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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 400x300, Lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10997610 No.10997610 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever eaten lobster?

>> No.10997619

fukkin disgusting giant sea roaches
yes I have

>> No.10997620
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Sure, it's delicious.

Have you?

>> No.10997626

Yeah I like crab more though.

>> No.10997627

>>10997610 yes is so good

>> No.10997631
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Ive catch, banded, and eaten lobster. Its very cheap that. Good in a stew with corn and potatoes.

>> No.10997633

Ya, its mediocre and i dont understand the hype

>> No.10997634

Yes, not a great date food though.

>> No.10997636

It's good, not worth the price range it's in but nevertheless very nice.

>> No.10997637

This guy gets it. Good ol' flat lobster

>> No.10997638

Can you put one in a tank and grow it supersize like Homer did before eating it?

>> No.10997668

It would take years. They dont grow fast. The ones we are allowed to harvest are decades old.

>> No.10997669

Who doesn't like lobster? It's the ultimate rich mans food.

>> No.10997678

GMO lobsters when?

>> No.10997680

It used to be peasant food. Soldiers were on the verge of mutiny if they kept being fed lobster. All in how you look at it.

>> No.10997701

Anglos angry about eating good food. Color no one surprised.

>> No.10997702

Neither do I to be honest. Interesting fact, back before it became a 'trendy' food eating lobster was viewed to be a mark of poverty.


>> No.10997741


>> No.10997763


>> No.10997776 [DELETED] 

who says being a slave was a traumatic and inhumane experience, lobster dinners 5 nights of the week, you get a nice hay bed and plenty of exercise.

>> No.10997788

can you believe diamonds are just shiny coal?

>> No.10999176

i got it at a b grade(health) restaurant and there was some weird green shit inside. It was really bad

>> No.10999234

what kind of omnipleb hasn't eaten lobster? they used to be £5 in asda a couple of years ago, i think they're £7.50 now. i mean i'm not rich but i've had truffles, morels, caviar, gold leaf, exotic meats like alligator, kangaroo, snake, exotic spices you can't get in the uk, allsorts all just out of curiosity. this is a cooking board you plebs.

>> No.10999238

I hope this is bait. Supermarket trash doesn't count

>> No.10999243

It's not so different that it wouldn't qualify as having tried lobster. It is in fact a lobster. You tit.
I buy all my seafood from world of fish, same as jamie oliver's restaurants, but for a few bits i pick up in supermarkets because why not for that price.

>> No.10999248

Do you not buy food at a store?

>> No.10999255

>food fit only for peasants
>convince dumb flatlanders it’s a $$$ delicacy

>> No.10999265

That’s called the “tamale” and it’s literally lobster shit.

>> No.10999268

People from northern maine are trash.

>> No.10999272

nah it's more that scarcity adds value. oysters and lobster were both once considered peasant food. when it became less easily available the toffs demanded they have it all and everyone else was priced out.

>> No.10999279

seafood is clean. its been having a bath its whole life, in saltwater at that.

>> No.10999280
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Say it to my face bitch

>> No.10999290


>> No.10999305

It's all relative isn't it. Fish aren't surrounded by trannies, pus and AIDS. They could be living in raw sewage and be sparkling clean compared with the faggot plagues so rampant on land. Never seen a gay haddock.

>> No.10999314
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>Never seen a gay haddock.

>> No.10999321

Fukken right bub. Ill fukken get you good.

>> No.10999334
File: 133 KB, 750x479, 5DC66776-A0C2-4B97-B389-C7250B1ED4E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big boot at midnight.

I’ll be there, faggot.

>> No.10999344

Has anyone honestly never had lobster

>> No.10999354

I've never had lobster

>> No.10999357

yes, favorite shellfish

>> No.10999360


>> No.10999367

It's true

>> No.10999368

Shrimp is the superior shellfish.

This is indisputable.

>> No.10999384

I aint going to no freeport bub. Cocksucking yuppies.

>> No.10999396
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Hey Stephen.

>> No.10999398
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It screamed I shat myself never again.

>> No.10999408


>> No.10999415

PCP is not for the faint of heart

>> No.10999417

Fucking poorfag. I eat lobster every couple of weeks on payday. It's the ultimate sign of wealth and prosperity.

