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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11025785 No.11025785 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy Rules:
>Post vegan food and recipes ONLY
>Get your micros
>Love earth

Vegetarians and meat eaters are welcome!

>> No.11025790

Not a vegan problem, but curry makers! How do you deal with the lingering smell of your cooking? I don't want to annoy my roommates with my food.

>> No.11025791

No fuck you

>> No.11025804

vegans are plant murderers

truly ethical people would only eat seeds, fruit, and maybe eggs

>> No.11025808
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Use the vent hood fan, or get a separate burner you can use outside while doing the spices in hot fat or whatever that causes most of the smell. I saw an Indian lady cooking in her garage with a small separate burner like that to make the house not smell.

And a reminder that vegan shitposting on /ck/ also increased after some r*ddit faggot told people that "veganism is taking over 4chan".

>> No.11025813

>And a reminder that vegan shitposting on /ck/ also increased after some r*ddit faggot told people that "veganism is taking over 4chan".
Although I suppose it could be the same faggot just constantly shitposting because he treats it like a cult and thinks he's fighting some spiritual war here

>> No.11025820

It's really the smell of the onions that sticks to everything and lingers for days / weeks

>> No.11025836

Will take the idea of getting a separate pan, we have a porch that I can cook on then throwing in my spices.

>> No.11025846
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What does /ck/ think about John Joseph? He can be pretty extreme in claims, like Turmeric killing cancer cells. I haven't looked much into that, but it does like bullshit to me. Other than that, seems like a pretty cool guy


>> No.11025866

You can disregard 100% of ayurvedic medicine

>> No.11025887

t. Bayer/monsanto idf

>> No.11025901

tell you what. Let's have a little experiment.
next time somebody you know gets cancer, just give them some turmeric and tell them don't go to the doctor

>> No.11025903

> ayurvedic medicine
I'm not too big on trusting alternative medicines as your sole treatment, but I without a doubt there's benefits to some of these. Probably not as grandiose as some people want to believe

>> No.11025917

Don't forget to filter your water before drinking and sweeping before you walk somewhere, you wouldn't want to harm another living being would you?

>> No.11025942
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I made an experimental seitan using konjac powder to approximate a more fatty mouthfeel, ingredient estimates below

The base was:

> Puree
- 2 cups plain, unsweetened soy milk
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 tbsp each miso paste, sage, tamari, za'atar manakeesh
- 2 tsp each cumin, nutritional yeast, fennel seed
- however much
- 1 tsp each coriander, salt
- 1/2 tsp smoked salt

Blend the above until smooth, then add in 1 tsp konjac powder and pulse 5 seconds.

Pour into 2 cups of wheat gluten while mixing with a fork. When batter forms and all dry gluten is absorbed, add 1/4 tsp pickling lime and mix quickly. Overturn on a heavily glutened cutting board, pour another cup of gluten on top, and begin kneading. It will be super sticky, but just keep kneading and adding gluten until it comes together and you can stretch it significantly without breaking. About 4 cups of gluten in total.

Let rest 15 minutes, knead 5 minutes more, wrap tightly in heavy-duty foil and let rest 15 minutes. Steam for 90 minutes, then put in a foil-covered baking dish surrounded by onion, sage branches, garlic, olive oil and red wine. Rotate every 15 minutes while cooking for one hour at 325F, uncovered last 15. Remove and let rest 20 minutes before carving.

Pic related

>> No.11025947
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I liked it a bit better after chilling overnight, but this is what it looked like cut right after cooking.

>> No.11025953

Never dealt with seitan before, I've been looking at it for vegan tacos, but don't really feel like preparing them myself. Will probably just buy them. How do they taste?

>> No.11026004
File: 2.96 MB, 960x540, Avocado fries.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a fun vegan recipe.

>> No.11026005

For minor issues and general wellbeing it can have some useful information. I liked reading about Chinese warming/cooling foods to figure out what to eat during the summer, but I wouldn't trust that kind of stuff to cure cancer.

