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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11040178 No.11040178 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to Denny's everyday for breakfast before work
>Order the same thing each day since my stomach only cooperates with a few of their items
>Walk in today
>The same girl greets me by name and seats me
>She walks away and comes back a minute later with my Eggs in a Basket meal and chuckles slightly before saying "You've been getting this for over a month now so we got it ready for you early this time"
>tfw it finally sets in that I've been doing this same routine for so long that they don't even ask what I want now and know my name

This makes me super nervous and I'm thinking about maybe trying Bob Evans from now on.

>> No.11040185

They don't care that you come everyday, they like it. Also you're not the only one.

>> No.11040190

Don't be such a fucking autist.

>> No.11040202

This, the only thing that's autismal is that you think it's a big deal. If you don't mind throwing 10 bucks away for 75 cents worth of food, just go have breakfast there every morning.

>> No.11040210

You should be glad they think about you enough to do that. They obviously like you. They expect to see you every day to the point they're risking having to toss out food if you decide to not go one day. Which is fine, you're free to do that. But I think it's really kind of them to put forth that kind of effort for you. That's comfy as fuck.

>> No.11040214

Some people like The Cheers effect, a place where everyone knows your name, but others don't. You need to do what makes you feel comfortable.

>> No.11040227

Unless you’re a fucking autist that gets uncomfortable in normal social situations, then you might want to try and get over it

>> No.11040239

I disagree. If you're such an autist that someone being friendly and accommodating towards you makes you uncomfortable, the best thing for you is to leave your comfort zone.

>> No.11040252

>You should continue doing something which you find uncomfortable and disconcerting because otherwise it is autism according to a 12 year old plebbitor tourist on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum

>> No.11040258


No way dude... it's Comfy Mode time! Bring a blankie and relish that shit!

>> No.11040262

Badass motherfucker, you can now get >THE USUAL

>> No.11040271

Sounds pretty great. That's how I met my wife.

>> No.11040275

You're actually both right. Sometimes you need to push your boundaries and change aspects of your personality. Sometimes you need to "do you" and be comfortable with who you are.

I will say that forcing myself to go to the same coffee shop all the time did help me get comfortable in awkward situations.

>> No.11040276

Op will run out of breakfast places if he can’t stand being recognized, he’s already stressing about what the restaurant staff thinks, I’m saying he should stop caring.

>> No.11040281

What if he cycles through them in a long enough period that they forget him by the time he goes back?

>> No.11040292

The turnover in these places is surprisingly high.

>> No.11040309

>being afraid at people liking your presence and making sure you're happy while there

jfc anon

>> No.11040327
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you must band together with similar loner breakfast eaters in the same way abandoned dogs form a pack

>> No.11040357

I started feeling the same way when the employees at the liquor store learned my name.

>> No.11040386

Bonus points because I was getting my fav breakfast there too half pint vodka and a Starbucks double shot to chase it with.

>> No.11040395
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>tfw I use four different liquor stores

>> No.11040398

I used to go to the French patisserie near my work everyday for lunch and get a chicken salad wrap. It was really obvious that the girl serving me was interested in me. She'd shuffle through the wraps they had made up to find me the best one and always acted sort of nervous and flirty and tried to make general chit chat.
I was going through a shit time in my life and was severely depressed, I wish I could've worked up the courage to ask her out but I just couldn't do it.
I stopped going there for a while and by the time I started going back there with the intention of seeing her working again she was gone.
I still think she was probably the one.

>> No.11040404

Don't worry about it anon. If that girl was into you, there will be many more like her.

>> No.11040405

That's how I met your wife too

>> No.11040412

>tfw the bar across the street from my work knows my name

>> No.11040413

Lol I know that feel. Every time the people at a restaurant start recognizing me and making light conversation I run for the hills. Autism is hard man

>> No.11040423

would you choose to stay and work at a diner if some better opportunity opened up? neither would anyone else

>> No.11040428

Bob Evans is fucking trash for toothless senior citizens

>> No.11040431

Hey now. Convenience is worth at least that much

>> No.11040484

Fucking best feeling.
Sit down at the bar, bartender hands me the beer I always get and orders me some fries and gravy

>> No.11040515
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They're happy to see you fren
I have a long commute, so I use at least ten.
Now that I think about it, I might actually be pulling it off.

>> No.11041214

>tfw always went to Indian liquor store cos the africans and whites were dicks even though they were closer
>was bad alcoholic for a while
>made friends with owner over the years
>no judgement, he was there open to close everyday
>always cheerful, knew my name
>watches wwe and spongebob in store
>invite him to my wedding
>he didn't come because he had to work
>genuinely sad he couldnt make it
>bought house in different neighborhood
>don't go there as often
>he still knows me as soon as he sees me when I do stop in, which is out of the way
>asks about wife and kid
>wish him and his family good luck with their business
No comfier feels lads, find a good store and stick with them, maybe they will stick with you too

>> No.11041229
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>Thank you, ma'am
>leave her a tip
>Try not to stutter while talking
You can manage that much right anon?

