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11030558 No.11030558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here successfully quit smoking? How did you do it?

>> No.11030575

Switched to vaping. Granted I look like a faggot for vaping, but it's better than smoking.
Also, vaping is kind of like a bridge. Just gradually decrease nicotine level over time

>> No.11030599

The patch, and nicotine gum for those sudden overwhelming cravings

>> No.11030604

second on vaping. I originally switched to dip pouches, and that lasted about a year. went to vaping and I dont miss cigs for one damn second. its a little more complicated, but not smelling, being able to taste things, and then eventually weaning yourself off makes it like a new life. dont buy pen vapes, just go for a mini mod.

>> No.11030619
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I tapered off over like a year after a decade of smoking. I was smoking 0-2 a day eventually and just decided to quit. Now I’m at the point where once or twice a month I’ll smoke 4-5 in a night if I’m hanging out with smokers and that’s it.
Quit bringing cigarettes to work.
Quit bringing them anywhere, really. But don’t become a bum. Nobody likes a bum.
Go as many days as you can between packs.
Don’t spend time with smokers, if possible.
If you drink a lot and want to smoke while you’re drinking, try tapering off both.
Chew gum, chew on a toothpick, drink water, etc.

I tried vaping a few years ago. It’s gay. Nothing compares to smoking a cigarette.

>> No.11030626

vaping a few years ago isnt anywhere near what it is today. it was a joke back then.

>> No.11030634

I quit drinking

>> No.11030637

Vaping will fade out like comic book stores.

>> No.11030642

I used to smoke a pack a day.
In 1999 I was in a car accident and my leg got crushed, I spent a month in a hospital bed going in and out of surgery. When I was finally able to sit in a wheelchair I got a nurse to wheel me outside so I could have a cigarette. I took one puff and nearly threw up. Never smoked again.

Pretty extreme way to quit though.

>> No.11030670

I did quit smoking but after some time I started back. but the way that helped me for the first few months was that I had almost 10 grams of hash oil. would toke on it like crazy and I soon forgot about not smoking. but then I found some work and started smoking again.
it was like 8 months, the longest I've gone without.

my taste buds are fucked after almost 25 years smoking, I'm really regretting ever starting because of it. only recently have I noticed how bad it is for my taste buds

>> No.11030671

just don't smoke.

>> No.11030673

I live in a fairly ghetto area and can buy loosies so I ended up limiting myself to 3 a day since it was 3 for a dollar, or sometimes I'd just get 1 or 2, then it was pretty easy to just cut it down to after a big meal or or after partaking in other things. I now use snus(nothing but General)if I want nicotine because if I smoke even half a cig I cough shit up for the next few days. Vaping worked well for a little bit for me, but the vape kinda sucked that I bought and would leak the juice out of the sides, and now mouth piece is broken after dropping it and I can't hit the shit whatsoever.

>> No.11030685

Weak-willed faggot

>> No.11030710
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>tfw haven't smoked in 3 years
>tfw cravings pop up out of nowhere
>tfw always think to myself how the gas station is only 10 minutes away
>it won't be bad if I only have one cig max a day
>it won't cost that much if I don't smoke too many
>my health won't get worse cause I'm still young

Please end my cravings /ck/

>> No.11030729

Does smoking really permanently damage your taste buds?

>> No.11030737


This. I was a pack a day American Spirit smoker. Switched to vaping on January 1st, 2012. Had to start at 24 mg of nicotine to get the dose my body was used to. Over 18 months I tapered down to 3 mg. Now I buy 0 mg and 3 mg and mix them for 1.5 mg. Yeah, I look like a douche vaping, but I don't smell like an ashtray, and I can walk up a flight of stairs. Would like to quit completely but the fact is that I enjoy vaping different flavors now.

>> No.11030765

No it comes back. Smoking fucked up my taste perception so bad everything had to be ultra salty and ultra hot/spicy. It faded back to normal after a month or two.

>> No.11030784

Nah, I realized my inevitable future COPD and/or cancer, while really bad, aren't enough to change the fact I would have nothing to enjoy in life if I stopped smoking.

>> No.11030792

I quit smoking after more then 20 years... how? I ran out of money xD

>> No.11030793

Also I smoked cheap cigars to ween myself off

>> No.11030810

I love smoking but some how I quit cold turkey. I quit weed too for over a year but now I only smoke socially on occasion. Sometime after I quit cigarettes I picked up vaping for 2 or 3 months but it was just another habit to waste money on and I didn't want to be associated with the brainlets who vape for a hobby. My one buddy builds his own coils and all this shit and his whole existence is vaping. Pretty gay imo however if it helps you quit cigarettes more power to you

>> No.11030813

Average pack of cigarettes in Australia costs $40.
Everytime I see someone smoking I think they're either retarded or incredibly wealthy.

>> No.11030817

Switched to vaping, felt like a fag vaping so i just stopped all together

>> No.11030833

I really hope not. I do want to become a non smoker for ever, and I hope it gets better.

does anyone with experience know when to notice food taste improving after quitting?

>> No.11030842

to add onto my reply too, when I tell some people I quit smoking cold turkey they scoff at me like I wasn't really addicted or whatever but I loved every minute of smoking and I quit on pure will power. Another bad habit I had was biting my nails and I quit that with pure will power too. I think find the power inside yourself and not gimmicks and you'll be able to do the same. Don't replace one habit with another

>> No.11030893

Taper it off gradually over time. Pick something else to keep your mouth occupied in the interim. Toothpicks, gum, and sunflower seeds all helped me.

