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10968150 No.10968150 [Reply] [Original]

Want to try Keto/Low Carb diet for health reasons (possible diabetes and just to lose weight). Is there reason to do one over the other? I know some people here swear by keto and others here hate keto just because the ketofags shove it in everyone's face like a religion, so I don't know how many unbiased replies I will actually get.

Now, with these two diets in mind, what is a good meal planner or just something I can stick too easily? I'm not picky with food, and I'm not some fag that needs to switch up my 3 meals every single day. If something is good, I can eat it for a long time before getting tired of it. So if I can just eat like the same 3 things everyday and I only need to worry about buying that, then that's perfect for me. But so far whenever I look up keto meal plans I just get a bunch of nu-age hipster blogging journalism garbage that is like "omfg i can eat bacon and lose weight what the heck!~?" instead of actual dieting advice.

Does anyone here do either of these (if low carb, I'm talking less than 30 maybe less than 20 carbs a day)? Have any tips? Also I'm hoping to eat between 1300-1500 calories a day.

Please don't turn this into some pseudoscience debate about ketosis or whatever, I don't care. I just want to lose weight and not eat carbs (and keto seems pretty easy to do that, i couldn't give a shit about the actual science behind it).

>> No.10968210

keto's a fad made by the food megacorpos to counter the rise of vegetarism and keep selling as much animal products as they used to.

>> No.10968224

Well, keep in mind eating zero carbs is not the same as ketosis.

In fact, too much (lean) protein can kick you out of ketosis.

Ketogenic is a diet where 80% of calories comes from fat. 20-25% from protein and rest 10 or 5% from trace carbs.

I personally eat zero carb, but not ketogenic since eating shitloads of fatty food is not my thing.

>> No.10968234

But most of the fats and oils you use in keto all come from plants. Like olive oil and coconut oil.

>> No.10968239

You don't need meal plans for HFLC, that's one reason its so popular, you don't need autism or a spreadsheet. Just watch the carbs, and try not to eat anything that comes in a can or box, and it will work. You'll find it's actually difficult to overeat on a HFLC diet, whether Keto or some other variant like Atkins. They all work to some extent. Keto is better than Atkins if you're T2 because its lower protein, and too much protein stimulates insulin which you don't want. But both work, it's just a question of optimality.

>> No.10968246

What do you normally eat? I've been trying my best to eat low carbs, and so much shit has it. I feel like I just need to sit down and eat nothing but large portions of salad and some source of protein.

>> No.10968249
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>> No.10968256

>retarded babbling
Keto is light on meat, and doesnt allow any high profit processed foods at all. You came in 23rd in the retardation contest today, please try harder tomorrow. Also fuck off vegan shill.

>> No.10968258

I feel like I don't really know where to start. Do I just pick up some food and start frying it in coconut oil and go to town? I don't really get it.

I'd rather just have someone lay out a few basic keto meals I can use as a guideline and then branch out from there whenever I feel like it. I've not cooked much in my life time so this diet would also be the thing to get me to start actually cooking, and it seems daunting.

>> No.10968264

Salad with meat/chicken/fish
Veggies with meat/chicken/fish

Sometimes make some sauce for fish/meat.

Also carb-up every week or once two weeks 1-2 days. Does not mean I eat some honey buns or something, but have some rice or potatos since that is something I crave from time to time. Psychological thing mostly.

>> No.10968268

>I don't really get it.
Eat anything you might want, as long as it is low in carbs.

>>frying in oil
sure, that's one way. You could also steam, smoke, grill, bake, roast, broil, or use any other cooking method. Just avoid carbs.

>>I'd rather just have someone lay out a few basic keto meals
List all the foods you like. Cross any off the list which contain appreciable amounts of carbs. It's that simple. You don't need a special meal plan to cut carbs.

>> No.10968269

Avoid nearly everything in a box or can.
I'm not certain that too much meat will kick you out of ketosis, you'll have to check yourself. Some people it does, some it doesn't.

>> No.10968275

Avoid anything that says its low fat. Guaranteed it has added sugar.

>> No.10968277

>others here hate keto just because the ketofags shove it in everyone's face like a religion
i rarely see this. everyone hates vegans because "it's a religion", yet people get away with talking about keto and paleo like it's the word of god and nobody ever complains.

truth is, any non-shit diet (i.e. one free of junk and with moderate calorie intake), including keto, paleo and vegan, results in health improvements in the short term, but because fat people are fucking stupid, they think their specific diet is the thing that cured them and that it's sustainable in the long term.

if you look at scientific literature, there's actually no benefit in keto vs moderate carb intake, but there IS a benefit in keeping your protein intake moderate (not too high) - something which keto people struggle to do, since meat is very high in protein and keto is mostly meat. the common response from the keto community is "just eat butter/oil"... yeah, real nutritious.

just for reference, last month the keto community (including the major reddit) concluded that it's okay to not eat fruit ever, since it's full of pesticide. i might have a brain aneurysm trying to explain how this is completely retarded, so you can figure out yourself.

the most important thing is that avoiding carbs will not make you lose body fat faster. if you want to lose body fat something better would be to fast (intermittent fasting, for instance) - gets way better results than keto.

keto makes fun of "le fat is bad" myth, while propagating an equally retarded myth: that saturated fats are good.

