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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10997590 No.10997590 [Reply] [Original]

Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Thread

Didn't see one in the catalogue and I have a dumb question.

When making chicken soup in a slow cooker do I need to cook the chicken before I put it in the slow cooker?

>> No.10997604

Yeah probably

>> No.10997608

If you want more flavour braise it before adding but otherwise I wouldn't say so

I'm not that familiar with slow cookers but I seem to recall that it does end up cooking through fully.

>> No.10997612

>When making chicken soup in a slow cooker do I need to cook the chicken before I put it in the slow cooker?

You don't have to. The slow cooker will cook the chicken in the soup. That's why it's called a fucking slow COOKER.

That said, if you brown the chicken in a pan first your soup will taste better because of the malliard reaction.

>> No.10997622

does anyone have any tips for cooking faster?
everything I cook seems to take longer than what most seem to take

>> No.10997632

you are all fucking retarded

>> No.10997640

Cook what faster? I'm worried.

>> No.10997778

Chop what ever you frequently use ahead of time
I also peel my garlic ahead of time

>> No.10997794

How do I make soup, I'm not even memeing how the fuck do people do it. Where does the broth even come from

>> No.10997813
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/ck/ has been ruined by pol, biz, fit, and b. its time to move on

>> No.10997831

How the fuck do you roast garlic?
I'm 90% sure you just toss a head wrapped in foil into the oven but is there more to it?

>> No.10997845

Well you can make your own broth or literally go to any grocery store and they will have a variety of packages broths.

The rest you can just experiment with whatever meats, vegetables, and spices you like. Hard to mess up, really.

>> No.10997871

>Where does the broth even come from
Put bones + veggies in a pot of water. Simmer for hours. Remove bones + veg.

Making stock is easy as hell and is the foundation of a great deal of cooking.

>> No.10997900

>but is there more to it?

>> No.10998438 [DELETED] 

How many calories does a pound of muscle burn a day

>> No.10998450

depends entirely on what that muscle is doing.

>> No.10998686

What is the best salt?

>> No.10998703

For what?

>> No.10998720

How do I make crispy skinned wings? Mine are always soggy no matter what I do.

>> No.10998783

I was gonna make steaks tonight and I found that my fresh rosemary sprigs have turned brown and I have to toss them. I have dried rosemary, will that fulfill the same function?

>> No.10998868
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Was just about to make this thread before I saw it.

So how does this shit work? Do I just pour a can of filling into it and bake it open-face? Is there supposed to be a top crust?

>> No.10998882

From SJWs.

>> No.10998888

don't take off the wrap before you add the filling. It cooks down into a glaze. You will fuck up the moisture content if you remove it.

>> No.10998897

>>Do I just pour a can of filling into it and bake it open-face?
If you're too lazy to make your own filling, yeah.

>>top crust
Optional. Add one if you want it. Make a lattice or something like that if you want to get fancy.

>> No.10998901

Yes, no

>> No.10998904

You double quadruple nigger

>> No.10998906

J. Kenji had a video of this on YouTube. Give it a watch

>> No.10998910

It doesn't really work out in my opinion but I find it strange that something like that in the middle between readymade and diy exists.

>> No.10999104

Why doesn’t this board have higher traffic?

>> No.10999129

i want to make noodles for a stir fry, i thought i should boil them in some stock. should i try to get the amount of water just right so the noodles are finished once tte water boils away, like rice? or just dump the stockwater after? it seems like a waste

>> No.10999147

If it’s for stir fry just make it with water and let the sauce and oil from stir fry add the flavor.

>> No.10999309

why do we wash food that we're going to peel?

>> No.10999483

Bacteria’s n shieet

>> No.11000008

Because tendie discussion takes place on /r9k/.

>> No.11000160

Pressure cooker, no foolin. Look it up

>> No.11000166

You don’t want to go down this road. With the bones and the reducing and the roux always with the roux. Not worth the effort

>> No.11000176

I’m here to ck, I bring sous-vide-Michelin inspired plates and recipes from Stephen’s the bbq bible and the CIA professional chef.

