably

>> No.11045564

>I don't know, but keep in mind humans are the only race that consume milk even after grown up.
Yeah, because we're awesome. If cats could get their own milk like we could, they would do it.

>> No.11045587

Only drink raw milk

>> No.11045593

I actually prefer warm dick milk

>> No.11045603
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>> No.11045646


>> No.11045667

yummy estrogen

>> No.11045676

I hope you're aware that in urban areas (lit. everywhere on the planet settled by humans), the water is contaminated with medicine that people excrete into the sewage system. The water treatment facility literally can't filter it out.
So now that women everywhere take birth control medication, which is filled with estrogen, it all ends up leeching into the public water supply and there's nothing you can do about it.

I hope your bitchtits are sensitive.

>> No.11045681

uh I get my water bottled from a spring source
nice try tho

>> No.11046998

I honestly don't give a fuck if it's healthy or unhealthy.
It's my favourite non-alcoholic beverage.

>> No.11047009

I drink milk and I have asthma, but I also grew up down wind from a facility that burned the leftover sludge in ship's fuel tanks for heat and power.

Not sure which factor is to blame desu.

>> No.11047099

>be tranny
>take estrogen pills
>can drink as much milk as i want because extra estrogen doesnt matter anyway

>> No.11047157

I don’t drink milk, and @ 6’2” 190#, I’m one of the few Americans that isn’t obease...

>> No.11047178

You’ll get more gains with milk my man

>> No.11047283

>grew up down wind from a facility that burned the leftover sludge in ship's fuel tanks
do you have any super powers?

>> No.11047501

After drinking milk i feel sick sometimes.
>not alergic to milk

>> No.11047543

Are you still drinking animal milk instead of car milk?
Why? ??????

>> No.11047611
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>bpa filled bottles leeching xenoestrogens into the water
There is no refuge from the estrogen jew anon

>> No.11047625

Another vegan bait thread. BOOOORING.

>> No.11047760

>it is originally meant for infants
You know milk is a naturally evolved substance and not a product consciously designed with a specific purpose in mind, right?

>> No.11048200

thats why i get smart water :)

>> No.11049786

>half a dick
Mmm, slurp slurp.

>> No.11049791

It's the wrong kind though, which still isn't good for you. That's why they don't prescribe premarin anymore.

>> No.11049813

We're the only race with 4chan nigger, we're the only race with antibiotics, we're the only race with anime, we're the only race with cheese

>> No.11049825

don't bother drinking milk if you're not genetically inclined for it.

if you're armenian, ethiopian, or indian, you're in the clear and milk will do literally nothing to intestines. it's probably good for your digestive health.

if you're asian, stay the fuck away.

>> No.11049827

4chan is not a doctor. These questions are best left to dietitians

>> No.11049829

I miss these

>> No.11049838

Whenever i get the milk from the fridge my dog and cat start begging like it's the nectar of the gods

>> No.11049846
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>> No.11049980


>> No.11051117

Milkies make my tummy sad :(

>> No.11051541

>hurr it made 4 babbby
Use your fucking brain. Asthma is also an autoimmune response so milk can trigger it but it's rarer to be affected by topical/ingested sources.

>> No.11051550

I bet your wrists are 8" girth maximum

>> No.11051559

That's because it's mammal growth serum. Sure cow milk won't be perfect for Carnivorae but it's still close enough.

>> No.11051735

He can cough to death.

>> No.11051792
