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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11021449 No.11021449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the best foods to eat while high?

>> No.11021456

I've never been high, but cheese is the ultimate snack food, so I would imagine it would best for when you have marijuana induced munchies.

>> No.11021484


>> No.11021485

pizza or taco bell

>> No.11021490

chinese for some reason is always the go to in the stoner circles ive been in

>> No.11021493

In my experience weed elevates all your senses so anything you really like sober you’ll love high. Too bad I can’t smoke anymore. Makes me all paranoid. Have fun OP.

>> No.11021504

Double Quarter Pounder, dipped in McDonald's sweet and sour sauce. Art Bell on the radio.

>> No.11021512
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>> No.11021519

eating while high ruins the high

>> No.11021523

True, thats why you eat right before bed.

>> No.11021526

Does it really?

>> No.11021528

kind of like when you eat food when drunk, anon

>> No.11021530

holy shit based

>> No.11021544
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Ate a couple of these on Friday after a bowl and a few beers. It was almost a magical experience.

>> No.11021550

Moist desserts. Lemon bars, brownies, banana bread, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, etc.

>> No.11021553

Buck shot.

>> No.11021562
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>> No.11021603

navel oranges, or chilled citrus fruit in general. hell even a glass of not from concentrate orange juice

>> No.11021607

Some grapes, watermelon, maybe a lemonade. Or coke bottle gummies, a everything bagel with turkey cream cheese sprouts and 'vark sauce.

>> No.11021628

The consumption of marijuana is directly related to mental illness. It is absolutely vile and degenerate to use drugs let alone a drug that enables the sick.

>> No.11021651

>The consumption of marijuana is directly related to mental illness. It is absolutely vile and degenerate to use drugs let alone a drug that enables the sick.

And a tip of the fedora to you good sir

>> No.11021652


>> No.11021680

Very red pilled

>> No.11021690

Grilled cheese sandwich with Vegemite

>> No.11021918



>> No.11021926

It correlates statistically with mental illness, but the appeal of self-medication to those with pre-existing mental illness is as likely an explanation as any causative effect.

>> No.11021984

more brownies xDDDD

>> No.11022045
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>tfw last time i got high i got such a bad panic attack i almost cried in my bed

>> No.11022056

Bro, I'm literally eating this right now while stoned out my mind. U just blew my mind.


>> No.11022390

You’re probably an angry drunk.
Eating while high can enhance the eating experience, though. I like barbecue and carrot juice.

>> No.11022524

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.11022526

Weed is just not worth it. I had a good experience maybe 20% of the time.

>> No.11022587

red doritos

>> No.11022678

Smoking is degenerate.

Just KYS.

>> No.11022746
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I like to masturbate when im high
>tfw never had a gf

>> No.11022762

>he thinks having a gf makes you stop masturbating
Stop listening to women on the internet and virgin LARPers pretending they've had a girlfriend

>> No.11022880

I just want to know what it feels like to put my benis in a vagina while high

>> No.11022890

Have you tried nibbeling on some black peper? It really helps me. Not very tasty though.

>> No.11022900

Just do more to feel higher

>> No.11022903


>> No.11022932
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a bullet, you fucking degenerate

>> No.11022944

Based and redpilled

>> No.11022962
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A big ol' serving of chicken alfredo with spinach and broccoli. Especially if you've got some real spice in there with cayenne or top with red pepper flakes. Manna from heaven my dude.

>> No.11023021

Absolute cringepilled

>> No.11023027

I really liked frozen berries mixed with plain yoghurt, no added sugar

>> No.11023137
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>> No.11023207

And correlation = causation

>> No.11023231

>good morning /ck/
>oh wow someone made a weed thread
>i have never smoked weed and got my biases from middle school videos a literal police officer presented to us during the american war on drugs
>i must enlighten these ADDICTS with my intellect about a drug i have never done
>i clearly hate being in this thread but I have to stay
>it’s for their own good
>i must spread the salvation of our lord god almighty

For some reason I thought /ck/ would be better about weed threads.
Daily reminder the 2016 election brought in a wave of 15 year old southern baptists

>> No.11023306

The cheddar caramel flavor is much better

>> No.11023309

This thread has been very civil, except for you

>> No.11023319

In the studies I saw, they adjusted for that. Yes, it can cause (yes CAUSE) psychosis in some. In higher concentrations, it can cause (yes CAUSE) other conditions associated with negative life outcomes like lower income etc

>> No.11023328

I had an otherworldy experience with dry roasted almonds. Could feel each shard gently poking at my gums and mouthparts. It felt more pleasant than it sounds.