>> No.10968279

>sure, that's one way. You could also steam, smoke, grill, bake, roast, broil, or use any other cooking method. Just avoid carbs.
See "I've not cooked much in my life time so this diet would also be the thing to get me to start actually cooking, and it seems daunting."

The most I know how to do is deep fry something, fry something in a pan, or bake something. I don't know what spices to add or how to make things tasty, other than the most basic of basic stuff.

And online recipes and books don't really list nutrition facts, so I can't really count the carbs unless it has one.

>> No.10968286

>You don't need a special meal plan to cut carbs.
Keto isn't just cutting carbs though. It's making sure you eat lots of healthy fats and stay in "ketosis."
You can't just cut out all carbs and say you are keto.

>> No.10968287

>yet people get away with talking about keto and paleo like it's the word of god and nobody ever complains.

That's because Vegans are infamous for trying to convert people to their strange cult, whereas ketofags don't run around trying to proselytize

.>>truth is, any non-shit diet (i.e. one free of junk and with moderate calorie intake), including keto, paleo and vegan, results in health improvements in the short term, but because fat people are fucking stupid, they think their specific diet is the thing that cured them and that it's sustainable in the long term.
Very true. 100% agreed.

>> No.10968299

I'm not just looking to lose weight, I'm also scared that I'm pre-diabetic and carbs/sugars is the one thing I should basically never have. Keto or not.

>> No.10968307

>whereas ketofags don't run around trying to proselytize
Might be coincidence but my colleagues, people who work in my office, and some of my more health conscious friends won't not only shut the fuck up about keto, but will bring it up when it's completely inappropriate. Depressed? Anxious? Suffering with arthritis? HAVE YOU TRIED KETO? Oh and I can't seem to watch an episode of Joe Rogan podcast without him telling the story of how "scientists tricked us into eating sugar" so now we should avoid all carbs.

>> No.10968308

>keto is mostly meat
Jesus fuck you're retarded. Keto is low to moderate amounts of protein. You're thinking of atkins.

>> No.10968310

>And online recipes and books don't really list nutrition facts,

You should be able to easily recognize carbs in a recipe without needing detailed nutrition facts. Avoid sugar or sugar equivalents (honey, molasses, syrup, sweet sauces, etc), fruit, wheat and wheat products (i.e. bread), and potatoes. That pretty much covers the major offenders. You could google "high carb ingredients" for more examples.

>> No.10968337

I don't get how in the same breath a keto person says that 80% of the diet is fats and that you should be eating a ton of vegetables in every meal. Vegetables aren't chock full of fats.
Where are they getting 80% from? Do they deep fry their vegetables or something? That sounds really gross and extremely unhealthy.

>> No.10968340

Don't group sugar and carbs together. You're right, stay away from sugar, but no need to avoid carbs.

Keto is a loose term mostly understood to mean "low-carb". If you read Jason Fung's work on ketogenic diets (a reputable source) then yes, he advocates moderate protein - specifically 0.6 g/kg, which is roughly 3 to 4 times less than the average person doing keto gets. So when I say "keto is mostly meat", what i mean is: "most people doing keto are eating way too much fucking meat", and this isn't because they don't know shit about keto and think as long as they avoid carbs, it's cool. oh and because trying to avoid carbs without eating too much protein is difficult, and usually leads to shitty nutrition (butter and oil are not staples for a reason).

so no, i'm not the retard here, i know full well what keto is, what the benefits and perils are. unfortunately most people on the keto diet don't.

>> No.10968341

I'm sorry about your friends, anon. You should just tell them to STFU.

As for Rogan, I can't really help you there. You brought that shit upon yourself. I have no idea why you'd listen to him if you don't like the crap he preaches.

>> No.10968344

It *is* unhealthy, which is why keto is recommended if you're obese, which is very unhealthy. Once you're in normal weight you shouldn't be doing keto.

>> No.10968345

Simple carbs are just sugar though and still fuck with insulin. Even complex carbs are, though they aren't as bad since it takes longer for your body to process them.

>> No.10968356

>Keto is a loose term mostly understood to mean "low-carb"
No it isnt. But keto in the diet space is a specific term and has very narrow range of meanings, none of which include high protein consumption. You're just trying to set up a straw man for your weak assed argument.

