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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10994378 No.10994378 [Reply] [Original]

poorfag here. Getting really really bored of what im eating.

-canned salmon/tuna/ sale item
-black beans
-chick peas
-canned tomato
-frozen veges
-breads/pizza (cheese is too expensive once a month maybe)

Im eating protein with a starch, very fucking bored atm, For example I'll have the beans wit h the rice or the salmon in a sandwich. been doing this for a year.

Other than the pizza (which I could eat till I die. Any idea what else I can buy, make, ideas? Anything will help.

>> No.10994383
File: 29 KB, 423x566, stopbeingpoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10994386

maybe next year

>> No.10994437

I would rather eat sardines, smaller fish means less heavy metals in them and i would ditch the pizza because too much salt.

I'm pretty sure there are apps for people who donate food because they don't want to throw them in the trash, maybe that's something for you?

>> No.10994458

local food banks can replace cereal, grains, and veggies. heck, you might even get fresh or canned produce, dried pasta and other pantry items if you're lucky. use newsaved money on meats (ground beef, pork, chicken, stew or stir fry cuts) and can tomatoes (diced, whole, paste, sauce or tomato based sauce like spaghetti or enchilada sauce). this'll expand your cooking options

>> No.10994478

Yeah I eat deenz, but there a little too strong for me. I'll eat whatever is on sale in the canned fish area.

I'm close to a food bank but I'm self conscious about going there.

>> No.10994517

put your pride in a box and invest your time in community helps(food bank, church meals), coupon hounding, collecting+selling recyclables, buy generic brands and using grocery shopping apps that scan your receipts. once you make a feast so grand that you have to invite people over, you can take it out of the box and be proud of what you've done and the effort paying off.

>> No.10994543

carrot salad
>roast some carrots
>quick pickle some carrots with vinegar and olive oil and salt and pepper
>get some raw carrots and then shave the roasted, pickled, and raw carrots and serve them together

if you want to get fancy you can add a dollop of yogurt but it's good and healthy and carrots are cheap as fuck. i can get a 2lb bag for like $1.50 here.

>> No.10994563

I forgot about the carrots and quick pickle. I use a potato peeler. How did I forget this thank you!

>> No.10994667

This image always bothers me. Why does skeleton have 4 shot glasses? Wouldn't you just re use the same one, or does he take 4 shots back to back?

>> No.10994682

Never thought of that? Any suggestions fir poorfag meals? tricks or tips?

>> No.10994702

Sounds like you dont use any spices man. I don't know, make some tacos or something

>> No.10994714

bottle prob is cazadores tequila. tequila shots are drunk between friends, mezcal is drunk alone.

>> No.10994722

I use turmeric, cayenne, garlic, thyme, oregano, salt and pepper obviously, thai chilli's dried,

I also use a variety of sauces like fish sauce , samble olek (chilli paste) , Curry pastes and powders.

The list goes on

>> No.10994764

Ok that makes sense, there are also 3 silhouettes in the background so those must be his friends. Skelly is just a wet blanket it seems

>> No.10994778

Then idk what to tell you then. Save up for some beef or chicken? Try a new recipe? Personally I'm fine with plain meals. Makes the flavorful ones seem more special

>> No.10994782

This is what happens when I drink. Feel like a complete piece of shit

>> No.10994783

>I'm close to a food bank but I'm self conscious about going there.
I go to our food bank for food. I can barely afford bills let alone food. Just do it, anon. Sometimes you just have to.

>> No.10994788

I'll try it I guess. It just going to make me feel worse but thats a different thread

>> No.10994789
File: 12 KB, 400x400, cazadores-tequila-reposado-mexico-10154194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, bottle had logo change recently but parents had this bottle+tin for over 10 years, so design 10+ years old?

>> No.10994792

You would think so, but once you get desperate it's hard not to. I was down to like 2 cups of rice and ketchup left before I finally gave in and went. Don't be me.

>> No.10994803
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My problem isnt that I'm running out of food. I'd have more money if I bought the dried beans and rice in bulk. The club size bag of flour last me forever, just need to stop buying commercial yeast but I fail every time at my own starter.

My problem is variety and possibly some food items that are dirt cheap that I'm missing out on.

