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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11041660 No.11041660[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Carnists should forced to manually slaughter and butcher one of each animals they have eaten in their lives and sit in a high methane and high carbon dioxide gas chamber for at least 3 consecutive hours a week, so that they become aware of how much suffering and environmental damage they actually cause.

>> No.11041667
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>> No.11041670

because you don't know what the fuck a carnist is
i still eat tomatoes sometimes

>> No.11041672

yeah that's fine with me in fact later on this afternoon I'm going to cut the head off of one of the goats and make myself some nice Gyro

>> No.11041678
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tfw I would gladly slaughter an animal for free. hell, I might shell out a few bucks to do it just for the rush

>> No.11041685

sometimes when i get mad i catch toads and slam them on the ground as hard as i can

>> No.11041687

Sure I'll kill my pig.

>> No.11041741

Does a vegan diet rot your brain?
Are there not enough fatty acids or something?

>> No.11041754
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>people I don't like should be given free training on butchering and preparing things they enjoy consuming, as well as resistance training for adverse climates

>> No.11041783

Cagers should forced to manually kill every dinosaur they use to fuel their metal deathtrap and sit in a high nitrogen and carbon dioxide gas chamber for at least 3 consecutive hours a week, so that they become aware of how much suffering and environmental damage they actually cause.

>> No.11041794

vegetarians should have to plant, fertilize, harvest, and bale every vegetable they eat. they should have to spend days in a silo to know how much their precious food suffers.

>> No.11041818

And also all the deforesting to make way for their precious soy crops.

>> No.11041834

Let's not forget being used for genetic testing, pesticide experimentation as well.

>> No.11041919
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>> No.11041924

>t. buttblasted retarded vegan

>> No.11041926

it's actually the meat industry that is contributing a shitton more to deforestation than any vegetable

>> No.11041928

I could probably kill all the animals I eat if I had to but I think I'd struggle with lamb. Lambs are so cute.

>> No.11041930

>>Not knowing the difference between a carnist and a carnivore

>> No.11041931

Vegans are communists since none of them comprehend task distribution.

>> No.11041935

We already suffer enough from the constant high-pitch whining from asshurt vegans

>> No.11041939
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>> No.11041940

Just bought a 260lbs pig from my local fair that was independently raised with love and care. I asked the butcher if I could see him process it and of course he said yep.OP has no brain whatsoever.

>> No.11041944

Good on you, man.
I've been butchering 1 or 2 pigs a year for a long time now. Getting to see them grow up happy and cutting them up yourself makes the meat better, not worse.

>> No.11041957

I'd happily learn to kill and butcher animals but why the gas chamber ? The gassess get dissolved in the atmosphere and so we already breath the air that we affect with our choices. It's a very stupid idea.

>> No.11042065

You can always trust that stupid+idealogue will invent non-words to throw about.
>Leftists is another example I see all the time on this retarded site.

>> No.11042067

>it's actually the meat industry that is contributing a shitton more to deforestation than any vegetable
More than any vegetable, maybe, but palm oil production is the #1 contributor to world deforestation.

>> No.11042069


>> No.11042070

So rathet than not killing animals at all, We should just kill the animals? Making sure im reading you correctly.

>> No.11042118

I'm from village in Polish mountains and I could witness slaughter few times. The point is, that it takes quite some skill and confidence (and bit of sheer power) to kill animal like pig or calf fast and least painfull to the animal.

>> No.11042335

How much is a captive-bolt stun gun over there?

>> No.11042351

Vegans should have their testicles ripped off so they will understand what a tree feels when its fruit is picked.

>> No.11042356

based and redpilled

>> No.11042369

Isn't that how they became vegans in the first place?

>> No.11042379

/n/igger detected

>> No.11042380

I have butchered my own cow and deer in the past. Its not really that bad of a process.

>> No.11042388

heartless bastard

>> No.11042389

I've got no idea. It was some time ago (20 years ago), my grandfather just used knife handle to hit f.e. pig behind the ear.

tl;dr: right, I've forgot that we are not living at XIX c. anymore

>> No.11042394

define suffering, how animals are capable of suffering, and why should i care about that?

>> No.11042398

And you should have to cut down a Redwood Tree...