>> No.11041251

>go to favorite local diner
>sit down at usual table
>order same thing
>for some reason realize today that it tastes like shit
>stop going

>> No.11042545

>Becomes a regular
>Staff likes him enough to make an extra effort to make his life easier
>Triggers social anxiety attack in anon

Stop being such a beta anon and become an Alpha like me and enjoy the special treatment that respected 'Regulars' get.

Also, if you do switch you'll start getting the same treatment at Bob Evans within a month as well.

>> No.11042578

Even if she was into you she wouldnt wanna be asked out at work so its for the best.

>> No.11042623

Thst would depend on how much time it takes to earn 10$ after taxes.

>> No.11043383

The time spent cooking, cleaning, and on item procurement seems reasonable. Especially because it's most likely 6-7.50$ no tip of course. Earning an nominal amount of 25$/hr post tax would make the entire thing worthwhile.

>> No.11043418

Only if you account for the time it takes to go to the Denny's, from the moment you deviate to the route to work he'd otherwise have to when he's back to where he left off. Compare that to the time it takes to make it yourself and the extra time spent at the store grabbing the breakfast items.

>> No.11043438

This. Based autist.

>> No.11043439
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>step out of comfort zone
>go to restaraunt by myself
>start getting comfortable
>waitresses start being friendly with me
>panic mode sets in
>wonder if i stutter
>wonder if im a joke
>think of ol' three for free
>sweating pepe.png
>start feeling foolish
>probably bringing down the mood of the place
>sitting there looking like an alien pretending to be a human
>leave and never come back

>> No.11043480

>go to Danny's!
>see head peer through windows as i walk to entrance so try to walk cool
>there she is she says hi
>i reply with "good"
>it was awkward so i looked at my shoes
>go to sit down in me booth!
>it's dirty but it's me booth n try n sit down anyways
>she says no we have a clean table for you over here
>i felt red in the face n felt awkward getting out of me booth so I looked at me shoes...
>she says we have yer baskets of eggs we new you'd wants dem!
>i says to her "I like the eggs but hows you know about the eggs?
>she looks worried n says i's been comin here for 4 years so theys know me
>felt awkward cuz i wanted me pepsi right away but couldn't says it so looked at me eggs until it arrived
>whens payment time i says n she brings check
>after 20 minutes i finish drawings on check for me girl n she says "oh another lovely tip!"
>i felt butler flies in me tummy so looked at my shoes
>nows its awkward going back from them knowin bouts me basket of eggs so i try different place

This is literally what happened, yes or no?

>> No.11043481
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>sitting there looking like an alien pretending to be human
That's a pretty fucking abstract kind of feel, bro.

>> No.11043494

>tfw have to travel to a grocery store 4miles away to avoid this

>> No.11043498

I hate it man. I always try to hype myself up going anywhere alone, thinking of older gents than seem comfortable anywhere they are. But i just cant do it. I probably have weird defensive posture and wild eyes, and my stiff frozen face. Someday I will look like I belong.

>> No.11043501

I'd try to get over it if I were you man. The liquor store across the street knows my name and what I'm going to get depending on what I got previously because I cycle through beer/bourbon. Worst of all, they all know my daughter's name and favorite flavor of suckers and specifically buy just those for her. It's very nice of them, but my daughter is only 3 and it makes me feel like an alcoholic

>> No.11043538

Please go away. You are clearly not welcome here.

>> No.11043576

I love the cheers effect. I have two bars in town that have my drink on the bar before I even sit down, in my usual stool.
The other regulars don't sit there cause they know I prefer it.

>> No.11045291
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At the height of my depression I was ordering two calzones and sides each day to my work. I gave this little pizza shop so much business their manager personally delivered the food and told me I was their best customer. At the time I didn't think much of it, but thinking back now it makes me so sad and embarrassed.

>> No.11045720

you're an autist in a weird way

You should realize that there's a certain comfort in constantness and stability, and it goes both ways.

If you keep flying around restaurants every time someone so much as learns your name you will never achieve true comfort.

Seeing that same car parked in the same spot at work.
Seeing the same dudes every day, whether here or there.
Familiarity brings comfort.

If your life is in constant flux you'll never be able to calm down.

>> No.11046284

Kill yourself autist.

>> No.11046336
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>The same girl greets me by name and seats me
She likes you and cares enough about you to remember. Ask her out. Take her to dinner someplace fancy, like Chili's.

>> No.11046355

Move to Copenhagen, Denmark.
You can go to the same place daily for years and they will still look at you as if they have never seen you before.

>> No.11046649

>over a month

Come back when you've been doing this for years

>> No.11047862

you should kill yourself.