>> No.10999421

Also Bullshit

>> No.10999430

Lobster is a poor mans crab. It’s really sad that a lot of people don’t know better.

>> No.10999433

Who the fuck is this?

>> No.10999441

You get dusted son?
Don't be mean to anon. I don't eat lobster frequently. I also don't like it as much as crab. If he wants to get some lobster in his life, just get some tails. Easier, meaty, and more manageable.

>> No.10999442

but anons earlier said it was poor-mans food

>> No.10999447

I’ve seen them prepared and for some reason the cooks cut off the claws before the head.

>> No.10999454

This is Van, you hack.

>> No.10999458
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ever been pinched by a lobster? it sucks. ever been headbutted by one? much more manageable.

>> No.10999466

>doing anything other than boiling them alive
There is a wrong to way cook lobster, and this is it.

>> No.10999467
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>tfw want to cook my own lobster but know i cant bring myself to boil one alive

>> No.10999471

kill yourself first?

>> No.10999476

Just buy a taser

>> No.10999479

Do you own cleats?

>> No.10999494

Theyre cook steamed and can be good baked.

>> No.10999520

Is your name Homer Simpson?

>> No.10999560

Sad but true

>> No.10999593

You always boil it first.

>> No.10999665
File: 16 KB, 415x383, lobsterknife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just take a butcher knife

>> No.10999758

Yes, on 3 different occasions. Lobster is basically my favorite food of all time. It's so amazing in taste, and yet is so horrifyingly expensive here in Scandinavia

>> No.10999777
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>> No.10999807


>> No.10999814

I like to go to Albertsons and poke the lobster tank. Then they ask me to stop, but i point at my ears and pretend i know sign language. One time I got "called out" and high tailed it out of there. what do two raised middle fingers mean?

>> No.11000018

I can afford red lobster, with the cheddar biscuits. The senpai gettin cheddar biscuits ya herd

>> No.11000046

I’ll take mine, butter injected and rotisseried

>> No.11000048
File: 156 KB, 1176x1394, 1533037971360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11000059

I took lobsters on a hiking trip once but by the time we got to the camp they smelled so bad we had to toss them.

>> No.11000068

diamonds are one of the most populous stones on earth.

>> No.11000341

they were being fed the dead ones that were washing up on shore.

>> No.11000401

fucking kekked audibly in a library

>> No.11000542


>> No.11000577

Yeah. It's good but now over priced for eating sea bugs.

Seriously they used to dredge them out of the hudson river to feed to drunks in bars in new york.

>> No.11000591

I have never had lobster because I am poor. AMA

>> No.11000634

My friend bought a lobster from HEB and then raised it in a fish tank. Fed it hot dogs and shrimp and shit. I moved away before he decided it was big enough to eat, but I've wanted to raise a lobster like that ever since

>> No.11000644

Lobsters don't feel pain

>> No.11000893

Usually on New Year's eve. It's like a tradition.

>> No.11001011
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It's the same thing but smashed and slammed.

>> No.11002075

>not making better cheddar bay buiscuys at home.

The absolute state.

>> No.11002294

lobsters have no central nervous system. they can feel, but not coherently think
all these insectoid animals are more bio-robot than thinking feeling beings.

>> No.11002540
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>> No.11002546
File: 1.21 MB, 480x287, wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking crab more than lobster

>> No.11002574

>warm water lobster

Someone’s a pleb here, alright...

>> No.11002586

This. Warm water lobster is not even palatable

>> No.11002592

Yeah, used to be.

>> No.11003284

This, same as crab. Revolting.

>> No.11003309

Lobster stew sounds really good.

>> No.11003350


>> No.11003494

my friend and I bought 2 live ones, we unclipped the rubber bands hoping they would fight to the death. they didn't. i put a cigarettes in ones claws or whatever they are called. then we cooked them. i don't think they are very good. give me salmon anyday over fucking lobster.

>> No.11003542

I'll have a bite now and then if we have some at a gathering but I'm not a fan. Up until 40 or 50 years ago it was considered lower class food as many anons have pointed out, why all of a sudden rich people decided that these water bugs that eat fish shit are so valuable is beyond me.

