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10988406 No.10988406 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever try Absinthe?
Did you like it?
Would you recommend it?
How strong is the taste compared to vodka or bourbon or other liqueurs?
I've been compelled to try Absinthe for quite some time.

>> No.10988411

Hope you like licorice. It's mostly just a meme liquor.

>> No.10988421

i love chasing the green fairy
tastes like star anise and strong as fugg

>> No.10988422
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taste is really nice

>> No.10988425

I've only had it a couple of times when I'm already wasted, because I can't see how getting drunk on a 60% ABV drink is going to be much fun, but I don't remember it having a strong taste. It's a lot like licorice. I had a few shots no problem.

Meanwhile I hate Vodka because it tastes like paint thinner and has much more of a burn than Absinthe.

>> No.10988428
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American absinthe is still meme priced, and honestly not worth it. I pick up a few bottles of pic related whenever I find myself in Spain.

>> No.10988491

Like drinking licorice. As the other anon mentioned if you're getting it in murka its not really worth the price.

>> No.10988534
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>I can't see how getting drunk on a 60% ABV drink is going to be much fun

It's like cask strength whisky, you're supposed to water it down to taste.

>> No.10988550

I can't into absinthe. It makes me absinthe minded

>> No.10988571

You get crazy drunk if you do shots of it its really fun

>> No.10988581

>because I can't see how getting drunk on a 60% ABV drink is going to be much fun
You don't drink absinthe as a way to have fun before you get drunk. You drink alcohol to get drunk and have fun. And in absinthe case you drink it and then trip balls.

>> No.10988588

You don't actually trip on absinthe. You literally never have, not back in the 1800s, not now.

>> No.10988594

>And in absinthe case you drink it and then trip balls.
Underage please go

>> No.10988603

-It's okay, do you like anise/licorice? It's like that without the sweet, unless you do the whole sugary spoon thing.
-Not really. It's a letdown purely from the hype perspective. Want to make something desirable? Ban it.
-Less harsh but stronger and better actual flavor.

>> No.10988637
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>> No.10988651

sometimes you did in the 1800s because they mixed it with turpentine in their bathtubs to make it seem more potent

>> No.10988765

Anybody here had a Death in the Afternoon? It was my first exposure to Absinthe, and I really enjoyed it.

>> No.10988771

You really took Eurotrip to heart, huh?

>> No.10988928

This. I tried it... a lot. But it’s all the novelty of the preparation and history.

>> No.10988934

It's no more a meme liquor than any other liquor.

>> No.10988946
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>> No.10989081
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Do you want to drink alcohol without actually tasting the alcohol?
Do you enjoy the flavour of liquorice?
If you answered yes to both of those, then absinthe is for you. It's pretty good stuff.

>> No.10989164

>bro check out this booze that fuccs you up so you halloosineight fuccc

>> No.10989172

Is Kubler or Lucid a better brand?

>> No.10989283

Absinthe is liked by people who develop a taste for it, but it's never actually great on its own, but more about the historical, cultural, political and most especially literary history associated with it. Tales of hallucinations help too, but it's not good for the health if that were true.
It's got a fussy but elegant prep that adds to the mystique.
By all means, go try it, or wait until you're in a fun bar in Prague with the devices to dribble out cold water at the bar...doubtful it'll become anyone's #1 favorite. It's from an era where every country had monastery multi-herbal secret recipe liqueurs touted to cure ailments, help with digestion, etc. People who adore mead and say that it tastes amazing are the same kinds of people who adore absinthe, the kind of people who like renaissance faires, still dress goth, tries every drug on the market with reverence, read all of the Game of Thrones and all of Tolkien, and though nothing is wrong with that, you can see there is an appreciation for those kinds of things in the first place.
I like licorice in a big way, which is one of the major flavors in absinthe, and cool national liquers of random countries from Unicum to Drambuie to Benedictine, but I am never reaching for Abinsthe beyond a single shot until I remember again no one actually likes it much.

>> No.10989309
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>Absinthe is liked by people who develop a taste for it, but it's never actually great on its own
>Out of the ass, into the cooking board
I liked it immediately, I had never heard the tales of whatever, an old dude I know told me "Try this shit, it tastes kinda like liquorice mouthwash" and I immediately took a liking to it.
>All that text, only to fuel you own ego.
Now that is just sad.

>> No.10989347

>It's like cask strength whisky, you're supposed to water it down to taste.

If you water down cask strength whisky you deserve to be euthanized. Regular whisky is pre-watered down cask strength, so tell me, why would you pay for cask strength, unblended whisky and proceed to turn it into regular ass whisky. I'll wait.

>> No.10989714
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I once made a poor man's version with cheap absinthe (absinthe ordinaire) and prosecco. Tasted pretty good, but probably sweeter than the Hemingway version. I wish I had the money to routinely open bottles of champagne to make cocktails, because that would be nice.

>> No.10989720

>people who read the two most basic fantasy series are medieval nerds
haha no

>> No.10989855

There are only 2 brands available where I live. It's alright. If you like anise-flavored liquors, absinthe is just a high-ABV version of that.

>> No.10989860

>I wish I had the money to routinely open bottles of champagne to make cocktails, because that would be nice.I wish I had the money to routinely open bottles of champagne to make cocktails, because that would be nice.
Me too, brother. I know when I'm in the mood for a couple French 75s, I'm not going to remember the rest of the night.

