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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10993010 No.10993010 [Reply] [Original]

I dont like water, its so borrrrrring.
>*glug glug glug glug*
>ahhh thats what I'm talking about

>> No.10993019

Cause fatties with childlike palettes gonna fat.

>> No.10993026

Because it's sweet and children like sweet things. Then as it turns out when your parents don't teach you moderation and all you drink is soda you condition your body into thinking everything you drink should be sweet. So you end up with an adult who has ruined their ability to drink water in an unaltered state.

>> No.10993033
File: 190 KB, 1300x993, white-female-uses-electric-shopping-cart-to-make-purchases-at-a-wal-CW7DKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Water? Eww, no thanks! I just don't like the taste.

>> No.10993036

Why do you keep making these shit threads?

>> No.10993065

A tenner says OP is a monstrous fattie that only drinks diet cola.

>> No.10993086

Because human beings like sweet things. Soda tastes fucking good, that's why people like it. Not rocket science.

>> No.10993258

same reason why the McChicken TM, the best fast food sandwich, is popular. Of course any McChicken TM value meal wouldn't be complete without a nice, cold, tall, sweet-as-the-nectar-of-the-gods Coca-Cola TM to go with it.

>> No.10993279

>Soda tastes fucking good
>fucking good
lad, I...

>> No.10993288

>30+ grams of sugar in 8oz of carbonated water is 'good'

>> No.10993293


>> No.10993309

Yeah that’s like 2 tablespoons
Not a big deal if you’re drinking a normal non health threatening amount
Is your problem with soda or people who drink soda like water?

>> No.10993316
File: 38 KB, 599x449, 1496181919970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 tablespoons
>Not a big deal if

lad, stop, please

>> No.10993330

That’s not an argument
That’s you having an opinion so shitty all you can do is post reaction images
Your next response will have a reaction image, bitch, with no real point

>> No.10993335

thhhsounds lithke thomebody is a diet *buuuuuurp* coke dwinker.

>> No.10993341

>only 1 soda a year for the past 7 years
i dont want to think about how much id weigh or how bloated id feel after meals if i never gave it up. jesus

>> No.10993342

Disgusting, what kind of third worlder would drink Diet Cock? Only Diet Bepis is good enough for me.

>> No.10993351

How old are you? how many more arguments do you need to realize shitton of sugar is not good for your body?
You probably don't need to hear any more, you know it already. You just don't care enough to look after yourself.

Fuck you, no image.

>> No.10993363

You know the World Health Organization recommends you consume 25g of sugar a day right? They also say that less than that is even better. So one cup of coke and that's more than the recommended amount of sugar in a day for an average person

>> No.10993376

That’s for a 2000 calorie diet, which only manlets and children have

So what you’re basically saying is that soda is an adults beverage
And that you’re a manlet

>> No.10993378

>alcohol is bad for you
>red meat is bad for you
>sugar is bad for you
Yet you’re here shitting up /ck/ because fizzy pop triggers you

>> No.10993382

Don't forget that eggs are also bad for you.

>> No.10993383

Water is for poors, diet soda is the king of drinks

>> No.10993386

Maybe you'll find out if you make this thread again

>> No.10993390

If children shouldn't drink soda, then why are you drinking it?

>> No.10993398

Your veins and kidneys think it's a pretty big deal.

>> No.10993404

So you either do heavy manual labour or your grossly overweight, got it.

>> No.10993408
File: 1.76 MB, 2400x2400, 00049000040869_A1C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate. Nobody really EVEN drinks Diet Coke. Why is that shit still even around when the way-more-superior, based Coke Zero exists?

>> No.10993417

If fizzy pop gave me as much use and pleasure as red meat/alcohol, I wouldn't be here shilling against it.
There's no quality in such chemical shit, the main reason you like it is that you have no sense of taste for quality you industrialized peace of fat shit.

>> No.10993425

A sedentary 5’10 male who weighs 165 (median recommended weight) is 2100
So the absolute bare minimum for not being a stick like shorty could easily drink 1 soda a day
And that’s if you don’t exercise at all

>> No.10993430

Children shouldn’t drink alcohol or have sex
Are you saying adults shouldn’t do things that weak and vulnerable children shouldn’t do?

>> No.10993432

>chemical shit
>literally defending alcohol
Kek, whatever kid
If you don’t like soda and you do like red meat, I’m not going to shitpost in a steak thread saying you should like what I like

>> No.10993441

>literally defending alcohol

>homebrew alco is pure chemical shit
:^) stay fat cunt

>> No.10993459

>1 result for home brew
I’m sure that’s exactly what you were talking about this entire time
Look, now that you’re shitposting on /ck/ for the first time, you should probably understand that “chemicals” isn’t a good excuse
Hfcs is literally just a type of sugar, the same type that gets fermented in your “homebrew”
If you understood science you’d know that all alcohol resembles soda at some point in the fermentation process, as in liquid filled with sugar and carbon dioxide, but commercial beers even more so

>> No.10993470

I didn't say it was good for you, I said it tastes good. Learn 2 read. We're hardwired to like the taste of sugars and fats and salts because they're all rare in nature, we didn't evolve in an environment where you can get as much of those as you want.

>> No.10993485

It still contains liver destroying chemicals that hook you up and makes you age faster.

>> No.10993491

Woah just like alcohol

>> No.10993501

A glass of wine isn't going to kill you, is just grape juice fermented, coke is a chemical with the vilest intention in mind.

>> No.10993515

>Vilest intention

>> No.10993535

>coke is a chemical
>alcohol, directly related to brain cell death and liver damage, isn’t

>> No.10993539

Drinking multiple cups of soda while pregnant isn’t going to make your baby stillborn

>> No.10993542

Fuck off PENTEX.

>> No.10993548

Only if you fuck off big pharma/big booze lobbyist

>> No.10993549

thoooundths like youre a baby thathht cant hanthdle the supperior flathvor of diet coke.

>> No.10993552

Funny, the big pharma is behind coke.

>> No.10993558

I don't know what that means, but Coke isn't some sinister conspiracy, it's just cheap unhealthy sugar water.

>> No.10993585

How many times are you going to make this thread you idiot?

>> No.10993586

>peace of fat shit
Can't wait for the war of fat shit desu