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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11017161 No.11017161 [Reply] [Original]

>eating fish

>> No.11017170

Lol I work in salmon processing. There's literally no way for us to even catch those
Hahaha stupid bitches, don't eat fish ever

>> No.11017183

That's your own fault. Pick a better fish and that won't happen.
>What does this mean for our own sushi habit?
Well, as Banh explained, the tapeworm outbreak is only in salmon (not other fish, at least that we know of) from the Pacific coast
>So, what’s the verdict — can we still eat sushi?
>According to Banh, yes (thank God). “Do I still eat sushi? Sure,” the doctor said. “I’m more of a tuna guy instead of salmon, so I guess it’s not really a problem for me.”

>> No.11017197

We don't get sick days on wild caught season and farmed salmon is just gross

>> No.11017205

>not eating fish
Your move op

>> No.11017230

Try cooking your food, it kills those silly bacteria and microorganisms pretty well

>> No.11017233

tell that to the japs

>> No.11017293

>American "health regulation"

>> No.11017298

>getting sick from tiny wish worms
the weak should fear the strong

>> No.11017339

this, all you need is two tiny albendazol pills and bye bye worms

>> No.11017363

They freeze them so low it kills them too. At least all the dangerous ones.

>> No.11017461

>work as a fish monger for a couple of years
>literally every single case of cod I opened had at least one or two worms right out in the open, and another four or five would wriggle out as the fish sat in the display case

That's why I'll never eat cod again.

>> No.11017563

this is why i don't eat raw sushi. It is theoretically safe, but they need to be flash frozen under a certain time limit and I don't trust the workers to do it right

>> No.11017626

if you think you are 100% parasite free ive got some bad news for you.

>> No.11017856

How was the smell?

>> No.11017859
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>> No.11017916

What am I looking at here?

>> No.11017921

>all those fish and meat eaters full of parasites
kek I'll never get tired of laughing at the stupidity of some people.

>> No.11017943

Someone's thighs I think. I have hard time believing those are all worms in them, though. I'd expect someone who was that infested to be a lot skinnier and the worms to be a lost smaller.
I'm not expert on parasites, though.

>> No.11017947

>And by the way, tapeworms don’t just come from fish — you can also get them from undercooked pork and poorly washed vegetables, he noted.
yeah man fuck fish... and pork... and veggies... and pretty much anything actually even water holy shit im done eating /ck/, thanks for the heads up!

>> No.11017949

hey hippie if you run around barefoot in a field you probably have parasites too :)

>> No.11017951

>run around barefoot in a field
Why would anyone do that?

>> No.11017955

How is that even possible, wtf? Gross

>> No.11017965


Hope you don't eat vegetables as well then

>> No.11018003

>Earlier in the year, a study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that there was an outbreak of Japanese tapeworms in wild salmon caught along the Pacific coast of North America. The patient, it turned out, ate sushi every day — specifically (raw) salmon sashimi. “That’s his only risk factor, and he did it to an extreme level, which made it very likely that the tapeworm came from the salmon he ate in sushi,” Banh said.
What a fucking idiot.

>> No.11018027

I eat fish, raw eggs, etc hoping that it'll kill me faster
fuck this society

>> No.11018033

And why is that?

>> No.11018057

Google image search brings up a bunch of articles in Chinese about a woman who kept eating raw pork.

>> No.11018076

Your gut is teeming with trillions of bacteria that have more control over your behaviours than you think and you are worried about a little worm that is killed when cooked.


>> No.11018082

I don't remember a time where I ate raw fish.
Who does? And no gravlax isn't raw.

>> No.11018117
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>> No.11018142
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>eating vegetables filled with bugs, worms and animal shit

>> No.11018170

How about squid?

>> No.11018195

>Eating raw goldfish
Enjoy your parasites, fucko.

>> No.11018233

yeah fuck that guy for not assuming there'd be parasites in all the fish he ate what kind of idiot goes to a restaurant and orders the fish and doesn't expect to get parasites right

>> No.11018316


>> No.11018317

seafood is peasant food.
Don't be fooled
Never eat sea food.

>> No.11018340



>access to the sea

>> No.11018356


Believe it or not, virtually all Japanese sushi, even the high end stuff, is deep frozen.

The LOL FRESH NEVER FROZEN meme is a western thing, and Japanese sushi chefs don't get it, since it doesn't affect the taste at all.

>> No.11018660
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Cysticercosis, you should see their brains

>> No.11018686
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This is why I always cook to well done

Doesn't matter how safe your perceive your food source to be

>> No.11018695

Why is there a dog in a jajket?
You a faggot?

>> No.11018722
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>OP is in the cooking board and doesn't know what the fuck cooking is or does

>> No.11018744

Ure still eating dead worms

>> No.11018749

we eat dead chicken, dead cows, dead ducks, dead pigs, dead rats and dead cats and dogs(if you've ever eaten chinese), what difference will 1 dead lil ass worm gonna make?