>> No.11026016

Who is this guy?
>Chinese warming/cooling foods
Where did you read this?
Sounds interesting

>> No.11026027
File: 2.88 MB, 960x540, Snow Eggs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your average vegan.

>> No.11026031

>Love earth
Eating meat means you love Earth. You're nice enough to kill an animal instead of letting them die of starvation.

>> No.11026034

But he's using eggs.
Other than that, those are pretty cute

>> No.11026071

>Waves a knife around like a toy
Could he be any more of a homosexual?

>> No.11026074
File: 2.89 MB, 720x404, Vegan Fish and chips.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11026170
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Tfw literally Hitler

>> No.11026344
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Share me some snacks
Pumpkin seeds are reallly good

>> No.11026373
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churumuri is great.

You get puffed rice, and then mix a ton of (Indian) spices in, cilantro, and grated carrot and onions. A lot of lime juice too, and finish with roasted peanuts.

>> No.11026399

Looks pretty good senpai

>> No.11026517

Seitan is just wheat gluten so the taste is all in the seasonings. If you make it yourself be generous.

What >>11025903 says. Given thousands of years people are going to try out random herbs and remedies and some of them are going to work. That doesn't mean most of them do or they're better than (and should never replace) medicine, but the majority of them won't hurt. Just like eating chicken noodle soup during a cold (or asians eating rice porridge).
You can look up the controversy with heavy metals in a certain sect of ayurvedic medicine, which obviously will kill you.

As far as turmeric goes. Turmeric is actually good for you. It's popular in India because before refrigeration, bacteria would be a big problem with food storage, and turmeric is a very very good antibacterial. Nowadays it's not as crucial of course.
But it's not going to cure cancer. That's just obvious.

t. curry

>> No.11026545
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I don't care about his medical claims.

I fucking love him for overcoming what he had to and just being a badass. Eat plants, exercise, live life to its fullest.

Sounds good to me my friend

>> No.11026577
File: 300 KB, 613x613, roast-beef-tabla-madera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veganism is a disease.

>> No.11026591

I love when they make their babies go on vegan diets and then they die. At least those kids didnt have to grow up with retards for parents

>> No.11026879

Bread and buttery spread. Bread and peanut butter. Bread and salted tomatoes. Bread and Marmite. Bread and toast. Bread and caponata. Bread and roasted garlic. Bread and walnut pate. Bread and pickled vegetables.

>> No.11027003
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thanks for the daily thread

>> No.11027023
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>> No.11027050

If my girlfriend required me to be vegan in order to date her, I would be vegan. As it stands I have no gf

>> No.11027057

Nobody is annoyed by you being vegan, they're annoyed by you being an insufferable dipshit. If it wasn't veganism you'd find some other subject to be a jaggoff about.

>> No.11027076
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well 2/3 of vegans are female, maybe go vegan and then u find some qt and you can save the animals and planet together

>> No.11027081
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if you watch those threads, only haters are the meat-eaters

>> No.11027083

I'm pretty sure half of the vegan memes that get posted here are just b8, don't take it seriously

>> No.11027101

>>Chinese warming/cooling foods
>Where did you read this?
>Sounds interesting
I think this is the link I looked at last time. It was a little helpful because I was mostly thinking about foods that were cool temperature wise, but it also pointed out that things like onion and garlic can also make you feel warm so I cut back on them a little bit.

>> No.11027134

Non-vegans larping as vegans to shitpost are far more insufferable than militant vegans.

>> No.11027142

This, sort of. At least with actual militant vegans you can have some form of a debate sometimes.

>> No.11027145
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you just come here and hate on vegans, what debate you want then

>> No.11027156

Unless your kitchen is really dirty the smell doesn't really linger dude. Wash your utensils and pots properly after eating.

>> No.11027165

You're a fucking idiot. Ayurvedic medicine works alongside western medicine in India. Theres even an entire ministry for it. In fact most rich people go Ayurvedic if they can help it. Why? Becuase there's little to no side effects.