>> No.11031136

This guy.
Getting rid of those "favorite" cigarettes is a great start. Killing the booze eliminates a window of opportunity.

>> No.11031690

This, I can breathe a whole lot easier after switching. Shame my coworkers won't quite giving me shit though.

>> No.11031741
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What's a good starter vape?

>> No.11031770


Damn dude I quit smoking like you did but can NOT find it in me to quit picking my nails. I've done it for over 20 years and when I do manage to stop for a little while it feels like someone glued fake nails onto my fingers. I can't figure out how to quit.

>> No.11031794

I'd recomend something simple with a built in battery. Pen e-cigs are generally shit. I'm sure the dude working at your local vape store would help you pick out a good starter mod. Don't fall for the pure vg juice meme, the best ratio is 50/50 or 40/60. Start with around 6 mg of nicotine and slowly work your way down. Don't be that guy who tries to vape indoors saying "it's just water vapor brooooo".

>> No.11031798

Yeah, nine years ago. I read Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Quit Smoking."

>> No.11031826


The only advice I have is stay away from SMOK products. The coils are garbage.

>> No.11031851

So what's his secret to quitting? I'm sure you can summarise for me.

>> No.11031866


did acid, stopped the day after

>> No.11031870

I've been smoking for 1/2 years now, thinking about switching to vaping. I am sick of my lungs feeling like shit and coughing up flem in the morning.

>> No.11031879

Also, starting to get cigarette stained fingers which does not look good in public and I imagine not too good for my fingers.

>> No.11031883

I kept quitting over and over for about 5 months until the last time actually was the last time.

>> No.11031886

>one day have a pretty hard time breathing
>freak the fuck out
>quit cold turkey
>in the end it was just back problems

I still smoke a cig once in a while but they make me feel like shit more often than not so I usually don't bother.

>> No.11031890

>I'm sure you can summarise for me.
I honestly can't since it's been so long since I read it.
If you're not going to read it, the best advice I can remember to give is that you:
-Need to quit cold turkey
-It takes 2 weeks for all of the nicotine to exit your body
-You can't "take just one hit" during that time period or you'll have to start all over
-The nano second you begin to consider smoking you need to immediately focus your attention on something else until the craving is gone. Stop the consideration immediately.

>> No.11032365

I signed up for the military

>> No.11032367

I can not smoke cigarettes normally, I just feel like vomitting. But when I am drunk they taste and feel very good for some reason.

>> No.11032370

Yeah I quit several years ago. The amount of happiness I got from it wasn't equal to the amount of money being spent. I vaped for a while then my vape broke so I just quit all together. I never quite got to chain smoker levels so it wasn't that hard to quit

>> No.11032376

I smoked for many years (among other things like weed and heavy drinking) and then after my mid 20s i just kinda lost interest in doing that stuff. The fact that smoking was so expensive while I was a poorfag, didn't help either. I'll still smoke if I really want to, but I've gotten so unacustomed to it I just don't enjoy it anymore. It makes me nauseous and and sick, even just smelling it. I haven't smoked in like 6 months and there's a good chance I never will ever again.

>> No.11032395

I quit a 20 year heavy habit about 4 years ago.
I tried a few times until I realized cold turkey is the only way.
Just take some ownership of your mind and body.
It's a drug addiction, see it as such, now kick the drug and take the withdrawls. They DO go away, trust me.
Fuck vaping, that's for faggots. Anyone here whop vapes needs to neck themselves right now.
You are quitting nicotine, that's the part you're addicted to, that's the thing you're quitting.
It's an addictive drug.

Watch this video then quit.

If you get strung out over the first few days just read some "quit smoking timeline" stuff and re watch the video and drink some juice.
Make a conscious decision to rid yourself of nicotine then see it out, all the way.
It's the only way it's gonna happen and it only takes 3 days to quit. Urges linger for fucking ages but they get weaker, shorter and less and less until it's nothing. One puff will get you right back to square 1 so don't do it.
Enjoy the awesome health benefits, look better and having extra cash.
Later you can feel sorry for your friends with their pathetic habits but don't be a smug cunt and don't preach them.

>> No.11032400

Never start in the first place. Mental weakling.

>> No.11032403

Used to roll my own (golden virginia) and one day I just said fuck it and never smoked again...was easy

>> No.11032406

You give me hope.

>> No.11032417
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>> No.11032418

>not adding a few tobacco leaves in your stews for that tangy flavor

>> No.11032523

i quit by pounding seltzer whenever I felt the urge. now I'm addicted to seltzer, but at least it won't give me cancer (plus it has bubbles).

>> No.11032539

This raises further questions

>> No.11032545

I personally prefer throwing cigarette butts into stews, the tar really brings out the undertones

>> No.11032551
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Having a pneumothorax, best way to quit

>> No.11032577

I'm the same. When I go out for drinks I have to buy a pack so I can smoke one between every few drinks. I find it relaxing and having a excuse to get out from the crowd and loudness is perfect.

I only smoke semi regularly when the girl I date is a smoker. It's kinda hard to get the habit back and it's the same when I want to leave it. But I don't struggle too much. Truth is, I'm too cheap to get addicted.

