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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10975326 No.10975326 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so few ice cream companies rivaling Ben and Jerry’s? I want stuff besides ice cream in my ice cream but every time I go to the grocery store I get the same shit because no one else makes anything as good. And no I don’t want to add my own toppings.

>> No.10975339
File: 29 KB, 240x180, E1254B8F-D04A-4EFE-8503-614F1BF7A61E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put that shit in there yourself. Can you not mush up pretzels and peanut butter into your ice cream?

>> No.10975371

I don’t want to. I want to buy ice cream with stuff already mixed in

>> No.10975623

Well you like Ben and Jerrys. Why does there have to be other ice cream companies if there’s already one you like?

>> No.10975633

Not that guy, but Ben and Jerry's doesn't have a large variety of flavors, and they never really did.
My favorite flavor, Berried Treasure, a lemon sorbet with other fruits mixed in, got retired only a couple months after I first discovered it.

>> No.10975660

>stoned hippy/hipster doesn't yet realize b&j is just more mass produced factory shit.

>> No.10975694
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I don’t want to support their communist bullshit tbqh

>> No.10975720

I guess Unilever is carrying on the "spirit" of the brand. Ben and Jerry sold it years ago. They were faggotty hippy cucks for sure though.

>> No.10975725

I don't like the idea of some hippy fags touching my food. I know it's some super modern facility and controlled by robot overlords. But the marketing make it seem gross.

>> No.10975729
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My local health food store's in-house brand ice cream is better than B&J's and significantly cheaper. I bought it because it was cheap and didn't have carrageenan like every other mass-produced ice cream, and was surprised at how creamy and buttery it tasted.

>> No.10975734

Twisty treat is superior.

>> No.10975764
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I dunno if these are Midwest based, but in addition to B&J and Haagen Daaz there's Graeter's and Til the Cows Come Home, all of which are excellent.

>> No.10975784

Why does no one do butterscotch ice cream

>> No.10976370
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>> No.10976430
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Hol up pro tip here. Next time you are buying a brand of ice cream look at the nutrition label for the vanilla. A serving size is like half a cup, if that is less than 100g then the ice cream is shit.

Pic related, 112g iirc and sold right next to the ~60 gram breyers.

>> No.10976481


>> No.10976511

there was a b&j butterscotch released for anchorman 2 called scotchy scotch scotch. had it once and long for it even now

>> No.10976535

Blaze on, dude.

>> No.10976563

Like they are hugging trees and then jizzing into it before they pack it?

I’m with you there.

Full-Tilt in Seattle makes a damn good ice cream.

Haagen Daz uses lots of trans fat and no longer sells full pints but they are still hella expensive.

As much as i want to support Tillamook, I only really like it fresh in the factory. The store version blows.

I am similar. I will buy stuff though and mix it in. I would recommend Moose Tracks or the chocolate version of Moose Tracks.

>> No.10976565

They also support planned parenthood

>> No.10978134

isn't blm domestic terrorism?
why do they support them?

>> No.10978136

Blizzard from DQ

>> No.10978248

Disgusting. We should protect fetuses until they're fully formed and then stop caring.

>> No.10978407


You seem pretty fragile then m8

>> No.10978541

Ben and Jerry's ice cream is only decent if you have never experienced Haagen Dazs