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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 425x425, v60-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11028480 No.11028480 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your coffee /ck/? Post your setup, brewing methods, favorite roasters, daily grind, etc.

Today's cup:
>Hario v60
>30g blended beans
>600ml water

>Pre-wet filter
>Saturate grounds
>30s bloom
>Pulse pour for about 3 stages

Let's appreciate coffee together. All coffee welcome!

>> No.11028494

this is too bourgeois for me
i like very sweet espresso and only if i am working

>> No.11028563

Do you like affogato? I don't drink espresso too often but I can't say no to a treat.

>> No.11028575

iced coffee is good so is brewed ground coffee
starbucks is where its at it tastes good AF

>> No.11028581

is that espresso with ice cream in it? we have that at the restaurant i work at someday ill try it

>> No.11028589

for me, it's instant decaf

>> No.11028594
File: 434 KB, 800x800, 376360733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a cheap ass

>> No.11028622

>Light stovetop, put kettle on
>Use side of butcher knife to grind beans
>Put coffee in big cup, pour boiling water over it
>Wait 4 minutes
>Take another cup, tuck a paper towel in the top for filter
>Pour coffee in, making sure to hold the paper towel in place

>> No.11028638

>Use side of butcher knife to grind beans

ok this is dumb get a damn bean grinder

>> No.11028646

It only takes a few minutes and gives me something to do while the water boils.

>> No.11028668
File: 22 KB, 355x355, ucc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanilla ice cream doused with espresso, simple but quite delicious. I highly recommend it.

UCC coffee is great in all forms! I prefer their gold blend drip packs in a pinch but I've heard good things about the instant mixes. Do you have a favorite blend between the 117 and 114?

>Use side of butcher knife to grind beans
How do you do that? I'm not sure how to visualize. To my understanding grinding uses an abrasive wheel as the cutting tool, akin to milling, so I'm a bit confused. Sorry if it's a dumb question.

>> No.11028695

>get yourself a big cutting board
>spread beans on middle of board
>take knife, put it flat on top of beans
>put palm on top of knife, press firmly down to crack beans
>repeat, move knife around and keep pressing until ground

>> No.11028778
File: 93 KB, 570x570, crushing garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see, thanks for clarifying! It makes more sense to me now. Given the context I'd say you're describing 'crushing' not 'grinding', which is why I was confused.

It does seems pretty laborious to do every morning though, how long have you been using this method?

>> No.11028785

I only use it when I have to get up in the early morning for work, I have a swing shift.

>> No.11028812
File: 128 KB, 800x600, 1451032235078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can an anon with a digital scale do me a favor?

I'm trying to make cold brew and all the recipes I've found use weights but I don't have a scale. How many tablespoons/teaspoons is one ounce of coarse ground coffee?

>> No.11028813

>all these meme beans and paraphernalia
you coffee snobs are in dire need of your own Judgement of Paris

>> No.11028837

1.6 Tablespoons.

>> No.11028843

Thank you kind sir

>> No.11028857

Really it's just fancy talk for using a scale and pouring hot water over some grounds. The actual coffee matters more than the method.

>> No.11028889
File: 527 KB, 945x1235, duo-bg11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use pic related, Fellow Duo. It's really just a glorified french press powered by gravity. Way too expensive for what it is, but I got it as a gift a few years ago and I use it every day. Watching the coffee pour down the side of the glass is satisfying. Turns out it's great for cold brew, as well.
>3 heaping tbs of fine espresso roast
>~2 cups of water
>half water, 30s, rest of water, 3.5 mins

>> No.11028902

There's no snobbery, we're here to appreciate all coffee. It's good stuff.

>> No.11028983
File: 19 KB, 500x500, duo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never tried one, how's the cleanup? Looked up a video of the brewing and it really is great eye candy. Oddly enough people seem to use it for infusing flavors into water too.


>> No.11029067

Cleanup isn't bad. Easier than a french press in my opinion. Metal portion is two pieces, with a metal filter inside, and the glass screws off. I got a reuseable drip filter that I dump all the used grounds into, then just rinse off the metal parts. I'll wash it with soap maybe once a week. Minimal staining after three years of constant use, with grounds sitting inside for a day at a time.

>> No.11029174

I always go back to my kalita 185. I need to get a server like that.

>Kalita 185
>19.5g beans
>~320ml water

>Pre-wet filter
>Saturate grounds ~50g water
>30s bloom
>Pour to ~170g in spirals
>wait for it to recede a bit
>usually ~1 min in pour to ~230g
>wait again
>~1.5 min in pour to 290g
>top it off right before 2 min

>> No.11029367
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This setup is cute.

>> No.11029386

>lists everything except the beans

>> No.11029394

you can do it by volume too
just make sure to make it a bit more concentrated that way you can dilute it with water to taste instead of fucking it up all at once

>> No.11029401

>2 cups brewer
>only one cup

>> No.11029415

I've been doing cold brew lately.
>Mix 300g coffee and 85oz water
>Let sit for 24 hours
>Double filter
>Fill cup halfway with coffee
>Fill rest of the way with boiling water

>> No.11029423

>The actual coffee matters more than the method.

This, however the method is also important.

Also coffee snob-ness isn't really a thing, it is actually a taste thing. This isn't like fine wine tasting, the taste actually does make a difference.

Think of it like beer tasting. Sure to the uninitiated all beer will taste the same regardless of how high quality or how well-crafted it is. However a regular beer drinker will seek better flavor or will have a preference, but sure he might drink a bud light or budweiser in a social setting every once in a while. As you drink more, your palette develops better and you are able to taste the small differences. Same thing with coffee, you can start with store-bought Folger's, Maxwell house, starbucks, etc., but as you get used to it, if you try single origin coffee or even coffee from your local roaster, you will notice a difference and it will taste better to you.

>> No.11029433
File: 25 KB, 600x400, BIG CITY BLEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people don't mention it so I skipped, but it's Four Barrel's Big City blend. It's a dark roast with dark chocolate and molasses notes!

>> No.11029497

my setup:
for 1 person:
>Gabi dripper
>wait for water to settle off boil
>wet the filter
>add coffee
>50g preinfusion
>after 30s add the rest

for >1 people:
>big Clever Dripper
>same water
>wet the filter
>add coffee
>add all water
>put the lid on, break the crust after 30s and stir gently
>put the lid on again
>start the drain at 2min

today's coffee: washed Ethiopia; has a really pronounced acidic note - at first I thought that I underextracted a bit, but after setting everything perfectly I still found it in my cup

>> No.11029521

Why no french press users here? Is pourover really that superior?