>> No.11032583

Like I did alcohol.
Ween down until you don't shake and then find the will to stop.

Try to smoke one less a day until you can stop. Then find the will.

>> No.11032645

Maybe cut your nails really short?

>> No.11032662

Tried vaping a few times and always came back because vaoes are a pain in the ass. Eventually quit smoking and drinking (pretty bad alchy) on my own will because I just got tired of abusing myself and I could never seem to get enough of a buzz from either.
Weened myself off over the course of a few weeks with lighter cigs and less harsh booze until I was able to make the cut entirely. Also cut out any and all fast food and started working out. Really just hoping I'm able to keep keeping it up and not just in an extended manic cycle. Ultimately the best motivation to quit is being disgusted with yourself and the habit. If you hate it enough quitting is easy. Just remember to hate the addiction NOT yourself.

>> No.11032688

>the girl I date is a smoker
Top reason not to date somebody

>> No.11032724

The real question is:

Has your life become drastically better from quitting smoking or are you still an autist?

Not even trolling, just wonder if its even worth a shot.

>> No.11032728

When I get out of the bed in the morning I don't have to cough up brown shit, so yeah, that's good I guess

>> No.11032731

1. started after adulthood
2. started exercising more

>> No.11032733

but anon, she is addicted to sucking on small white things. i can't turn that down.

>> No.11032738

Switched to vaping. Decreased nic over time until I was done.

>> No.11032749

>has your life become drastically better after saving literally 30$AUS a day?
confident yes

>> No.11032762

Let my stubbornness take over, fought through the withdrawals, stayed away from smoking areas for months and started reading a book. I'm being 100% serious.

>> No.11032808
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They're beyond short already. I pick and tear at them regardless. At this point I'm pretty convinced it's a mild form of OCD.
It's possible I have onychotillomania though I'm not half as bad as a lot of the more extreme cases you can find online. I rarely get infections or make them bleed.

100% yes. I realized the other day when I left a restaurant and it was pouring rain. I booked it a few blocks to my car and after I got there I realized I was hardly even breathing heavily. Six months ago I would have been gasping.

>> No.11032814

I'm 3 months into a quit, cold turkey.
Smoked pack a day for 15 or so years, i took 3 weeks off work, locked myself inside and didnt come out, exercised and watched a lot of movies.
I went through physical pain and massive depression, cried a lot, felt like my best friend died or something.
And by the end of the 3 weeks i came out on the other side and I havent felt like a smoke since. I've been around smokers in social situation since, again it was difficult but I got thought it, spent all day with a smoker today I could have broke at any time the smell of him made me realise what I had been walking around smelling like for years only reinforced my decision.
It aint easy, but its worth it.

>> No.11032850

Don't do it bro, I stopped smoking for 2 years, then my dad died and I started again. Was only supposed to be one pack to help me get through the bad times (I used to smoke with my dad while we did gardening) but 3 years later I still haven't quit.

>> No.11032858

Unironicaly fap

>> No.11032870
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>> Be me
>> Smoking for 7 years a box a day
>> Finals of my Informatics Bac. are close
>> Friend of me says. I want to stop smoking >> now. Are you with me.
>> Hell yeah, when I can stop now I can stop always
>> Stopped two months before final test.
>> Gaining 20 kg in 6 week because pic related
>> Smokefree since 14 years.

>> No.11032912

I quit by taking Chantix. It worked really well for me. By day three I simply didn't even want to be around cigarette smoke. It disgusted me. Never really experienced nausea because I followed the directions and took the pills with a FULL glass of water. Only real side effect was ridiculously intense dreams. I'm not really prone to depression so I didn't experience any of the craziness some people go through.
I took it for a little over a month and then stopped taking it to see if I could do without it. Haven't smoked since. It's been over 10 years since I smoked. No vaping, no patch, just Chantix.

>> No.11032917

>Food and Cooking

>> No.11032928

Have to agree, vaping does nothing for me, I actually doubt I'm even hooked on nicotine, because I can easily go 2-3 days without smoking. I find it hard to quit when its not so much an addiction, but something I look forward to and enjoy a lot. Also, lived with a roommate who would leave plates like that around frequently.

>> No.11032936

smoke a pipe, you will cut your smoking way down. you can still smoke some cigs but mainly smoke the pipe. and you will notice you don't want to smoke as much. you could totally quit, but i like smoking a little.

>> No.11032948

It's better than the 5 daily threads discussing the finer points of McDonald's.

>> No.11032953


based and redpilled

>> No.11032957

i just skipped it. you do had to have willpower.

>> No.11032982

I never smoked ciggies but I did vape. I dropped acid and rode my bike and really didnt like how my lungs felt and i stopped the nicotine jew that day which was over a year ago

>> No.11033039

Recommendations on a pipe kind anon?

>> No.11033056

alan carr's book. this is the best way to quit smoking. vaping solves some of the problems with nicotine, and you can even just willpower stop smoking, but without carr's method or a similar one, you will never truly end your relationship with smoking.

>> No.11033071

go for sub ohm

>> No.11033121

Vaping is great, you can use nicotine if you want and don’t have such a pressing reason to quit. The hardest part is switching from cigs to vape, not quitting nicotine all together. nicotine isn’t the only drug in cigarettes.

