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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 576x1024, 8FF24FEA-BD0E-4000-A788-723F0F207493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10995251 No.10995251[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We should shame the big companies into supporting it because right now they’re supporting genocide. Animals have rights and it is our responsibility as human beings to ensure that those rights are respected.

Your morning frappaccino is a murder milkshake and you are a subhuman if you willingly consume it. It’s time for humanity to ascend.

>> No.10995254

lel why is her head shaped like that

>> No.10995255
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>murder milkshake

>> No.10995262
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the fact that an animal suffered for my milkshake makes it that much more enjoyable

>> No.10995265
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>> No.10995266

you’re off the team

>> No.10995275

Brown people are so vile and ugly.

>> No.10995290

>our responsibility
Uh, no it's not. It's their responsibility.

>> No.10995296

I'm not even willing to say that all humans have rights. Why would I possible extend those rights to tasty animals?

>> No.10995305

>MURDER milkshake
Do you realize that you don't kill a cow to obtain it's milk???
It's very important to me that you are aware of this.
You just squeeze it's tits a few times.

>> No.10995315

But you're depriving billions of little cow babies from the milk they need to survive

>> No.10995321

That is not related to the issue at hand.
OP called it murder.
We have just established that no cow is being murdered to obtain milk.

>> No.10995339

educate yourself, retard


>> No.10995350

>billions of cow babies
I don’t think you know how cows, or any life form works. Don’t worry, it’s normal for vegans.

>> No.10995362

I feel like Im on the receiving end of a shill right now. For me its the McNigger.

>> No.10995364

>"most people like to learn, but I say what we really need to do is UN-learn"

stopped watching right there. That sounds like some straight up communist propaganda.

>> No.10995366

Are there any actual unironic vegans on 4chan or is it just shitposting

>> No.10995370
File: 109 KB, 771x1035, it__s_a_stretch_by_poiupoiu-d4epa7l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did P3TA manage to get a mod here and change the culture so much?
I notice that many posts critical to veganism get deleted if the arguements are any good.

>> No.10995375

Ask a vegan where vitamin B12 comes from

>> No.10995385
File: 124 KB, 900x1200, F7246B0C-ACF2-4133-A44A-883456F4CF62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask a moron

>> No.10995391

He’s cute...

>> No.10995403

Serious question.
How do you think those pills are made?

>> No.10995405

why do animals have right? have the declared independence and fought a war? no? why do matter? domesticated animals exist because we will it so.

>> No.10995420


>> No.10995434

What do you think those bacteria are feeding on to grow?

>> No.10995438

Consuming domesticated animals is actually more moral than not consuming them because it creates an evolutionary niche for those animals to exist in. They have adapted to serve us, and it we did not let them they would cease to exist on the same scale.

>> No.10995464


>> No.10995469
File: 10 KB, 225x225, Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go ahead and spoil it for you.
The bacteria are growing on "fermented plant matter"
A.K.A. SHIT that came out of some person or animal's ass.
Vegans literally need to eat shit in order to survive.
This is the dirty little secret that most vegans don't want to know, and the ones who do know don't want to talk about it.
So here are your 3 options
>1. eat meat
>2. eat shit and bacteria
>3. inject shit and bacteria directly into your veins

HMMM decisions decisions

>> No.10995480

I hate women.

>> No.10995531

Veganism BTFO eternally

>> No.10995555
File: 44 KB, 569x569, ByechBGCcAMCqWM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never marry anon, they are all horrible in one way or another.
Once you are married , you are fucked for the rest of your life if things go badly.

>> No.10995580

>Your morning frappaccino is a murder milkshake
I wish. Milkshakes are made with ice cream. Frappuccinos are bullshit.

>> No.10995600


>> No.10995641
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1503625090604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox may lie , but those repeating digits do not.

>> No.10995651

copy that

>> No.10995658

>think about who you would be with if you weren't with your current partner
>"back-up lover"
stop trusting sources that try to use the news for entertainment

>> No.10995663

>Veganism is the future
Only if vegans embrace lab-grown meat, but they seem split on that issue

>> No.10995676


>> No.10995687


NO MORE compromise

NO MORE murder

NO MORE meat



>> No.10995692

Women are horrible anon, you have no idea. And vegan women are the worst of the bunch.