>> No.10968357

So how is high protein bad for you when if you want to gain muscle you want to eat your weight in grams of protein? Being strong isn't bad.

>> No.10968363

thanks for reading the entire post you fucking spastic. the vast majority of people (the scientifically illiterate like yourself) equate keto with "low carb". now fuck off and go read a biology book instead of regurgitating shit you don't understand.

little pathetic brainlet.

>> No.10968366

I'd you're doing keto you're probably type 2 diabetic and absolutely should avoid carbs even "good" ones until your insulin resistance is back to normal.

>> No.10968367

>argues about definition of keto
>hasn't read any books on keto diets
Keep taking out your ass.

>> No.10968369

Too much protein is hard on your kidneys.

And while it is true that you need protein to build muscle, the figures are nearly always exaggerated to an extreme degree. "Eat your weight in protein" for example is crazy excessive, even for a full-on bodybuilder taking literal steroids.

>> No.10968372

Please read this regarding insulin. The whole insulin thing is blown way out of proportion.


>> No.10968384

Try not getting your diet from shitty bodybuilding website. Protein does not mean muscle. You realise that's just marketing crap for protein shakes? Most people get waaay more protein than they need, even people that are trying to build muscle. The problem with that is that any protein you DON'T need turns into glucose and causes inflammation in several places.

>> No.10968390

There are literal studies done where patients that are diagnosed with type 2 beetus either fast or eat 0 carbs and in just a few weeks their symptoms start reverting.

These studies have been conducted since the 60s. Cutting out all carbs until you are no longer experiencing the effects of type 2 is the best way to go. Then once you are in a better healthy state you can start eating carbs again, but in moderation and mostly complex carbs. Nothing starchy and simple like potatoes.

>> No.10968397

Scooby recommends really high protein and minimal carbs and he's the best looking 60 year old I've ever seen, and healthy too.

>> No.10968413

That's just about weight loss, and has nothing to do with diabetes which is 100% linked to carbs/sugar causing your insulin to build up high resistances and not being able to properly function. Causing your blood sugar to spike abnormally high and cause nerve damage.

OP was mainly worried about diabetes, his weight was just something on the side that will slowly go away just as a result of eating less and dieting (no matter the diet, since all diets work on fat people).

>> No.10968419
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This thread turned into "nuh uh your diet is bad and mine is better" real fucking quick.

I just wanted some healthy meal advice.

>> No.10968452

>deliberately misrepresents keto for strawman argument
>gets called on it
>claims people that understand keto are illiterate and retarded
The butthurt is strong with this one

>> No.10968458

>insulin thing is blown way out of proportion
Not for type 2 diabetics, anon

>> No.10968462

Most people I see talking about keto on here talk about eating mostly meat and fish.

>> No.10968511

Excess protein does not turn into glucose. boomerscience yet again. Its converted into ATP to be utilised in the citric acid cycle for energy.

>> No.10968514

Vegans are fucking toxic

>> No.10968516

most people on 4chan are retarded or trolls?

>> No.10968525

Because the vegans keep claiming that keto is all about eating their hated meat. Absolutely nobody on keto thinks that, because every keto book and YouTube video out there emphasises keeping protein lowish.

>> No.10968577

Mostly reminding the vegan trolls that keto means low to moderate protein.

>> No.10968580

How do ketofags explain 80% of their diet being fats as healthy? That's the part I don't understand. Even good fats are extremely unhealthy in large amounts. Aren't we supposed to have diverse diets full of moderation?

>> No.10968586

I was thinking about starting keto with intermittent fasting but I can't seem to find a clear answer to weather or not it's healthy. I'm just going to stick to low carbs, no sugar, fish and veggies I guess. Also just not eat a lot.
To clarify I'm not fat I'm just kinda flabby.

>> No.10968591

>Even good fats are extremely unhealthy in large amounts.
Why? Because 1980's 'science'?

>> No.10968592

>reeee keto means high protein or my argument falls apart
every time

>> No.10968604

You probably don't want only fish. If you meat that isn't red chicken is better. Fish is good for you, but if you eat it every day you have mercury poisoning and all that other bad shit.

I'd say eat it twice or maybe thrice per week in small portions. Chicken the rest of the time, but only for like dinner and try to keep lunch and breakfast mostly veg.

>> No.10968637

>Do they deep fry their vegetables or something? That sounds really gross and extremely unhealthy.
That's why ketofags do *not* in fact deep fry their vegetables. The vegetables they eat a ton of are low carb vegetables, so very few calories. The fat comes either with the meat or as nuts or fatty fruit like olives, avocado, coconut, etc. Keep in mind that that is percentage by calories, not by volume. Most cuts of steak, as well as tuna and salmon, have roughly 80% of their calories in the form of fat. And a bowl full of low carb veggies - by itself - has very few calories. Put a vinaigrette dressing on it and that bowl of veggies is now 80% calories from fat.