>> No.11033160

I went through a pretty bad depression.
I couldnt stand to be around anyone, I didn't like the fact I had to breathe the same air as anyone else. So I quit because I would go into the shop to buy them.

>> No.11033178

Cold turkey, but you'll never shake it, you might go a few years without, but then you'll have one

>> No.11033190

It was my New Years resolution. Sounds stupid but it worked. I was lucky to spend Sylvester with people who didnt smoke though.

>> No.11033222

I quit snus which is similar enough. Just decided that I'd had enough and haven't bought a box since. If you don't have it around you won't be able to continue so you only need to fight the impulse while you're getting groceries.

>> No.11033255

>Vaping is great

stopped reading right there

>> No.11033301

Cold turkey starting on the 2nd of this year. Cold turkey is best.

>> No.11033336

Your coworkers can go fucking kill themselves.

>> No.11033343

Vaping is for literal children and smoking is for people covering for some deep-seated insecurity by trying to look cool.

>> No.11033375

Start smoking weed.

>> No.11033381
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>Anyone here successfully quit smoking?

nope...tried oven and over, I just keep it to 1 or 2 rollies a day instead of buying packs and smoking 10 a day, i'll put one out halfway and smoke it later. smoking good rolling tobacco helps, there's something added in regular packs of name brand cigs that makes people want to chain smoke, rolling tobacco is different.

>> No.11033389



>> No.11033396

Just buy a Juul. They are cheap, easy to refill with certain liquids, and are so small that you barely look like a fag.

>> No.11033432

first of all
>throw out your pack of cigarettes. All of them. Even if you're smoking one right now, throw it out.
>avoid gas places/smoke shops to avoid temptation
>Maybe try a substitute instead to subside your cravings (nicotine patch, vaping, gum)

Good luck

>> No.11033546

Try this method OP

>> No.11033559

Cold turkey, no substitutes, during a hard time.
More fear than harm, still glad to keep on quitting.

>> No.11033562

t. bought into the tabacco industry's marketing that smoking is cool and for rugged men

>> No.11033590


smoked 20+ a day for 15 years. switched to vaping as well. now I just stealth vape and claim I've quit altogether.

cigarette addiction is more than just nicotine. once those other things are gone I find I require very little. maybe have a cheeky few puffs 5/6 times a day...unless I drink alcohol. that is the hardest thing for me. I can't imagine drinking and not at least vaping. not sure I could quit the vape without giving up drinking as well.

>> No.11033617


>> No.11034035

al/ck/ threads get booted but this shit stays up....the fucking state of this board

>> No.11034078

>tobacco and cigarettes cannot be used for cooking and are not food
Wrong, dummy.

>> No.11034178

jesus just quit already, I switched to vaping the same year as you and I was off it completely by the next year

>> No.11034589

I just smoked a whole pack last night and now my throat hurts and I feel like shit.

Guess it's time.

>> No.11034744

Nice shill

>> No.11035653

Tobacco is the red man's revenge against the white man. Why does anyone willingly inhale this poison? Do they just pretend to like it until the nicotine hooks them?

>> No.11035846

i just realised how little i actually enjoyed them and stopped smoking them

they smell like shit honestly, i don't want to waste my expensive cologne each day if im going to end up smelling like shit still

>> No.11035875

If i don't smoke i get all tingly and agitated. I'll probably punch someone trough his fucking skull unless i have a cigarette at least once every hour. I smoke 2 packs a day.

>> No.11035892

Peer pressure from friends when you're a stupid teen. Also, when you first start it gives you light high sort of similar to caffeine. Then you get tolerant and the high goes away and you keep smoking because >>11035875

>> No.11035894

Just stopped, couldn't smoke in bars anymore, the alcohol/nicotine dependency was broken, didn't smoke in new car, my friends didnt smoke, no reason to go outside in dead of winter. I hate smokers now, cant stand smell.

>> No.11035903

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. People may have started as kids when they thought it was cool. But grown ups that smoke do it solely because they feel like they need it to relax. Usually when bad shit happens they tend to tend themselves with a cig to calm down.

>> No.11035942 [DELETED] 

What other reason could there possibly be? Before you've ever had a cigarette? Before you could possibly know what it does to you (very little at first, and just enabling you to return to your baseline later)? It's purely because other people do it/to look cool in front of them and not be seen as a spaz. It's honestly the dumbest monkey tribal ape humans still do. But you can't blame them because they're just kids and so essentially still have monkey brains but are somehow able to talk, right?

>> No.11035954

I...just decided to quit. Wasn't a struggle at all. I can even bum the rare cigarette in hyper stressful situations or at a party and not fear relapsing.

>> No.11035983

It's a stimulant you idiot.

>> No.11035999

>Implying vaping isn't supported by the tobacco industry
Look at this nigger.

>> No.11036016

What other reason could there possibly be? Before you've ever had a cigarette? Before you could possibly know what it does to you (very little at first, and just enabling you to return to your baseline later)? It's purely because other people do it/to look cool in front of them and not be seen as a spaz. It's honestly the dumbest monkey tribal ape thing humans still do. But you can't blame them because they're just kids and so essentially still have monkey brains but are somehow able to talk, right?

>> No.11036022

What does that have to do with anything? For chronic users, it barely stimulates, it only allows you to cancel out negative withdrawal effects. I guess maybe you just don't realize that that's all that's happening.