>> No.11000180


>> No.11000186

Ready made Philadelphia cheesecake filling is fine with me. So is strawberry pie filling on top

>> No.11000192

Because thousand leggers crawled on it

>> No.11000260

Your average person doesn't cook much anymore, let alone enough to want to discuss it with others.
Your average 4channer is a loser NEET who is too lazy to cook.

So you're looking at a niche of a niche.

>> No.11000394

Too late, I already used it. It was fine but am I dying now? Please tell me quick anon I need to get my affairs in order.

>> No.11000406

If anything this board has way too many users. Idiot crossboarders talking about their fear of soybeans and love of trump steaks shit this place up beyond belief.

>> No.11000509

what are some things that are good to put in scrambed eggs
you can name vegetables if you want i like those

>> No.11000539

I personally like non iodine sea salt

>> No.11000549

No breading
Double fry

>> No.11000563

I like to cook but I absolutely can't stand anybody in the kitchen with me except my Grandma. I'll let people stand around the grill while im outside but inside ill just stop when people come around.
Why and wat do?

>> No.11000579


>> No.11000593

Green onions
Diced pimentos
Thinly sliced steamed mushrooms
Fresh Herbs
Grated carrots/parsnips & chili flakes
Chorizo (drain the grease)
Air (make a fancy fluffy omelet with lower heat and a lid)
Soy sauce and sugar
Leftover bacon
Thinly sliced salted meat ( browned in the pan before eggs are added)

> I have chickens so the wife and I have to get creative. We get a over a dozen every two days.

>> No.11000602

Fuck I forgot
Smoked salmon
Any favorite meat

>> No.11000625

Bell peppers, mushroom, broccoli, ground beef

>> No.11000643

Grow up, consider medication for autism.

>> No.11000658

was hoping for a legitimate answer. I won't be taking medication, as I stopped visiting the doctor when I turned 18. I don't believe in "modern science" if you will

>> No.11000664
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>> No.11000665

serious answer is in form of a question: isn't like every second cook doing the same?

>> No.11000668

Therapy. Organize your thoughts on how you perceive others.
>get a dog
It will help you get over you territory issues

>> No.11000676

Already have two pets. Make it very clear with the dog he won't even look at me if I don't want him around

>> No.11000694

Holy shit bud you got some territorial autism
> therapy
>cognitive therapy

>> No.11000746

yo, this is a stupid post and you're a stupid person. I guess good job if you're trying to troll, because you definitely convinced me you're full-blown retarded.

>> No.11000798

How do I stop the /Sip_sters

>> No.11000984

Bacon/sausage, cheddar cheese, diced tomato.

>> No.11000991
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Buy a baby gate and block the kitchen door.

>> No.11002440
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A recipe I'm making calls for 1/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh cilantro, but I only have cilantro powder. How much of that powder should I use as an equivalent? (In grams, teaspoons, whatever)

>> No.11002454

Why don't you get a bottle of dried cilantro and just use some extra?

>> No.11002504

I don't think my local (as in, the only one for miles on end) store has that, but I'll see what I can do

Still though, how much of the powder should I use if I can't find it bottled?

>> No.11002633
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Kosher salt

>> No.11002902

/ck/ pls, I need this soon

>> No.11002916

do you need the flavour or a fucking leaf? either use the powder or sub in arugula/spinach or something. Jesus Christ don't have a conniption over 1/4 cup of vegetables

>> No.11002938

How do i get my cheese sauce for macaroni to stop curdling? I can never get it to smooth out and i always end up with tiny tasteless lumps of cheese.

>> No.11002980

You're either using the wrong kind of cheese or you're failing at making your roux.

If you make a roux then you can use just about whatever cheese you want. If you are skipping the roux then you need to choose cheeses that melt well. Cheddar does not melt well. You want something like gruyere, gouda, fontina...

>> No.11002992

>failing at making your roux.
I honestly think i'm just using the wrong kind of butter. I'll try a change in cheeses as well.

>> No.11003007

>I honestly think i'm just using the wrong kind of butter

>> No.11003013

>I honestly think i'm just using the wrong kind of butter.
that sounds like nonsense. Why on earth would a different kind of butter cause curdling problems?