>> No.10995696

I think you mean "No, more meat!" haha

>> No.10995715


>> No.10995777


Cows love us and want us to be happy. They evolved along side us and provide us sustenance. Elevating away from slaughter to lab grown meat is the future. Milk can then be provided by less stressed happier cows in larger ranges.


Cows are also a keystone species for grasslands. They should be reintroduced whenever and wherever we can.

In short, go fuck yourself I'm drinking milk you entitled luxury diet eating fuck.

>> No.10995788
File: 63 KB, 793x786, 67A1EEE5-5FC5-4A8A-8CBD-F7D2F6AB048F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking boomers

>> No.10995799

>Milk can then be provided by less stressed happier cows in larger ranges.
Some people are also working on being able to make milk in the same way that lab-grown meat is produced. It would be amazing if they can set up a factory like a water plant to pump it into people's homes. I would love to be able to have a tap for milk next to the water in my kitchen sink. And one for beer. And mead.

>> No.10995805

the companies follow the people. we just need to focus on the people.

>> No.10995817

>be vegan
>rapidly losing weight
>very aggressive and prissy
>constant fear of death and suffering
>low sex drive
>start eating meat and dairy again
>red meat, sashimi, goats milk, eggs
>start feeling like a man again
>want to fuck all the time
>anxiety goes away
>no longer fear death and struggle

>> No.10995878

I'm already vegan

>> No.10996039

So tired of these vegan threads. Its becoming like the bbc and cuck posting now. 4chan users are not big enough retards to fall for your conditioning tricks

>> No.10996065

Not vegan but checking in to say I just ate a raw beet (peeled, no salt/vinegar) before bed instead of a glass of milk or a pepperoni stick. it was good

>> No.10996086

>Caring about the well being of organisms dumber than you.

Sounds like you're the subhuman here.

>> No.10996109
File: 20 KB, 480x480, 1530638508836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the name Chad is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Chad is: Protector; defender. English form of a Welsh name meaning battle or warring. Famous bearer: 7th- century bishop St Chad founded the Samaritans, a charitable organization providing service for the suicidal and despairing.

>t. Beta

>> No.10996267

how are you going to eat three of almost every animal on the planet? there's not enough animals for that to work. you're a phony, a big fat phony!

>> No.10996292

I'm going to go get a couple burgers because of this thread

>> No.10996362

How is she able to unhinge her jaw like that?

>> No.10996366

>it's another, /ck/ is literally incapable of not taking the bait episode

>> No.10996392

The production of fruits and veg which make up the majority of a vegans diet uses pesticides designed to kill hundreds of insects that are simply following their instincts by eating.
But I guess we don't care about that 'genocide' because insects aren't big fluffy animals we love.

>> No.10996397
File: 55 KB, 452x540, 65f8f52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because of /pol/ crossboarding tbdesu

>> No.10996404

Carbs with vegetables and ketchup with a side of meat patty

So carnivore bro

>> No.10996406

So what diet kills the least amount of animals then huh smartguy?

>> No.10996410
File: 662 KB, 777x777, 1529291025351(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That look on her face. I know that look. It shows that she liked the cow's milk she accidentally drank. She realized that veganism is bullshit but she doesn't want to admit it to herself.

>> No.10996424

implying I get vegetables and not a double patty

>> No.10996427

People who constantly autistically screech about /pol/ are worse than /pol/

>> No.10996435

Depending on the context I'll agree with you. It's justified when someone is complaining about actual off topic political shitposting though. Like the chick-fil-a and Papa John's threads. Vegan threads are just regular bait though.

>> No.10996441


>> No.10996447

>biting the bait this hard
Fucking pathetic

>> No.10996467

Nothing about vegans or hating vegans is /pol/ related

>> No.10996486

I'm not disagreeing with you. I just said that vegan threads are just regular bait.

>> No.10996487

The 9 mm diet. One shot one kill.

>> No.10996676

>Animals have rights

>> No.10996713

why do normies not know the difference between breath and breathe?

>> No.10996717

They have the right to be delicious

>> No.10996719
File: 38 KB, 452x586, 1511102808246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't living a raw frutarian (yes growing and eating vegetables is murder and you should only consume that which grows freely by the grace of God) lifestyle by 2020, you should be drawn and quartered in the public crystal square of the age of Aquarius.