Also turmeric alone isn't going to cure you of cancer. It has anti cancer properties.

>> No.11027170

Plant protein just isn't as good as animal protein, the body doesn't use it as well. Asparagus and broccoli definitely aren't high protein foods either.

>> No.11027172

>the smell doesn't really linger
Frying spices in hot fat definitely creates a pretty strong aroma that will linger after cooking and cleaning

>> No.11027174

Yeah you're a retarded monkey, don't breed.

>> No.11027187
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plant protein is as good as the animal one (not talking about other nutritients and vitamins, just protein).
Everything got proteins in itselft, just some more and some less. Western society got problem with too much protein, so everybody is fat.

>> No.11027197
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too obvious

>> No.11027211

>But it's not going to cure cancer. That's just obvious.
Why, God? Why are people so fucking stupid?

>It is suggested that curcumin could be used as a safe and effective drug in the treatment of idiopathic inflammatory orbital pseudotumours.

>Curcumin down-regulated expression of NF-kappaB, cyclooxygenase-2, and phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients.

>Gemcitabine IC50 value for both of these cell line is 0.03 microg/ml; however, 30-48% of the pancreatic cancer cells are resistant to gemcitabine even at concentrations >100 microg/ml. In comparison, Turmeric Force, a supercritical and hydroethanolic extract of turmeric, induced cell death in 96% of the cells at 50 microg/ml.

>Curcumin selectively eliminates a variety of HPV(+) cervical cancer cells (HeLa, ME-180, SiHa, and SW756), suppresses the transforming antigen E6, dramatically inhibits the expression of the pro-cancer protein epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and concomitantly induces p53.

>Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) is being considered as a potential chemopreventive agent in humans. In vitro it inhibits transcription by NF-kappaB, and the activity of lipoxygenase or cyclooxygenase enzymes, which facilitate tumor progression. In vivo it is protective in rodent models of chemical carcinogenesis.

I could do this for a while but hopefully I've made my point. Many of these studies are from the early 2000s. We've known that turmeric both helps prevent and can kill a wide variety of cancers for decades. You deserve to die from preventable cancer if you ignore shit like this because "lol plants and herbs can't cure diseases only synthetic drugs can do that"

>> No.11027219

>Plant protein just isn't as good as animal protein, the body doesn't use it as well.
Wow, such a specific claim here. Incredible insight, anon! Let's pretend you meant that plant protein isn't as bioavailable as animal protein, which is completely untrue, but we'll roll with it. Let's give even more weight to your argument and pretend that it's as much as 30% less bioavailable. So what can we possibly do about this? We can eat 30% more plant protein and oh, look, we got enough protein and we avoided the obscenely long list of cancers and diseases that have been proven over and over and over again to be associated with consumption of animal protein.

>> No.11027249

Didn't you mean 'be careful to get your essential amino-acids in right amounts' and 'supplement on B12 when vegan'?

>> No.11027260
File: 42 KB, 613x173, veg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's pretend you meant that plant protein isn't as bioavailable as animal protein, which is completely untrue
>However, recent evidence suggests that the ingestion of the plant-based proteins in soy and wheat results in a lower muscle protein synthetic response when compared with several animal-based proteins.
>The possible lower anabolic properties of plant-based protein sources may be attributed to the lower digestibility of plant-based sources

>So what can we possibly do about this? We can eat 30% more plant protein and oh, look, we got enough protein
That'll usually result in getting too many carbs or too much fiber or something

No I meant plants are harder to digest and the body doesn't use them as well.

All of this is also just ignoring the fact that some people retained the ability to digest lactose into adulthood meaning that animal milk was a part of people's diets for long enough to force this kind of change. Vegan diets aren't the best for humans. I can agree with the moral reasons for doing it, but it's just not as healthy as a balanced omnivore diet and you'd do better if you could accept that and get people to just reduce their intake instead of completely giving it up, and maybe supporting the development of lab-grown meat until it's available in stores.

