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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 1280x720, Brad Makes Sourdough Pizzelle Cookies _ It's Alive _ Bon Appétit-sAD1nayZ9dk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11037965 No.11037965 [Reply] [Original]


>Brad Makes Sourdough Pizzelle Cookies

more like Brad can't make Pizzelle or anything that requires temperature control

>> No.11038410

Is there anything he didn't fuck up in this video? I guess they are aware that nobody watches these to actually make anything they show at home.

>> No.11038428

which Bone App chicks do you guys think Brad has slammed?

>> No.11038478


definitely not molly

>doesn't like chocolate
>ooohh but I like white chocolate

>> No.11038526

>Claire late for meeting due to sticking around to help Brad
Is it even a question anymore?

>> No.11039034

Brad is charming as fuck and probably a good friend. But his body is fucking disgusting (see oyster farm videos), would not fuck. 9/10

>> No.11039050
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>celebrity gossip

>> No.11039133

So, you're mad Brad isn't muscular as fuck and has <10% body fat?

>> No.11039140

Try not to be so autistic, nerdzoid. It's a fun video.

>> No.11039145

Why is this whole channel so shit?

>> No.11039205

I bet your body is disgusting to.
Also you smell.

>> No.11039229

Leftist yuppies all have the exact same personality and it's very "uncanny valley" seeing more than one of them on screen at the same time (let alone interacting with each other)

>> No.11039240

/fit/ pls

>> No.11039246

>muh politics
It's because more and more people are watching food related things as plain entertainment, instead of wanting to actually learn more about food and how to prepare it. Look at the majority of the posts in these threads, it's not about the food, but about how cute or friendly the cooks are and anything related to them personally.

>> No.11039262
File: 218 KB, 2048x1536, death to russia nuke moscow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

russian trolls. tbqh i'd take pajeet viral marketers any day of the week. the whole site has become so cancerous since these /pol/ shitters have setting up camp in other boards

>> No.11039263

Back to your containment board.

>> No.11039268

He's homely as fuck, he may not have a 10/10 body but looks fade, even for the most good looking guys.

>> No.11039311
File: 42 KB, 400x323, watcat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching a vapid dudebro stumble his way through a cookie recipe for 20 minutes with childish editing and sound effects

You do you, booboo, but miss me with that shit.

>> No.11039335

how did you know the content of the vid if you didn't watch it hmmmm?

>> No.11039384

Ok, net detective. Brads videos are all the same but as much as this board celebrates him I thought I'd give it another shot. I clicked through to see if there was anything worth seeing (hint: there wasn't).

>> No.11039429

What if Brad got super ripped?

>> No.11039451


He'd be hot.

>> No.11039455

What an immeasurably shit opinion, how can anyone say shes better than Claire.

>> No.11039463

I tried to watch Brads series once, some gay guy was hovering around him nonstop. Now I only go to that channel when there's a new Claire vid.

>> No.11039465
File: 231 KB, 313x489, 1532982483144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some people would rather have a kinda cute plain Jane than Frumplestiltskin.

>> No.11039468
File: 121 KB, 453x592, 1398914575925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw my name is Brad and i see these threads all the time. weird.

>> No.11039712

molly has bad skin, she has like psiorasis or something. her face is always red. also aside from cooking, which she clearly is knowledgeable about, she gives off major basic bitch vibes.

>> No.11039783
File: 1.49 MB, 1334x750, 568C419B-E141-4B6D-B257-05E13C744146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whose dumper is this?
claire isn’t that thicc is she?

>> No.11039826

Bard is an acquired taste. at least he doesnt pander like Babish

>> No.11039861

Brad is balding

>> No.11039865


You'll never be out from under my thumb

>> No.11039919

I want Claire to look at me that way

>> No.11039929

nice virtue signalling faggot

>> No.11039935

So is your mom.

>> No.11040146

Brad panders hardcore, just in a different way. Why do you think they have all the little effects and most of his recipes are incredibly simple?

>> No.11040187

yeah she confirmed herself as a tastelet in this video. really embarrassing tbqh

>> No.11040273

>Claire rushes over to help a floundering Brad
>Molly says she doesn't like chocolate
I think we all know who won

>> No.11040708

molly is a best
claire a shit and fat

>> No.11040922

That really is a nice little iron he acquired though

>> No.11041116

Are those actually difficult to cook with, or did he just fuck it up?

>> No.11041132
File: 26 KB, 680x447, 1528050514822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11041133

It just a classic I want to fuck claire but I want to marry molly

>> No.11041147

If you are impatient and dont have a temp gun its easy to fuck up. Otherwise if you actually think about what you are doing its not a problem.

>> No.11041413


>> No.11041419

>I am an intelligent and rational Individual, not like these mindless sheep!
Go fuck a rake

>> No.11041423

how do you fuck up pizelles? my sister made great ones and she nearly burnt down an apartment frying food.

>> No.11041430

Brad only has experience leaving leavings things in jars or crocks on a shelf for 8 months.

>> No.11041434

This video proved that Molly is a tastelet and Claire is best girl.

>> No.11041440

oh I see he has a stove one. we have an electric one

>> No.11041942

he should have cranked the heat earlier. they're easier to use as they're cooling down from super hot. just takes a couple rounds to dial in the temp, one too low, one too high.

>> No.11042039

>Not watching wordless cooking channels with only cooking nosies
Fuck you guys what the fuck happened.
The obvious exception is maangchi of course.

>> No.11042051

>named vince
>brad is talking directly to me in videos
makes these so much more fun

>> No.11042836
File: 403 KB, 1079x1275, brap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