>> No.11029631

I prefer the taste and ease of a french press but the pour over makes clean up so easy since you just throw out the filter with the grounds in it.

>> No.11029635

This is a fair analogy. There's some incremental science behind the method, but the method only exists so people can tailor coffee to their preferences. So it does boil down to personal taste in the end, if you like it then it's fine. No one's actually snobbish about that unless they're an ass to begin with.

We're here to enjoy coffee!

They're different but both are good. Actually, we usually have more french press users pop in than pour over users. Did you have any questions about the french press?

>> No.11029695

what type of roast is better suited for a french press?

>> No.11029728
File: 58 KB, 477x388, olivewood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use any bean but I like dark roasts the best with the french press. I believe dark roasts tend to have more oils which really works well with a french press to draw out the coffee's aroma.

>> No.11029842

french roast ruined dark roasts for me, any recommendations?

>> No.11029960
File: 193 KB, 1593x1080, g300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my kalita 185 too! The steel dripper pairs really well with the g300 server, pic related if it interests you. Baby server is a little easier to manage from my experience.

>spiral pour
Do you chase the dark spots or is it a pretty consistent spiral for you? I can't decide if one or the other is a better guideline.

How long have you been using the gabi dripper? I really like how easy it is to get consistent extraction with that brewer but I don't use it often due to the plastic.

>> No.11030117
File: 63 KB, 1180x614, ucc 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Side note, does anyone have suggestions for a travel kettle? Can't find anything realistically portable.

Fancy picture of normal UCC coffee for your time.

>> No.11030242

What is the taste difference between. French and pour over? I like French because there is less setup and hassle. I have a stainless steel press.

>> No.11030265

Pourover tastes cleaner, french press you basically just taste the oils and your taste buds get clogged with mud.

>> No.11030269

I like the sams club brand Columbia k-cups

Two tablespoons of butter and two tablespoons of mct oil and blend it in my nutri-ninja

Bone apple Keith!

>> No.11030300

French press has way more intense flavor. Pour over is "cleaner". Anon >>11030265 is just a woman.

>> No.11030304

What kind of flyover shit hole do you live in where the kind of coffee brewing apparatus you use determines your gender?

>> No.11030309

Are you young or just live in such a sheltered shithole that you never had your masculinity questioned?

>> No.11030356

I'm 41, I've lived in 3 different countries, and the only person who seems to have concerns about his masculinity here is you.

>> No.11030395

You can say that but I'm not the one drinking girly coffee.

>> No.11030592
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Taste is very subjective so it's hard to really pinpoint the individual nuances between the two until you try it yourself.

The primary differences resides in how the grinds interact with your brew. French press coffee is typically bolder and stronger because of submersion, it picks up more oils from the grinds as well as grit. Same reason a dark roast really shines with this method.

On the other hand, pour over produces a much cleaner and dynamic flavor palette because there's more control in extraction and how the brew is filtered. This type of brewing can really help bring out the subtle flavors of different coffee blends if that's something you look for.

Don't be a butthead. I'm a girl and I enjoy both forms of brewing.

>> No.11031190
File: 127 KB, 1260x1260, slowspecial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evening brew?

>> No.11031204

nothin' beats a cup o' folger's with milk son

>> No.11031210

>fill rest with boiling water
lmfao so close yet so far

>> No.11031240
File: 33 KB, 510x600, 2017-GTA-24-510x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

advice for new coffee brewers: start off with shitty beans and work your way up

I bought pic related for my first coffee and now I can't stomach any of the beans I can actually afford ;_;

Any Britbros recommend good beans I can find at supermarkets here?

>> No.11031257

I make cold brew but with milk instead of water
It's so fucking decadent and delicious

>> No.11031260

hario skerton with stabilizer
pour full boil RO water with at least 2ft free fall
5 minutes in french press

>> No.11031262
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I use a senseo and whatever cheap pads I currently have at home

>> No.11031264

I know the feeling, my favorite coffee is ¥3,500 a bag which is not very reasonable on the regular. What's the damage for your favorite? If you can describe the flavor you like maybe someone can recommend a similar blend.

I like mixing cold brew concentrate with half & half sometimes. Very rich!

>> No.11031269
File: 43 KB, 800x800, 2018-01_GQ_Coffee-Best-Stuff-onyx_1x1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone tried this?

>> No.11031304

Haven't tried that blend but I'm sure it's good. I tasted a few brews at their Bentonville shop when I was in town and didn't find one I disliked. Cold brew was incredibly smooth and potent too!

>> No.11031308


£8.95 for 250g bag

>> No.11031441
File: 42 KB, 640x543, e-e1491787997563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want one of these.

>> No.11031809

Hario plastic v60 and some filters will run you just a few bucks
And you should have an electric scale anyway
Also the swan neck kettle is unnecessary

>> No.11031987

What do you guys have with your morning cup? For me it's a taco.

>> No.11031999
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>> No.11032054

>creamer other than milk
>on a coffee thread

>> No.11032065

Does anyone else here take irish cream with coffee? It can make the shittiest coffees taste good, at least for me.

>> No.11032088

Toast with cream cheese or pate

>> No.11032718

What's wrong with that?

>> No.11032765

Moccamaster cooker, some good Finn-style blend of Arabica and Colombian roasts. Drip.
A dash of full milk in the mug.

>> No.11032777
File: 23 KB, 368x433, delonghi_ec155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related has been my primary coffee maker for a year, is it good? What coffee works best with it? I use pilon right now

>> No.11032863
File: 247 KB, 760x572, 1520618431040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Moka pot and cezve are the only legit ways to hot brew your covfefe. Everything else is for fags.
2. Everyone who puts fake milk (like almond) in their coffee must be gassed. Coconut is fine tho.
3. If you drink black sugar-free coffee without snacks you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.11032973

I'm lusting after the scale, it's not worth the high pricetag. Already have too much coffee stuff anyways.

I do mostly agree with your advice but I wouldn't forego the kettle!

>> No.11033053
File: 109 KB, 800x400, three.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'd be a terrible barista because I can't keep track of multiple brewers in the morning. Maybe it's easier if you have multiple scales set up.