>> No.11027294

>That'll usually result in getting too many carbs or too much fiber or something
>too many carbs
impossible in a normal diet
>too much fiber
impossible in a normal diet

If you're dumb enough to believe this then literally all you have to do is eat another 100-200g of beans or lentils or, gasp, do what everyone else obsessed with "muh protein" does - drink a protein shake. There are dozens of commercially available plant-based protein shakes if you're really so dumb that you still believe that you're going to get some kind of protein deficiency from not eating meat.

>> No.11027308

>too many carbs
>too much fiber
>impossible in a normal diet
Yeah because a normal diet doesn't entirely exclude animal products

>just eat another half pound of beans or have a processed protein shake
No thanks

>> No.11027313

>All of this is also just ignoring the fact that some people retained the ability to digest lactose into adulthood meaning that animal milk was a part of people's diets for long enough to force this kind of change. Vegan diets aren't the best for humans.
pretty sure people have been eating wild plants/grains/roots/etc for hundreds of thousands of years longer than they've been practicing animal husbandry

>> No.11027314

vegan recipes are pretty good
I try to eat a meal without flesh at least a couple of times a week, vegan place down the road is pretty good
veganism is the morally correct diet and I wish I could commit

t. 30 year old boomer that hunts and cracks open bones to suck the marrow out

>> No.11027322

And those foods are all good too, but obviously we've adapted to consume animal products too

>> No.11027326

Not any of them but it's correct that turmeric doesn't cure cancer, or cancer would be done with. It may help in treating certain cancers, like many other foods. I get that they struck a currynerve but please be calm anon.

>> No.11027329

>i get to arbitrarily decide what's "normal" because i read a paleo blog once so i'm an expert on human nutrition now
Virtually every plant food ever studied has been proven to have a huge range of health benefits. The best anyone has ever been able to say about animal foods is that some of them might not be as bad as previous studies have claimed. There is a list like >>11027211 for most fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Given a limited caloric intake each day, you can choose to eat things that have been conclusively proven to be extremely good for you, or you can choose to eat things that are, at best, maybe not carcinogenic. The choice is up to you but try to remember that the longest living populations tend to be at least vegetarian and as populations that are mostly vegetarian adopt a western diet low in plant foods and high in meat, their disease rates skyrocket.

The sad thing is that you're so stupid that when you get cancer in your 40s, you're just going to convince yourself that you got unlucky and there's nothing you could have done to prevent it.

>> No.11027332

>turmeric doesn't cure cancer
>sees proof that turmeric does indeed cure cancer
>oh ok but it doesn't cure ALL cancer so that doesn't count lol
Oh, we're playing those kind of semantic games now. Get fucked, nigger.

>> No.11027333

I don't eat meat every day but meals without at least eggs or dairy still leave me feeling unsatisfied. I can pretty much tell right away after just eating beans or something that I didn't get enough protein.

>veganism is the morally correct diet and I wish I could commit
I was vegetarian for years but ended up feeling like shit until I included a bit of meat once in a while, but yeah I don't argue much with vegans about the moral issues because they're mostly right. I just try to focus on only eating what I really need, minimizing waste, buying from good sources, and supporting lab-grown meat.

>> No.11027345

Hey, you're the fuck who needed to overreach to prove his point. If it cured cancer instead of just treating some types, we wouldn't need to worry about cancer anymore, would we? You should call Walter Reed hospital and let the parents of those leukemia patients know things will be okay because the curry is on its way. Anyone who says it's not good for you is retarded.

>> No.11027346

>i get to arbitrarily decide what's "normal" because i read a paleo blog once so i'm an expert on human nutrition now
Pretty much no human groups ever rejected animal products when they were available.

>Virtually every plant food ever studied has been proven to have a huge range of health benefits.
I never said that plant foods are unhealthy. I love plants foods, I eat them every day. People have commented that they were surprised to see how much vegetables I eat. But animal products also have benefits too, and when they're included in my diet, I feel better.