If the food bank had meat and produce I wouldn't even hesitate. I crave fresh vegetables and meat

>> No.10994813

Stir frys with frozen veggies and whatever meat is on sale. Eat on bulk white rice. Got me through university,. Cheap and allowed enough room for variety to keep you happy

>> No.10994824

the cheapest ground beef or pork I can find is 15-18$ for 2 lbs.

the chinese market sells ground pork a little cheaper but its really fatty and the hygiene/food safety is abysmal there

I simply can't afford it. Hense the dried proteins / beans

>> No.10994832

>If the food bank had meat and produce I wouldn't even hesitate. I crave fresh vegetables and meat
Yeah, trust me I miss that stuff more than anything. I can't even get eggs anymore because I have to save up every little penny I get and I live in a city that's really expensive. So I feel you. Shit sucks.

>> No.10994841

Eggs are cheap here 2$ for a dozen. I can cook an egg in every way imaginable.

What's your go to meal anon? Your staple?

>> No.10994855

Usually beans/rice/some kind of canned veggie. I like canned beans mostly because they at least add a type of sauce to the rice, so it's not really dry or anything. It does get tiring though, and I've gone days without eating before. It's a depressing way to live, but you gotta do what you gotta do, I guess.

I've had a friend buy me a meal on the rare occasion, so that's nice.

>> No.10994882

Holy fuck that's expensive. I can get the meh stuff for like a $1.50 a pound. Save up and move, your rent must be ass too.

>> No.10994889

you ever make pizza? Really easy, super cheap. Its just the cheese that gets pricey, but if you cut down on the cheese ( just enough so its not tomato sauce on bread)

>> No.10994898

Rents actually not bad for my city. Im in the hood paying 800$ for a 2 bedroom. Not properly heated so I might have to move after this winter

>> No.10994983

You should get into lentils. Not a revolutionary idea, but they're pretty good and relatively easy to prepare.

>> No.10994996

I'm an incredibly wealthy white guy and your food choices seem very similar to mine, although I eat out a few times a week.

>> No.10994998

Do they sell bulk frozen chicken breasts where you're at? If so it comes super cheap every once in a while

>> No.10995051

What the fuck. I'm paying almost $800 for a goddamn bachelor. I fucking hate Canada.

>> No.10995374

Im in canada. in a bad neighborhood and the heat doesnt work. but its cheap

>> No.10995379

My diet is mostly carbs. I dont think we eat the same.

>> No.10995527

In school I was paying $880 for a dorm that was split with 3 others. Fuck you

>> No.10995552

lol why so aggressive?

>> No.10995559

i'm so poor

>> No.10995583

I make 16k a year. what about you?

>> No.10995611

I'm the guy who was paying $880, and youd be pissed too if the school was forcing you to pay $880 a month plus food plus parking for a 5x8 room and a shitty kitchen and shitty living room shared between 3 others. Damn rights I'm pissed. And last year was about 16 or 17g, same as the other guy

>> No.10995621

damn rights u should be pissed
feelin the bern

>> No.10995633

Nah I'm also a canuc/k/

>> No.10995644
File: 73 KB, 640x480, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you boo

>> No.10995647

Buy some canned chicken when its on sale

>> No.10996259

toss in some breakfast foods. a nice chunk of them have lots of variations like pancakes and eggs even if you have to use the box mix for pancakes.

>> No.10996264

I like to cook eggs in my pancakes also. Nice chewy texture, tastes a bit different though

>> No.10996820

French onion soup
Also frozen veg is a non applicable item for me so I only stock up on fresh veg when cheap
Home made saukraut.
Quick pickles
I made a garden this year so I have a lot of fresh veg
Is sausage cheap in your area?
Roasted cabbage
Cabbage soup
Quick kimchi
I also make my own yogurt and keifer milk because milk is cheap

>> No.10996821

Make your own bread
Buy a jar of yeast instead of the packets

>> No.10996829

Dude that’s literally what they are there for. Nothing to feel bad about. Try getting different kinds of beans, rice, maybe try out some lentils, manager specials meats, different marinades, also look up how to make your own cheese. Look up paneer, if you haven’t had it, it’s a tofu like fresh cheese that doesn’t melt, all you need is milk, salt and vinegar/lemon juice. Can be used as Amani protein for a meal, is great in curry. Also make your own hummus, from chickpeas but you can also make it with black or white beans, switch up the spices. A bell pepper is cheap and can be roasted easily and added. Make hummus veggie sandwiches for lunch.

>> No.10996833

a main protein* not amani