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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11003967 No.11003967 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you guys spend on groceries per month?
Also, how much do you make (no need to answer if you don't want)

I'm a grad student trying to come up with a budget for groceries (not including eating out food), and I figured $50 a month is doable. However I love beer so I don't know if it'll work out. Just wanna get some numbers from other people

>> No.11003974
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my parents are in charge of the groceries

>> No.11004014

$50 a month? That's doable if you're living off of ramen, beans, and lentils. I spend about $200-$250 a month. I prepare most of my meals, and I'm cooking hamburgers, steaks, chicken, pork chops, ham, sausages, and shrimp, paired with pasta, potatoes, rice, bread, and vegetables (both fresh and canned). I go through 2 gallons of milk per week, and a gallon each of orange juice and lemonade. Plus I keep some frozen pizzas, frozen burritos, chicken pot pies, and canned soups around for when I feel lazy. Also, I use lots of herbs and spices when I cook, and those add up fast. I don't keep much junk food around, maybe some chips and salsa or some ice cream at the most.

I make around $12k/ year, but that goes farther for me, because my mortgage is covered by investments, my car is paid for, and I've got no kids, no student loans, and no credit card debt. Basically all I have to sweat is utilities, insurance, cable/ internet, and booze money/ date money.

>> No.11004024

$50 a month is really, really low. You're gonna need to do some seriously strict budgeting to do that and not be malnourished.

>> No.11004068

just stock up on eggs, rice and oats if you're living on $50/month. maybe buy milk if you're feeling fancy

>> No.11004104

Oh sorry everyone I meant $50 a week

Op here

>> No.11004114

Op here, again, I meant $50 a week

>> No.11004161

I spend an average of $30 to $50 a week and cook all my own meals hardly eat out. Completely doable, I eat pretty well too.

Doesn't factor in beer money though.

>> No.11004166

Just dropped $41 at the local shoprite (+ $7 for some wine). Between that and the staples i normally keep around, that will last roughly 10-14 days before i hit shoprite or the local 99 ranch. I've also got $5 off coupons at the local farmers market cuz my grandpa gets them but hates fresh vegetables these days due to all kinds of intestinal and pancreatic issues. Canned peas and peaches are about the only fruits and vegetables he eats these days.

But yea, you should be spending at least $100 a month if not more

>> No.11004182

That's about what I spend. You can eat well on that if you're cooking most of your own meals. Expect a couple hundred bucks on your first trip stocking essentials (spices, eggs, milk, oatmeal, rice, potatoes, onions, garlic, bread, ground beef, chicken, veggies, etc), then $50 or less per week maintaining your staples and splurging on luxuries like ice cream, chips, and frozen dinners.

>> No.11004216
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Take home pay of $1,350 because of being a wagecuck at Wal-Mart.

It's piss easy because of /fast/, OMAD and coupon/sale/deal abuse. I can get a meal at McD at this time for $2-3 and not need to eat again for the next 2-4 days because I'm still a fatass with plenty of fat for fuel.

Looking back, I'm borderline bewildered as to how the fuck I could drop $150-200.

>> No.11004226

400 if I'm on a budget

>> No.11004277

booze is for low brains and black people.

buy a tab of acid for 10 a pop, do it once a week or once every two weeks or once a month. that's 10 - 40 bucks a month and it's good for you too.

>> No.11004324

About $300 a month, give or take. Some hints- My grocer has sections for 'Managers specials', one in the meat dept where meat is marked down because it's close to it's sell by date and another for regular items close to their sell by date/damaged outer container/discontinued items (mark down is usually around 60-70%) Great way to save money. As for how much i make, looking at pulling in $60K this year.

>> No.11004379

about 75euro for 2 people. eat meat twice a day. good cuts here. but i live in eastern europe

>> No.11004396

Lol you missed out on the mid-90s, son. I used to pick up 1,000 hits of acid for $600 (6 cents/ hit), then turn around and sell it to my friends in high school for $5/ hit or $$45/ 10-strip. My guy was getting it flown overnight from Cali, shit was fresh and potent. Me and my closest friends were gobbling all we could eat, and if a sheet or two started going stale, we'd drive out to the little redneck towns where people never got any and sold the stale acid for $10/ hit. Shit was a goldmine.

>> No.11004398

>it's good for you too.
And you'll eventually end up with scrambled brains thinking the CIA is wiretapping your fridge and listens to your carrots talk

>> No.11004424

I bet you could get good baby back pork ribs from a butcher. You should buy a small smoker, like a Big Green Egg, and learn how to make your own barbecue sauce. Trust me, you'll love real barbecue, and you could have it cheap. I just bought a kilogram beef chuck roast that I'm going to cut up for beef-vegetable soup, that cost me $10.

>> No.11004449

No you won't. I've eaten acid hundreds of times, several times per week for several years straight, and I'm fine. I've only ever met one person out of over a hundred that had a bad reaction to LSD, and she had a freaky bad trip every time, so it was her, not the LSD. Bad trips and people going crazy are sensationalized scare stories, nothing more. All the old-school 1960s and 70s acid hippies I've met have been the friendliest, most well-adjusted people you could hope to hang out with.