>> No.11036024

Smoked from 15-22. Turned to dip for a few months and then found out about swedish snus. 4 times the nicotine in one snus portion than an american cigarette and it actually tastes good and is cheap. There are thousands of options for swedish snus too. High nicotine/loose tobacco/thousands of flavors.

If you are a chainsmoker like I was, you can get a roll of 10 odens swedish snus cans for around $25. One portion is equal to about 6 cigarettes and each can comes with 24 portions.

>> No.11036030
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They're actively campaigning to shut down vaping, a competing product, you absolute goyim

>> No.11036037

that's not what the statistics on workplace efficiency say

>> No.11036107

They can easily just buy them out. Some vapes already have been

>> No.11036135

Nearly all of big tobacco is investing large amounts of money into vaping and other risc reducing products. They are even actively promoting them.
t. someone who works for the industry

>> No.11036145

No they aren't
t. Jesus H. Christ

>> No.11036156

How many jiggaboo coons does it take to fag up a kike with a group of spics? Ask the slopes and zipper heads.

>> No.11036164

Yes they are
t. My dad works at nintendo

>> No.11036174

you're mom gay LOL
t. My dad is the president

>> No.11036179

This is basically how my dad quit. Helped him lose weight, too!

>> No.11036186

Yes I did, by not being a bitch controlled by emotional urges.

>> No.11036188

When you quit smoking, the first thing you'll notice with your food is the taste you've been missing out on ever since you began. Shit feels good.

Get yourself some licorice to chew on and get some patch to get rid of the nicotine crave.

>> No.11036228

Stopped smoking

>> No.11036229

No... way...

>> No.11036233

I just had to remind myself every time I felt a craving, every time I had a mood swing, every time I wanted to fucking die, that I'm feeling this way because my body is getting rid of a poison. Peak hell of quitting is at the 2 week mark. If you can make it for 3 weeks, you've made it for life.

Easier than losing weight. Though speaking of which, make sure you don't mistake your nicotine cravings for hunger. That combined with the decrease in metabolic activity is what makes people get fat after smoking cessation.

>> No.11036249

Same. It actually works. At first I thought it was bizarre how he overused some metaphors, but after looking into it I think he was actually using hypnosis.

>> No.11036273

At first, it's forbidden fruit - what could possibly be so great about this product that people are willing to use it despite the fact that it will eventually kill them? Then you try it and get a pretty good buzz going. You enjoy the buzz, so you keep doing it. Eventually your body adapts so that you no longer get that feeling and you're using tobacco not to feel better, but to feel normal. It's long since stopped giving you pleasure, but you're pouring your health and money into it anyway because this is life now. Not unlike being married.

>> No.11036328

>it still isn't a joke

>> No.11036345

>I was a pack a day American Spirit smoker

must have taken you just about all day just to suck those tighly packed motherfuckers down.

>> No.11036366

just stop smoking you absolute pussy
throw away your cigarrettes
stop buying cigarrettes
don't receive cigarrettes when offered
just fucking stopbeing a little bitch
>muh withrawal
fucking pussy

>> No.11037406

Nicotine can act as either a stimulant or a depressant. If you take away the negative effects of tobacco, nicotine is really a wonder drug.

>Depending on the number, volume, duration, smoke dilution, and depth of inhalation, nicotine can act as either a stimulant or tranquilizer. This can explain why smokers report that smoking gives them energy, stimulates their mental activity, and helps them to attend and concentrate , while others note that smoking relieves anxiety, leads to feelings of contentment, and relaxes them [23]. Upon entering the bloodstream, nicotine immediately stimulates the release of neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and hormones , which are responsible for most of nicotine's effects like reducing pain, stress, and anxiety or increasing arousal and enhancing cognitive functions like alertness, concentration, and memory [24]

>> No.11037438
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I literally just stopped

I smoked 20 Reds (Marlboro) a day

I used to drink with it, so when I wasn't drinking I wasn't smoking

2 birds with 1 stone

>> No.11037722
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Weed's only good for replacing psychedelics because "dude Pink Floyd and fractal gifs lmao" but without "what the fuck I am doing with my life".
All the other drugs just complement weed.

>> No.11037761
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I'd try something like this. Brand is called boulder. You don't have to worry about replacing cotton or coils. Just fill with liquid. The cart/tip things that you fill are disposable, so it's more expensive over time. The convenience of not having to work on it is worth it to me. It's a good starter. ~$50.

>> No.11037868

you just get busy doing other stuff

>> No.11037880

Smok Alien.
People who are against them, and Smok products generally, have bought fake ones on the cheap.
Genuine Smok products are great.

>> No.11037968
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Just switch to snus

>> No.11037994

I smoked for six years and I quit. Have been quit since... 2014. This is how it happened:

>fucking love cigarettes, still do, love the smell love the taste, they're great
>my ex wanted me to quit for her, so she bought me the gum
>bitched and moaned about it, but eventually tried it out
>did literally nothing to curve the urge to smoke
>then one day we go out for beverages, I'm chewing nicotine gum like a fiend
>accidentally swallow that bitch
>endless puking
>I mean puking bile up from my insides, no liquid left inside me puking
>holy shit you cannot imagine dry heaving nothing and still feeling like you're going to puke puking
>after that day, never smoked again, quit cold turkey

>> No.11038018

>I read some self-help book on quitting smoking written to intentionally cast cigarettes in the worst light possible and now I'm convinced cigarettes literally provide no pleasure or stimulation
You're pretty dumb and suggestible.
But yeah, woah maaaan, it's like I just *think* I'm feeling good because the chemicals are making my brain release fake pleasure signals! You did it, anon! You saw through the illusion of tobacco!

