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10966807 No.10966807 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about this topping combination?

>Green peppers

Would you swap any of these for something else? I would keep it but swap green peppers for green olives.

>> No.10966840

swap out ham and pepperoni for sausage

>> No.10966851


+black olives

>> No.10966853


No mushrooms and I'm good. I'd add olives and maybe sausage instead of ham. If it was good sausage.

>> No.10966865


pick one

>> No.10966869

Replace the ham with sausage
Add black olives

>> No.10967092

Whats with you fucks and black olives?

Domino'sfag here. Objectively correct answer:

>> No.10967128
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Remove Pepperoni, Ham and Green Peppers. Add Anchovies and Roasted Garlic.

Firstly, most Pepperoni is low quality, if you're keen on adding it, use some Soppressata. But I would advise against it since the Mushroom takes the "Meaty" topping of the pizza.

Anchovies add a bunch of umami and give a pleasant saltiness; if they are too salty for you soak them in water for a few minutes before drying them.

Green Peppers are watery and don't work on pizza's. Only reason they're common is because they're cheap and most pizzas are loaded with ham, sausage, pepperoni and other monstrosities so the wateriness provides some respite from the overwhelming meat.

Roasted Garlic takes on a sweet mild garlic taste and complements the onions wonderfully. These are not traditional toppings but they're good, and my go to when making pizza.

Don't be a pig and only go after heavy meat+cheese+grease+fat+sugar like most fellow Muricans do. You're better than that.

>> No.10967145

I like it OP. I would throw some green olives on there. Highly underrated pizza topping.

>> No.10967147

Take away the ham and we got a deal. It has no flavor and a terrible texture in my opinion.

>> No.10967161
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pretty good besides the ham id replace that with bison that would make the pizza supurb! with some black olives

>> No.10967182

anchovies are alright but they make the whole pizza taste like anchovies so there's no point in getting other ingredients

>> No.10967184


>> No.10967441

Green olives are superior to black in my opinion.

>> No.10967448

This i hate shitty sausage and while were at it shitty hot dog for a odd taste i get when i eat them thibk it might just he one ingredient shitty processed meats must have but love it other wise

>> No.10967460

My fav is
pepperoni or salami
Another meat (ham bacon or steak) or if they got a second onion or olive choice.

As for sauce when pizza hut had their 2 meds for like 6 bucks each id get one parm garlic or bbq
And another red sauce
Then switch things up for one more meat heavy and one more veggie heavy.

Then the hutt fav and garlic parm blend for the crust seasoning.

>> No.10967466

I had a ham and pepperoni obsession for a while at one point for all my pizza orders and had variants of the mushroom or onion with them. I like all of that for a pizza and would eat that right now. perfect

>> No.10967474

Wow! All time cool dude topping combo unlocked! Well done OP.

>> No.10967477

Swap ham for bacon, and add green olives

>> No.10967482


>> No.10968901

>on pizza
I bet you're European or some shit

>> No.10968943
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Meatball italian sausage master race!.

>> No.10968972

fpbp. My go-to deep dish 'za 'pings

>> No.10969051

Switch out the ham for sausage since you have pepperoni, add some black olives, and enjoy good times

>> No.10969071

Ham doesn't go

>> No.10969328

swap the mushrooms for sausage and we're good. Also is that fucking green onion? Use a regular onion you mong.

>> No.10969380

Switch out pproni for sausage and ham for bacon. Gp&o is absolutely necessary for any pizza. Fresh garlic would put it over the top though, it's always worth paying extra for it

>> No.10969395

That's where I draw the line.