>> No.11004454
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Yeah right

>> No.11004473

Yes, right. Look up William Leonard Pickard on Wikipedia. The thing with acid is, it's impossible to only make a little of it. If you manufacture just one gram, you've got tens of thousands of doses to get rid of, and are looking at life in prison. That's a hot fucking potato to get rid of. Once you're buying from a first-hand dealer connected to a manufacturer, no other drug is cheaper in bulk than LSD. They want to get rid of the shit and liquidate it into cash as fast as possible.

>> No.11004591
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probably like $200-300 month not including eating out, 55k/year income. I would like to spend less, it becomes a dangerous habit when you start to buy better ingredients

>> No.11004691

600 here

>> No.11005427

We don't eat poor foods and buy a fair amount of good liquor and wine, and spend on average $150 weekly for 2 people and 2 cats. It depends on what goes out on a particular week, we buy everything in bulk usually and keep a full freezer. This week we spent a bit over $200 because we had to buy cat food AND litter AND treats AND paper towels AND butter AND eggs. Next week we might spend even less than a hundred dollars getting just meal stuff.

>> No.11006960

Nah (((they))) want you to think that happens, goy. Every community has their retards.

Just have fun and dance. Bless House music for keeping raves alive.

>> No.11006984

I spend about 450-500$. I live in nyc, which is stupid and very expensive for groceries.

I make between 90-110k, based on how good of a year it is for my business.

I'd say I'm eating out max 3x per month, and I don't order take out or delivery, so the rest is all my cooking.

>> No.11006985

30-50 a week is average, sometimes you have to go lower.

>> No.11007004

If you're grad student shouldn't be able to figure that out for yourself? What's your degree in, racial studies?

>> No.11007019

Spend about $200~$250/month on groceries.
If my tenants pay and I don't have to evict anyone that year, my income is $94800/year, but if I didn't own a triplex, my job pays $54000/year. This is all before taxes and other shit, of course.

>> No.11007031

because I have already invested in a pantry I spend 5-10 an month most months. Every now and then i'll get some meat or a good deal on bulk can so most is 60-80

average 25

i make under 18k most years

>> No.11007055

Damn dude are old are you? At 25 I was hitting 150k USD.

>> No.11007056


>> No.11007058

Hit the bitches you work for for more money. Just sayin'.

>> No.11007067

You're going for a PhD and you can't sort out a budget? You suck.

>> No.11007076

For myself anywhere from 100$ if it's beginning of the month and handle my bills or 250+ when it's savings and eat like a king at the middle of the month

>> No.11007084

>$~100 CAD
>I make ~$800/mo (student)

I could cut it down less but I enjoy my vegetables/health.

>> No.11007087

Why not get a job and make some money so you don't have to make it less?

>> No.11007091

The Specials - Rat race

>> No.11007109

>6 cents/hit

>> No.11007113
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>> No.11007116
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>> No.11007124
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>> No.11007127
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The Selecter On My Radio

>> No.11007132
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>> No.11007165

I don't even budget what I spend. I think I spend about $60 a week on groceries.
Probably another $50 eating out and drinking on a weekend.
I earn around 70k a year.

>> No.11007759

Just ran the math and It looks like I'm in the same boat as you. I should probably be keeping better track of this shit to be honest.

>> No.11007799

About $250 a month for two people, with almost all meals prepared at home. We do as much shopping at Aldi as we can.
I make $2800 a month, and my fiance makes about $2300 a month. We try to share all of our costs, but I end up paying for most of our groceries.

>> No.11007858

Eating out food should count as much as dining in when making a budget. If you don't include it, you will likely overspend dining out, like it's free mad money.

I think $50/week is going to keep a person healthy and also from going crazy. $80/week lets you do whatever you want for adventurous cooking.

A college student has precious few hours to do much meal prep each day, unfortunately, or else lose variety. The additional problem college students face is typically lack of time and a car to shop at multiple locations for their food. Buying from just one store can add up. There is a term for the bodega shopping poor person paying exorbitant fees for basics (forget the term). The smart shopper picks up primal cuts of meat from one place, dry goods at another store, and bulk veggies and grains from the Hispanic market, just for example.

With an investment in freezer containers, you can pack away leftovers to be enjoyed when you feel like those flavors another time and that should save you time and money.

For cheap eating, you take a poverty beans n rice approach, with smoked meats, sausages and such.You also can buy in bulk of cheaper cuts and freeze individually.

>> No.11007894

Probably around $2-300 a month, depends on what I’m cooking. I’ve made 52k so far this year.

>> No.11007906

Like 400 on groceries and 4-600 eating out. My wife and I are lawyers, so go figure. We don't drink though, but we only eat unprocessed foods, except flour, sugar and whole milk.

>> No.11008109

I spend probably 500USD a month on food for myself, wife and son. We live in Moscow and good food is not cheap. The nastiest level of Gopnik food is everywhere... Need to make a real effort to eat well. I make about 60k USD a year.

>> No.11008154

What does Doctor sausage taste like?

>> No.11008211

At least $300 a month. No way in hell i could manage $50. I like steak.

>> No.11008300

Like broken dreams. Really though, it is just a nasty processed 'meat product' basically pig anus. I don't buy it and only eat it when served it by others to be polite, like last weekend when we were at our friend's dacha.

>> No.11009201

600 master race

>> No.11010145

That glass looks ancient

>> No.11011388
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400 ish. Including alcohol, wine, and beer. Single male late 20s. Wageslave at 24/hr.

>> No.11011397

>$50 a month

More like $50 a week