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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.46 MB, 4608x3456, Cannabutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11006629 No.11006629 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/, I just made some Cannabis-infused butter, please give me your best recipe with butter!

>> No.11006648

I actually have some idea when it comes to sugary dishes (Brownies, brioche maybe) but I'm clueless when it comes to salty dishes.
Anyway feel free to post both salty and sugary dishes

>> No.11006655

I want to do this but Im worried my apartment will stick like weed

>> No.11006656

It will.

Try adding some over pasta

>> No.11006657
File: 18 KB, 485x443, 1532672394033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only top tier homosexuals consume the devils lettuce.

>> No.11006674

OP, you will want to cover the taste of it with a cocoa rich flavour, that's why chocolate brownies are so popular.

>> No.11006677

>weed butter
I hate degenerates like you.

>> No.11006688

Yeah it smelled quite a bit

Hey I may try that thank you anon

So the taste of the butter will be horrible and I will be forced to hide it behind another flavor when I use it ?

Thanks for the bump lads

>> No.11006832


>> No.11006855

hypothetically can you make medicated croissant?

>> No.11006856

>So the taste of the butter will be horrible and I will be forced to hide it behind another flavor when I use it ?

It won't be entirely flavourless, and will usually have a slightly 'earthy' tang to it.

Chocolate and cocoa mask it really well.

If you're planning on using it as an ingredient in, for example, brioche, you may be disappointed.

>> No.11006858 [DELETED] 

degenerate kys sage

>> No.11006874

You could, but it'll taste bad.

>> No.11006883

LOL 420 WEED D00D!

>> No.11006959
File: 450 KB, 2448x2448, WYZ2D0W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can make anything that involves butter, it's no different

personally when I made some my favourite was to put a Tbsp or 2 into a hot black coffee, first time I added butter to a coffee and I certainly wouldn't do it otherwise

But it was surprisingly rich and creamy and the flavour of cannabutter went great with the coffee (if you enjoy the taste of cannabis)

An easy use for it and I also loved the caffeine along with THC, couldn't be fucked to do much else and I really hate baking

Things I also made that came out great:
>butter chicken
>a pasta with butter slathered on then topped with sauce
>mashed potatoes with butter
>bechamel heavy on the butter used in lasagna

The coffee has to be stirred before each sip though unless you want a big hunky chunk of fat layer on the top, or you can also melt it and mix it into some milk before adding to coffee if you don't mind adding even more dairy

>> No.11006993

You really don't know what to do with butter?

God damn you are stupid.

>> No.11007008

Been so long since I ate cannabis so I can barely remember the flavour... but I'm thinking it's got a weirdness to it that might go well masked with avocado, maybe as a guacamole?

>> No.11007020


>> No.11007023

A bullet.

>> No.11007028


>> No.11007033

Anybody who hates weed is soi as fuck.

>> No.11007308

Nice one, I'm going to try the butter in the milk then in the coffee thing tomorrow morning. Thanks

I know recipes with butter, but not everything is good with cannabutter as it may be with normal butter (See>>11006856)

>> No.11007425
File: 115 KB, 1300x948, .you....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figures it's a brainwashed underaged little anti-pot faggot that's been trying to force that stupid meme. Your junior high school counselor must be so proud.

>> No.11007430

Wouldn't it go really well on toast with honey/peanutbutter?

>> No.11007432

Yes, but pane au chocalat would be a better option since the chocalote will help mask the weed funk.

No, I do not give a fuck about French spellings.

>> No.11007441

Not much doesn't....

>> No.11007447

np m8

all the best, make sure to warm the milk up so you can mix through the cannabutter

if you find it's not enough I'd add a bit of buttered toast with your choice of topping

>> No.11007656
File: 1.62 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180803_172030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made brownies as my first dish, it's pretty good but we can definitely taste that there's weed in it, it's really a like it don't taste.
I'll update on my state in a couple hours

On dit pain au chocolat anon c'est une bonne idée d'ailleurs ! Merci

>> No.11007668

yeah weed batter has a really nutty taste that you really need to drown out with highly sugary flavours, i.e. honey and peanut butter.

if you put enough weed in you'll be in a sort of sleep/wake state in an hour or so, and you'll feel as though you're floating as you walk around, and it'll last for like 4 hours

god i miss weed

>> No.11007898

If you're new to edibles, this is pretty much the timeline +/- 20 minutes here or there due to individual metabolic rates.