>> No.11042408



Killing/preparing meat is kind of a pain in the ass as it takes a while by yourself. Can be a good time with a bro or two though. That said, I don't have time to do it for every piece of meat I want the same way that vegans don't mill their own flour to make their whole grain pasta bullshit that they live off of.

>> No.11042454

>sit in a high methane and high carbon dioxide gas chamber

dude I do this every night, hotboxing your own farts is brap kino

>> No.11042469

Don't you mean "carnivores"? Or "omnivores", more precisely, because most of us do eat things besides meat. You realise that, right?

>> No.11042494

Do I have to pay for this privilege or is it free?

>> No.11042497

Carnist is just a condescending vegan term for a person who eats meat.

>> No.11042499

I am a communist and loves to kill and eat animals I keep a well stocked smallholding and kill every week using a knife. please do not lump people like me in with idiot vegans for they are the common enemy of any political motivation. besides soviets wuz kings of task distribution to the point that nobody actually knew what they were doing anymore

>> No.11042500

So do you to have to kill all the animals that farmers kill to harvest vegetables and eat some poison too?

>> No.11042508

palm oil is shit one of the worst kinds of oil. should raise more cattle and use beef dripping instead

>> No.11042512

This type of thinking does little to combat factory farming and dismisses actually good concepts like farm to table.
Also eating nothing but plants doesn’t reduce your carbon footprint. Logic over fashion pls folks.

>> No.11042514

lol. knife mate

>> No.11042518

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a name when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your name when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a name when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.11042520

in my experience vegans are a very high source of methane stinking hippies

>> No.11042534

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a name when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your name when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a name when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.11042533

sorry I forgot I typed muggins into one of my devices for a previous thread. the other three devices are used to post in this thread are Anonymous there for all posts except for op and you Are me

>> No.11042541

no you are not. it wuz me

>> No.11042543

fuck off imposter

>> No.11042548

By the same logic vegans should have to collect every mouse, mole, rabbit and whatever else would be affected by making the necessary farm space for growing the necessary soybeans for their lifestyle and throw half of them straight into a wood chipper and bury the rest alive. Along with that, they should be forced to cut down every single tree by hand. Put a bullet in every animal's head who's home was the tree. Be locked in a room for several hours with the amount of carbon monoxide that the farm equipment would produce and the extra methane that they themselves produce. And, if they believe that veganism is the only diet and philosophy everyone should have, then they should put a bullet in the head of every cow, pig, chicken, turkey and any other livestock animal that has a symbiotic relationship with us, namely we protect and feed them and provide them shelter in exchange for us to eventually devour them, because without us they're pretty much guaranteed to go extinct by their third generation if they're lucky. Anything else that I'm forgetting?

>> No.11042585

Honestly always wanted to just beat the everloving shit out of a full grown pig with my bare hands. I feel like cooking and eating something that you didn't impersonally shoot or stab but rather punched and kicked to death would be incredibly eye opening and satisfying. I think I'd come to appreciate my meat more and be more grateful toward's mother earth and her bounty.

>> No.11042588

tenderized to death

>> No.11042618 [DELETED] 

>slave morality

>> No.11042620

I don't have a problem with killing animals for food. I've been fishing since I was a little kid, and hunting since I was a teenager. I dress and cook my own kills.

My neighbor raises hogs and I've helped him slaughter them several times. We just bring the piggo a treat (usually an apple or similar), and while he's happily munching away he gets a hollow point to the brain. Zero pain and suffering.

>> No.11042621

having killed a few pigs in my time I can tell you you will really have your work cut out because these bastards are hard. a full-grown cell will pull like a car and has thick layers of hide and fat that seemed to feel no pain. pigs are fucking ruthless. it takes about 4 good blows with a razor sharp machete to take the head off and that's twice as many blows as a year old calf. it's also virtually impossible to calmly catch and immobilise a pig because they go fucking nuts. if it's 1 on 1 they have a fair chance of killing you first

>> No.11042627

yeah Holly points would do the job next time I have to kill a pig I will be using a firearm

>> No.11042629
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>slave morality

>> No.11042648
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Sure, raising, slaughtering and using your own animals sounds like a good way of getting meat and distancing yourself from (((food companies))).
I would even use the waste to make fertilizer and sell the surplus produce.