>> No.11033118
File: 15 KB, 474x474, Bialetti mukka express.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a fan of a regular cappuccino, nothing fancier than that but I went through all sorts of coffee makers, routines and blends and all the fucking around, spend thousands and was never happy
one day I bought pic related, I buy beans from a local roaster grind them myself and never looked back, its probably 5 years old now, still make a cup every morning and night in a few minutes, cant be beat for a single person, its a bit of a hassle to make multiple cups, but other than that its one of the best things I ever bought.

>> No.11033154

I have been using it for 4 months now and I love it. After being used almost daily, the plastic is still clear and it does not give the brew any funny flavour.

It's easy to use, filters are widely available and the final cup is great!

>> No.11033165

I'm using Kenwood JKM076 and it has so far worked great

>> No.11033171


>> No.11033197

In what universe do scales have a high pricetag

>> No.11033203

I mean as long as you use good beans you can screw up the timing slightly and still make a great brew

>> No.11033224
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstood me, I'm lusting after that specific scale in the photo. It's the acaia pearl priced at $140. I'm just saying it's foolishly overpriced for what it offers but I still like it!


>> No.11033235

Yea it looks naice
If you want 0.1g resolution just get a cheap jeweler's/pocket scale for like $10

>> No.11033266
File: 6 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better photo of just the scale by itself. There's also a much smaller version I've been eyeing for travel/camping.

Yeah, I find most proper food scales do a pretty good job as it is even if it doesn't look as pretty. They're probably better in practice. What do you like to use anon?

>> No.11033267
File: 37 KB, 1000x1000, mokaExpress_48996119-ad83-43ae-a385-111584aaabb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a 3 cup moka express. nostalgia plays a part, but i do genuinely love this thing

>> No.11033272

Just a 10bongbux scale from amazon
works fine

>> No.11033275

Yeah I used moka's on and off for years, its the best tasting coffee to me, but the mukka is a little different, you add milk to the top section and it has a little valve at the top that contains the steam pressure and lets it out all at once which warms and froths the milk in one go, its pretty rad.


>> No.11033305
File: 32 KB, 600x400, 568c1f9d916c663d302edfb72aceb637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a baby mokapot entirely for the novelty but that mukka looks really promising. My family usually likes frothy milk in their coffee so I might get one to try it on them when they visit. How's the cleanup?

Thanks for the recommendation anon.

>> No.11033335

It's a little bit of a routine, but no worse than some coffee machines i've owned. If you leave it over night or something with the coffee and water in it you'll have a mess, but its nothing more than a rinse out and a wipe
i put it in the dishwasher or hit it with some steel wool now and again but no worse than a regular moka really, you just have to keep the valve bit clean and leave it to soak/dry after use or i'll get clogged up eventually and can be a bit harder to clean.

>> No.11033478
File: 996 KB, 3725x2483, olivewood3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get some french press appreciation too. I'm surprised more french press users haven't popped in yet.

Pic related is my current go-to french press. It has the look and feel of a pour over setup while being a true french press.

>> No.11033644

what is the purpose of the extra glass?

>> No.11033730
File: 29 KB, 425x425, olivewood4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm being truthful, pure aesthetic. But the working idea is "double walled" glass to keep the temperature stable. I don't mind either way, look at the beauty.

>> No.11033939

I guess I'm like, a totally coffee plebeian. I go for the walmart brand coffee that's like three bucks a pound. Usually make it in a french press and I take with sugar and cream because I don't really like bitter shit at all.

>> No.11033944

I will say the walmart coffee really isn't that bad. It's not that Pulp Fiction gourmet expensive shit, but it's probably as good as anything else cheaper than ten or fifteen bucks a pound.

>> No.11033989

Acaia scales are industry standard, no reason to pay that much for home use, for travelling just get a brewista scale if you really need a portable one.

>> No.11034000

What does 30s bloom mean?

>> No.11034020

It's one of the most mod-able espresso makers (not a machine because it is more of an appliance)
You should look into all the stuff you can do with it. I upgraded away from mine though.

>> No.11034050
File: 47 KB, 700x502, press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it matters how expensive it is as long as you enjoy it anon. I buy UCC pretty often, even canned, and they're not exactly considered premium in my country. Still a beloved and great brand though!

You might enjoy a good cold brew, if you use the right beans you can get something pretty floral and sweet with no bitterness. I'd recommend blends but I've only done it with stuff local to me.

I mainly like it for looks so I agree with you. I do appreciate that their scales are calibrated by industrial standards but it's probably not a necessity in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.11034054

To clarify, industrial standards being industrial weight standards, not specific to coffee.

>> No.11034062
File: 37 KB, 225x350, what6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 spoonfuls of nescafe classic in a 16oz mug and then a shitload of ice because it's so goddamn hot and humid outside, drinking real coffee will make me sweat through my clothes

why cant it be fall yet?

>> No.11034102

it's shorthand for 30 second bloom. when you pour hot water over the ground beans they swell and release built up co2 from the roasting process which causes everything to expand and foam up, that's bloom. so you pour in some water let the blooming happen for 30 seconds without pouring extra water in then pour in rest of water. .

>> No.11034233
File: 52 KB, 500x500, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically what >>11034102 described. Looks like pic related!

>> No.11034317

Different Anon, but I pour really slow and start inside working my way out with the spiral. By the time you get to the outside the center is ready to be refreshed with water.

>> No.11034329


>> No.11034446
File: 93 KB, 600x600, bloom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm starting my pour too quickly, your description makes more sense. May I ask what's your ratio?

>> No.11034477

2.65 KDR but I don't see how that's relevant

>> No.11034505

Drip coffee, no additives. I usually drink 700 mL a day, as that is what my thermos holds.

Double espresso, no additives, when I want to treat myself

>> No.11034509

>wobbly japanese pour over glass
>chemex collar with leather strap
>actually a french press
So much going in that little contraption.

>> No.11034523

Not sure where you're impressions come from. I own the brewer, it isn't wobbly and the external aesthetic is predominantly decorative. It's a straight forward french press >>11033730.

I posted it to appreciate an interesting consolidation of design ideas, we don't see that very often.

>> No.11034541
File: 457 KB, 680x1020, french 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note, I guess I'll try to stick to more traditional interpretations for these images. Even if it isn't to everyone's taste I quite enjoy these minimalist designs.

>> No.11034683
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying anything new today?

>> No.11034764

I Put brazilian cheap blended beans in a filter and pour hot unfiltered water on it

>> No.11034793
File: 35 KB, 400x400, Breakfast-Blend-Retail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm glad I can enjoy cheaper coffee and don't need the pricy stuff all the time. Pic related is my go to daily cup.

