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11033575 No.11033575 [Reply] [Original]

>"I gotta feeling" starts playing

>> No.11033614


>> No.11033636

The place near me said that ever since they released the sound bite from the conference call their sales have been miserable. They've been running coupons for an extra now and not many people are biting.

>> No.11033641

>Say something
>It affects your sales because you hurt someone's feefees

>> No.11033646
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>> No.11033655

It was a stupid thing to say in a professional environment. I dont give fifteen flying fucks if somebody is racist behind closed doors, most people are, but god damn its dumb to go there in the work place.

>> No.11033704
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>you have feelings?
>feelings are for pussies
>I grew out of those a long time ago

>> No.11033897

Hey dumbass, nothing he said was even racist. He was quoting someone who had said nigger. If quoting someone makes you racist.....

>> No.11034227

Part of it was he said he shouldn't be taking heat simply for being a racist when Col. Sanders got away with saying "nigger." Ironically, there's no record or accusation that Col. Sanders ever said "nigger" or had a racist bone in his body. In fact, quite the opposite. He donated millions to black universities, churches and other black organizations. So he got called out for using the 2 yo toddler tactic of saying, "but, he did it first mom!" Like this guy >>11033655 says the board of directors realized they couldn't have a retard so childishly blind to the current culture that he would say shit like that publicly. He signed his own death warrant but is too much a solipsistic narcissist to give up.

>> No.11034368

No, papa never fucking said "im a racist but so was col sanders" It was just a bunch of faggots getting offended because he said the word nigger. Papa never once said "I hate niggers" or "hang all niggers".
All he said was col sanders called blacks niggers and no one called him racist. Papa said the NFL and the dumbass players with protest bullshit had a hand in their pizza sales going down the last year and people got on him saying that makes him a racist. That was the whole reason for the PR call in the first place. "distant ourselves from racism".

You fucking tards need to actually do some research and read the truth instead of believing what cnn or fox tells you to.

>> No.11034417

>All he said was col sanders called blacks niggers and no one called him racist

You are fucking retarded if you don't see why it's in any company's best interest to have a CEO who doesn't say things like this.

>> No.11034464
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Probs an interesting stock investment as it's going for considerably cheaper right now. PJ fucked up the company with his name on it, and is not going to get away with a half ass and insincere apology. His success is done for unless he decides to move into politics. He should sell his stock, downsize his assets and live as a king for the rest of his life. He could get away with it.

At this point the company will either fall on its sword, or whoever is currently running the show could rebrand and put a more positive image to the company. It isn't terrible quality pizza, it's just the face behind and egotistically stamped all over it.

On that note, what is it with people and needing to out their stupid sideways faces all over their products?

>> No.11034472 [DELETED] 

Imagine actually caring that Papa John said nigger. Imagine being as sad and pathetic as you. NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

lmao I think I just made you hyperventilate

>> No.11034475

Nah m8. theres a difference in firing him for saying nigger and then firing him for being a RACIST. saying nigger doesnt make you a racist. hating niggers does

>> No.11034506

>people actually stop buying delicious pizza over a single word
Pathetic, I still go to Papa Kike's without a care. Gotta have that pan pizza.

>> No.11034535

Maybe they're losing sales because people are finally realizing that Papa Johns fucking sucks.
I'd rather eat shit from the freezer section than that Papa's crap.

>> No.11034549

Papa John's is good 'za my dude
It's probably because he said the nigger word

>> No.11034552


>> No.11034574

These guys hang around on their edgy marginalized echo chambers all day never observing the real zeitgeist and think it's ok to use racial slurs irl. A CEO unable realize that is a significant liability not only from a PR standpoint, but for the fact he'll also be too blind to implement the most profitable strategies following the current cultural mores. There's a real possibility they won't recover from it. No great loss really, just another shitty ff pizza goin' down.

>> No.11034582

It's passable fast food pizza. The problem is, it's not good enough to stand apart from everyone else and now that people don't like the frontman of the company they'll just buy their pizzas from other people.

>> No.11034606

You are missing the point retards. Its simply not a good idea to say nigger when you are white, full stop. Its a really really bad idea to say it in a corporate environment.

You two wouldn't know that, because you have never had jobs and comprehended that sometimes you have to behave yourself to keep that job, which includes not saying socially and professionally unacceptable words. If you can't wrap your head around that then enjoy working at the gas station and cutting my grass for the rest of your lives.

>> No.11034608

>rather eat shit from the freezer section

I mean at least papa isn’t dry and taste like a tin can

>> No.11034612
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Shark humpa

>> No.11034614

that guys a piece of shit too

>> No.11034622

Yes he is.

>> No.11034629

It was more than just the actual n word though. He also made some remark about how back in the day black people were dragged to death by cars (which I interpret as him claiming that blacks shouldn't complain anymore). And this is all after he made some comments about the whole NFL kneeling during the anthem. So it's not like he was totally supportive of all black causes and then suddenly slipped up and said the n word. The n word is just the most sensational part of the story.

>> No.11034630

dont be so dramatic. no frozen pizza tastes like that and you know it.

you probably couldnt even cook the frozen pizza right... all the intelligence and strength you could muster was to pick up the phone, fat finger fuck the papa john's number, and gurgle burp "cheeeeese pizzaaaaa" into the microphone.

>> No.11034637

You might not agree that it's offensive, and honestly I don't care that much either, but the point is there are millions of people out there who do find it offensive, and for a business to let their brand be associated with someone who openly talks like that is a financial death sentence in the current year.

>> No.11034638


>> No.11034650

is there a more punchable face?

>> No.11034685
File: 74 KB, 296x300, 79D0D4FD-AF68-4A30-AFFD-799A35724166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a legitimately funny post I will post patrician frozen pizzas

>> No.11034713

With how much those fucking pizzas cost you're better off getting Papa Johns

>> No.11034797

At first I dont have a job and then I cut your lawn and am a gas station attendant. So which one is it bigboi?

>> No.11034820
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Better apologies.
Better pizza.
Papa John's.

>> No.11034827

I found a papa john's that has anchovies, how are they?

>> No.11034842

Lifehack: for a limited time if you go to Papa John's and say "Papa John's pizzas are bigger, so give me one, nigger!" they will give you one for free.

>> No.11034877

I want to support them, but the pizza just tastes terrible

It's not like chick fil a, which is eady to support, since the food is delicious

>> No.11034939

They just make the pizza taste like fish, if you're into that