>> No.11003071


here's how i do macaroni and cheese for two, i just did it yesterday

2 tbls butter + 2 tbls flour + 1 cup half n half or milk + 1 cup cheese + 8 ounces macaroni

cook the roux on medium low heat for a just a few minutes until you see the color darken. then add the milk. it won't take long to bubble and thicken, you dont need to turn the heat up. as soon as it thickens, put your cheese in and turn off the heat. keep stirring and toss your macaroni in the sauce. you don't need a lot of heat to make bechamel sauce, which is basically what youre doing

>> No.11003080




>> No.11003305

if you care about purity, pink himalayan

>> No.11003328

i have the same fucking problem and i have no idea how to reconcile with it. living with a high volume of roommates has only made it worse too. like, unless you share a large kitchen, it feels very claustrophobic to cook around others

>> No.11003378

How do I make oatmeal in the microwave without it boiling over/exploding?

>> No.11003415

Run it at less than 100% power.
Also, cooking it in a wide shallow bowl causes less of an issue than deeper, narrower, containers.

>> No.11003524

You need to stop and stir it throughout cooking.

>> No.11003603

is this bait? post your recipe, the butter isn't the problem you tard

>> No.11003686
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I'm not sure where else to ask but can someone post that screencap of the anon who made an inside out burger and thought it was the funniest thing?

>> No.11003708

how do I eat food

>> No.11003888

Fucking casual newfag!

>> No.11004056

The only real butter at the local store i go to has is this "sweet cream butter" stuff. If that's not the problem, then i'll try other tweaks.

>> No.11004061

Sweet cream butter is normal butter anon. It's not the problem.

>> No.11004097

Sweet cream butter used to be called just butter. Fuckers started filling it with salt and preservatives, so now the real shit has a fancy name and costs more. Fuck that though, real butter is the only butter you should use. I've eaten an entire stick in one meal before, half a stick in Alfredo sauce, the other half on garlic bread.

>> No.11004143

Why do i get the feeling that furries love this webm

>> No.11004154

Roux is mostly for thickening and broth doesn’t need to be thickened

>> No.11004165

Kinda this

Roasting first is always recommended for flavor. In fact, roasting bones is how pho stock is started.

>> No.11004199

>So how does this shit work?
>just pour a can of filling into it and bake it open-face
It's for cheese cake, nigga
>Is there supposed to be a top crust?
No, do a crumble or streusel or preserves (pie filling) or nothing

>> No.11004526

If I put meat at the bottom of a cooler, layer of ice, then beer; will everything stay safe for a couple hours?

>> No.11004553


>> No.11004563

I was 90%, will keep the meat at the bottom so juice doesn't get over my cans.
got a good sauce I can make for a BBQ pork roast?

>> No.11004564


This board has just the right amount of traffic and is one of the last bastions of how 4chan used to be.
That isn't going to last forever though, it's been slowly getting worse.

>> No.11004693

Cut a bit off the top, drizzle some olive oil, then wrap in garlic and cook at 350 for 35 minutes.

>> No.11005308
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Graham crusts are for pie recipes that require graham crusts. For example, key lime pie, french cheesecake, banofee, chess, and other cream or pudding pies, where you do pour your prepared filling and then refrigerate them til set. They're much better if you don't buy them premade like pictured, but bake crumbs, sugar and butter yourself. It comes out crispier and has less absorbed sogginess from your eventual filling. Is there a topping? You can top this kind of pie with whipped cream, more crumbs, nuts, drizzle of fruit syrup, caramel, etc. Not a second crust.

>can of filling into it
Cans of filling? This usually refers to fruit fillings like apple, cherry, blueberry, or things like mincemeat, and these guys have traditional rolled piecrusts (flour, shortening, salt rolled thinly). You can buy premade pastry like that in rolls near the pillsbury biscuits, or frozen already pressed into disposable pie tins. Top crusts are used for these kinds of pies if lieu of crackle sugary things, or crumb toppings. They keep the filling in place and let it heat inside til doneness.

>> No.11005433

Does anyone know Any good recommendations for chef knives ?