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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 105 KB, 634x516, 235235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11016040 No.11016040 [Reply] [Original]

Share techniques to get the most out of your money.
1-eating only smoked meat, tzatziki, egg yolks
2-avoid starchy carbs
3-puking it out in the toilet then back to eating
4-drinking laxative, poop it out, eat more
5-slipping food into a bag for later(but risky)

>> No.11016094

I've done 3 a little when I was a kid, I'd eat so many fish sticks and tartar sauce I'd puke in the bathroom and return and eat ice cream.

>> No.11016102

Is this in Britain? They look British.

>> No.11016125

When I start to feel full I like to rub my tummy. That makes room for more food.

>> No.11016189

It also helps me not puke if I'm feeling nauseous

>> No.11016228

These are the guys trump needs to bring into America

>> No.11016238

How thin of a margin do you have to be running to have a couple of schmucks put you out of business by overeating on discounted food that's likely to be spoiled within a few days?

>> No.11016252

I know their type. They're likely hogging all the good stuff, leaving less for everybody else, spoiling the experience and making it less likely for others to return.

>> No.11016256
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>> No.11016259

I don't get why people turn buffets into a dick measuring contest. If you're full, you're full. Don't make it so stressful

>> No.11016261

Why would you do it though? Like seriously, vomiting feels so shitty it would kill all enjoyment I had from the food.

>> No.11016297

I like to purge, but pretend im a bird feeding a baby bird, but the toilet is my baby bird. And do that 3 times and each time I walk away from the toilet I say caw caw like a crow.

>> No.11016362

It's not about the margin, it's about sending a message.

>> No.11016376

It’s weird, I got the same impression without any context either. Is it the odd faces are Britons the real creatura?

>> No.11016385

>Don't eat here
It's a little bit of everything. The web design, the buildings, the faces, clothes
Strange isn't it

>> No.11016389

i don't get why people call them all you can eat. if people like your food, they like your food. don't make promises you can't deliver, people tend to take what you say as true because they're inherently trusting, you lying cunt.

>> No.11016521

It’s actually really funny because just by the title literally anyone in the world would assume they’re American, but for some indescribable reason they’re British.

>> No.11016729

Always go for sushi and any seafood. Can eat about 3-4 lbs of food

>> No.11016738

It has been a couple of decades before I saw the term "all you can eat." They just say "buffet" anymore.

>> No.11016752


They ain't U.S., but they want to be U.S.


>> No.11016788

But I’m a leaf :(
Literally 10 min from the border though.

>> No.11016802
File: 328 KB, 660x500, carne-asada-fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry to hear about your unfortunate upbringing. It's a single line that separates you from soggy ass gravy potatoes and this....

>> No.11016830
File: 79 KB, 756x1008, IMG-20180804-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 drams of scotch,4 mimosas,2 lobster thermidor,3 filet mignon,1 1/2 dozen of oyster, 2 truffle halinut,5 slices of gravalax, 7 eclairs,4 choux,3 lamb ribs,Ebi tempura,nigiri ahi sashimi and 2 snifters of Martell vsop and a sangria to cap it off
Not a bad performance but had to dish out 140 bucks

>> No.11016914

What kind of buffe is this anyways?

>> No.11016940

I like buffets because of my LCHF diet, you can easily eat 2000 calories of meat and vegs in one sitting.

>> No.11016946

Wow. All you can drink buffet. I'm so hard thinking about it.

>> No.11017011

If the photographer asked me to put my hand on my stomach I'd have told him to go fuck himself.
These guys look like fucking idiots

>> No.11017055
File: 172 KB, 1000x667, 1hqard[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because Brits are fucking ugly people

>> No.11017060

That's true of Americans, too, though, for males. But there are quite a few attractive American females. Except we're not talking about females here.

>> No.11017062

t. fatass

>> No.11017068

Mr Simpson this is the most blatant case of fraudulent advertising since my suit against the film the never-ending story.

>> No.11017069

Mexicans aren't any better. Every corner I turn I see some leather faced old rube wearing a ridiculous sombrero or holey tshirt.

>> No.11017525


>> No.11017537


Its the tiny face centered on a much larger head

>> No.11017557

I'm British and I can spot a Brit or an American very easily.

>> No.11018083

feuwd n'd kowkang lad, feuwd n'd kowkang

>> No.11018085

Imagine being this poor fucking lol

>> No.11018159
File: 65 KB, 615x620, PAY-Steve-Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of like this guy who is definitely in the UK... And I think the "56%" face was based on him, which is hilarious to me.