>> No.11038020

i am way too vain to smoke continuously. I notice skin worsening and yellowing of teeth and fingers - easy cold turkey.

>> No.11038026

Smoked 25 longs a day, then I went on vacation where I had zero stress for 3months meeting my then international girlfriend who showed me around her country., after like 2 days of this I was completely free. No cravings or anything. (the pussy did help.)

>> No.11038039

I don't get people who have trouble dealing with cigarettes that have slightly more resistance on a drag.
You get used to it after the first one or two times you smoke it, and after that weaker drag cigarettes feel like you're smoking unsatisfying empty paper.

>> No.11038054
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>don't bring a single cig to work/wherever the fuck you're going
>occupy mind when home
>actively convince myself there is no difference between smoking and not amoking
Keep it up for 2/3 days, smoke, repeat with one day on top, until you truly found joy in other things/broke the habit. Gym or exhausting physical exercise helps a lot on the way

>> No.11038060

I stopped 10 year habit in 2016 december.
Then I started smoking again December 2017, after almost 12 months smoke-free.
Smoked 2 months and quit again this Feburary.

I´ve got drunk 2 times since and smoked few ciggies, but other than that I have not smoked sober since february.

Nasty shit habit

>> No.11038064

The patch worked for a lot of people I know

>> No.11038096

I wonder what kind of damage I did to my lungs in my early 20s.

Smoked pack a day, smoked weed daily from bong and unfiltered joints mixed with tobacco. I was also working in a lumberjack industry without any masks lots of wood and rock dust around all day. I would spit and cough black mucus end of the day as If working in some chinese coal mines..

I don´t smoke anymore and changed jobs.. and my lungs feel fine, my cardio is good and I do not get exhausted easily.

Im nearing my late 20s and I still would not be surprised if diagnosed with some terminal lung cancer in my mid 30s suddenly.

>> No.11038237

no one thinks you look like a douch, i go to high school and fucking everyone vapes, i have no doubt cigarettes will be phased out completely in a few years.

>> No.11038260

I started smoking cigars to quit cigarettes. Now they all taste gross and I smoke a cigar like once a week.

>> No.11038300

Trust me kiddo people think vapers are douchebags.

enjoy the vacation btw

>> No.11038319

This. I've quit on and off (longest stretch was 9 months) but in the last year or so I recognized that I only want to smoke if I'm drinking, and ended up cutting down without any real real effort to do so. Then again I live in Jew York so I basically had to ration out cigarettes anyway. I smoked rollies most of the time it didn't do anything but curb the anxiety from nicotine withdrawal, and I knew I smelled like shit if I smoked during the day. Eventually you get tired of feeling bad when you have to sit next to people in a waiting room, class, etc.

>> No.11038327

Toothpicks. I work at two bars so smoking and drinking is just part of the culture.

Look like an edgy fucker, maybe, but it helps to have a placebo. I still go out during smoke breaks with coworkers to keep the social aspect, "inhale/exhale" the toothpick, secondhand smoke still there to keep familiar with the illusion. Admittedly my drinking has gone up a bit with less to occupy my time but that's the next thing on the chopping block.

I am officially down 2 months, from 5 years of smoking at a pack a day.

Also recommend the gym to help detox and sweat it all out.

>> No.11038334

I just stopped buying cigarettes
Not very helpful advice but that's what I did

>> No.11038335

>Admittedly my drinking has gone up a bit with less to occupy my time but that's the next thing on the chopping block.
what made me successfully quit drinking is smoking a pack a day. It calms your nerves and its not really that bad for you. you should try it.

>> No.11038352
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>smoke a marlboro red out of curiousity
>tastes pretty good, vaguely like chocolate, smoking is very relaxing, nice head rush
>smoke like 1 cigarette a month now

im not convinced the addiction meme is real

>> No.11038621

>marlboro tastes vaguely like chocolate
>breasts feel like bags of sand
shoo shoo jew, peddle your cancer elsewhere

>> No.11038815

Smoking one cigarette a month is nothing. You're not a smoker. Not even a casual smoker. Start smoking a pack a day and then get back to us on addiction.

>> No.11038967

I started smoking weed

And dick

>> No.11038988

Quit cold turkey. It’s just a matter of time before the cravings go away. When they come you have wait for them to abate. They become less frequent as time goes on.

>> No.11039017

This. I decided to quit smoking, and stopped smoking. Got drunk at a party once, smoked some and felt like shit about it the next day, a few months later was drunk as fuck again and took one puff and felt so bad about it I stopped. Was like a year ago, haven't smoked since. Taste has noticeable improved, smell has noticeably improved, my lungs feel better but that might just be placebo.

Was smoking like half a pack a day for 4 ish years. DESU the fact that the new Turkish Royals suck total ass was a major factor in helping me quit, proves that Camel is eternally the most based brand that's looking out for the boys.