>populations that are mostly vegetarian adopt a western diet low in plant foods and high in meat, their disease rates skyrocket.
That usually comes along with more processed foods, obesity, less exercise, smoking and drinking more alcohol, etc. You can't really pinpoint that on a higher meat consumption. You can be an obese alcoholic and still be vegan, and you'll end up with some disease.

>The sad thing is that you're so stupid
And fuck you too, my friend.

>> No.11027350

The kind of animal products we consumed during 99.999999% of our evolutionary history were 100% free range, wild caught animals that were consumed shortly after they were caught, and catching them was almost always a very physically intensive process. All of the animal was likely eaten, not just the muscle tissue. This is extremely different from driving down to the burger shop for some factory farmed muscle tissue and, not surprisingly, the nutrition profile of the meat and the health effects of consuming it are extremely different as well.

You can't play the naturalist card without looking at how unnatural the meat available to you is. Btw, this is the point where everyone suddenly turns into a hunter who eats nothing but his own wild catch so don't disappoint me.

>> No.11027357

That doesn't mean we should just give them up and switch to only eating plants though. Farming came along with pros and cons, and we just need to work on fixing the cons which include things like the nutritional profile being different.

>> No.11027358

>Pretty much no human groups ever rejected animal products when they were available.
Because they generally had no option: they had to eat what they could find, or risk starvation. You're a fool if you assume that the type of diet people were historically restricted to is automatically the ideal one.

>But animal products also have benefits too
Name even a single one. No, "protein" does not count.

>You can't really pinpoint that on a higher meat consumption.
Yes, you can, and many large population studies have been done on this topic. They have all controlled for lifestyle factors like exercise, smoking, etc. You're stupid because you're arguing this topic so fucking hard but you're obviously not familiar with even the most basic information concerning it. You're literally basing everything you say on your feelings about the issue and your vague and mostly incorrect understanding of the lifestyles and diets of prehistoric humans. It's pathetic.

>> No.11027369

>we just need to work on fixing the cons which include things like the nutritional profile being different.
Completely impossible. At best, a tiny segment of the richest people would have access to this. We're already using a massive amount of landmass to raise livestock. There's nowhere near enough room on the planet to have enough wild game to feed all the people on it.

>That doesn't mean we should just give them up and switch to only eating plants though.
When an intelligent person is shown proof that one food is neutral at best and more likely has a host of downsides, while another food has nothing but benefits, he will choose to eat the food with benefits. If you decide that you'd prefer to eat food that's bad for you because you consider it worth the trade for the pleasure you get, there's nothing wrong with that. Plenty of people choose to smoke and drink and eat junk food despite knowing that it's bad for them.

What makes you a sad little brainlet, however, is how you persist in claiming that your unhealthy habits aren't actually unhealthy. You're like one of those smokers who thinks that their special brand of organic tobacco isn't fucking up their lungs. Stop being a little bitch and just own up to it. "Yeah, I know meat isn't good for me, but I like it so I eat it anyway". It's not hard. You don't need to make all these elaborate excuses about inferior proteins and evolutionary adaptations to drinking milk.

>> No.11027372

>Because they generally had no option: they had to eat what they could find
Except they were usually revered in most cultures as being great things to eat for health and strength and they would seek it out, not just wanting it to prevent starvation.

>Name even a single one.
Heme iron is more easily absorbed by our bodies. Meat mostly provides protein, but liver is also packed with nutrients, gelatin can help keep skin, bones, and joints healthy, and blah blah blah you don't care anyway.

>> No.11027376

>There's nowhere near enough room on the planet to have enough wild game to feed all the people on it.
Lab-grown meat tho

>When an intelligent person is shown proof that one food is neutral at best and more likely has a host of downsides
Animal products aren't netural at best tho

>What makes you a sad little brainlet
Eat a plant-based dick nigga

>> No.11027380

>You don't need to make all these elaborate excuses about inferior proteins and evolutionary adaptations to drinking milk.

