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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11028150 No.11028150 [Reply] [Original]

>he drinks tea
Bruh look at this, wait till you see-
>he drinks coffee
>he drinks soda
ohhhHOHOo ohh uhhuhhuhh
>he drink alcohol

Drink some fucking water.

>> No.11028158

>that first chug of the day

>> No.11028203

This. Water is all you need, and you literally should never drink anything else.

>> No.11028211

water is present in tea and coffee (unless you have a cafe au lait). alcohol is fucking retarded though

>> No.11028213

Water tastes nasty.

>> No.11028217

You may not like this thread butt it’s true

>> No.11028218

There's no water in cafe au lait?

>> No.11028219

>water tastes nasty
How did you even manage to survive this long ? How can water taste nasty when your body is literally programmed to love it ?

>> No.11028221

Lol tastelet

>> No.11028236

People condition themselves to think everything they drink needs to be flavored or sweet. I see fat bitches all the time who tell me they don't drink water. I work for a soda company and I see people who are legitimately addicted to the shit we sell.

>> No.11028237

Hehe :P

>> No.11028240

Do you also exercise and have a balanced diet? Because few things are as funny as a fat guy virtue-signalling on his water-drinking habits as he devours a large pizza or the likes.

>> No.11028243

>t. beer gut

>> No.11028265
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>he eats food

>> No.11028351

imagine being this much of soccer mom

>> No.11028420

Yes and yes. Stop projecting anon.

>> No.11028438

Water is v comfy

>> No.11028441

not that guy but tap water around here reeks of chlorine

if you get some and put it in a sealed water bottle then open the water bottle a few minutes later it smells like bottled pool water. I still drink a lot of water, but I have to buy all of it pre-bottled.

>> No.11028513

Nice try Big Water, but I prefer my aqueous beverages to be non-fluoridic.

>> No.11028694
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>he drinks tap water

>> No.11028701

I just said I don't, but a lot of the convenience is gone when I have to run to the store every few days to buy another 40 pack of bottled water.

>> No.11028708

>not having a refrigerator filter your water for you

>> No.11028722

>but I have to buy all of it pre-bottled.
Why not buy a filter instead of paying the idiot tax for overpriced bottled water over and over again?

>> No.11028741

haven't found one that works well enough

>he has a rich boy refrigerator
nigger my refrigerator is from the year 1990 and still works great

>> No.11028757

>haven't found one that works well enough
Sounds like nonsense. which ones have you tried? You know you can get simple reverse-osmosis systems these days, right?

>> No.11028800

How long did it take you to craft this masterpiece of a post, op

>> No.11028805

Potatoes are all you need. You should literally never eat anything else.

>> No.11028833

No just lait

>> No.11028911
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> that guy who can only communicate with maymays

>> No.11028927
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Imagine being this deluded that you have to try to put yourself above essentially everyone you'll ever meet because they dont exclusively drink water, what are you fuckin retarded you absolute fucking disgrace I bet youve backwashed your degenerate saliva into every cup and bottle of water you've ever drank you subhuman cave dwelling anti tea soda coffee and alcohol virgin son of a filthy whore and I hope you spend the rest of your short miserable life screaming as you burn to death in a grease fire that you tried to put out with water

>> No.11028931

>being this autistic

>> No.11028947
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fucken died

>> No.11029030

Enjoy constipation and various deficiencies. Water, however, has no drawbacks and is the superior choice.

>> No.11029049

Well, water has caused 100% of deaths on the earth

>> No.11029210


>> No.11029228

>literally has to resort to mentioning overhydration
>overhydration literally never, ever, happens unless you do it on purpose
>even then it's fucking hard to achieve
Yeah, fuck off.

>> No.11029250

>t. addicted to sweet bitter or alcoholic beverages
Enjoy your imminent death anon

>> No.11029267

>>overhydration literally never, ever, happens unless you do it on purpose
It's more common than you might realize.


anyway, next time use your brain and think a little before you make broad sweeping claims on this site. The 'spergs here will dredge up any exception no matter how insignificant and pester you with it ceaselessly.

>> No.11029290

>drinking two fucking gallons of water in a few minutes
That's just called being fucking insane and electing to remove yourself from the gene pool, anon.
But sure, feel free to convince yourself that water is bad, when literally any other beverage would have achieved the same result, or worse.
Fact is, assuming normal fluid intake, every single beverage other than water is detrimental in some way or another.

>> No.11029312

>But sure, feel free to convince yourself that water is bad
I never said it was, anon. I'm just one of those spergs who is compelled to point out the exception to your broad claim, nothing more. I don't disagree with your point in general, I'm just stating that you are a fucking idiotic ass clown for making the statement that water has "no drawbacks". I'm nitpicking a specific detail, not your overall point.

>>any other beverage would have achieved the same result, or worse.
Incorrect. If those people had been consuming something that contained the proper electrolyte balance then they would not have died. You just can't stop making these dumb mistakes, can you? Your original point was valid, but the more you try and back it up the more fuckups you make.

>> No.11029342

>tfw finally meet an actual autist on 4chan
So the legends are true

>> No.11029366

Actually, you're wrong. Re-read the very article you linked to. Drink enough fluid and overhydration is the end result, regardless of what fluid it is. Even those enriched in electrolytes such as sports drinks are unable to counteract the effect when a sufficiently large amount is ingested.
So, 2/10, you tried.

>> No.11029378

>inb4 "but what about mercury"

>> No.11029828

People that think overhydration can't happen are wrong. I went through a period where I was drinking up to 2 gallons of water/day for a couple months and went into a state of extreme paranoia to the point where my family freaked, restrained me and took me to the emergency room. They ran blood tests first thinking it was drugs but of course that was negative, but they indicated a dramatically low potassium and electrolyte level which they said could result in death or coma. They kept me in for 3 days, did cat scan and mri because some cancers cause those symptoms, restricting water intake and pissing in a cup to make sure what came out was right.and I came back to normal. Shit's weird, after that I really empathize with insane people, because you think you're normal and people are just fucking with you. Hell, the hospital bill was only @ $30,000 for 3 days so "freedom" feels good! They let me pay part every month at 16% interest, so they're really kind.

>> No.11029932

>absorbing calories
It's like you idiots WANT to die in a matter of decades.

I myself have transcended the need for material sustenance and subside entirely on thoughts of water passing through my third eye, and as a result, I will live forever.

>> No.11030365

>not following the true path of moderation in all things and exercise

>> No.11030506
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If you dont drink Farris Bris exclusively you might as well just fucking kill yourself my dude

>> No.11030515

T. fish

>> No.11030527 [DELETED] 

Man I'm so sick of you smartass virgins. I'm leaving this site, but I'm also going to write a song about how fucked up and stupid this site is. Get ready to be humiliated, you pieces of shit.