>> No.11039032

Don't do drugs to stop taking drugs kids, think about what you are doing when you read shit like this. Makes no goddamn sense and is a waste of money and time. Been there done that should have eaten a bullet instead.

>> No.11039041

Vaping is a great alternative if you can get over the stigma.

>> No.11039067

...? Your shit makes no sense my dude. You don't smoke a pack a day until you're already addicted, not the other way around

>> No.11039329

I tapered down and then used patches. Been a couple years now, no relapses, cravings come and go but they're mild. Still get smoking dreams on a regular basis.

>> No.11039552


smoked a pack a day for about 15 years. Used the patch and tea tree toothpicks. My quit date was 10 years ago this past march.

>> No.11039725

on day 5 right now, first time I'm trying to quit. didn't realise how addicted I was until now. cravings were so bad the last few days I literally spent 20 min on my bed just conciously keeping myself from walking to the store. I'm a bit better now but still struggle every time I hear a lighter. or open my book. or my bus is 15 min late.
addiction is scary.

>> No.11040310

vape dot deals has a lot of kits for sale.

>> No.11040367

I tried quiting cold turkey but I couldn't get the drumstick lit.

>> No.11040746

wish there was a patch for alcohol tbqh

>> No.11040763


look up the Sinclair Method

>> No.11040775

im poor and cant afford cigarettes rn. i'm sure i'll start back up again in a month tho

>> No.11040986

It still hurts

>> No.11041300
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I quit smoking a pack a day and chewing a half a tin of mouth tobacco a day a week ago.

Go cold turkey. Anything else just delays your suffering. It really is only 3 days of hard sucking before things ease up. I did this once before and lasted 6 months before my college friends came into town and I picked it up again.

Keep busy, go on walks, play disc golf, etc.

The first 3 days will suck ass just keep yourself distracted.

I'd avoid caffeine and tell people you're quitting so you have some accountability and support you can call on if you have a bad craving.

>> No.11041365

had been gradually cutting back for ~a year then packed them in ct for good on NYE 2012

main motivators were a desire to be able to breathe correctly again after nearly a decade on them, and wanting to be able to wake up after a night out with JUST a boozy hangover without the additional shredded lungs

>> No.11041456

How do you keep smoking outside of teenage peer pressure?

Do you not read anything about the severe effects or do you think it "won't happen to me"? Do you think the various forms of cancer aren't "a big deal" or what? Fake overblown science from a certain opposition?

>> No.11041459

its not something you can explain to a non smoker. smoking just feels so fucking good. it feels so good that youre literally willing to accept the health risks in full knowledge how big they are. no mind games or coping needed. just say fuck it and light another.

>> No.11041462

people start when they are teenagers and get addicted

>> No.11041465

Most people who smoke are fully aware of the dangers. It's more of a "this thing brings me one small bit of happiness" so they just don't really care. Cigarettes relieve stress. Problem is once a person becomes addicted they really only relieve the stress that they caused in the first place.
I don't really see a problem with enjoying a cigarette now and then though. I'll have one when I meet up with my friends every couple of months.

>> No.11041466

idk, why do you post on 4chan when it does nothing for your health or well being?

>> No.11041476

That's a shit comparison. 4chan doesn't (literally) give you cancer or kill millions of people each year. Also going on 4chan has potential to be fun (or at least it used to) or relieve boredom, which is good for you.

>> No.11041478

Stop smoking in your house you sick fuck. Stop making it a habit. Don’t go out of your way to smoke a cigarette. Do it in the car or when you’re out. Slowly cut down until it doesn’t make you feel good.

>> No.11041479

smoking is obviously hazardous, but the claims by govts/anti-smoking groups, while well-meaning, are off-puttingly quite hysterical and simplistic

>1 in 2 smokers will die from smoking
this is obviously not true even if you stretch out the criteria required for such a claim way beyond reason. but hardly anyone is going to bother refuting it cause it would make them appear to be supporting the tobacco industry which no-one wants to do; so most just disregard such claims

>> No.11041482
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>cancer and kill millions
not my problem.
>4chan wastes time, read and absorb toxic shit, kills brain cells, enables the worst side of my personality, arguably responsible for a couple suicides/school shootings
also not my problem

pretty good comparison if i do say so myself good sirrrrrr

>> No.11041494

also this, i think if you smoke two packs a day you legit gave up on life, thats like slamming a handle of vodka every other day. i have one cigarette a day, and I'm technically a smoker, and I deal with nancy reagan faggots getting up in my face.

>> No.11041498

I guess it is a good comparison if you disregard all the points of why it's not.

>> No.11041502

judging by your nonresponse i see you have conceded to my superior wit. i thank you for the intellectual bout and wish you nothing but the best, may you hook a brainlet or two in the next thread, comrade.

>> No.11041505

Are you seriously trying to make this a "you need to make perfectly healthy and factually correct choices 100% of the time" argument or something?

Just to blog a little that doesn't mean shit:
I've "overcome" the need to use PWO for the gym. I was extremely addicted, I couldn't go to the gym without it. My gains soared shortly after starting out with it. I felt immensely strong and badass when high on it. I started reading up on it and felt I didn't want to have a chemical addiction. The brands were often banned a year after introduced but changed slightly chemically and then sold as new again. Something clearly wasn't right and I was taking it at least 3 times a week. This wasn't even the truly shady shit, I bought it over the counter. The heart raced, skin was tingling and I could muster maximizing every time. When I stopped I barely scraped myself up to go to a gym, when I was there I pretty much sliced my weights 1/3 of what I did before. I felt like absolute shit and had a hard time coping. It took several months before I took a new membership and set more achievable and sustainable goals for myself. This is undoubtedly the hardest thing I've done in the way of forming new habits.