>> No.11018186

Wow Seth MacFarlane sure let himself go

>> No.11018196

The only all you can eat in my town has a 1 hour limit and then you have to pay another fee. It' not too bad though because the lunch buffet is $8 meaning you pay around $20 after tips and taxes for essentially a full day and a half of calories.

>> No.11018349

Thats how I roll.

>> No.11018369

I like to put on a suit and stroll into random hotels in the morning and get free breakfast. Done it dozens of times before and never have been escorted out. I bring my briefcase so I can hoard the pastries.

>> No.11018968

>Except we're not talking about females here.
you mean traps?

>> No.11019007

I don't believe you.
There's always a guy asking what room you're in. You'd get busted for sure

>> No.11019040

>oi mate you got your breakfast license?
do brits really do this?

>> No.11019133

>There's always a guy asking what room you're in.
Then you make one up.

>> No.11019184

>cucked retard pays 12 more dollars tip and tax
tax is like 1$ here and tip fuck em' what they gonna spit in the communal food before you arrive?

>> No.11019905

brits are usually easy to identify due to their tiny genepool and gross features.

>> No.11020087

No they don't, lol. The poor fucks manning the buffet are like the beta chickens in a hen coup, they want no confrontation. In college, I literally survived this way. Clean shaven, a suit, polished shoes, briefcase and a confident manner, that's it. The pock marked, pimple faced losers manning a hotel breakfast buffet will not challenge you. Either get alpha, starve, dumpster dive or take charity from christfags who force you to kneel. It's your choice.

>> No.11020493

The one on the left looks like a fat Seth Macfarlane.

>> No.11020735

>but for some indescribable reason they’re British.
It's because if they're American there would've already been a lawsuit and public apology on twitter from the CEO for trying to trample all over our freedoms.

>> No.11021129
File: 1.15 MB, 4030x4096, tfw2smartformemes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too alpha to afford food

>> No.11021337

It's because the pictures of people in British news always have them looking serious and deadpan at the camera.

>> No.11021459

Where is this?

>> No.11022185

You got a loicense for that stomach guvna?

>> No.11022190

extremely smart

>> No.11022211

Thank you! I knew he looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

>> No.11022265

What a fag

>> No.11022270

Yes, they do. You're simply outing yourself as somebody who has never stayed in a hotel. There's nothing wrong with youth hostels if that's all you can afford, but don't pretend you know about hotels.

>> No.11022595

The parking sign in the background is British

>> No.11022863

fuck off beta retard

>> No.11022907

Look at the fucking entitled victim look on their fat fucking faces. Like, I got to eat 30 pounds of food for 10quid, but everything didn't go EXACTLY my way and in fact I'm blaming the restaurant for false advertising, because they don't accomodate for our needlessly fat and oblviously malevolent purposes.
Fucking golden though that the reporter made them hold their hands to their stomach, perfecly sums up the fucking wounded 30 year old infant look they are obviously going for.

>> No.11022917

Probably on the dole as well.

>> No.11022979

>there’s always a guy asking what room you’re in
literally never saw this anywhere

>> No.11022994
File: 38 KB, 620x349, kerry-packer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

56% was either based on Kerry Packer (australia), or a massive coincidence

>> No.11023058

>being this much of a 12 y/o

>> No.11023066

>pimple faced losers manning a hotel breakfast buffet

Tell me how I know you have never seen the inside of a hotel? Motels and hostels don't count.

>> No.11023341

Jesus man he's saying he pays for the extra hour. The 4 dollars is tip and tax.
Please keep calling others retards before making a statement, it's like a big yellow flashing sign over your head

>> No.11023767

>carne asada fries
I think I'm literally addicted to these

>> No.11024464

Enjoy your watchlist, chomo

>> No.11024470

how would one scam a korean bbq buffet.

>> No.11024574

The only place I've ever stayed at that did this charged for the buffet anyway.

>> No.11024584

>puking in the bathroom
why don't just directly throw some food in the toilet and you don't damage your exophagus and larynx, retard?

>> No.11024600

Here in spain there's only three types of buffets
-Complete garbage (don't go, period)
-Salad bar with two choices of pizza and pasta (dying breed, obvious reasons)
-Chink Wok
You will only go to chink wok, only weekends. Starve yourself all day, go for dinner. Why weekends? They have seafood, cheap, but seafood. Get like a metric buttload of seafood, give it to the grill chef, make sure he cooks it well so you don't die of food poisoning, profit.