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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 1000x666, tmg-slideshow_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11008581 No.11008581 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anon, I brought donuts. Want one?

>> No.11008597

>the asshole who buys an entire box of cake doughnuts

>> No.11008598

Hell yeah, nothing wrong with a donut on a Friday afternoon. You're pick as to which.

>> No.11008599

Clearly he's sharing them, don't be a twat.

>> No.11008606

Plain glazed please, I have taste.

>> No.11008612

>unsure, handles each one before settling on first one

>> No.11008617

I'll take the brandy and caramel

>> No.11008620

He didn't get any yeast doughnuts which are the superior doughnut. While he thinks the gesture is wholesome, it's no different than sharing a box of turds.

>> No.11008635

That anon who dips his donuts in a pot of cream and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.11008663

>tfw you work swing shift, and all that's left when you arrive at 2 pm is half a maple bar and some coconut abomination.
I used to have a coworker who would set aside an apple fritter just for me. someone else always cut half. no one ever thought , hmm... let's buy 2 apple fritters.
>considerate coworker got fired after 3 strikes for (redacted)

>> No.11008665

>no jelly
consider this my two week notice

>> No.11008718

no thanks, i'm trying to avoid excess sugar

>> No.11008788
File: 483 KB, 529x470, 203a87209767ca6c755935cd97d9f59b11519959b7a8e9e78fee9aadb5627ad0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't post any cursed images in this thread!

>> No.11008995

Yes, I'd like one.
But I'll pass because its just empty calories and I don't need that.

>> No.11009013

I can tell by the glaze that those are Dunkin/10.

>> No.11009050

Hell yea!

Contrary to popular belief, you can eat pretty much what you want as long as you adjust your input over time and exercise regularly. I ain't eatin' that shit every day, though.

>> No.11009061

i like cake donuts :)

>> No.11009086

Chocolate old fashioned please

>> No.11009088

>hour 20 into a 24 hour shift
>hungry as fuck
>see box of doughnuts left over from previous day
>look inside
>some coconut abomination
>though you know better, you pick it up and check
>dry as fuck
>coconut falling off like pine needles
>eat it anyway
Every damn time.

>> No.11009100

No, thanks. I don't wanna catch tha beetus

>> No.11009433

Old fashioned, glazed, bear claw, apple fritter pls

>> No.11009831
File: 217 KB, 380x469, 1532469147252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cake donut with icing and sprinkles please

>> No.11009838

1. The pumpkin ones that get served fresh from the nearby farm every autumn
>power gap
2. Long Johns
3. Apple Fritters
4. The rest

>> No.11009867
File: 4.00 MB, 1507x1547, le donut man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such as?

>> No.11009889

>love Boston Cream
>never fail to be disgusted by the shitty chocolate topping they always put on

>> No.11009911

if it ain't a ring

it ain't no thing

if it ain't got that yeast

it's not part of my feast

>> No.11009918

>no pink icing

>> No.11009919

Blueberry cake donuts are pretty damn good. Cranberry too. A few per year is fine, I don't mind buying them and giving them away to others, but I'll just have one.

>> No.11009956

What is his stand?

>> No.11010040
File: 116 KB, 853x405, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll eat my own thnx

>> No.11010057
File: 48 KB, 454x459, miss_piggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11010142

>glazed sour cream and a black iced coffee while shitposting in the morning

I kinda miss being fat desu

>> No.11010143


>> No.11010147

jelly filled, please
no glaze, please
a cup of coffee i'll put off drinking because it's too hot, but then won't drink because it's not warm
season 1 episode 7 of twin peaks, please

>> No.11010197

>you can't eat donuts while skinny
nice genetix

>> No.11010341

why did your doughnut friend get fired?

>> No.11010346

what wrong with cake donuts those are my favs

>> No.11010361

I was a night foreman and you’d not believe the fucking ridiculous shit I did to get the 3-11 some donuts.

>> No.11010501

I hate people that give shitty responses like that that aren't meant to be an answer, just a fucking conversation starter
I fucking relish the visible disappointment when I just say 'oh' and move on

>> No.11010507

you don't want to waste your calories on that do you

>> No.11010506

You want candles and for us to sing happy birthday too?

>> No.11010510

If you don't mind

>> No.11010513


>> No.11010524

All of the cake donuts, please.
Thank you Anon.