>> No.11027383

>tfw just discovered quite a lot of vegans unironically believe it'll eventually be possible to eradicate predation in the wild
You people are fucking insane.

>> No.11027390

I'm not a vegan but sometimes I think about that too

>> No.11027393

>blah blah blah you don't care anyway.
I was curious to see if you actually had any backing for your bullshit or if you were going to pull out another pile of retardation. I see you went for the latter.

>Heme iron is more easily absorbed by our bodies.
This is not a benefit.

>This meta-analysis suggests that heme iron intake was associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease(CHD).

>In conclusion, total iron intake and serum iron concentrations were inversely associated with CHD incidence, but heme iron intake was positively related to CHD incidence.

>Findings from this prospective study indicate that a high heme iron intake, particularly with simultaneous low intake of minerals that can decrease iron absorption, may increase the risk of fatal acute myocardial infarction.

I could go on but I think these will suffice.

>Meat mostly provides protein
>tells him that protein doesn't count
>he still can't fucking resist saying "muh protein, muh proteinnnnn" even though he was already taught how wrong he is on this topic many posts ago

>liver is also packed with nutrients
This is not a health benefit and is pretty meaningless besides. Every food contains "nutrients". I could mix a multivitamin into some rat poison and you could have rat poison "packed with nutrients"

>gelatin can help keep skin, bones, and joints healthy
I see we're so low on options we're delving into soccer mom territory.

>Lab-grown meat tho
Why do you think this would be an improvement? Are farm raised fish more or less healthy than wild caught fish?

>Animal products aren't netural at best tho
Literally every scientific study ever done confirms that this is the case. Here, hold on.

>> No.11027396

>Findings from this prospective study indicate that a high heme iron intake, particularly with simultaneous low intake of minerals that can decrease iron absorption, may increase the risk of fatal acute myocardial infarction.
too much iron is bad != all heme iron is bad

>> No.11027402

>tells him that protein doesn't count
>he still can't fucking resist saying "muh protein, muh proteinnnnn"
My point was that even if you want to exclude protein as a benefit (which is stupid), there are other benefits that I listed.

>I could mix a multivitamin into some rat poison and you could have rat poison "packed with nutrients"
Your arguments are stupid as fuck now and I'm tired of arguing with you.

>> No.11027409

>Only 5-10% of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90-95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle. The lifestyle factors include cigarette smoking, diet (fried foods, red meat), alcohol, sun exposure, environmental pollutants, infections, stress, obesity, and physical inactivity. The evidence indicates that of all cancer-related deaths, almost 25-30% are due to tobacco, as many as 30-35% are linked to diet, about 15-20% are due to infections, and the remaining percentage are due to other factors like radiation, stress, physical activity, environmental pollutants etc. Therefore, cancer prevention requires smoking cessation, increased ingestion of fruits and vegetables, moderate use of alcohol, caloric restriction, exercise, avoidance of direct exposure to sunlight, minimal meat consumption, use of whole grains, use of vaccinations, and regular check-ups.

>Suggested dietary guidance where evidence is sufficiently compelling include (1) limiting or avoiding dairy products to reduce the risk of prostate cancer; (2) limiting or avoiding alcohol to reduce the risk of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, colon, rectum, and breast; (3) avoiding red and processed meat to reduce the risk of cancers of the colon and rectum; (4) avoiding grilled, fried, and broiled meats to reduce the risk of cancers of the colon, rectum, breast, prostate, kidney, and pancreas; (5) consumption of soy products during adolescence to reduce the risk of breast cancer in adulthood and to reduce the risk of recurrence and mortality for women previously treated for breast cancer; and (6) emphasizing fruits and vegetables to reduce risk of several common forms of cancer.
Do you see a theme here? Cause it looks a lot like, "avoiding cancer: eat as little meat and dairy as possible, eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible.

>> No.11027416

>tired of arguing
Return to reddit, kid.