>> No.11034843

People who visit coffee shops often, can I get a list of your favorite coffee shop and bean blend? Always looking for new stuff to try when I'm on business travel.

I'm partial to tea and herbal notes if that helps.

>> No.11035005

Gonna move into my first apartment shortly, thinking of getting a chemex. Any opinions? And should I go with an electric kettle?

>> No.11035172
File: 95 KB, 800x800, 32412ADC-0899-4E53-A572-DA664440776D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee is made out of beans
>its the seeds of the plant
>loaded with antinutrients and other toxins
>the last thing the plant wants
>is for you to eat its babies

>> No.11035238
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>> No.11035377
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>> No.11035990

Man I need to get a burr grinder

>> No.11036313
File: 80 KB, 1403x1052, 1485929522457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone /vanillalatte/ here?

>> No.11036337

>linking a DYEL faggot to talk about health
kek go back to /fa/ thinspiration threads faggot

>> No.11036377

Currently using a v60. Want to try other options. Should I go for the kalita or chemex?

>> No.11037442
File: 39 KB, 680x1010, french.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /ck/. What are we brewing up today?

>> No.11037446

For the most part, coffee shops are independently owned and large chains usually are nothing special, honestly just google "coffee roasters near me" and try to find something that looks promising. And as far as blends go it comes to taste but single origin beans usually give you the best flavor clarity, blends are usually profiled to taste as balanced as possible, but that's not always the case.

>> No.11037453

i would say only get chemex if you make bigger batches at once, and get an aeropress as well. Electric goosenecks make your pourover a better, but a thermometer will also suffice as long as you have a gooseneck. Make sure you put most of your focus into the grinder, as the actual method wind matter if your grinder sucks

>> No.11037540

I have an aeropress already. What would you recommend then for smaller batches?

>> No.11037557

v60, I have a chemex as well but from what I hear the filter style causes uneven extraction

>> No.11037568

That's an interesting claim, where did you hear that about the Chemex?

>> No.11037616

It's the fact that there are three folds in front and one in the back meaning half the bed is going to be drawn through thicker paper, and the other half will be less extracted comparatively. I'm honestly not sure if it actually has that much of an effect, but the v60 is also cheaper and if it really does make better coffee then I would suggest going with that. The chemex does really well for large batches though if you ever plan on brewing for multiple people, and honestly it tastes great in my opinion.

>> No.11037654

Thanks for clarifying, I can see how that idea came to fruition. I don't think that's how extraction works though. The filter doesn't extract, it filters oils and sediment. So maybe it doesn't filter as evenly by a certain standard but to my understanding that's intentional for the end cup.

Personally would recommend a newbie the Kalita wave over the v60 because of how forgiving it is. v60 is my favorite brewer but your results suffer noticeably with a bad pour.

>> No.11037670

This is according to Scott Rao, who is a professional. Again, I think it tastes fine I was just giving a suggestion based on an experienced person's opinion. I wouldn't shy away from something just because it's "more difficult" because how else are you going to learn? You need to make a bad cup or two to understand what makes it bad and it gives you a skill to develop. If you're looking for ease of use then yeah I would say go Wave or Beehouse

>> No.11037679
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This, in a cheap Mr. Coffee percolator.

>> No.11037681

Also I worded that poorly but I know the filter isn't extracting, but the fact that half the bed has greater resistance on the drawdown, it'll take longer to percolate and therefore extract more than the other half

>> No.11037740
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I was just interested in the reasoning, thanks. I don't entirely trust a lot of professionals when they comment on these things since they operate on pseudo-science and often have their own brand-oriented agenda at play. Plus, most of them don't even drink coffee for pleasure anymore (rao included). I'm a scientist so it's a habit for me to challenge everything to a degree, apologies if I came off abrasive towards you.

I'm not the original poster asking for advice but I think either suggestion is fine, two paths to the same goal. I favor incremental growth if it means I can have higher quality results overall. They're both good brewers though!

>> No.11037756

Honestly I was skeptical of his opinion in the first place and I've seen it parroted here, I would be really interested in an actual objective comparison between them as I don't feel like picking up a v60 just to try for myself.

>> No.11037840

Thanks guys, really helpful stuff! Do you just buy everything online? Any recs for the coffee carafe? Should I just buy a kit with everything everything included?

>> No.11038050

I love chicory coffee, but I can never get that stuff to brew right. There's another brand, I think its French Market or something that tastes better for coming from a can.

>> No.11038061

For me its double shot espresso con panna from starbucks

>> No.11038125

Kits are good for getting the basics, but you're gonna want to invest heavily in a grinder because that gives you more ability to expand your set up from there, if you don't mind spending a little more, id suggest looking into espresso capable hand grinders like lido e, helor, or comandante or at the very least a baratza encore.

>> No.11038161
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Nice setup in picture - same setup I use to brew my own coffee. Dosage looks about right - myself, I make sure the water is between 195 F (91 C) and 205 F (96 C) before pouring. For me, the coffee must be organic. However, lately, I have become to lazy to pour my own coffee so I use the coffee in picture. I strongly dislike Nestlé but there is no other organic crystal-coffee available where I live.

>> No.11038169


>> No.11038241

I’ve been using Nespresso machines for the past 15 years.
Fight me.
Only machine I’d upgrade to would be a LaMarzocco Linea Mini if I had the money to source and store good beans as well to afford the machine.

>> No.11038305


smart grinder, breville cafe roma, lavazza oro. You can force the roma to over heat if you know what you're doing.

>> No.11038398
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At the risk of being banished from /ck/ indefinitely, how sacrilegious would it be to use a reusable metal filter in a Chemex?
Asking for a friend, obviously...

>> No.11038437

If you like it, you can do that. But the chemex's only worthwhile benefit is the filter, brews very clean.

>> No.11038465

folgers red can

>> No.11038514

Is it feasible to use an espresso machine daily at home?
How bad is the maintainence etc?
I'm planning to get a rocket appartamento.

>> No.11038517

Damn those are all pretty expensive. Do you think I could get a worthwhile manual under $100?

>> No.11038534

Not that anon but you could get pretty good grinders from taobao around that price.
Look up 1zpresso and anonymous grinder from taobao.

>> No.11038547

Its only advantage is that its reusable.
I'm guessing you can get a decent french press for the same price as that filter and would get just about the same coffee.

>> No.11038704

Have you used anonymous? I'm interested in testing one out but I haven't found a reseller. I don't like dealing with taobao/services for personal reasons.