>> No.10968644

>It's making sure you eat lots of healthy fats and stay in "ketosis."
Yes, but that logically follows from simply cutting carbs. Nobody is going to be eating pure protein, of course there will be fats present. It would be nearly impossible to avoid fats even if you wanted to.

>> No.10968654

Thanks man, also what about turkey? I love turkey and make some pretty bomb turkey burgers desu.

>> No.10968681

That was based on some very weak observational studies in the 60's. Newer better designed and controlled experiments with randomly assigned groups show that high fat diets - if they're the right fats - produce better biomarkers in virtually all categories than a standard diet or even the AHA "healthy" diet. This is mostly research done in the late 90s onward. Much of this was intended to prove how evil and unhealthy the Atkins diet was, but the results have been pretty uniformly supportive of HFLC diets, much lower triglycerides, higher HDL, lower blood pressure etc compared to the recommended AHA diet.
But old tropes die hard. Most people still believe that eating cholesterol raises your cholesterol, but that was disproved back in the 60's (it only raises cholesterol if your levels are too low, if your levels are fine then eating cholesterol has no effect)

>> No.10968684

80% of your calories, not your diet.

Fats have a much higher calorie density than carbs or proteins - can't remember the exact ratio now, but it's something like 1g fat calories = 8g carbs calories.

So 80% of your diet being fat isn't actually that hard to achieve.

The main two things with keto are this (and this is often misunderstood):

1. Low carbs means ketosis - you'll burn your fat for energy IF you're eating at a defecit. This is because the body stores carbs as glycogen then fat when you have a surfeit of calories. So when you are hungry on a 'normal' diet, your body goes to the glycogen stores instead and finds plenty of energy there so it can leave the fat where it is.

2. Keto wins here because there's no glocogen, AND fat makes you feel fuller, so you eat less. This means your body is more often going to look for extra energy, and seeing there's no glycogen, it goes for the fat instead. In fact, the ketones that give the diet its name increase which makes your body more effecient at burning fat than normal - it becomes EASIER for the body to burn fat when you're in ketosis.

So do keto and you'll lose a lot more weight than any other diet, because it keeps you fuller for longer, while making your body an efficient fat burning machine.

All the stuff about adding butter etc, it's nonsense. you could eat kilos of brocoli instead if you want - it would have the same effect on fat burning. Where it would fail is you'd have to eat a shit ton to feel satisfied, and you'd get hungrier again, quicker.

>> No.10968686

Turkey is high protein and low fat. Not ideal.

>> No.10968688

not only impossible, but it would literally kill you.

look up rabbit starvation. it's when people eat too low fat in their diet. even though they're eating enough to feel full etc, they die.

>> No.10968689

Don't know personally. Have to ask some other anon or a doctor or something. I've heard dark meat can be bad for you, but I don't see the big fuss. Just meat in moderation really.

>> No.10968699

Hi, not op here, but also had a pre-diabetic scare. How does keto help? A diabetic attack is quite literally called Ketoacidosis, because the ketones in your blood are skyrocketing. So isn't going on a diet that puts ketones in your blood making you literally live on the edge of death?

>> No.10968701

This. The 80% fat rule is for weight maintenance, not weight loss. If you just want to lose weight you can eat 20g of bread each day and nothing else and still be in ketosis and lose weight like mad. You'll just be hungry as fuck. Add 1500kcal fat and 400 kcal protein to your bread and you won't be hungry at all. But you probably won't lose much weight. Add 800kcal fat and 200kcal protein to your bread and you will lose weight and still not be hungry, because fat turns off ghrelin like nobody's business.

>> No.10968705

Yes anon, I know what rabbit starvation is.

I'm just puzzled why people love to mention it. It can only happen under the most bizzare contrived circumstances that it's hardly worth mentioning. A person who cuts carbs but otherwise eats even remoetely normally is going to be getting plenty of fat in his/her diet. Between the naturally occurring fat in the rest of their diet, cooking oil, condiments, and so on they will be fine.

>> No.10968708

Not enough fat. You need fat to kill your appetite.

>> No.10968712

You mentioned being impossible to avoid fats. My comment was in relation to that.

I was just saying even if it was possible, it's very very undesirable.

>> No.10968729

>You mentioned being impossible to avoid fats.
The 'tism is high with this one.

>> No.10968740

Explain vegan keto diets then? Have you ever studied nutrition or do you just regurgitate other peoples opinions

>> No.10968754

When your in ketosis, your body burns ketones for energy

>> No.10968759

Not sure who is more obnoxious and dumb, ketofags or vegans. When you get two in a thread everyone who reads it gets cancer.

