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10965903 No.10965903 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met someone who refuses to drink water? I once had a coworker who only drank Coca-Cola because she thought water was gross. Naturally, she had lots of cavities and she eventually got kidney stones too. Even after all that, she STILL refused to drink water.

I seriously don't understand how anyone could hate drinking water.

>> No.10965908

As the saying goes, you can bring a horse to water but you can't force it to drink.

>> No.10965911

If you're used to sweet carbonated drinks it can make water seem gross. Even if I just have seltzer, drinking normal water after doesn't seem as good although that doesn't last very long.

>> No.10965920

I've known people like that. They were fat, depressed, and I dissociated from them and people like that long ago.

>> No.10965946

Soda is almost entirely water itself and it's a myth you can get dehydrated by drinking lots of it.
If anything she got kidney stones because she didn't drink enough soda.

>> No.10965963

You say that like a cultist.

>> No.10965964

I know their feel. but now I pay 27 cents for a gallon of water that doesn't taste awful. most cities do the bare minimum, and throughout the year will pump sulfur through the pipes.

>> No.10965971

27 cents / gallon? What kind of idiot are you to hire the fucks that would enable that?

>> No.10965976

Are you in sweden or something?

>> No.10966844

My mother will drink nothing but orange Crush. She is also, of course, overweight and wonders why she's so sluggish and depressed. I've tried to talk her into drinking water and tea, but each time, she refused. It saddens me how set in her ways she is.

>> No.10966874

I drank only soda except while playing sports until I was 18. Started drinking energy drinks as well from 16 to 24. Started drinking more water at 23. I'm turning 28 tomorow and just started drinking nothing but water and green tea about a year ago. About 4 liters of water and .5 to 1 liter of green tea a day.

>> No.10966956

This, but change horse to whalephant.

>> No.10967392

I had a coworker who talked shit on me because all I drank was water and coffee. Meanwhile I watch this faggot eat an entire bag of tortilla chips on break, followed by some other shit. Then he'd stop at McDick's for nuggets a few hours later when we got off.

>> No.10967397

I can just tell you have rank, vinegary breath.

>> No.10967404
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Got me there.

>> No.10967425

wait a whale is already big... then mix that with an elephant... oh ho ho, what a sizzling portmanteau ;^)

>> No.10967545

Why are you uptight as to give a shit what you're so called "coworkers" drink? I suspect that you've never gotten out of your mother's basement let alone held a real job.

>> No.10967546
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>> No.10967551

Neckbeards BTFO

>> No.10967555

So what? Really what's your point?

>> No.10967556

Acidic drinks, so anything carbonated are actually better than water for reducing the chance of kidney stones.
Water in some areas contains a lot of minerals like calcium carbonate which increase your chances of developing kidney stones since that's what they normally form from.

>> No.10967558

Where did you get this precious information from, Dr Phil or Ophera?

>> No.10967571

>doesnt taste like anything
>is cold but not pleasantly cold ie fridge-cold when you take it straight from the tap
>tastes like shit if you put it in the wrong container (i used to put water in used empty soda bottles then to the fridge, needless to say it tasted like shit due to all the plastic & remnants of soda leeching in the water)
>sodas & juices taste better
I used to be like that, nowadays i have a glass jug with water in my fridge at all times and i mostly drink water with some tea, coffee and carbonated water+jew concentrate every once in a while.

>> No.10967583

can't stand water, I'm addicted to carbonation, I'm one of those few people that kept on using the soda stream even after the novelty worn off because they actually enjoy carbonated water, I like the bitterness too

>> No.10967589
File: 282 KB, 333x395, 1524834466965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butter golem

>> No.10967633

English mate and I don't watch television.
One of my friends has a chronic kidney stone disease.
We live in a hard water area which exasperates his problem.
The doctor gave him the advice I relayed in my post.
Also, do the fucking science, you can work it out yourself.
Limescale builds up in systems that run a lot of water and acids dissolve limescale.

>> No.10967658

>water is gross
I don't understand how people who think this can exist

>> No.10967685

I live in limestone country and the water, while hard as hell and it likes to make a mess of kettles and such, tastes really nice.

>> No.10967752

water makes me puke. lived a year on scotch as my only liquid. now its cider and beer or tonic

>> No.10967815

kidney stones are overrated. sure they hurt, but they only hurt about like childbirth, and that never stopped people from having kids. stones are cheaper than kids too you don't have to send them to college.

>> No.10968083

I moved to some shithole with crappy water and it takes like 1 minute to get it cold from the tap.
I mostly drink beer now.

>> No.10968099

Anon how long do you expect to live?

>> No.10968109

Yes. I was friends with a morbidly obese autistic asthmatic in HS (I was very desperate for friends back then) who said she couldn't drink water because it triggered her autism or something

>> No.10968118


Its unbelievable how stupid people lile that are allowed to reproduce. I assume you turned out okay but to think about all the others that didnt pisses me off

>> No.10968339

But some water is gross. I have well water and it tastes a shit load better than city waters. Especially the pipe flavor of most drinking fountain