>> No.11038714

Don't get rocket, you can get better features for that price point in other machines. Maintenance is pretty simple, really only have to flush after shots and do a backflush routine maybe once a week and descale every couple months

>> No.11038721

Those are only worth the cost imo because they'll out perform electric grinders that cost 3x more. If that's out of your budget I'd say just get the baratza.

>> No.11038759

Where are my /aeropress/ bros? Do you have your facourite recipe? It seems like everyone's got their own and I don't know what to make of it.

>> No.11038774

>coarse espresso ground
>32 g coffee
>100g water at 207°
>pour all water in and stir for 10 seconds
>immediately plunge for 20 seconds

>> No.11038795

That's a heavy proportion, but why 30 seconds in total? I try to make it 1.5-2 minutes to bring out the flavour.

>> No.11038887

wrong, I use a metal filter and it comes out more like pour-over with paper, than it does to french brew. It still has far less oils than it in a french brew. Still tastes cleaner with a paper filter, but it still makes a much better cup than a french brew.
If you're so concerned of oils you can add a small piece of paper towel at the bottom to absorb most of it.

>> No.11038906

what happens if i just french press my coffee and dip a filter in my cup to absorb the oils? will that give me a cleaner cup?

>> No.11038934

This morning:
28 grams Ethiopia
Hario v60
56 grams water bloom for 45 seconds, 112 first pour, 84 three pours every 45 seconds
Stir pot to aerate
Really juicy, lime rind high notes

This afternoon:
22 grams Argentina
Moka pot
Fill bottom with boiling water, put over low heat, dunk into a cold bath when it starts to sputter
Very "coffee" coffee; paper, nuts, cocoa flavor

>> No.11038978

This is my recipe

Hario V60
20g coffee, 300g water
1:15 coffee to water ratio
Medium grind
2 minute total brew time
Pre-rinse filter with water off the boil into brewing vessel.
Bloom grounds with 40g water for 20 seconds
Bloom with a 1:2 coffee to water ratio
Steadily pour remaining water (260g) over remaining time (1m40s)

What I've found is it's all voodoo ritual, this ain't baking. As long as you do generally the same thing you are fine

>> No.11039155

Got any recs around the same price?

>> No.11039191

I have a keurig and a french press.

Come at me.

>> No.11039241
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How often do you use each of them? We appreciate all types of coffee here.

>> No.11039401
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>> No.11039794


>> No.11040755
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Good afternoon /ck/. What are we brewing today?

Today's cup keeps me cool in the terrible heat.

>> No.11040862

meh, french market is cheaper.

>> No.11041444

A pack of 3 costs 25 dollars, compared to Café Du Monde costing 23 for the same thing.

>> No.11042131

Brewing Ethiopian Yirgacheffe from Adado from a new cafe/roster that just opened up in town. A little disappointed honestly, and mad at myself for cheating on my usual roaster and the barista there who knows me by name. I'm sorry Brooke, I am a weak man.

>> No.11042371
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Even with a nice setup, half the time I still just brew straight into my teacup.

>> No.11042458

I'm rock fucking hard at how A E S T H E T I C that setup is

>> No.11042503
File: 68 KB, 1000x1000, behmor_brazen_plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got myself one of these. I love it.
The only area I have criticisms with it, however, is the carafe. It does not hold enough water to fill up the reservoir, and you cannot see how much you currently have in the carafe.
So, unless you measure beforehand, it's a guessing game as to how much water you've got.

I need to get a burr grinder. I'm stuck with a blade grinder at the moment.

>> No.11043082

It's good to try new places anon, don't feel bad. Any coffee shop worth their beans would encourage it. What did you dislike about the ethiopian brew you tried?

Everyone at my favorite shop knows my favorite blends and try to keep me looped in on their menu. It's really nice when people remember your preferences!

>> No.11043253

It was more the fact that for a Yirgacheffe it tasted... dull. Even when I used a high concentration I didn't really get the lemony acidity I usually get from yirgs and none of the flavors really stood out to me. It was by no means bad, it was a very well balanced cup but it wasn't what I was expecting for a $18 12 oz bag

>> No.11043601
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>> No.11043662

2 scoops brown sugar 1 scoop nescafe.

>> No.11043670

I make 24+ hour cold brew in one of my 50oz french presses. Hot coffee is an asshole because it tries to control me. I'LL DRINK YOU ON MY SCHEDULE YOU FUCKER

>> No.11043677

Is a percolator better than a plunger?

>> No.11043683

Anyone here use an aeropress? Thoughts on it?

>> No.11043687
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that's gross m8

>> No.11043694

Optimal effort/result ratio.

>> No.11043701

"2 cups" in this context probably means 8oz, which can easily fit into a single coffee mug.

>> No.11043811

What's wrong with French roast?

>> No.11043821

Nothing if you like charred shit

>> No.11043838

Don't be mean, they were just asking a harmless question. I'll have to brew you tasty coffee until you're nice again.

>> No.11043925

I looked it up and all the Amazon reviews say it shatters spontaneously.

>> No.11043962

I have a suspicion those guys might have received fakes. Amazon's not great about vetting authenticity when they're just doing the fulfillment part. I've had mine for a few months without any sign of issue (but I did purchase it physically from a direct Hario distributor).

Only time I've had glass shatter like that was when I bought cheap glassware from those 100-yen shops, they look nice but shatter with the smallest nudge or rapid temperature variation.

>> No.11044013


>> No.11044212
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>> No.11044219

It really irks me when proper insist against a certain brand or model of something, saying stuff like
>you can get better features for that price point in other machines
But then they don't list a single alternative item or even a feature to look for.

Thank you for being so fantastically unhelpful.

>> No.11044657

Can you taste your coffee well when you're sick? Got a cold and everything is mush to me.

>> No.11044725

It irks me when people have access to the entire sum of human knowledge at their disposal and they use it to complain instead of doing their own research into something.

>> No.11044751

You know, this adequately summarizes my general disdain for human interaction. I feel like we'd make good friends.

But anon comes from a good place, I personally wouldn't mind a little more exposition in these passing comments!

>> No.11044988

Well desu I haven't really looked in a while because I remember being hooked on that machine too but people elsewhere advised otherwise. As far as HX e61 machines go, I've seen the astra pro being highly regarded. But you could also look at the lelit Mara or Diana if you're not opposed to a dual boiler. Rocket is charging a premium for a pretty common grouphead design while not really adding much else in terms of functionality.