>> No.10968761

Ketoacidosis happens when both sugar and ketones are sky high. That can only happen with t1 diabetics and a few other very rare endocrine disorders, because high blood sugar normally causes high insulin, and insulin shuts off ketone production very aggressively, if your insulin isnt flatlined you can't make ketones. T1 diabetics don't make insulin so that corrective downregulation doesnt happen. T2 diabetics have no problem making insulin, so either sugar levels will be high or ketone levels will be high but not both. And even then, ketone levels will be *much* lower that the levels seen ketoacidosis. Its very tough for a normie or t2 diabetic to get ketones above 5mmol/l. T1 diabetics in ketoacidosis have levels around 18-25, plus glucose levels about the same concentration, or 350+ mg/dl for the burgers in the room.

I checked my ketones just now, my glucose is 3.8mmol/l, my ketones are 4.0mmol/l. Don't know eh as t my insulin is, but its gotta be pretty low. This is after 4 days of fasting, ketone level is maxed out, and I'm a long long fucking way from acidosis.

>> No.10968790

Didn't read this opinion before posting it. Didn't see anybody talk about vegan keto diets neither. Fair enough.

>> No.10968791

>tfw keto vegan

>> No.10968832

Keto vegan is tough enough that there are specialized books on just that subject, and the intersection of people interested in keto and people interested in veganism is fairly small. But they do exist, amazon has several vegan keto books out there, so somebody thinks there's a market for it.

>> No.10968856

Thst was largely based on an experiment where they fed rabbits a high fat diet and the rabbits developed high cholesterol. Rabbits are herbivores, they had to force feed them with a tube. It's amazing the rabbits didnt develop worse issues. When they tried this experiment on actual people it turned out to not be a problem.

>> No.10968919

>I want to destroy my kidneys for health reasons
alright man, whatever

>> No.10968957

How would no carbs hurt kidneys? If anything carbs and sugar is what destroys them. Kidney stones and tons of problems happen to your kidneys when you eat too much of that shit.

>> No.10968960

Go away vegan you don't have the foggiest fuck of an idea of what you're talking about.

>> No.10968970

Keep eating your spinach and avocados and make sure to enjoy your oxalate stones veganfag.

>> No.10968978

huh... I mostly have a keto diet without even knowing it

>> No.10969167

>Is there reason to do one over the other?
Keto IS a low-carb diet.
Keto is NOT a zero-carb diet.
Anyone who tells you differently is not educated on the subject. You can eat 20-50g of carbs daily and remain in ketosis. Buy some ketone test strips for your urine and use them daily, so you can monitor and make sure you remain in ketosis. I don't recommend trying to do a "zero carb" diet. It's not good for you in the least. Even veggies and spices have carbs in them.

>80% of the diet is fats
80% of your calories should be fats. Fats provide more calories per gram than any other macronutrient. 50% of your plate at each meal during keto should be veggies, but they barely contain any calories. Cook veggies in oil or butter, or use cream, cheese, or other fatty flavorings.
>That sounds really gross and extremely unhealthy
That's because you don't know jack shit about nutrition. Most fats are extremely healthy for you.

Your body can synthesize protein into glucose which is what your body derives from sugar. "Too much" of anything is, by definition, bad; high protein isn't unhealthy per se, but if you're trying to do keto, too much protein will fuck over your ketosis.

Provide any study or research that proves or suggests that keto is bad for your kidneys.

>All the stuff about adding butter etc, it's nonsense.
>The 80% fat rule is for weight maintenance, not weight loss.
You're both wrong. The 80% fat rule is for ENERGY. Your body requires it, and when in ketosis, your BMR is higher, so you require more energy in ketosis than you did on a normal diet. Without fat OR carbs, you will not only feel hungry, but tired, angry, depressed, you'll get headaches and feel nauseated, etc. Fat/protein are ESSENTIAL to the body and must be eaten. Don't spread misinformation; read a book.
Even the guy who fasted for a full year was under close medical scrutiny and ate yeast and supplements so he didn't die.

>> No.10969186

>How would no carbs hurt kidneys?
It's not that zero or low carb huts kidneys. It's that too much protein hurts kidneys. That's not a guarantee on a low/no-carb diet, but it certainly could happen.

>> No.10969205

>too much protein hurts kidneys
Complete fallacy that has been disproved many times.
You're full of shit and your understanding of diet and nutrition is firmly lodged in the 1970s.

