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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11003442 No.11003442 [Reply] [Original]

i put cookie in my peanut butter sandwich

>> No.11003454

do americans unironically do this?

>> No.11003456

HAHA Yes!!! Epic for the win my good sir! You win all the internets!!!

>> No.11003462

i thought it would make it taste like a reece peanut butter cup
it did not

>> No.11003463
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>> No.11003469
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Never seen this before, but we used to put chips (crisps) in sandies when I was young.

>> No.11003658

This epicposting is worse to be honest

>> No.11003677

Try oregano and chicken along with the peanut butter, but make sure the peanut butter is 100% peanuts with no added oil/sugar/salt. Or if you just like it sweet then just peanut butter and raspberry jam or peanut butter and honey. Much better than cookie.

>> No.11003725
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my white trash family would do white bread, potato chips, and mayo as a sandwich
Is this common?

>> No.11004121

I put salami on my pb&j.

>> No.11004129

for the love of god

>> No.11004175

Best peanut butter sandwich is with banana and strawberries. This is a fact.

>> No.11004179

throw some ham or turkey with some cheese and lettuce and that's a sandwich.

>> No.11004220

You have to go back

>> No.11004265

how many levels of irony are we on these days? 3? I prefer 4 to 6.

>> No.11005629

What's the most based thing you've done to cookie solicitors? I had some girl scouts come to my door once and I told them to wait a sec while I went to get my credit card. I never came back and watched them walk away from my window 20 mins later rofl.

>> No.11005636

The world needs more people like you. Who put pb n j together first? Who knows but it was a hell of an idea.

>> No.11005643

Needs Nutella

>> No.11005702
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gud job op

>> No.11005731

I just stay neutral and fuck with everyone

>> No.11005855
File: 31 KB, 720x644, 1532623017024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx fren

>> No.11007082


>> No.11007455

I put peanut butter on my sausages. Unironically epic

>> No.11007612
File: 16 KB, 336x330, 1508607484195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a kid who would make a PB&J then add hot Cheetos to it. Kept telling everyone how good it was.
Never could trust him after that

>> No.11007620

Get the fuck off my board and never come back.

>> No.11007674

kys retard

>> No.11007726
File: 214 KB, 1200x900, Fool's_Gold_Loaf_(8720348111).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not banana, jelly, and bacon

You'll never be the King.

>> No.11007784

i dislike banana

>> No.11008773

I believe that there's an irony sequence that goes from 0 to infinity, each value a remainder of its division by 2 - and this represents whether or not you're being ironic anymore

The first, third, fifth... layers are ironic but 8 layers of irony mean you went full circle and you're being memed now

>> No.11008834

Epic response my lad.

>> No.11010221

I add chopped pistachios to my pb and j. I am, after all, an artist.

>> No.11010645
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>disliking banana

>> No.11010652

Nobel prize incoming

>> No.11011059

I routinely will have a ham sandwich and i'll reopen it to add bbq chips to it, it's good

>> No.11011066

>not honey
>not frying it
Bubba would be dissapointed

>> No.11011075

This is good. I would add cheetos to tuna salad sandwiches. Other times I'd add a slice or two of turkey deli cuts to a tuna salad sandwich. I was a weird kid.

>> No.11011238

>thow all the components of a sandwich at a sandwich and thats a sandwich
gee thanks retard

>> No.11012191
File: 205 KB, 1121x1560, 1532980103859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have that one food that you just irrationally hate for no real reason? thats banana for me, i dont even like the smell of them. strange. i cant recall a bad experience i had with them i just am very off put by them for some reason

>> No.11013889

No, I don't have autism.

>> No.11014171

ur retarded bro

>> No.11014246
File: 52 KB, 855x528, 60233932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hand you a cookie but looks like you already got one.