I can't say it's the same as nicotine addiction but I feel like I've had a taste of what it's like, even though my highs were much more extreme. I don't expect everyone to just stop smoking so I felt like probing what keeps people going and see where it goes.

>> No.11041523

T-thank you?

>> No.11041526
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i'm like 60~ percent sure you misinterpreted the thread or my reply. that or i need to get to bed.

addiction is not the demon it has been made out to be. sucking dick for coke, stabbing your granny for heroin, all catchy hooks spun for conversation, bar talk, headlines. the truth is there is a lot of stress boiling in shit families, and it just so happens to have involved drugs.

But take those rare cases, and tell normal people about the horrors of addiction. They love being scared, so they'll believe it. I'm a 'smoker' but i literally smoke 3 packs a year. Usually around winter - winter just makes me feel like smoking. I finish one and I don't get another until I feel like it. i have smoked weed but I know people that are 100% 'addicted' to weed. They gotta blaze up every day, haha nah brah it ain't addictive. But it's the same shit, they need it as a crutch to take on living, like their cup of coffee. It's not physiologically an addiction, but behaviorally, it definitely is.

your definition of addiction is just you dealing with shame. Shame of not being natty, of having to come clean in the future, and some vague image of you becoming some sorta chem loon. The logical side of you struggled to understand these things as real fears and incorporated them as motivations to get over it as a hurdle. Congratulations.

4chan is def my addiction right now. Any dull moment that befell me, I click on those bookmarks up there. Removing the bookmarks do nothing. And if I just try to not use it, sometimes I wonder what kinda spicy memes are on /ck/. What shitposts there are. more sip threads and mcchicken threads, I hope! I bet!

Also jsut typing out these rambling train of thoughts with zero repercussions - SO AMAZING. best thing in the world. and YOU have to read it. HAHA. CLEAN IT UP JANNY * DAB*

>> No.11041545
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I quit about 10-12 years ago. Just quit cold turkey from one day to the next because it suddenly dawned on me that I was getting sick and coughing and getting winded easily etc. I had seen enough COPD and lung cancer to know I'd rather deal with nicotine withdrawals for a week than that bullshit.
One of the smartest choices I ever made I think.
I don't think there's a real "trick" to it. Just willpower, which includes an actual interest in quitting. Try to avoid hanging out with smokers all the time and stay busy.

There's no lens on that camera.

>> No.11041553

Each passing day gives me more reason to smoke and drink more. I don't understand why I keep fucking up.

>> No.11041566

I smoke because of this guy


>> No.11041571

Chantix I didn't finish the routine I only got 2 and half weeks in before the pills made me too sick. But after stopping the pills I didn't have major nicotine cravings so didn't start smoking again.

>> No.11041574

You are like a little baby. Watch this.
Adolfo and Steve1989 are the only people who can still make smoking look good IMO


>> No.11041617

I assumed your reply was assuming I sat on some high horse and dictated that anything less than perfect logic and the epitome of health was beneath me to even consider. Hence you trying to point out some kind of hypocrisy when posting on the chans isn't directly involved with greater health.

For the rest I'm not sure how to address. I'm certain that any addiction turns from psychologically to behaviorally if done long enough. The kicks don't set in like they've always done but it's basically routine to do it anyway. If someone broke the routine but was secretly injected with the chems they crave I would say it hardly matters. They would still feel like shit as if they had not gotten the dose. The ritual itself is what is MOST important. Placebo is one hell of a drug. Perhaps we're already agreeing with each other here and I could see why addictions aren't the biggest deal here. Changing from a stressful environment of shittyness to a calm and good one could potentially be the biggest factor to stop an addiction. I think "In a nutshell" did a youtube video about heroin addiction that went something like that.

As for my addiction being solved with the source of shame I can't quite grasp the core of what you're saying. I did feel ashamed over my results post quitting pwo but translating that to my logical side struggling to understand them as real fears and turning it into motivations to stop doesn't sit right with me. In other words did you mean that my desire to become natty was weaker than my desire to not have a chemical addiction?

I might be rambling somewhat incoherently so I hope you bared with me here. I feel similar about the 4chans addiction but literally anything else that comes up overrides it pretty much instantly. It's an addiction to fill the dead time, sometimes to procrastinate but never used to delay anything involving others in real life.

>> No.11041725

tell yourself you have already quit and believe it as if you have already quit, repeat for about a month

>> No.11042193

The cigarette industry won't allow that to happen. Soon the laws against vaping will be so draconian it's just not worth selling vape (there's no long-term studies you see, so it's too unsafe for the public).

>> No.11042212

Holy fuck not even inner-city Chicago is that expensive unless you smoked 2+ packs a day.

>> No.11042300


>> No.11044266

I'm not a quitter

>> No.11044370

boomer detected

>> No.11044376

Fuck off with your conspiracy theories, Alex

>> No.11044695

Cold turkey dropped it and switched to coffee and chewing my nails

>> No.11044746

coffee makes me want to chain smoke