>> No.10969378
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Here are some ideas for keto meal plan. I've been doing it for 6 weeks and lost 30 lbs (6 feet, 200 -> 170lb).
When you are starting out, please go easy on almonds and avocados. If you do eat them a lot, eat a lot of green vegs. Otherwise you will get fucked with keto rash. I was doing LOL MUH BACON GREASE AND EGGS AND AVOCADOS for 3 weeks. While I lost weight rapidly, I got rashes down my spine and on my chest and had to take benadryl for a week before the rashes subsided (please don't take antibiotics). Still have marks all over my chests but they are fading away rapidly.

1) Buying getting a rotisseries chicken at Costco or whatever is super easy and opens up a lot of possibilities. Sometimes I would eat the dark meat and use the leftover white meat for chicken cobb salad the day after with homemade vinaigrette with olive oil. I also got a spiralizer so I can make chicken alfredo with cream and cheese served with zucchini noodle. If you are making cauliflower pizza, you could do a buffalo chicken topping with bacon and cheese.
2) Once in a while I might bake cauliflower pineapple pizza just because I might miss the taste of pizza. It's not the same, but I quite like it and it kills off my cravings.
3) Eggs are super versatile and extremely affordable. I usually make frittata with bell peppers, spinach, mushrooms, green onion, and bacon. If you bake one using a 10-12 inch skillet, it will last a few days.
A grocery near me had this on sale so I got these wraps in a bulk. I've made chicken salad wrap, pulled pork with low sugar barbecue sauce with guac wrap, fish taco with low carb slaw, or just a simple egg, bacon, sausage, and cheese wrap.. again, as long as you are creative and have a basic knowledge of cooking, you will actually eat tastier and healthier meals than you've had before starting keto. It really isn't all about eating fried butter or a pound of bacon with Gordon Ramsay style scrambled egg (equal part egg and butter).

>> No.10969390

>Complete fallacy that has been disproved many times.
Post a peer reviewed source which states that it is impossible to damage kidneys by over-consumption of protein.

Note: I didn't claim that keto automatically destroys your kidneys. I said that a diet which has too much protein COULD harm them.

>> No.10969400
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4) If you feel like you are suffering from the lack of sweets, a can of diet soda, sparkling water, or zero carb energy drink (memes aside) will help you to curb those craves.
5) You can replace flour with almond flour if you feel like making breakfast keto pancake, bread loaf, or hamburger bun.
6) I would highly recommend getting multivitamin pills and fiber pills if you aren't a huge fan of vegs. Your anus will thank you for that.

And I find it that if you use intermittent fasting for 16 hours, from 2-3pm till 6am, it really speeds up the process and helps you to have a better mood and clearer thinking. I usually have a big meal (steak salad and almond + coconut milk with some whey protein) for breakfast, around 1000 calories, and have a small snack like two boiled eggs or an energy bar with 3g net carb and that's it for the rest of the day.
Pic isn't the best quality, but I quite like keto pancakes. Not as fluffy as the traditional one, but it has a ton of flavor.

>> No.10969406

A diet with too much much fat could harm the kidneys.
That's the definition of 'too much'. However, that said there's no such thing as too much helium when it comes to your exit bag, retard.

>> No.10969410

That doesn't appear to be a citation, anon. That appears to be a bunch of backpedaling.

You claimed I was mistaken. Now step up and prove it. I'll be happy to stand corrected if you can do so.

>> No.10969440

>post a peer reviewed source
There you go.
>a high protein diet does not appear to hinder renal function in healthy adults. The synthesis of protein when consumed in excessive quantities would appear to be inhibited with excreta being via the urinary function bypassed and unprocessed by the renal system.

>> No.10969711

Fucking owned pseud faggot >>10969440

>> No.10969774

>antiscience vegan cultist whinging
>vegans btfo

>> No.10969807

Google is your friend. Want pizza? Google for keto pizza and a few hundred recipes for low carb pizza dough will pop up.
Too lazy to google?
4 tbsp almond flour
3 tbsp coconut flour
4 tbsp butter, melted
1 egg
1.25c shredded mozzarella
1 tsp garlic powder

Mix mozzerella and butter, and nuke till melted. Add egg, garlic, and flours, and mix until it makes a dough. You may need to nuke for 10 secs during this to keep it melted. Place in a skillet, and press out. Cook for 10 mins at 350f. Add fillings, avoiding high carb shit like pineapple. Pizza sauce is ok in moderation if its sugar free, a bit of sliced tomato is also ok.
Made a deep dish pizza last weekend that had about 40 carbs, but I ate on it for 3 days so it was fine.

>> No.10969860


Dude just look at the image you have there. Lot's of those veggies and a big fucking piece of delicious meat per day. Don't buy into the greasy diet thing. Get a ton of healthy fats in from plants and supplement them with animal fats from the best cuts of meat you can afford.