>> No.11045370
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>> No.11045423

yeah what's the point of image boards anyways right?

why discuss anything when one can easily look up everything?

retard, not even the guy you replied to

>> No.11045655

Try a mizudashi cold brew pot amigo!

>> No.11045952

anyone who doesnt like affogato can just move on down to auschwitz

>> No.11046301

Anyone here put grounded pecan nut in their coffee ground?
The taste is fucking rich in a moka pot.

>> No.11046408

I just put like 4 spoons of pre ground coffee into a coffee machine. Coffee terminology seems so cryptic

>> No.11046425

>yeah what's the point of image boards anyways right?

to spam useless information,

to trick people thinking and doing things incorrectly,

to shamelessly and irresponsibly call people retards, without thoughts or facts behind it,

open your eyes, retard, not even that guy you replied to

>> No.11046691

First of all I gave him a reply, so I'm not sure why you need to be hostile>>11044988
Second of all, I found those machines just by googling them. So yes, you can easily look shit up and you should anyways because how the fuck else are you going to know why something is better than another option? I'm sorry that doing research into a thousand dollar purchase is too much work for most people and they would rather get the advice of an anonymous person on a Cantonese shoe polishing imageboard. Mouthbreather.

>> No.11047288
File: 169 KB, 1500x1125, wire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried a wired brewer?

I'm going to brew you both tasty hot coffee until you're nice again. Anyways, anon gave a thorough response once appropriately asked, so don't be like that.

I've heard of a few places doing similar things, it seems promising. I've personally only infused after brewing but the results were delicious.

It may be cryptic because we're describing completely different systems of brewing. It's not so bad once you get your hands messy in the process!

>> No.11047484

Do different pour over devices really deliver big differences in final results?
The only difference I can see between a V60 and a Chemex is the heavy Chemex filter.

>> No.11047504

what's a half decent grinder for french press?

>> No.11047509

Any burr grinder

>> No.11047515

Only in different extraction methods like immersion vs percolation do you see really distinct flavor characteristics, the differences within these styles among different brewers aren't really drastically significant, though you might find you prefer one to another. For example some say the v60 brings out fruitier flavors and chemex is more subtle and nuanced but that is likely hearsay and I haven't really gotten down to A/B testing them myself to have my own opinion.

>> No.11047519

Nescafe Dolca with 1/2 teaspoon of salt

>> No.11047522

not a coffee brewer but a chemistry grad. less paper/glass contact there is the faster/better the filter will work as you dont have the water sticking to the glass and paper. at uni we would fold our filter papers to minimize surface contact with the funnel

>> No.11047540

I was going to try and learn to make elaborate iced coffees. Since I didn't have the right grind to cold brew it and it was 90 degrees in the fucking morning one day I just sweetened my black drip coffee in a glass mason jar, then threw it in the freezer for 45 mins. Poured it over ice in another glass jar and added cream. It was fucking delicious and super easy. Not as fast as pouring from a batch.

>> No.11047541

There's this great coffee place near me, the only employee (and owner?) is a very tired looking chubby guy who talks super monotonous. Coffee is great, they even roast their own blend. The only gripe I have is that I prefer bitter over sour coffee, and their filter is not that strong and sour. Still very good.
Whenever I'm at home I make do with cheap lidl brand filter coffee from a busted up machine, I'm not that rich

>> No.11047566

Baratza encore

>> No.11047613


>> No.11048341

>doesn't understand what cup measurements are

>> No.11048722

Put some tea leaves in a cup. Pour boiling water.
There's my superior drink.

>> No.11048744
File: 97 KB, 1001x1001, pouroverset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP of the thread here, It may surprise you to know I'm also a rather serious tea connoisseur. We have some nice tea threads too if you haven't made your way over yet!

What interests me more is how we're able to taste notes of tea in coffee but I don't really find teas with notes of coffee. Not even in puer. Either way, they're both wonderful things to enjoy.

>> No.11048838

A agree, if all teafags tried a nice geisha I'm sure it would change some minds

>> No.11049044

how is this any different from a generic tea infuser?

>> No.11049314

What could I infuse with the beans to add a chocolate flavor? I used to put cinnamon sugar in with the grounds but I want chocolate now.

>> No.11049450


>> No.11049479

Get out.

>> No.11049680

What's a half-decent coffee to get at a decent price?

>> No.11049718

Kuerig, extra cream and splenda

>> No.11049769

holy shit that video is unwatchable

>> No.11049770

>"2 cups" in this context probably means 8oz
Except 8oz is literally 1 cup.
Nor do you.

>> No.11049780

french press is completely outclassed by the aero press

>> No.11049785

Cold brew in big ass jug. Every other method is for fags.

>> No.11049787

Folger's instant coffee crystals and microwaved water

>> No.11049793

Mr coffee burr grinder, set for 4 cups per large cup served, French press 4 minutes with water heated to 91-96 degrees C.

>> No.11049796

This. I threw away my french press a couple years after I got an aeropress since I never used it anymore.

>> No.11049841

>not keeping it around for tea, and filtering out the coarse grounds in cold brew

>> No.11050225

French press that I haven't changed the filter for in over a year, and aldi grounds. Boom.

>> No.11050297

>blocks your path
>nothing personal senpai

I used to freshly grind my beans and then Bialetti it on the stove.
Took me ages for a coffee with barely any créma and a not good taste.
Pic related saves me a shit ton of time (money) and it tastes good + easy cleaning.
I just take the milk from the fridge and put it in the dispenser, press Cappuccino and the result is good. Also it needs a small amount of beans.
It has an alarm timer, when I wake up in the morning the coffee machine activates and pre heats while Im in the shower.
I regret nothing.

Also if you slow brew or cold brew your coffee unironically you are a homosexual.

>> No.11050300
File: 105 KB, 960x784, de-longhi-kaffeevollautomat-perfecta-esam-5400-b-mit-kegelmahlwerk-schwarz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upsi forgot pic

>> No.11050654


>> No.11051555

Like my wife likes her men

>> No.11051585

cocoa nibs

>> No.11051648

Flat white?

>> No.11051803

evenings are for tea
mornings are for coffee
do not argue

>> No.11051816

250g smoked streaky bacon on 2 toasted bagels with cream cheese.

>> No.11051818

Here's today's brew my fellow faggots:
> 1 (one) 12 ounce cup of donut shop brewed from the finest of Keurigs, french vanilla creamer

>> No.11051858

Honestly why keurig? You're paying more for worse coffee. It takes maybe three minutes more to make a French press, which is probably the lowest effort possible to get something that will absolutely blow keurig out of the water

>> No.11051862

For those into espresso, what brands of beans are on your "want to try" list?

