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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11004264 No.11004264 [Reply] [Original]

>it's been decades
>mom's food still sucks
>coming over and having dinner is a horrible experience

>> No.11004280

Cook for her. She'll appreciate it, you'll enjoy your meal, and you'll still get to spend time with your mom.

If your parents aren't shit - don't take them for granted. You won't have them forever.

>> No.11004295


>> No.11004309

She 's never tried my cooking. She refuses to

>> No.11004318

Ask her why.

>> No.11004322

Seriously? That's a bit weird.

>> No.11004328

Yeah me too bro

>> No.11004332

What is wrong with your mom's cooking? Overcooked/undercooked? Underseasoned/overseasoned? Lack of fresh ingredients? Pleb taste in dishes?

>> No.11004341

Bring a side dish of you can ask about what she's cooking. Just trying to help her out. If she refuses, slop your penis onto the dinner plate and demand sustenance.

>> No.11004373

My parents have never trusted me to do anything, let alone cook, even though I'm the only non-failure in the family

Overseasoned, lack of veggies, and tons of carbs. Everything is unhealthy too

I've tried that a few times and I'm always the only one who touches it

>> No.11004377

The side dish, not my penis

>> No.11004406

>Overseasoned, lack of veggies, and tons of carbs. Everything is unhealthy too
I dunno man, sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.11004410

Mom! Get off 4chan!

>> No.11004430

If she doesn't notice you dislike her food, then she is really stupid.

And it is also your own fault for not letting her know. You don't need to tell her. Just make it evident.

>> No.11004431

What does she make when you come over?

>> No.11004495

I've mentioned it a few times and the response was "well I'm sure the next meal will be better"

She usually makes:
Spaghetti (spaghetti sauce is just tomato sauce with lots of crushed black pepper)
Pork chops (burned to hell also with lots of crushed black pepper)
Hamburgers (charred on the outside and seasoned heavily in seasoned salt)
Usual side dishes are diced potatoes, corn, and mac and cheese. The potatoes and corn are well saturated in butter

I guess it's typical comfort food but it tastes bad to me and I'm usually sweating grease and have chest pains afterwards

>> No.11004733

Literally don't eat it and tell her she cooks worse than a dumpster.

I told my mom off if she tried to feed me garbage and refused to eat it

>> No.11004758

I don't want to make my mom cry, I just wanted to vent on this subreddit

>> No.11004862

You're a piece of shit too kill yourself

>> No.11004909

Reported for toxic behavior

>> No.11004931

>My parents have never trusted me to do anything, let alone cook, even though I'm the only non-failure in the family

why is this a meme? I keep seeing this dynamic in families. Also, lemme guess, you have a loser sibling that can do no wrong in their eyes too, right?

>> No.11004959

Three sisters and they all have bastard kids with the dads nowhere to be seen

>> No.11004962

So glad both my parents were competent cooks growing up.

>> No.11004984

Sounds like your parents don't love you anyways if they don't respect you. Might as well tell them about the food

>> No.11004988

Parents, while giving kind words of false encouragement, cannot stand their kids being better than them at anything.

>> No.11004995

My mom got mad when I said "You know the water should be boiling when you put the pasta in"

>> No.11005001

Did you at least tell her that her cooking was the best? Or did you act like a shitty little cunt?

>> No.11005013

I never really told her it was good and only gave her constructive criticism on things that were super bad. My sisters act like it's the best but they can't cook worth a damn either

>> No.11005017

Shit food for a shit son

>> No.11005021

I've seen this an awful lot lately as well. It explains why so many of my classmates from high school still live with their parents and work dead end jobs

No that's mean and it's not the ninja way

>> No.11005031

My mom is also a bad cook good thing I moved out but still used to make my own meals while living at home

>> No.11005033
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>not the ninja way
Did someone say weaboo?

>> No.11005333
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>he's not a ninja
Get a load of this based boy

>> No.11005367
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>not cooking for your mom
I invited my bf over and cooked for everyone so that they couldn't say shit when my bf groped me in the kitchen

>> No.11005486

Are you the same person who has repeatedly posted the same story about their roommates making fun of them for cooking?
Based gayposter.