Eating healthy means eating better tastier meals. It's really that simple.

Also if you're not spending your time on /fit/ with this you're wasting it. Make sure you back up your diet with activity.

>> No.10969946
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I just started a chicken and broccoli diet. Before you niggers screech about fats, I'm consuming coconut oil and butter. Drinking mostly soda water and coffee. I'm craving carbs so fucking bad, I stared at a box of rice crispys and trying to stop myself.
How do I avoid the cravings? This is hell.

>> No.10970271

they go away pretty soon. its like breaking any other addictive habit, and make no mistake carbs are fucking addictive. make sure there aren't any carbs in your house, literally throw them all out. after awhile they won't even register, i can go through the bakery section of the grocery store and see the cakes and not so much as a twinge. but yeah those first few days can be tough.

>> No.10970400

>105% - 115%
Math, motherfucker, can you do it?

>> No.10971063

>Keto is light on meat
This is a lie. Meat and fats are the cornerstone of the diet unless you're going vegan.

>> No.10971155

Oh look another vegan talking out of his ass. Fat is the cornerstone of the keto diet, and it isn't even close. 80% of your calories from fat, no more than about 100 calories from carbs, and the rest of the daily calories from protein.
>bbbbut meat!
Keto isn't Atkins, no matter how much you wish it were.

>> No.10971192

>I know some people here swear by keto and others here hate keto just because the ketofags shove it in everyone's face like a religion, so I don't know how many unbiased replies I will actually get.

The biggest issue with keto people is that it's simply they don't understand how many calories they are actually taking in via carbs. Yeah those medium fries you got? probably packed upwards of 400-450 calores + your soda, enjoy empty calories. Counting calories properly, and importantly serving sizes, will do a shit load to help out regardless your diet

>> No.10971211

On the contrary, keto people have a much better idea how many calories they are getting from carbs than most people. They just don't eat enough carbs for it to matter. 4 calories per gram of carbs, limit of 20 grams of carbs per day. That's a max of 80 calories from carbs in a day.
>those medium fries
Pull the other one. Potato is not allowed on keto.

>> No.10971850

I'm surrounded by cookies and ice cream. Cheezits. Pretzels. I'm not very experienced in baking chicken so I'm on minute 45 of baking chicken thighs and they're still pink. I'm dying.

>> No.10971922
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>others here hate keto just because the ketofags shove it in everyone's face like a religion
We actually don't, we just respond to all the vegancucks who constantly try to trash keto because "muh animals".

> if low carb, I'm talking less than 30 maybe less than 20 carbs a day

This is keto, just not calling it that so the vegans won't get triggered quite as hard. The ones whose brains aren't totally fried from drugs and lack of nutrition might still recognize it as such, though.

If you eat too much protein (by "too much", I'd say anything over 150g/day) then your body will start converting it to glucose. Also, that's when things get hard on your kidneys. So, you're going to be making up the balance in fats. Oh look, that's keto, don't tell the vegans.

Anyway, if you want beginner's books, go to ebookbb dot com and enter "keto" in the search box and hit enter, and you'll see more than you ever wanted to read.

In terms of meals, just choose a meat, cook a slab of about 400g (pre-cooking weight) of it; choose some non-starchy vegetables, check the nutrition information (Google or whatever) to figure out how much starch they have per 100g, and decide how much of those to cook. Smother them in butter or cheese or both.

Wa-la, there's your meal plan for the day. Divide into two meals if you'd prefer, or eat it all at once and then wait until the next day for your next meal. This is not rocket surgery.

Anyway, good luck. The incompetent quack I was going to failed to diagnose my diabetes until I was losing entire days from a 400+ blood glucose level. My *new* doctor promptly diagnosed it and told me I'd be insulin-dependent for the rest of my life. Six months later, my blood tests were all NORMAL and all I was doing was staying on a fairly strict keto diet. Technically I'm "not diabetic" according to their diagnosing criteria, but in reality, my insulin resistance is so insanely high that I'm never going to be able to eat a "normal" diet again.

>> No.10971927 [DELETED] 

>haha fug vegans xD
Literally this entire post and people who do keto in a nutshell

Wannabe vegans, but dumber and fatter

>> No.10972375

Hey thanks for actually contributing to the discussion my man.

>> No.10972428
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What the fuck do I eat on keto diet? I mean I can't think of any high fat low carbs food besides cheese and peanut butter (which is also high on proteins tho). Eating regular butter is not an option ofc.

>> No.10972654

>I personally eat zero carb

imagine getting tricked this hard. rip your colon, senpai

>> No.10972816
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>avoid box and canned shit
But what about canned fish? Is there anything wrong with it? I always considered it the best kind of seafood because it's relatively cheap and you don't even have to cook it.