>> No.11027425

I don't know if you've noticed or not but I've been dropping pubmed articles left and right while you cucks have been doing nothing but waving around your limp dicks. Don't worry, it's ok to be stupid. Chronic inflammation will make just about anyone retarded, and guess what all that meat does to you?

>too much iron is bad != all heme iron is bad
Yes little brainlet, that's why I posted two other studies along with that one, so that you wouldn't be able to play these little semantic games. The first study is literally
>heme iron intake was associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease
I dunno, maybe you don't think coronary heart disease counts as "bad"?

>Your arguments are stupid as fuck now and I'm tired of arguing with you.
My arguments are a variety of published research, clinical trials, nutrition studies, papers from national health institutes, and so on. Your "arguments" are soccer mom shit you read on some paleo blog about how jello is good for your toenails. You're a fucking embarrassment and I hope your mother regrets the mistake she made when she birthed you.

>> No.11027522

What's for breakfast guys?

>> No.11027646

this is food and cooking board, not a livestock social network.

>> No.11028324

I like spaghetti arrabiata. I know lots of italian grannies make their pasta with eggs, but the stuff from Barilla or Buitoni is just plain semolina.
But I could never be vegetarian or even vegan because I don't like zucchini and despise soy.

>> No.11028500

How was the mouth feel

>> No.11028703

Here's a good dinner for you guys

>cock with side order of cock
>take one cock and suck it dry
>this should take 30 minutes to an hour
>while waiting, take another cock in your ass
>let the Nigerian do the work
>after both are finished, swap over until they both are finished again
>finish off with a breakfast bar


>> No.11028938

This is some basic stuff which anybody who ever thought of going vegan should know, I don't understand why you're posting it.

>> No.11029063
File: 208 KB, 655x1164, spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaghetti with "meat" sauce.
Sauce is: 1/2c evoo, head of halved/crushed garlic sauteed until browned. Then added giant can (100 fluid ounces) of whole tomatoes, tablespoon red pepper flakes, and cook down for 30-60 minutes. Finally added a tablespoon or two of dried basil and salted to taste. I divvied the sauce up into four portions and froze three. I only add the "meat" when I'm making a meal.

To prepare two giant portions (as shown) or 3-4 actual portions: 250g dried spaghetti noodles, 1/4 above sauce recipe, 1/2 bag of Gardein beefless crumbles, salt, and nutritional yeast to taste.

>> No.11029896
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>tfw went vegan 2 years ago
>still haven't met qt vegan girl to be my gf

>> No.11029931

I dated a vegetarian for a while. Gardein made some reasonably good meat substitutes. If it was cheaper than meat, I'd switch. And it wasn't vegan, but one my favorite things she would make was an avocado sandwich. It was cheddar cheese, red onion, alfalfa sprouts, an entire avocado, and those red fake bacon bits you see at salad bars.

>> No.11029950

That's a lot of garlic
add that you turn off the heat after you put in the basil
but i make a quarter less than you do and it lasts me five portions, but i make more pasta to go with my sauce

>> No.11029979

get better roommates?

>> No.11030218

any have a recipe for seitan bread? i'm not interested in cooking it in broth or anything like some recipes call for.

>> No.11030261

hey dumb cunt 'vegans' tell me about where those supplements you need for your terrible diet come from

>> No.11030275

also tell me about all the rodents and such that get killed when your precious plants are harvested

>> No.11030277

Not a vegan myself, but B12 supplements are manufactured by bacterial fermentation. In fact the B12 you get from meat comes from the same companies that make supplements for direct human consumption. There's a widespread misconception that farmed meat contains "natural" B12, nothing could be further from the truth. Vegans just cut out the middleman.

>> No.11030280

also tell me about the carbon footprint and pollution caused by the transport of all your out of season garbage

>> No.11030287

bacteria have feelings too wtf

>> No.11030294

In your head, was that funny?

>> No.11030303

it was now

>> No.11030308

Will it been to happened again?

>> No.11030327