>> No.11023386

Them smoke more

>> No.11023428

>sautéed chicken breast, cut into cubes
>crispy bacon cut into bits
>pepper jack cheese
>ranch dressing
>flour tortilla
>cook in cast iron skillet with oil
Best quesadilla you’ll have in your life, brehs.

>> No.11023437

Art bell died lol

>> No.11023438

You have to admit that even tho those fags sound pretentious they're all saying the truth
Weed fucks with you, no less than masturbation or alcohol
I wish I could go back and never try it, but I've solidified the path I'm on

>> No.11023448

This is is so epic and redpilled

>> No.11023453

I really love just a simple cheese quesadilla when I’m stoned. Lots of cheese, lots of garlic powder, fried in so much butter that it’s almost deep fried. Hit it with salt and chili powder out of the pan, serve with sour cream, hot sauce and probably a few shots on tequila in the kitchen while I’m cookin it.

>> No.11023474

So your "studies" were the basis of the 1930's govt. propaganda film, "Reefer Madness?" Mkay, sweatie.

>> No.11023506

A bullet

>> No.11023519


>people who are fucked up mentally dont use drugs to self-medicate

HMM wow, weird that we see prevalence of drug use going hand in hand with mental illness.

For example, i was fucked up in the head a long time before using drugs. Tourrettes/ADD/depression never-reproducing-race checking in.

>> No.11023691

Are you telling me abusing a substance is bad? Someone give this man a phd

>> No.11024241
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dude weed lmao

>> No.11024481

A bullet you filthy degenerate

>> No.11024487

Shut the fuck up you stupid crook.

>> No.11025141
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>all these angry drunks spouting off "DUDE LMAO WEED"
you can tell how sad and depressed they are that alck threads aren't allowed here anymore topkek

>> No.11026150

Holy mother of BASED!

>> No.11026160

>what's the best food to eat when you're hungry.
This is the question you're asking.
This has to be one of the dumbest recurring threads we have.

>> No.11026653

Too good, then you worry about pre-mature ejaculation and then you lose your boner. Then you get your head back in the game and it's great again.

Eat fruit. It's hydrating and sweet, and won't make you feel shitty later like a fast food binge will. It's very aesthetically pleasing too with little clean up for your couch-bound ass.

>> No.11026680

Fiber One bars.

>> No.11026710
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Cheese topped bagel, filled with bacon, tomato, feta, and fried with some lime juice and topped with an egg. Just made after the death

The best munchies are the ones you make yourself

>> No.11026802

Human flesh with a side of soy sauce.

>> No.11026977

Peanut butter and banana sandwiches while stoned are better than any dessert on the planet

>> No.11026996

a bullet you filthy degenerate

>> No.11027176

Had a taco bowl recently at a local Mexican place that was fucking amazing. Favorite thing to drink while stoned is a Dr. Pepper Icee.

>> No.11027201

Completely wrong-
The best thing to do while high is throw together whatever tastes good into one big ass dish. Chips- salsa- chili- nacho cheese whatever and then scarf it down at 3am

>> No.11027274

I've been steadily losing weight for 2 years now (about the same time since I started smoking weed) and I'm pretty sure that I'd be a real sticc if it wasn't for the munchies.

>> No.11027286

Eat the reality that you are going no where with your life

>> No.11027293

What a dweeb

>> No.11027693

posting on 4chan is also related to mental illness there bud so you might as well blazz it up with us

>> No.11027786

>wake up
>remember weed is still illegal where I live

>> No.11027946

when im high on heroin/methamphetamine i usually take a bite out of my girlfriend
But when im smoking pcp i like poutine

>> No.11028109

Must feel real edgy to be on the wrong side of history entirely. Even the genx and boomer maga mouthbreathers in the south smoke weed, let alone millennials. The evangelical christcucks don't do it openly, but they go behind their cucksheds and light up while self flagellating with a rawhide whip.

>> No.11028155
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I've never been leaner and better looking than the summer I just lifted, smoked weed and ate pizza. Doubt I could pull that off anymore, age works in a brutal way and weed only makes me paranoid and nauseous nowadays.

>> No.11028173


Not him, but I'm not gonna risk actual psychosis for a potentially just mildly inconvenient high and the taste of dick all the time. There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens and the weed train left me at the station a few years ago.

>> No.11028187


I don't know which of these tips fedora the hardest, but we're quickly approaching the event horizon of tipping.

>> No.11028204
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>> No.11028229

>Not him, but I'm not gonna risk actual psychosis

You realize that "risk" is incredibly low, right? I mean like getting-struck-by-lightning low. And it only applies to people who are already predisposed. Of all the concerns one might have about using cannabis you went and picked the strangest one by far.