>> No.10972861

so fucking throw out the carbs in your pantry. stop being such a faggot.
>baking chicken
jfc anon, this isn't weight watchers or some shit where fat is evil. throw that bird in the skillet with a half stick of butter or a couple strips of bacon and fry it up in a few minutes, and serve it with a sauce made from sour cream, garlic, and rosemary, alongside a salad with a vinagrette dressing. takes 5 minutes.

>> No.10972864

keep an eye on the label. the problem is that at least in the US the labelling requirements around carbs aren't strict enough to be trusted for keto. I eat canned sardines because that's reallly the only source for them where I live. but the first few times I kept a careful eye on my glucose meter to make sure the {{{manufacturer}}} hadn't spiked it with sugar.

>> No.10972884

Just cook up some salmon fat boy

>> No.10973028

But veganism is sustainable in the long term. While all the other alternatives are merely a short term diet plans.

>> No.10973037

>Be you, vegan
>sustainable long term
>die of vitamin deficiency unless you eat animal derived supplements
I loled. Vegans are so fukking deluded.

>> No.10973040

Literally every other diet besides calorie reduction is sustainable long term. Get out of your little cultish bubble anon.

>> No.10973044

Go eat some more bread, faggot, I can hear your tapeworm's stomach growling from here.

>> No.10973056

>die of vitamin deficiency
Why would I die of vitamin deficiency if I can easily get everything I need from fortified food?
Than why are you calling it a diet and not a lifestyle? Literally no diet works if later on you return to your unhealthy lifestyle, only completely changing the way you live/eat/exercise will make you get to your perfect weigh and keep it. That's why all these diet plans don't work unless you change you relationship with food.

>> No.10973066

>keto is mostly meat
>propagating an equally retarded myth: that saturated fats are good
Keto is mostly vegetables and fat and saturated fat isn't bad for you. I bet you still believe saturated fat clogs your arteries and causes high cholesterol, you sad, sad misinformed little man. Read some information more current than the 1980s.
Dumb faggot.

>> No.10973083

>Why would I die of vitamin deficiency if I can easily get everything I need from fortified food?
you misunderstand.
Nobody is discussing your risk of dying. Instead, the fact that the diet requires supplementation or fortification in the first place is an indicator that the diet is fundamentally broken. Why band-aid an insufficient diet when you could get a healthy diet that doesn't require supplements or fortification instead?

>> No.10973088

>the fact that the diet requires supplementation or fortification in the first place
This is what I don't understand about vegans. They claim it's moral, normal, healthy, natural, etc but all of them have to plan their entire diet around getting meat-based nutrients in a non-meat-based way. Obviously it's not natural and not normal.

>> No.10973231

>Than why are you calling it a diet and not a lifestyle?
Because it's only a change in diet? Why do people talk about the Japanese diet or the Inuit diet or the Mediterranean diet or the Standard American Diet when those peoples eat their diets long term? And why do only vegans and vegetarians call their meme diet a "lifestyle"? It's because only vegans and vegetarians treat their meme diet as a fucking religious cult.

>> No.10973248

>And why do only vegans and vegetarians call their meme diet a "lifestyle"?
They aren't the only ones.

Nearly any trustworthy weight loss site or book will state that the only way to lose weight and keep it off is via lifestyle change--i.e. a switch from unhealthy to healthy eating habits.

>> No.10973281

If you want to define any long term change as a lifestyle, then go ahead. Nobody is arguing long term changes aren't necessary, but claiming that following a diet is a lifestyle is pretty trite. What you were claiming is that because people don't call keto a lifestyle then it must not be a long term thing, and that's just false, because for non vegans diet is not their life. I can adopt a Japanese diet without adopting a Japanese lifestyle and the tentacle rape panty collecting, and cigarette smoking that lifestyle entails. This is clearly a difficult concept for vegans to grasp, but do try anon, I have faith in you.

>> No.10973408
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I never cook fish because it's too messy and takes too much time.

>> No.10973422

>If you want to define any long term change as a lifestyle, then go ahead.
that's exactly what it means.

>> but claiming that following a diet is a lifestyle is pretty trite
I'm not defending the semantics, just describing them.

>> What you were claiming is that because people don't call keto a lifestyle then it
You misunderstand. I am saying that people DO call Keto, and other diets, lifestyle changes.

>> I can adopt a Japanese diet without adopting a Japanese lifestyle
Yes you can. Now you're back to your semantics again.

>> No.10973427

"Lifestyle" is a buzzword used to disguise the fact that your diet/job/hobby/religion/literally any activity turned into homosexual gay faggotry.

>> No.10974517

i lost 50 lbs just doing a well balanced diet, cico and eating less than i did before in my life + exercising regularly

these diets are memes stop it bros