>> No.10989864


Delicious. Tastes like licorice, but deeper and the sharpness of alcohol is perfect for it.

>> No.10989904

t. dumb alkie

>> No.10990044

i like anise flavor, tastes great to me.

>> No.10990054

whisky with branch water is how you're suppose to drink whisky anyways you troglodyte.

>> No.10990329

nooo nigga

>> No.10990396

Tried? yes
Worth it? no

>> No.10990409

Probably not, no.
He's right, the idea of tripping on absinthe is most likely something akin to more recent reefer madness type propaganda creating a meme people repeated about something that never happened in reality.

>> No.10990414

absinthe is great as a stand alone shot, probably the best in my book, it wrecks vodka,gin,rum... what else is there, it's pretty good.

>> No.10990913


Because some people like 40-50% whiskies better than 50+% whiskies, and sometimes bottles are only offered in cask strength, and usually when you do the math, watering down the whisky yourself still offers a better $/ml ratio.

>> No.10990951

the true way to drink absinthe. Hell yeah

My favorite cocktail includes absinthe..
.5 oz absinthe
1 oz gin
3/4 oz lime juice
3/4 oz simple syrup
muddled burnt rosemary

the original recipe of this calls for mint, but I like the rosemary in it better. I had the bartender light a soaked rosemary stem on fire to catch more of that delicious smoke coming off of it and into the drink.

It's called a French Pearl

>> No.10991014

None of this shit has wormwood. It's not Absinthe

>> No.10991069
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>> No.10991121

licorice the alcohol, no thanks

>> No.10991125 [DELETED] 

It tastes nice and the procedure to achieve the louche is fun. I prefer not to use sugar, because the botanicals used are already pretty sweet.

>> No.10991137

I went to a Jewish frat house on the promise of being served Absinthe that a guy had brought back from Amsterdam, real stuff, when wormwood containing Absinthe was still illegal. I pregamed with some "cool kids" and did 4 shots of vodka back in the dorm. This was the first week in college. I brought this 60 dollar shot glass I got in Venice on a teen trip. I got alcohol poisoning after maybe 4 shots of Absinthe or so. I blacked out walking back as I kept running into the fence. Apparently some others from my dorm found me, carried me back, and then took me to the bathroom. I remember none of it until waking up at breakfast late the next day and they all were pissed and told me what happened. They wouldn't hang out with me again and hated me for the rest of the year.

And I dropped the shot glass on the way back. I remember finding pieces of it another day.

>> No.10991138
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Friendly reminder that REAL absinthe is swiss and the meme artifically coloured green shit you can buy in spain and czek republik only exists to rip off gulible american tourists.

>> No.10991141 [DELETED] 

Yeah, if you're going to take absinthe as shots you might as well be drinking Everclear.

>> No.10991968

So how does real absinthe look like?

>> No.10991972

I'm not a big liquorice fan so it took me a while to get it down straight but it was one of the most interesting drunk experiences I've ever had so would recommend

>> No.10991975

the absinthe I had was clear desu

>> No.10991984

I tried a couple different ones with different colors and alcohol contents in each
Overall the weakest one, I think it was 66%, was the tastiest
The strongest one was a black Absinthe with about 90% alcohol, it was not just strong which I would be fine with but also tasted cheap and disgusting
Since I mostly tried going for different strengths so far I'm looking forward try different brands that come in the percentage range I liked, I'll try some different 65-70% when I next get the chance
It's surely not a drink for everyone but I like the taste of licorice and strong alcohols so it worked for me

>> No.10992045
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>> No.10992548

just a strong alchohol with mint
try hitting your jaw with a table and get a punch into stomach — that's how it feels to drink these 50ml
the only good use i see is the coctails

>> No.10992638

Is wormwood as potent as people say? I've heard half baked stories of people hallucinating on the stuff back in the day

>> No.10992645

When I tried it physically I felt drunk as fuck but mentally pretty normal. Strange but enjoyable.

>> No.10992648

No it's good old fashioned horseshit spread by concurrent liquor industries back in the day.
Truly sad that people keep falling for it nearly 200 years later.

>> No.10992653

Wormwood has zero hallucinogenic properties. The only thing hallucinogenic about Absinthe, even "the good old stuff", is the high alcohol %.

>> No.10992810

Sazeracs are a pretty good way to drink it, as you dilute the 140 proof liquor with 90 proof rye.

If you're going to drink it with water, make sure it is stone ice cold, otherwise it's just damn nasty.

Never drink it mixed with lukewarm tap water in a toothmug in a hungover 8am.

>> No.10992831

It's funny that the propaganda used to try to stop people from drinking absinthe during the 19th century is what attracts so many people to it these days.

>> No.10993817

>wormwood is a hallucinogen
You're retarded.

>> No.10993826

Shit tier and overpriced. Tastes more like disappointment than licorice imo.

>> No.10993939

I had it on Halloween in an absinthe bar that use to be a speakeasy.. On St. Marks NYC they even have tours. one was going one while having one.. it was real nice.. would like to get wasted off it sometime.. for full effect maybe this Halloween...

>> No.10993976 [DELETED] 

not worth it unless you like licorice flavor, in which case you should just go with jager. thujone is I believe outlawed pretty much everywhere in the first world, and absinthe without thujone has no point