>> No.11018818 [DELETED] 
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There's a high pawsibility~

>> No.11018903

He didn't just order fish one time.
He ordered salmon, the one common type of fish with a serious parasite risk that you can easily eliminate by cooking, and he ordered and ate this one type of fish raw, every single day, as part of some bizarre salmon sushi exclusive subsistence diet that basically nobody else on the planet does.

>> No.11018911

this guy is full of shit, the albendazole tablets are actuallu quite large and you need a total of four for a complete treatment.

t. pharmacy technician

>> No.11018973
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>I have no brain and eat all my fish raw
>even though idk how to cook food I know how to post on 4chan
>what is clove oil/turpentine cleanse
>worms icky scary!!!!!
>all fishies have icky bad worm!!!!

Who gives a fuck dickhead, if its dead and doesn't effect the food it doesn't matter

tsp of turpentine mixed with sugar/oil is fifty cents and doesnt take a script

bait thread for retards .|. all commercially sold frozen fish are sub zero frozen by law to flash kill all parasites. the threats are the eggs and why you need special grades for sushi.

>> No.11019056

Sushi grades
Japs dont, they hire inspectors and thats why real good sushi costs a lot
Not from fish

>> No.11019062

>eatig fash

>> No.11019063

Dont respond to the retard, he just wants attention

>> No.11019166

Pretty good advice,I'll be sure to ignore,fucking avatarfags

>> No.11019180

This guy's right, all fish that's ordered to restaurants for raw consumption from sellers is frozen.

>> No.11019187

> cook the fish
> worm and larvae dead
> alternatively freeze the fish at -20 for 7 days
> worm and larvae dead

it's not like you don't get that stuff from beef, pork and game as well. If you prepare your food correctly, you don't get worms.

>> No.11019306

Sometimes you have to do it over, do it right, again and again.

>> No.11019366
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does you do dat when EEEEEEGGGGGG?

>> No.11020281

You'll live longer than most people now. Eating raw meat, eggs, is actually very healthy.

>> No.11020584

If you worked in a nicer salmon processing facility you would put the fish on backlight tables and be able to detect and remove any worms.

>> No.11020626

>ocean full of microplastics
>animal agriculture pumped full of growth hormones
>vegetables sprayed with cancer causing herbicides & pesticides

Big pharma wants you to get cancerm Eating fish, not eating fish, eating plant based, not eating plant based. It doesn't matter.

>> No.11020652

>FRESH NEVER FROZEN meme is a western thing

thats about meat though, not fish.

>> No.11020684

i get my salmon from costco, and eat sashimi. How fuck'd am I.

>> No.11020727

>not focusing on mercury levels which is the only thing you should actually care about

>> No.11020765


>thinking it's a sickness issue

it's simply fucking disgusting.

>> No.11021271
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That's why we cook them, my dudes.

>> No.11021335
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I go to the all you can eat sushi place sometimes and the salmon nigiri occasionally has perfectly round holes punched in them
is that from worms?

>> No.11021377

you sure they weren't beaten with a meat pounder so they could make the fish thinner so they can make more cheaper

>> No.11021497

I don't think so, and it's only sometimes
it looks like someone took a hole punch to it

>> No.11021505


Do you not understand how odds and percentages work? Do you really think if you play scratch offs every day you deserve to win?

>> No.11021554


>> No.11021567
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If you cook your food properly it doesn't matter if if 33% of the meat is filled with worms (besides the quality and taste and texture of course) it'll still be safe to eat.

>> No.11021593

The future is going to be heavily dependent on grub worms any way.

>easy to farm
>high in protein
>a lot cheaper than poultry and beef

Get used to eating worms, lads.

>> No.11021643

I don't understand how you managed to follow that first sentence up with the second, to be frank. He (knowingly or unknowingly) took the same risk everybody takes when they eat - that a variable in the food's preparation might have erred - with something that has a higher risk to it, repeatedly, for an extensive period of time. He gambled, he lost.

>> No.11021649

The future is lab-grown.

>> No.11021656
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I don't live in a third world country, buy fish from a reputable source and look at everything I eat pretty closely, so I could give a fuck about someone in Asia getting worms.

On a slightly related note, just started up some gravlax yesterday. Gonna be good to eat in a couple days, can't wait.

>> No.11021692
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This is the one and only time I will ever reply to a tripfaggot, because he's right. Undercooked anything is just fucking disgusting and you deserve whatever putrid diseases or parasites you get

>> No.11021733


I mean what he means is, he should be able to eat what he wants and expect not to get infected by fucking tape worms. Us third worlders know the basic common sensical way to eat out but first world idiots think the gubment will protect them from everything and just don't care lol

>> No.11021743
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>> No.11021750

>there are people here who are not third world asians that actually eat raw meat of any kind.

