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11042690 No.11042690 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here old enough to remember smoking in restaurants? What was it like?

>> No.11042706

Pretty cool, faggots get all fuckin uppity about it now even outside. Back then no one would say shit and even if they did you blow some smoke in their face and tell them to fuck off to the non smoking section, on the other side of that silk plant, faggot

>> No.11042707

I remember when we had cigarettes in vending machines. I hate smoking, but the freedom was glorious.

>> No.11042710

nice a thread to weed out all the boomers

>> No.11042711

It sucked, especially if you sat next to the smoking section. Smoke doesn't give a fuck where it goes. Honestly they should have poisoned all the smokers food, world would be a better place.

>> No.11042718

Yes but I was young. I remember it being terrible if we were seated next to the smoking section

>> No.11042724

t. Underage LARPer

>> No.11042727

You can still smoke indoors in alaska it is awesome

>> No.11042729

Wasnt around for it in the states but they still permit it in korea.
Nobody fucking cares because they either have smoking sections, outdoor smoking seating only, or they have actual fucking ventilation.
Its almost always the third because of how humid it is.

Its super goddamn relaxing to just eat and smoke and not have to get up and go stand 25ft away from the door after a meal because WAAAAAH MY POOR LUUUUNGS WAAAAAAH from people driving smog bucket cars.

>> No.11042730

Putting a cigarette butt out in the mashed potatoes was the alpha way to signal the waiter to take that shit away. Now betas just be putting a napkin on the plate like fuckin soyboy cuck bitches.

>> No.11042733

The Burger King by my old house had the glass walled off smoking area still up until it closed down a couple years ago

>> No.11042736

I remember sitting in the smoking section and then after my dad quit sitting in the non smoking section.

Didn't matter though, whole restaurant still smelled of smoke. Good riddance, though I think bars and restaurants should have the right to allow smoking or not.

>> No.11042740

Yeah. I was very young and I remember thinking that it made no sense because the smoke just went over to the non-smoking area.

>> No.11042744

Your dad quit sitting? Fuck he has to have some buff legs.

>> No.11042775

It was nice but I didnt make a big fusswhen they banned it. Going to a bar would result in smoking an entire pack a cigs in about three hours. Banning smoking indoors helped me cut down on my smoking to a couple a day. Although I did enjoy the weak soyboys complaining about too much smoke in the bar when I used to bartend. We are all better off not smoking in restaurants though.

>> No.11042782

I remember it as a kid. Sometimes you could smell the smoke even if you were in the non-smoking section. It was a bit annoying but honestly it wasn't a big deal.

I think smoking is fucking disgusting, but I don't agree with banning it. If someone wants to smoke that's their choice. And that BS about "secondhand smoke" is just that--BS.

And really, how far do you want to take this crap: Yeah, I could whine that I don't like the smell of someone's cig that's sitting 20 feet away from me, but how is that different than someone with little kids running around, or someone talking loud?

>>Yes, I have your reservations right here. Two for dinner at 7 o'clock. I have you down for the non-smoking, non-cursing, no-kids, non-farting, loud talking and cellphone OK section.

>> No.11042787

>on the internet
Christ you're stupid.

>> No.11042796
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>not online

>> No.11042819

It was around in the south until the early 2000s, I remember them asking smoking or nonsmoking while I was in elementary school

>> No.11042821

in japan here. you can smoke almost everywhere and it is fucking annoying. fair enough in a bar but restaurants should at least have a separate section.

took my parents to a 1-star kushikatsu restaurant earlier this year when they visited and three guys at the next table chain smoked all fucking night. my mother started doing that loud fake coughing thing that people used to do before it was banned but they didn't give a single shit.

>> No.11042841

>Child molester complaining about smoking
Fuck you.

>> No.11042842

Baka gaijin

>> No.11042868

I remember working in restaurants where I could smoke after hours.

>> No.11042883

Virgin westerners can't handle the chad megalung salarymen

>> No.11042960

I remember smoking sections from when young.

>> No.11042999

Yeah as a kid I thought it was disgusting that I had to smell smoke while eating. I smoke now as an adult but even if it were permitted, I wouldn't do it. Around food it still disgusts me.

>> No.11043024

This. It sucked.

>> No.11043069

Didn't bother me, but it was pathetic/funny that anyone thought smoke wouldn't drift from non-smoking to smoking. Having a smoking/non-smoking restaurant meant the entire restaurant might as well have been considered smoking. I grew up in VT which didn't have much smoking inside, but when we'd visit New York it'd be everywhere. According to Wikipedia you can still smoke in restaurants in 13 states (no statewide ban).

>> No.11043138

Wait, what? Do no restaurants allow this anymore?
I know back when I was a busboy for a couple months (around 2002) everyone smoked there.

>> No.11043145

The whole place smelled like ashtrays even furthest away from smoking section
Literally no point

>> No.11043153

most cities banned businesses from allowing indoor smoking, even bars aren't allowed.

>> No.11043185

The people that used it tended to overuse it, if that makes any sense. Instead of having one cigarette and enjoying your meal people would sit there and chain smoke, or smoke cigars to the point that the entire restaurant was tainted by it.

>> No.11043215

As a smoker, I'm happy it was banned in restaurants, as there would always be chainsmokers close to you while you were eating, which is pretty disgusting. It sucks tho that we cant smoke inside bars anymore

>> No.11043217

sounds comfy

>fake coughing
why would you include that detail, you just outed yourself as an annoying piece of shit

anyways my impression of it is that it enabled people to smoke more, which actually ended up becoming a public health concern, secondhand smoke be damned. so make smoking illegal in public, people can only puff away 1 or 2 by the street gutter, and i guess your lungs are now 'saved.'

>> No.11043292

they do this in nashville. most places predictably go non but some bars hoover up the chainsmoker money by allowing it. though going into one is basically to be hotboxed with nicotine

>> No.11043297

i personally enjoy not having to have to wash my jacket after going out, it's incredible how much you smell like smoke just by being around it

>> No.11043300

Old enough to remember smoking in restaurants? I feel like anyone over the age of 10 should remember that

>> No.11043313

There would be a clean ashtray on the table and people would smoke after dessert with their coffee. It was awesome. The waiter would come by and bring a clean ashtray and de-crumb the tablecloth if you smoked a lot and lingered over your coffee.