Consumption - hour 1
>It's usually detectable waaaay in the background after about 30 minutes, but you n00bs won't be able to notice it probably until about the end of the hour
hour 1 - hour 2
>It slowly starts to introduce itself in the background through this hour, and it's fully seated there at the end of the hour.
hour 2 - hour 3
>This is where shit starts to get real. From hour 2 to hour 3 is when it starts cranking up seriously and moves from the background to the foreground. This is where n00bs get scared, because if you eat too much, this ride is like a rocket and unlike anything you experience smoking.
hour 3 - hour 4
>Somewhere in hour 3 you should be hitting your peak and will plateau at that level for anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes. This is where n00bs end up calling the ambulance because they think they're going to die. Trust me....you're not going to die, you're just really, really high.
hour 4 - hour 5
>At this time, you've usually rode out the peak and start to come back down. All the intense effects wear down, and are replaced by all the relax / chill effects of the weed. Pretty comfy.
hour 5 - hour 6
>This is where max relaxation / chill mode begins and lasts until the effects have completely wore off.

Just be careful. If you eat too much, you won't enjoy it, so start off light and work up, and always remember that weed will NOT kill you, so don't freak out and call an ambulance. Ride it out and you'll be fine in about 6 hours.

>> No.11007918


>> No.11007924


>> No.11007934

Legalization is probably the gayest thing that has happened in some of the US states

>> No.11007942

hes high enough that he already forgot about this thread

>> No.11007943

Not him but, you sound like a homoweed

>> No.11007971

Sure you're "not him", sport.

>> No.11007974

I know pot heads like you struggle to grasp reality after spending your formative years intoxicated, but you're really talking to different people on this website. Actual people too, not your schizophrenic delusions this time

>> No.11008007

fucking spastic nerd what the fuck do you care what others do? do i give a shit you cant get laid and youre a faggot?

>> No.11008017

is your dope laced? sure you think it isn't. I'm sure you're drug dealer is a upstanding citizen that would never lie to you. I thought you tokers were supposed to be nice and relaxed

>> No.11008028

lol faggot nerd cant get laid

>> No.11008032

I can indeed. and I don't even have to pry open young men like you with offers of narcotics and beer

>> No.11008055



>> No.11008062

funny that the dope head starts screaming when the truth comes out. have you considered smoking like a grown up and maybe just eating taco bell like you flunkies usually do? maybe that's why all the conversation here steers to fast food and away from actual cooking.
all the damned kids on this board are on the pot

>> No.11008068
File: 1.44 MB, 1024x886, 1529314524796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do pathetic losers focus their energy on others when their own lives are a pathetic shambles? Is it because its easier to be a loser and talk is cheap rather than proactive change to make themselves not pathetic virgin neet faggots?

>> No.11008073

how does the saying goes? I think it's "youre always a loser if you're a drug user"
I'm trying to help you get accepted into the Kingdom of Christ

>> No.11008080
File: 29 KB, 300x162, 4987165523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes on about how much he can get laid
>posts on a Bhutanese plumbing forums cooking section

>> No.11008091
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1514342508317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of God's church?

Make sure you dont even speak in public lest everyone laugh at what a pathetic faggot you are

>> No.11008126
File: 62 KB, 148x265, 3401413_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago when I still smoked and grew my own weed I found the butter way too disgusting in any form or recipe.

The best way was to put like 30 grams of buds or more to a 0.5litre bottle of 80+% alcohol and let it sit there for few months, shaking the bottle once in a while.

One half shotglass of that Green Dragon guaranteed to fuck you up for good. 1-2 shots and you were vomiting on the toilet with full vertigo.

The taste itself was not that good, but reminded you more of absinthe rather than cannabis.

>> No.11008131

I can manage a good house because no one here sins like you or be's a faggot like you all are. did you get herpes sharing a pipe with your boyfriend or was it from one of your communal sex holes? do you also abuse poppers, another common gay drug?

>> No.11008151

1 Timothy 3 you fucking retard hahaha go read the bible while you suck your dads dick

>> No.11008164

Spread it on bread and sprinkle some sugar over it.

>> No.11008177

throw it away and cook with normal butter you fucking loser

>> No.11008191

Man I love the idea of edibles, espcially with all the cool stuff people are doing now, but I've had a bad time every time I've tried it. Even small amounts. It's not even getting too high/paranoid, it makes me feel physically unwell for some reason. Dizzy and nauseous.

>> No.11008223

yeah it can do that, its pretty intense. if youre getting hit that hard you just need to take less.

>> No.11008842

>doesn't realize it's replying to more than 1 anon

>> No.11008850

Nope. Replying to the wrong anon.

>> No.11009988
File: 1.72 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180803_140744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew guys I'm completely dead. I took one serving at 8pm and after 30 min, the high kept raising for a good 2h. Then for some reason I woke up in the sofa

>> No.11010038

Make potted duck with a bunch of strong aromatics like green peppercorns and rosemary to absorb the cannabis flavour.

>> No.11010041

What does weed smell like, by the way?

>> No.11010065


>> No.11010132
File: 75 KB, 351x352, 1438371716329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre god damn right