>> No.11021753


>> No.11021760
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I bet you like your steak well done, maggot.

>> No.11021776


>> No.11022243

it affects the texture, you can control the precise way ice crystals form in the meat by changing factors like humidity, temperature, and time

>> No.11022249

Get sushi grade, everything on them is dead as fuck.

>> No.11022280

live in the pnw
this is a news story every summer when the salmon come to spawn

>> No.11022400

Salty yeast and coins

>> No.11022541


No I don't.

>> No.11022547

>not caring about Fukushima-iradiated water the fish live in

>> No.11022652

just cook it

>> No.11022777

fugg I just ate tons of raw sushi DD:

>> No.11022877

>ate sushi every day
He would have ended up at the hospital with mercury poisoning anyway.

>> No.11022878

fish tase good

>> No.11023168

Drink liquor, it kills everything. You may die from the booze but at least not from some shitty worm or bacteria

>> No.11023194

>this is what you eat

>> No.11023331

I worked at Great Pacific
You get used to it when you spend 12-16 sometimes even 20 hours (when pinks are running) standing in fish guts

>> No.11023336

fucking disgusting. as if sushi wasnt bad enough

>> No.11023360
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If you think that's bad you should see vegetables.

>> No.11023953

This guy gets it

>> No.11024022

>Fukushima-iradiated water the fish live in

>> No.11024630

No, I don't

>> No.11024659

I'd rather eat mold than parasites

>> No.11024684

This comment deserves a place in the museum of retarded comments on /ck/.

>> No.11024963

Mold is a parasite

>> No.11024976


>> No.11024987

>MRE bro
I think mre bro eats mres every single day.

>> No.11025068

>tfw eat shelfish and sardines
>get my iodine from Morton

>> No.11025224

that's extra protein

>> No.11025299

fuark imagine the gains

>> No.11025306

I've seen people use a nail or something similar to secure a slippery fish to a work surface while breaking it down. Could have been that.

>> No.11025310

Why are you complaining about extra protein?

>> No.11025326
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>not eating fish

>> No.11025885

Seafood has historically been cheap food

>> No.11025915

That's because there was an ocean full of it back then. Now that we're overfishing, formerly abundant seafood (crabs, lobsters, shrimp) are considered delicacies.

>> No.11026268

Are you the dude that got worms

>> No.11026602

they're already killed by flash freezing

>> No.11026616
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You're all going to be dead soon, your entire life probably won't matter at all in the grand scheme of things, and your progeny has no real future other than the same mass grave their peers will end up in. Why not eat worm-infested seafood? Go ahead and get wild, give the food chain the hardest rattle you can manage. Eat everything you can get your lips around, chances are that most of the species you're eating will be extinct before long, how many people are going to be able to say they got a taste of an animal that literally doesn't exist anymore? Slurp down that parasite-infested meat and chase it with bottles of booze and pounds of coke. In the end, the absence of these foods is the only legacy you really have.

>> No.11026632

Out of curiosity I looked up if any fish is irradiated instead of frozen, apparently it's not done with seafood for some reason. They do have this thing though:

>> No.11026654

farmed seafood of any sort is gross. Salmon is probably the best of the worst. You're a retard if yo ever knowingly eat "farm raised" shrimp from asia. Hell, just go dig up some crawdads from the local sewage pit and you'll be better off.

>> No.11026660

>crabs lobsters shrimp
Only lobsters are overfished in the developed world.

>> No.11026684

the history of lobsters and oysters on the american east coast is super interesting, it used to be poor food, to the point that prisoners complained that they were served them in lieu of "real" food.

>> No.11026740

It didn't help that they were fucking horrible at cooking lobster. They boiled it whole (probably for too long) then chopped it up shell, viscera, and all, and fed it to prisoners that way.

>> No.11026754

Yeah that's something people tend to forget when they whip out that "quirky historical tidbit" about how a food that's currently a rich man's status symbol used to be a byword for garbagy poor people food: many people couldn't cook for shit in that time period.

>> No.11026777
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I used to really hate fish.
I dont mind it as much any more but only select kinds.
Their are a bunch of fish that just taste like "fish" that I absolutely couldnt give a fuck about. Stuff like Salmon and Tuna are enjoyable but I hate shit like shrimp and eel and everything that shares that fishy taste.

>> No.11026798
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>> No.11027982

Hijacking this thread, what should a perfect salmon look like from the inside when cooked?

>> No.11028003

Reminds me of those boss monsters from Resident Evil 5

>> No.11028037

I've yet to see parasites in any fish I bought fresh in Europe. do you have no quality standards wherever you are from?