>> No.11005490

>No that's mean and it's not the ninja way
Then you doom yourself to suffering

>> No.11005517

I think my mom probably can cook, but she is just super lazy. For example when she made pasta she just threw all the pasta in with the sauce and when I came from school everything was soggy. Which is sad, because pasta sauce can easily be reheated and boiling noodles would have taken like 10 minutes and isn't even real work, but she didn't care, so I came home after 8 hours of school and ate mush.

>> No.11005585

My mom never uses any seasoning except for salt, pepper, maybe garlic and paprika. I often told her to use other spices, but she always says that 20 years ago my aunt made a chicken filled with oranges and chestnuts and a lot of spices and it tasted like shit. Apparently that means all seasoning except salt and pepper must be bad, always.

>> No.11007322
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>Mom is great at cooking
>Don't visit her nearly enough to take advantage of it

>> No.11007360

When you go to her house, bring your own food. Give an excuse and offer them some of yours.

>> No.11007837
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I know that feel bro, my mom literally serves me frozen meals when she cooks for me nowadays. Back when I was a child all she served me was tuna noodle casserole, chicken so dry it qualified as jerky(usually with some kinda refried beans and a dollop of sour cream) and boxed mac and cheese.

Then again, my mom is actually insane and needed me to take care of her when I was a child, so I can't be too hard on her for that.

>> No.11007909
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>Dad is on a diet
>Both sisters waste their money on food
>Mum uses it as an excuse to cook spaghetti three times a week and yell at me when i order food

>> No.11007921

You need to stop posting anime first, weeb

>> No.11008518

>both mom and dad are outstanding cooks
>I still live with them even though I make good money
>I use said money mostly to buy quality ingredients for them to cook
living the good life brehs

>> No.11008741

>mom is good at cooking the same 10 things she's always made since I was a kid
>whenever I come over for dinner I show up early and help her cook
>she actually listens to critiques about needing more seasoning or whatever it may be
Feels good not having a turbo cunt mom

>> No.11008770
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Get yourself a bf who cooks delicious meals for you anon

>> No.11009249
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This is /ck/, we're all doomed to forever search for a boyfriend-free boy

>> No.11009342

> mom taught me how to cook
> my family isn't keen on healthy food, neither is my mom herself, but she learned a fuck ton about healthy eating either way
> always encouraged me to cook my own meals, sometimes made healthy stuff herself for me
> always tasty
> dad chastised me about it but mom was always proud

love you mom <3

>> No.11010001
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Honestly the second quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach so I don’t think the search would be that difficult for you anon

>> No.11010138

Theres a cute boy at my school. Maybe I should bake him something

But it might be too forward. Should I just say that I made too many and figured he might like some of the extras?

>> No.11010172
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Yes, you should run towards him but trip on nothing midway too, and then go “kyaa~”

>> No.11010303

I feel you OP, every time I go home my mom cooks and it's just terrible, but an opposite reason to yours. It's so bland and terrible, I try recommending spices and she tells me I dont know anything about cooking even though my literal entire job is cooking.
Her "specialty" is unseasoned meatballs mixed with dry rice, cooked in tomato soup. I had so many nights growing up with plain boiled chicken and baked potatoes with absolutely nothing else on them that most days when I was a kid I would just microwave something or drown it in salt.
And then she brags to all of her friends what a great cook she is, calls her plain bullshit "savory"

>> No.11010323
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>dad puts you in chastity
S-sounds rough desu...

>> No.11010330

Should also mentioned that she actually started laughing when I invited her to my work

>> No.11010334
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I don't know what I'd do if he asks me if I made those for him. What kind of a baka would ask that though?

>> No.11010340

This hits close to home...

>> No.11010444

>not having a turbo cunt mom
I legitimately cannot imagine what that would look like. Next, thing is, someone's going to claim that their parents didn't divorce, and are actually maintaining a good relationship.

Just talk about something more believable, like being abducted by aliens or something.

>> No.11010800

My Mom and Nana taught me cooking and baking. I prefer baking, but hey. It befuddles me that there are women my age that don't know how to cook, while I'm a guy and cook on the same level as my teachers, sometimes better.
Mom said (years ago) I needed to learn because girls my age weren't being taught. I believe her, now...