Feels good to be independent, live off the land and being part of the circle of life, I can't imagine actually depending on a lab to feed you substitutes or pills to make up for a deficient diet, that would be just sad

>> No.11042653

Shoot it in the head.

>> No.11042655

I want one of these. Where did you find this?

>> No.11042657

i want to marry sweet sue.

>> No.11042665

not enough omega 3 and not enough protein.

>> No.11042682

all vegans should suck my dick and sit in my ass for at least 3 consecutive hours a week, so they would become aware of the suffering they cause me when they try to talk about their shit in my 4chan.

>> No.11042750

>when (((they))) are so evil they manage to convince the young that they don't have a right to kill to eat like everything else on the planet
I'm sorry (((they))) did this to you.

>> No.11042805

I would much prefer it if meat production was local and I was involved in the skinning and butchering, to better appreciate where it comes from. Stupid fag

>> No.11042833
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What's stopping you from doing that right now? Instead of buying meat at the supermarket you can pursue other options:
You can go hunting and butcher your own kills. You can also purchase animals from small mom-n-pop farms; many of them will let you get involved with the butchering process. Some even have onsite classes where they teach you how to do it.

>> No.11042844
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>special snowflake white children don't even have the balls to kill an animal for their own food
Meanwhile non-whites have no problem cutting your throat and letting YOU die like an animal.

How about you man the fuck up and quit being such a giant pussy?

>> No.11042850

And I am sure that my landlord will not let me keep quail and chicken
One day I will have a house of my own and have enough space to produce a good fraction of my food

But things like cows and pigs need a lot more space, those should be raised at the local level, not personal

>> No.11042864

If you don't have space you can't raise animals on your own property, but that doesn't stop you from going hunting, or visiting a farm and doing butchery on their property. Then you take your meat home and keep it in your fridge/freezer. (And if you don't have enough freezer space, note that most butcher shops will rent you space in their enormous walk-in freezer for a pittance.)

>> No.11042871

hell yea nigger where do i sign up

>> No.11042878

I already do kill animaks for meat. Also youre a fag.

>> No.11042888

I'm not legally allowed to own a gun to hunt

>> No.11042902

everything but pigs and horses would be dead within 2.

>> No.11042916

I work in a poultry plant, and the only thing its made me do is increase the amount on chicken I eat

>> No.11042922

not all muslims are islamist

>> No.11042945

Vegans should be forced to ferment their own tofu in a room filled with the exhaust their internationally imported ingredient transport generates.

>> No.11042950

Hey, if it means I can get my ham cheaper and the animal's already been cleaned, certainly. Half the hassle of making that shit is the price.

>> No.11042964

Arguably, the sheep would be the shortest and most inhumane. One generation, due to no self defense capabilities and their wool growing to the point that they wouldn't be able to move. So, they'd either starve, dehydrate, suffocate or be eaten to extinction.

>> No.11043207

why should i have to submit myself to something that's below me on the food chain? nature has never done that in the past

>> No.11043208

Because mental illness, felony or both?

>> No.11043230
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Vegans should be forced to sit in a field and be run over by a harvester so they know what it's like to be a rabbit in the field where all their damn extra vegetables comes from

>> No.11043271

>Carnists should forced to manually slaughter and butcher one of each animals they have eaten in their lives
AS a carnist, I agree with this. Part of why vegans are such gormless gits is because they're faggots. I don;t mean that in the sexual sense, I mean in the bundle of sticks sense of the word. They'r e a burden on those around them, unable to do hard, unpleasant work in order to get what they want or need. So yeah, killing and slaughtering your own food from a young age will probably cut down on the incidence of veganism and the generally faggotry of society.

>nd sit in a high methane and high carbon dioxide gas chamber for at least 3 consecutive hours a week, so that they become aware of how much suffering and environmental damage they actually cause
Considering that vegan agriculture inflicts 10 times the damage, I'm OK with this so long as vegans have to either sit in the same conditions for 10 times the length, or sit in 10 times the density of CO2 and Methane for the same 3 hours.

>> No.11043276

>humans evolved as omnivores
>thinking that eating meat is bad
Why do you people hate nature?