>> No.11003620
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I haven't eaten one yet. Interesting to note however is that they didn't always used to be a delicacy. In fact, they actually used to be eaten only by criminals and the poorest members of society.

>> No.11003623

>Interesting to note however is that they didn't always used to be a delicacy. In fact, they actually used to be eaten only by criminals and the poorest members of society.

is this some silly 4chan meme?

>> No.11003688

Crayfish,lobsters,crabs,shrimp all taste the same. Its all in the seasoning.

>> No.11004194

You don't want a fuckhuge lobster, the meat gets tough really fast as it grows to bug ones are best used for an ingredient in salads or stews rather than enjoyed with some butter

>> No.11004198
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yeah, don't really like them though

>> No.11004732

That's not a lobster. Lobsters don't have claws.

>> No.11004788

I fucking agree, even Central Maine a shit - fuck you Jay, fuck you Rumford, fuck all y’all smelly mill towns

>> No.11004819

You obviously have no working tastebuds

>> No.11004871

>be 20-ish
>visiting relatives on Cape Cod
>told we would have lobster for dinner
>said I wanted mine medium rare
>got funny looks from others
>dinner time
>come to table
>big red thing sitting on my plate
>no clue what to do with it
>no help from others

>> No.11005233


>> No.11005237

we don't rate things here. go away.

>> No.11005274

Yes I ate lobster at red lobster

>> No.11005359
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When I was younger, shrimp used to be my favorite, but these days, I heavily prefer crawfish in cajun spices, then crab, then lobster, then shrimp. I still love to eat any of it, but them's my preferences.

>> No.11005710

yea. it's good but not great imo. probably in the same tier as shrimp for me

>> No.11006115

They were made into a slop you mong, they didn't catch the dead ones, boil them in old Bay and serve them with garlic butter you twat.

>> No.11006123

Popular cause forced on us

>> No.11006129
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I loved that story!

>> No.11006133

Childhood is liking crab.
Adulthood is realizing lobster is better.
Enlightenment is appreciating the crawfish.

>> No.11006146

They're nice
Was in a buffet brunch once
Lobster thermidor,Hokkaido scallop and king crab puree soup is a definite seafood trio
Probably downed 8 Ebi slices and greedily had 2 filet mignon

>> No.11007097

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.11007117

Mother fucker I work at a seafood market in the north east and all the lobsters we've been getting are premature as fuck. Super soft shells, dont even survive the 16 hour shipping process and when you get them they only weight like .9lbs and when cooked yield NO meat.
Their tails are just full of a soft paste that hasnt matured into meat yet.

What the fuck man. I blame you.

>> No.11007129
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Hey, I throw back all the ones that the tool tells me to. You should get a less shady supplier.

>> No.11007135

God fucking DAMNIT anon you can feel them in your hand, they weight NOTHING. You can tell the difference between 3/4ths of a pound and 1 1/4! Rahhhhh!

>> No.11007375

I've never knowingly had it.

Maybe I've had lobster broth in a soup, or tiny pieces in a seafood salad. I dunno.

>> No.11007491

Crab is garbage

>> No.11007604

Lobster thermidor is so good.

>> No.11007716

Real lobster stew:
A little sherry makes it even better.

>> No.11008024

Yeah. Prolly never will again tho? Husband is allergic. Not that it would stop me if I reeeeally loved lobster but never thought it was as good as it's made out to be. And I love seafood.

>> No.11008052

I love you.

>> No.11008103
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Few things in life bring me greater joy than loading up my gear and heading out at 4 AM to hand-line for crabs. Getting together with friends and loved ones, boiling them up in the backyard, and sharing the haul. Right now is peak season here

>> No.11008965

>comfy and wholesome
a powerful combo. wish you many more great cookouts

>> No.11008986

Yes, several times. First time was ok, I eman it's something I just wanted to taste in my life because it's expensive. After that it was kind of a waste of money, but sometimes I feel obliged to spend a lot of money on special occasions, it's stupid. The taste really doesn't justify the price. Also I like king crab much more, but costs almost the same unfortunately.

>> No.11008993
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>> No.11009780

based crab boiler