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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11014885 No.11014885 [Reply] [Original]

What are you cooking for today, Saturday, and Sunday, /ck/?

>> No.11014908
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Made mini french toast wrapped in bacon.

>> No.11015264
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This touhou got stuck in my late night mämmi!

>> No.11015280

For breakfast, I cooked banana bread pudding.
I made a mushroom pizza with homemade dough and homemade sauce for lunch.
I cooked a quick-style curried fishcake stirfry for dinner and had it with leftover bittermelon in egg curry and leftover sticky rice, both reheated in the nukebox. Had a pair of prickly pears as a snack.

Tomorrow, there will be no cooking. Gonna have cereal and milk at breakfast, leftover pork-stuffed cabbage with mashed potatoes and gravy for lunch and leftover eggplant parm for dinner.

>> No.11015303

I just made some corn & goat cheese soup. On the side I had some homemade venison sausage cut into chunks and sauteed in bacon dripping with shallots, shitakes, and green chilis. Nice glass of water on the side.

Tomorrow I'm going to be making Frikadeller, brown gravy, and boiled potatoes. The gravy is going to be the most time consuming part by far.

>> No.11015849
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>> No.11017079

Sounds nice. I myself am planning on making rice with pork tenderloin tomorrow

>> No.11017580
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What a treat!

>> No.11017773

Where're the eggs?

>> No.11018270
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I'm soon putting the fishe in the smoke.

Pic related is from few weeks back.

>> No.11018276

>Tomorrow I'm going to be making Frikadeller, brown gravy, and boiled potatoes. The gravy is going to be the most time consuming part by far.
Take pictures

>> No.11018289
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>Where's (singular) the eggs (plural)?

>> No.11019082
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Can I have some?

>> No.11019087

Hamburgers yesterday, tacos today, and thawing a pork butt to begin smoking this evening for dinner tomorrow.

>> No.11019420
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>Take pictures
Can do. Here's the start. Ingredients for the Frikardeller. The meats are pork and veal, 1 lb each.

>> No.11019425
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Mix the meats by hand in a bowl. Add 2 beaten eggs and grate in the shallots.

These are really just a variant of meatballs with a strange name.

>> No.11019430
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Mix all that together, then use your wooden spoon or whatever to make a "hole" in the meat roughly 1/4 of a circle. Think of a "pac man" shape. This is going to be an old-fashioned method for measuring out how much flour or breadcrumbs to use.

>> No.11019436
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>not cooking today
Looks like I lied. A neighbour just gifted me nine tiny red plums which I just blanched, peeled, stoned and pulped on my way to making jam. I might make it tonight to have with toast or scones in the morning or I may do so tomorrow after work, idk.

Pic related is the pulp in a plastic sandwich baggy. The plums were super tiny so despite there being so many of them, there's not even a half pint of pulp.

>> No.11019438
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Fill the empty "pie slice" hole with flour or breadcrumbs.
The dry seasonings you see are 1 tsp allspice, 2 tsp salt, and some fresh ground black pepper.

>> No.11019444
File: 193 KB, 960x640, IMG_0165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix the mixture well, it should be quite sticky. Then put it in the fridge to rest. I'm going to come back to finish cooking these in a few hours.

>> No.11019448
File: 191 KB, 960x640, IMG_0166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While that's resting we can get a head start on the gravy.
The measuring cup contains about 2 cups (500 mL) of good, strong, homemade beef stock. And of course we need a bottle of red wine.

>> No.11019452

That bowl reminds me of mother's kitchen back in the 80s.
Did you import it from Scandinavia?

>> No.11019455
File: 168 KB, 960x640, IMG_0167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slice up the veg. We'll be pureeing it later so don't worry about perfect knife work.

>> No.11019459
File: 156 KB, 960x640, IMG_0168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saute the veg in a little oil.

Yes, my family is from Denmark and I inherited that bowl.

>> No.11019461

I have a bowl like that, but red instead of orange. It's good.

t. swede

>> No.11019462

Man, I knew it!
Glad to see you're keeping both the bowl and recipe alive.

>> No.11019465
File: 168 KB, 960x640, IMG_0169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep sauteiing the veg until the shallots are translucent and the edges are starting to caramelize. It's not ready quite yet.

>> No.11019473
File: 197 KB, 960x640, IMG_0170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have gotten a little more color on the veg, but eh, it will work. Wine in. Pour in the whole bottle.

I have the red bowl too! It's slightly smaller than this one.

>> No.11019479
File: 189 KB, 960x640, IMG_0173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wine is in. Now adding the beef stock.

This is going to reduce down for quite a while; I'll be back to post updates.

