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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11023941 No.11023941 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s ideal pre-breakfast?

Personally I like a good cinnabon

>> No.11023949

Is that cum?

>> No.11023958

I wish desu

>> No.11023969

I unironically eat a cookie as pre-breakfast every day with coffee.
I can't eat very much when I first wake up, so I snack on a cookie and sip coffee for a couple hours until I eat real brekkie, which is eggs.
Cookies in house right now are salted caramel browned butter cookies.

>> No.11023970
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Morning sex or a nice number three.
Real answer: a couple of spoonfuls of almond butter and a small piece of dark chocolate, I work early shifts and I keep a tub of almond butter around for a bit of fat and protien in the morning.

>> No.11023976

all I need for breakfast is a good fuck.

>> No.11023985

Water, coffee and toast for my morning nausea. Anything else makes me vomit.

>> No.11023988

>Water, coffee and toast for my morning nausea.
You don't happen to smoke a lot of marijuana do you? Does a hot shower help your nausea?

>> No.11024002

I have a bowl or two at night but I've had this since I was a kid, I always thought weed helped but I haven't smoked in the morning in years. Doctors always said it was just my allergies since I mostly vomit mucus.

Interesting tho. Didn't even know about this.

>> No.11024030

I've also had nausea problems since I was really young, and at first I always thought weed helped too. I found that on days I started smoking in the morning or smoked too much, I'm always much more nauseated the next morning, and the hot shower thing definitely helps.

It used to be that I would wake up and retch or vomit immediately, even without eating, even if my stomach was totally empty I'd puke up bile and spit. Now I don't smoke as much and only at night, and usually don't have any problems. I think it's a tricky problem because lots of people turned to weed to deal with endemic nausea in the first place, only to have it make it worse in the end.

>> No.11024033

For me, it's a mcgriddle

>> No.11024040

t. fatass

>> No.11024043

I wouldn't vomit as soon as I woke up but as soon as I clear my throat or even cough I instantly have to run to the bathroom. Is this widely known? I'm 26 and just now learned about CHS.

>> No.11024064

>Is this widely known?
No, it's kind of a new thing. It's not even physiologically figured out, it's just a phrase they use to name the phenomenon of too much weed smoking over a long period of time causing "hyperemesis" where emesis = nausea so basically it just says "marijuana-based hyper nausea syndrome."
Some days, especially with a combination of factors (eating too late at night, drinking alcohol with not enough water, smoking too much weed the day before, stress/anxiety) I'll have to wake up at 7am sharp to puke and then I can go back to bed peacefully.

Living the nausea life is shit.

>> No.11024076
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>eating too late at night, drinking alcohol with not enough water, smoking too much weed the day before, stress/anxiety

>> No.11024078

Made an omelette with green onion and black pepper mixed in with the eggs, and filled with jalapeños, bacon, and a little Gouda. Nicely browned (my preference), but still moist inside. Ate it with a bit of bread, pretty ideal

>> No.11024085

>having a pre-breakfast
>having a sugar-loaded dessert for breakfast
Is this why American's are so fat?

>> No.11024099

Cinnamon rolls are healthy, you mong! It's all natural fats and sugar

>> No.11024123

Yes, that's one of the reason a lot of Americans, Brits and Mexicans are fat.

>> No.11024190

US is fat because they don't know how to control themselves, as long as they make money they don't care about the population, UK followed them

Mexico is fat because of the dominance of transnational food companies that invaded their markets, majority, if not all, from Western countries like US and UK

In short Burgers are a virus to this world and someone has to destroy them.

>> No.11024206
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This but a homemade glazed oatmeal raisin bar. And hot tea, coffee causes digestive malfunctions, sadly.

>> No.11024263

>a homemade glazed oatmeal raisin bar
That sounds tasty af. Care to share a recipe? I've been thinking of a way to make something like this which is grab-and-go breakfast that is also healthy, not a lot of added sugar etc, naturally I don't think I would glaze them but load it up with fruit instead.