Does the risk of death by electrocution worry you every time you use an electronic device too?
Do you worry about building collapses when you are indoors?

>> No.11028261


I suffered a psychosis before having smoked once in my lifetime and the smoking experiences kept getting more and more uncomfortable every time after a honeymoon phase and years of weekly smoking. Even if I wasn't predisposed, I'd have quit because it became mostly a waste of money and time.

>> No.11028287

Froot mah dude. Berries and granola with some yogurt. Frozen grapes. Watermelon with a bit of salt and lime.

>> No.11028291

That's great. Confirmed one anonymous person

>> No.11028314

I respectfully disagree. I would scarf the big bag of white cheddar down. I don't like salted caramel, though

>> No.11028344
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Cheese and crackers

>> No.11028419

I usually eat Cinnabons™ when I'm snorting coke and rocking out to Linkin Park

>> No.11028436

Tons of people get psychosis from weed lil I did, my friend did, generally that's what a bad weed high is like. But after you have one if you wait a year and sort your shit out and take it in smaller doses you can smoke again and be fine

>> No.11028439

>missing out on one of the best drugs of all time because you had a bad anxiety fueled high. You gotta overcome that shit dawg it's worth it.

>> No.11028444
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>tons of people

>> No.11028462

That thing reminds me of an ex-gf.

>> No.11028463

>smoking w**d in current year

>> No.11028475

Why not? Friends and I smoked tons when we were in school and now we're all either medical doctors, DDSs, lawyers, or engineers. You're an idiot if you think some year makes a difference and is an excuse for your problems.

>> No.11028482

Another funny thing is a friend who dropped tons of tabs of acid back when acid was really LSD got a perfect score on his SAT and could write it own ticket after that. Stuff that in your "w**d current year" pipe.

>> No.11028492

A "bad weed high" is nothing whatsoever like actual psychosis anon. If you or your friend "got psychosis" you'd be in a mental institution right now, not posting online.

>> No.11028511

The only people who get some kind of mental problems from weed either aren't smoking proper weed or are simply mental midgets or some combination of the two.

>> No.11028518

That or maybe they let government propaganda go to their little midget heads.

>> No.11029747
File: 39 KB, 450x450, 59a0da21-6e1c-4d69-9b40-4497dbdc7b0e_1.657a21b3b7e62c920f8e63601fe7f0aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my bane, i'll pack down two boxes if im banging hard on wax and near the krogers. fuck i wish i had one of these near me.

>> No.11029760

Reruns breh. And show some respect for a great American hero.

>> No.11029843
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>take nearly 400ug acid
>intense but fun, like a horror movie
>eat a quarter ounce of potent shrooms
>scary but fun, like being chased by a homeless guy for a couple more blocks than you thought he could run
>take a medium sized dab by stoner standards
>curl up in bed on the verge of tears, convinced i’m going to die, horrified that everyone i know and love will die one day and we will never come back

>> No.11029857

Your dealer spiked it.

>> No.11029863

nope, it was shatter straight from the dispensary, dabbed it out of a pen

>> No.11029899

Carbs for sure my dude

Knowing how to make literally any pasta dish is amazing.

>> No.11029904

I see. I used to to alot of hash and it was like a slow motion gentle haze, never any fear. One time I smoked out of an improvised bong, using a wrench socket as a bowl and had a freakout, hearing music that wasn't there and such. But I think there was oil or some cantaminent on the socket that caused that.

>> No.11029988
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Marijuana increase paranoia in many people. Funnily enough
>curl up in bed on the verge of tears, convinced i’m going to die, horrified that everyone i know and love will die one day and we will never come back
is pretty rational. For that, all I can say is no one really knows what happens when we die.
I never really go the munchies when I smoked. I like fruit though, and maybe a good cheeseburger. I can't smoke anymore though. FeelsSoberMan. I got fat after quitting smoking the reefer; it was a pretty good appetite suppressant for me.

>> No.11030070


>> No.11031003

Gimme gimme varky cummies
Be they spicy or very nummies.
Spend my hard-earned good-hubby points,
on hipster Portland hot sauce joints.
Wifey's bull lifts me to the car,
To find me varkies near and far.

>> No.11031026

It makes you a little more sober. That’s why when I’m too high or need to sober up quick I eat.

Also I’m a fatty so I like food.

>> No.11031225

Holy shit yes, I have some mouth puckering mandarins that grow in winter (I'm in Arizona) and they get chilled from the cold and just are so refreshing.