So far I've tried:
Counter Culture

Want to try:
Blue bottle

Anything else that makes the list for you?

>> No.11051867

Because I bought the machine on sale for like $80 around 5 years ago and I buy bulk kcups on amazon for something like $0.10 a cup. I also have a refillable cup with filters that I use. I also don't give a shit about coffee desu, it all tastes the same to me. Some acidic, some bitter, some just taste like water, all are shit.

>> No.11051876

how different is the flavor profile of these compared with a standard decent espresso setup?

>> No.11051884

$80 is way more than you'd spend for an FP but if you really don't care then suit yourself, the fact that you think it all tastes like shit though kind of tells me you haven't ever tried freshly roasted high quality coffee.

>> No.11051901

aren't many burrs espresso oriented and won't have the proper coarse end range for french press?

>> No.11051904

Sweet, what mods do you recommend?

>> No.11051925

not him but would drink instant at that point. Easier and at least has a semi respectable taste
those cups are disgusting overprocessed shit. I also don't like DRM in my coffee

>> No.11051929

I like:
>Kauai (current)
>Ikea coffee (its actually pretty good)
>Pilon (I usually drink it in Miami, due to the Cubans)
>Kirkland Colombian (one of my personal favorites)

>> No.11051944

I agree, if all you need is a caffeine dose why even force yourself to drink garbage you don't enjoy? I understand not everyone cares about getting specialty coffee brewed well, but at what point do you stop to think about why you're drinking stale, wasteful, costly trash that you hate?

>> No.11051993

Can't be helped. I personally would take instant or commodity drip brew over the burned catpiss or artificial creamer-mountain watered down shit that most popular chains serve. Drip brew/instant is already a fast process. No need for shitty DRM cups with artificial flavors sprinkled in.

>> No.11052097

I use Peet’s Major Dickason blend is that acceptable on this board?

>> No.11052110

I’ll also mention that I switched to whole bean about a year ago and haven’t looked back since, in fact the one time I had no choice but to use grinds I thought the same blend tasted like poo.

>> No.11053710

It's ok if you like it, but I think it's overroasted

>> No.11053850
File: 1.67 MB, 3018x3018, 5C02D693-5DF0-4651-944F-AEBA752C20C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to grab a lactic process Gesha from Onyx... pretty fucking interesting.

Currently going through a Gesha and Wush Wush from Brandywine Roasters

Tetsu V60 is definitely worth it for the coffee autist. Coarse ground coffee with a specialized dripper. Clearest cup of coffee I’ve had packed with all the flavor

>> No.11053885

Try local roasters instead, look for beans roasted within at least two days of your purchase. You might find some hidden gems.

>> No.11053905

How is the wush wush? I was interested in trying it

>> No.11053916

So I went to my local roaster and tried a variety of beans. Most of them were pretty weak as in they tasted kinda diluted. They have very expensive looking equipment and roast/grind their beans there. Is this how good coffee is supposed to taste? I honestly prefer store bought coffee cause of the stronger flavor.

>> No.11053968

Fantastic. Really light, I wouldn’t say as light as a Gesha but much more sweet and the mouthfeel is like a peach tea. A little acidic but the sweetness is on full display. Fucking delicious.

Just ordered an Elefante from Madcap and a black honey from Brandywine.

>> No.11053973

Eh I beg to differ on two day freshness. Most specialty coffees really open up after a week of degassing

>> No.11054010

You're right but I just wasn't clear. I didn't mean to drink immediately, but typically it's just nice to know that what you're getting is fresh, to let sit until fully degassed, I meant it more as buying advice.

>> No.11054096
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They made their coffee weak. Buy the beans and make it stronger yourself
This isn't rocket appliances

>> No.11054679
File: 41 KB, 570x760, coffeeperc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i get a vintage coffee percolator? It's only 15 bucks at my local antique place. Looks like this

>> No.11054683

if you just want it as a decoration sure, otherwise no, it produces terrible coffee

>> No.11054690
File: 550 KB, 1424x618, 1528029783579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are the cutest coffee bags ever

>> No.11054799
File: 370 KB, 480x327, silly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute and delicious, I'm sold.

>> No.11054831
File: 41 KB, 570x395, o-AEROPRESS-COFFEE-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't there a glass aeropress? wtf. It's a great coffee maker. You can even use it for drip coffee if you're so inclined. I take it camping and reuse the filter.

>> No.11055173

glass breaks

>> No.11055203

What you think is strength is likely just the roast profile. Mainstream coffee companies have pushed the misconception for decades that a darker roast equals a stronger coffee but it just isn't true. Smaller roasteries usually use lighter roast profiles so that you can actually taste the flavour of the coffee, overroasting coffee just masks all flavour, usually on purpose because the quality of the bean is shit

>> No.11055355

Aeropress' selling point is how practical it is. Glass isn't as practical as plastic.

>> No.11055468

i like my coffee with no cream

>> No.11055474

I just eyeball aeropress or drink instant coffee at work. Is it worth making "proper" coffee and getting autistic about it? My husband made me pour over with some hipster beans a few times and it was really nice but it doesn't seem worth the extra effort if I'm making it every day

>> No.11055479 [DELETED] 

>because the quality of the bean is shit
Obviously that, but also you can stretch the beans a lot further with over roasted coffee because overextraction tastes the same as underextraction = like ashes and bitterness. Since it makes no difference at all, might as well perpetually overextract and save a fuck ton of money.

>> No.11055485 [DELETED] 

>it doesn't seem worth the extra effort if I'm making it every day
Typical woman, why would anyone want to drink nice things every day? Everyone should just roll around in their own shit, enjoying stuff is for hipsters.

Also you're supposed to call him "hubby". Or preferably refer to him by his first name in a 4chan post, as though we should all know who he is.

>> No.11055529
File: 112 KB, 440x440, 1534150422926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down dawg

>> No.11055561

Dude fuck women lmao

And I like good coffee it just feels like it takes too long to prepare in the mornings. Are coffee machines a huge meme?

>> No.11055628

Is there a coffee noob starter guide somewhere? Don't know what any of this means, and I really wanna become an intolerable coffee snob to all my friends.