>> No.11019950

Good luck

>> No.11019955
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It's been 2 hours anon are you ok?

>> No.11019967

Yep. Gravy is done. It's still about an hour before I'm going to eat so the Frikardeller aren't cooked yet. I'll post all that in about an hour and a half or so.

>> No.11020085

Can I have some?

>> No.11020313
File: 233 KB, 960x640, IMG_0174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing!

Anyway, here's the gravy after reducing. I tasted it and seasoned with salt, pepper, and Worcestershire.

>> No.11020316
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Gravy goes in the blender with a chunk of butter.

>> No.11020322
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Looks yumm-

>> No.11020323
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Frikardeller going in the pan, cooking in butter.

>> No.11020328

I dunno, might go get some rice and eggs or something.

>> No.11020337
File: 204 KB, 960x640, IMG_0178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pan full.... These are remarkably forgiving about overcrowding in the pan. They're cooked on a medium-low heat.

It's all about dat smooth texture, anon. I'd rather use a pacojet....but...well...I don't own one.

>> No.11020340
File: 181 KB, 960x640, IMG_0177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These potatoes went on the heat too. Nothing fancy here, just a little salt and a pinch of sugar--not enough to flavor the potatoes, but enough to stop the potatoes natural flavors osmosis-ing out into the cooking water.

>> No.11020350
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Nearly done! Keep checking and flipping as needed to make sure they cook evenly.

>> No.11020360
File: 259 KB, 960x640, IMG_0181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frikardeller done!

Sorry I didn't get a pic of anything plated up, I was damn hungry and didn't have the patience for that.

>> No.11020764

>tfw you just realised perkedel, indo meat-and-potato balls/patties,are just horribly mispronounced frikardel
Indos do nearly the same thing... just with the potato and the meat mixed together and the gravy made with ketjap manis and shit like that.

>> No.11021040

Sounds pretty good, I'll have to try that sometime.

That recipe I used today is the traditional Danish style but lets be honest here, it's nothing more than a variation on "meatballs". Or you might call it a variation of sausage? You can change it up however you like.

>> No.11021923

Did they taste good?

>> No.11021967

They still make that model of bowl to this day, tho not in the color of yours: https://www.rostishop.dk/margrethe-skaale

It is named after then Princess Margethe, now Queen, of Denmark.

>> No.11022884

That's nice to know

>> No.11022918

Looks good, man. Scandinavian food doesn't deserve the bad rep.

I think most nationalities have some variation on the frikadelle. I know that with Reddit existing and all that it's become cringy to reference Hitchhiker's Guide but it does kind of remind me of the Gin&Tonics in that.

>> No.11022950

Yeah, they were awesome. Everyone loves 'em.

I knew the name, but I didn't know they were still available. Neat to know. The serving dish they are in for the final pic is another famous pattern.

Eh, I think there is some Scandinavian food that is great, like Frikardeller, but honestly most of it is pretty bland/boring.

>> No.11023462

>Scandinavian food that is great
Blatant lies.

>> No.11023468

Yet here is a cookalong of some right in your big fat face.

...but yeah, most of it is pretty meh.

>> No.11023642
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smoked salmon and noodles

>> No.11025390


>> No.11025643
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Gonna make a sandwich

>> No.11025696
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Thanks KNN aneki

>> No.11026405

Post pictures

>> No.11026949


>> No.11027749

Is Eggs and bread for breakfast enough?

>> No.11027910
File: 532 KB, 1600x2073, creamy porky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made these pork chops and rice yesterday. I seared the chops on a pan first and then baked them in an oven in a casserole for an hour with spices, stock and cream. Very tender meat as a result.
I'm having the rest two of them today.

>> No.11027983


>> No.11029613


>> No.11030709
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Looks a bit too well done but yummy

>> No.11030722

You baked them for an HOUR? Holy overcooked pork, batman!

10 min would have been more than enough.

>> No.11030882
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Didn't cook today because I was too tired from work. I had a sandwich for lunch. I'll probably make some pan seared tilapia tomorrow. Being wage slave and living alone makes it hard to cook at times

>> No.11030933
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>> No.11032020

lazy cunt

>> No.11032078

if you're not a dipshit and throw it in without sauce its delicious and nowhere near dry or overcooked. that's like saying simmering braised pork belly for an hour makes it overcooked

>> No.11032105

Do you really expect anything from a thtead full of animefags posting what appears to be literal vomit?

>> No.11032359

I guess you don't know what it is like to work manual labor for 10 hours a day. Must be nice to have your mom bring you tendies whenever you scream for them :^)

>> No.11032893

Not that guy, but stop excusing your laziness

>> No.11032918

you probably are that guy, and definitely haven't done hard labour before