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File: 126 KB, 1170x471, germanboloney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11026037 No.11026037 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Germans love bologna so much? They have so many kinds, and yet most people always say they hate bologna.

>> No.11026042

>most people always say they hate bologna
Who are these "most people" you're speaking of exactly?

>> No.11026047

das Man

>> No.11026048

I fucking love a good deli bologna. Oscar Myers ruined for you OP.

>> No.11026053

bologna is delicious. why would anyone normal hate it.

>> No.11026056

Hating bologna isn't common at all, OP is retarded.

>> No.11026065

Uppity white ppl hate on it because somehow it's "unhealthy"

>> No.11026092

Found the Hipster trash.

>> No.11026094

I've literally never heard of this before, do you have an actual study or other such proof to back up this claim?

>> No.11026120



isn't this just baloney?

>> No.11026121

Fried bologna sandwich is a southern classic. You usually get a super thick-cut slice though, like 1/4" thick. That, with some American cheese, Duke's mayo, and maybe some lettuce and tomato, that's a classic right there.

>> No.11026128

Any time I make bologna threads people respond with "EWWW GROSS DISGUSTING DO AMERICANS REALLY"

I added the word "German" this time

This has been a psychological experiment, and you all failed.

Will repeat experiment in one week.

>> No.11026142

>Any time
I said proof, not anecdotes.

>> No.11026562

fuck off Hans

>> No.11026570

those ssme people will then eat a fucking hotdog

>> No.11026584
File: 526 KB, 1000x1570, I like ya kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to take a lot of flak for this post but I want you to know I gotchu. Cured meat, pan fried, in any fucking form is my jam and anyone who's got a problem with that can file a complaint with the department of things I dont give a fuck about

>> No.11026610

Bologna is disgusting, liverwurst is where it's at.

>> No.11026614


Ima borrow this.

>> No.11026615

I think folk in prison can't even be given bologna, that would cruel and ususal punishment.

>> No.11026642

OPs pic is Fleischkäse/Leberkäse, not Bologna.

>> No.11026669

That's spam.

>> No.11026670
File: 11 KB, 292x173, derbeste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because German fine-ground sausage meats are fucking delicious, unlike the plastic shit labeled bologna in the United States. Fried Leberkäse with a pretzel and mustard is like the Platonic form of which Oscar Meyer shit is only the flickering shadow.

>> No.11026674

Has anyone else noticed that Bologna goes astonishingly well with a bit of Catalina dressing?

>> No.11026675

I don't know what catalina dressing is but you have my full attention

>> No.11026696

the shitty meat in america gets used for bologna so people think they don't like it. Get the stuff that isn't made from one grade above dog food and you'll see why

>> No.11026708

It's a type of sweet and acidic dressing with a few different types of dried spices added (they can vary but smoked paprika is always one of them). The liquid base is red wine vinegar, oil, and - bear with me now - ketchup, in about a 1:1:1 ratio, with another (1)-sized quantity of sugar. Some cut the ketchup to a 1/2 sized fraction, it looks like most do not.
Here is one recipe:

Optional additional elements are: worcestershire sauce, onions or onion powder, black pepper, celery flakes, etc.

>> No.11026709

i dunno if our bologna is exactly the same as yours, american bologna kinda looks alot pinker,and our bologna tends to have a darker crust aswell as containing spices alot more common in midland europe then places like america.

>> No.11026714

A measure of acid is definitely something you want with this kind of deli meat, but I don't know about all that sugar. I think I'd be ready to cut it down to half that as a start...

>> No.11026718

The internet informs me French Dressing is similar. You can play around with the ratios if you're mixing yourself some, a lot of ketchups will probably have enough sugar anyway.

>> No.11026732
File: 112 KB, 600x800, catalina-salad-dressing-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should look something like this when you're done

>> No.11026780

>used to eat bologna sandwiches all the time since I was a little kid
>suddenly one day I decided I hated them
>now I eat turkey sandwiches

what the hell happened

>> No.11026874


This right here. American bologna sausage just isn't spiced heavily enough, because Americans loathe flavor.

>> No.11027033

do you unironically think this?

>> No.11027042

That's Leberkäse

>> No.11027437

Bologna is phenomenal
t. Italian

>> No.11027490

Germans are weird man