>> No.11055766



>> No.11055829
File: 100 KB, 658x658, HLdVI0Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell a (((commie)))

>> No.11055915

Hey man it's really not that hard just ask some questions here and get some basic gear to start

>> No.11055918

>take leftover drip coffee
>Put it in a insulated travel mug
>Leave it in the fridge overnight.
>Add ice in the morning.
A man of simple taste.

Alternatively, Bustelo instant stirred into cold water and add ice.

>> No.11055933

this board is dead
fuck you, cancer

>> No.11056001

I tried using Reddit to learn about coffee and couldn't handle the constant fellating

>> No.11056096

I just course grind and throw them in a french press overnight in the fridge to cold brew.

>> No.11056112

whats the best ratio for cold brew?

>> No.11056121

I agree, women are shit. By the way what was that guy’s post saying?

>> No.11056124

No, it isn’t ok.

>> No.11056345

Go ahead and name a better resource, faggot

>> No.11056349


>> No.11056367

>By the way what was that guy’s post saying?
he said, "you are a faggot. give me a handy while fucking me in the ass, honey."

>> No.11056379

t. newfag

>> No.11056466
File: 97 KB, 644x395, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll force feed both of you delicious hot coffee until you're nice again!

Laziness isn't exclusive to either gender. And honestly, I don't even try to reason with people who can not make the effort to be better for themselves. Are you guys brewing anything interesting today?

It's probably better if anon spent some time investigating the basics at their local coffee shop before looking into the nuances of coffee paraphernalia. Plus we're all very helpful when people put in the effort to learn.

>> No.11056496

>Not a single siphon in the thread
You third world unga bunga's realize not all brown water is coffee right?

>> No.11056562

Everything Onyx does is so good.

>> No.11056574


>> No.11056575
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Good morning anon. Siphons don't seem very popular in these threads, which do you use? What makes you prefer them over other brewing systems?

I'm rather loyal to Hario so my go-to is their signature Technica model. Yama siphons have also been good to me. All in all, as much as I enjoy my siphon brews it's still more of a treat than my regular brewer due to the cleanup.

>> No.11056683

Bros caffeine makes me feel like shit.
Is it wrong to drink decaf

>> No.11056696

Not at all, I drink decaf everyday as my after dinner dessert coffee. You should be warned that decaf still has inconsistent traces of caffeine so some blends may affect you more than others. It's usually <10% though.

>> No.11056779
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Anyone here just use pods? They are quick and easy, no cleanup and you can get a different flavor of coffee in each cup.

>> No.11056798

Nah, they don't taste very good, they're expensive as fuck, they generate a lot of waste (they are non-recyclable). Seems kinda shitty to pay more money for worse coffee and generate a bunch of waste in the process. I'm lazy but not THAT lazy. Pods are a fucking affront to civilization.

>> No.11056811

I fucking love this kettle. Pricey but feels so good. We're going to order another one for my shop and just have 2-3 in rotation instead of a big hot water tower.

>> No.11056814

why would they taste worse? It's the exact same as pour over, as long as you use decent coffee in the pods there should be no difference.

>> No.11056819

just look for natural processed brazilian coffees and you'll get straight peanut butter chocolate flavor. Brazil's are pretty cheap too.

>> No.11056822

Pods contain pre-ground beans. Your coffee will be better if you grind the beans right before you brew. I suppose that is possible to do with the reusable pods that you fill yourself, but I assumed we were talking about the standard pods which come filled when you buy them.

>> No.11056828

that lactic gesha was crazy when we had it. Wholesale price for the shop was like $400 for a 5lb bag.

>> No.11056838

>baratza encore

>pilot roastery, roasted w/ milk chocolate and orange

>inverted aeropress method
>20g of coffee
>bloom 15s
>fill with water to top, sit for 30s
>flip over and compress for 45s

>> No.11056841

Not that anon but the machines are completely different from a pour over setup. Generally you don't have the same control over ratios, bean frenshness, etc so your end results will not be the same.

Keurigs aren't all terrible and it's fine you enjoy them.

First generation pod machines were sincerely an affront to coffee craft so I agree with you there. But they've improved significantly since then and some of these machines produce a pretty decent cup in a pinch. I don't mind using those reusable kcups if the hotel I'm at has a keurig.

>> No.11056894

yea man nowadays everyone can determine their own gender!

>> No.11057092

Thinking I'm gonna start making batches of iced coffee for my wife to bring to work. I'll brew a full pot, mix in some sugar to dissolve, then add milk when it's cold. Pretty simple. Anyone have suggestions?

>> No.11057116

cold brew is easy to make in big batches but don't add the sugar and milk up front or else it will spoil much faster. just add milk and simple syrup when you are ready to drink it.

>> No.11057156

Great, thanks.

>> No.11057528

Not him but siphons seem like theyre a lot of effort for something that isn't that noticeably better than other methods. Its clean, but so is a pourover, and theyre easier to clean.
Theyre great for showing off but unless roleplaying as a mad scientist is work 3x the effort, there are better ways to make a cuppa

>> No.11057636
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Second anon here, there is a notable difference if you are attentive to "brightness" and those palette subtleties. It's certainly not for everyone and it's not going to be noticeable to the normal person.

As it stands pour over coffee does an excellent job giving you a clean and delicious cup with minimal work but that doesn't mean siphons are purely decorative brewers with no merit. I appreciate both for different things, which is how it should be!

>> No.11057642

Thats interesting, what would you say is the closest thing a siphon could be compared to if not a pourover?

>> No.11057650

You should check Alpha Dominche’s new Flask brewer. Really interesting

>> No.11057683

now, i know the best cup of coffee is the cup you enjoy, but seriously, please, at least buy melitta or some other less trash teir trash coffee

>> No.11057718

those are rookie numbers, even for a point contester

>> No.11058227

Oh a French press is interesting?

>> No.11058300

Design-wise they're most similar to a vintage percolator. Those brewers don't grant as much temperature control and have a tendency for over extraction.

I know some people enjoying them even to this day, so it does come down to your preferences.

Thanks for the suggestion. I've seen that floating around and have been tempted to back them! It seems like a very interesting idea and something I'd 100% buy if I had a way to taste test it beforehand.

It's more akin to an aeropress and very visually appealing to boot.

>> No.11058343

Actually it looks closer to an American press desu, doesn't really seem to do anything that hasn't been done before

>> No.11058637
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>> No.11058765

I'm not sure if we want a new thread but it's been nice talking coffee with you guys!

>> No.11058845

Shut up, bitch

>> No.11058879

You need to settle down lad.