>> No.11024271
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>US is fat because they don't know how to control themselves,

This. 'mericans are generally an entitled, & lazy people.

>> No.11024327

you sound like a massive faggot

>> No.11024448

I usually go:
>Handful of peanuts or cashews depending on mood and supply
>Glass of water
>Bowl of porridge (half-fat milk) with some combination of bananas/apples/raspberries/strawberries in it
>Glass of orange juice

Unless it's a special occasion and I have guests over, in which case I do a fry up.

>> No.11024492

why do you need anything before breakfast?
i sleep before breakfast

>> No.11024496

nah, they are fat because they cant cook, so they buy the shitty premade shit loaded with sugar and oil

>> No.11024536

Sure. If it's not too much trouble, you could pay me back with a personal favorite recipe of your own.

2 sticks room temp or melted butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 & 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
3 cups old fashioned rolled oats
1 cup raisins (optional)

5 Tbsp browned butter
1 & 1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Enough milk to make it a spreadable glaze (1-3Tbsp or so)

Cream butter and sugar.
Add eggs and vanilla, beat well.
Add remaining ingredients, mix well.
Spread into sheetpan (it will just barely cover a 17x11 sheet pan)
Bake at 350F for 20-25min, until toothpick in center comes out clean.
Spread glaze on immediately after removing from the oven.
Allow to fully cool before slicing.

>> No.11024538

Oh also It's not really healthy at all, but I don't have very big breakfasts so it balances out.

>> No.11024569

I don't get out of bed until I've had 2-3 mug vodkas.

>> No.11024706


Do you know what breaking your fast means, you fat fuck shill? How do I know you're a shill? You would have called them cinnamon rolls otherwise and posted a recipe, as we're on the fucking cooking boord.

>> No.11024871 [DELETED] 

So I reported OP, for shilling with the brand name "cinnabon", got a warning for false report. I make OC cooking posts, only for them to get buried under a torrent of vegan bait and fast food shills. Can a mod or janitor explain how OP isn't advertising?

Reporting myself to draw attention, because I have no clue how to respond to this retarded warning.

>> No.11024988

Lol get dabbed on nerd!

t. OP, /ck/'s official Cinnabon sponsor

>> No.11025024
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>unidentified sauce

>> No.11025046
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 597A487B738F4A62980AC2B012AA212F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reporting a post for using a word that's been trademarked with no proof of dir3ct advertising
>expecting mods to give a shit about that
>meanwhile everyone else is actually discussing breakfast foods and even sharing homemade recipes
>instead of contributing to said discussion you get butthurt about it and start whining about mods, potentially derailing one of the few on-topic threads

You are worse than OP even if OP actually is a shill.

>> No.11025209

>unironically defending shills

Get fucked, 4chan is probably getting paid to let these shills do their thing. 50% of this board is fast food shilling and it needs to fucking stop.

I post plenty of recipes in non-shill threads, I normally don't cook an elaborated breakfast, just some eggs on toast. That said, I see a grand total of 1 (one) recipe.

Also, I maintain that pre-breakfast is a retarded concept for lardasses.

>> No.11025235

You can stop posting anytime

>> No.11025254
File: 22 KB, 431x187, Krackel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never had an original but I have the "kidbits-like" from the Taco Bell

fucking the crack of food

(truth be told, I have never smoked crack, but I have eaten an Hershey's "Krackle" candy bar)

soooo good

>> No.11025259

i eat dinner and drink water

>> No.11025264

You can suck my dick. Go make 5 more threads about McDonalds and tendies or whatever inane junk you like to shill while drowning out actual cooking threads.

>> No.11025265

I like you anon. You sound cute :3

>> No.11025268

Carton of twinkies and a 40

>> No.11025503

>dessert for a made up meal that comes before breakfast
do americans really do this?

>> No.11025630

A vodka shot and one of those little bar sized cans of Coke and I'm good to go.