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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10965680 No.10965680 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10965688

mah backpacks
got jets
i'm boba
the fett

>> No.10965786
File: 53 KB, 518x580, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10965814

Not gonna lie, I'd eat a brownie batter/sugar cookie pop tart.

>> No.10965819

Do Americans really...?

>> No.10965851

I bounty hunt
for Jabba Hutt
to finance
my 'vette

>> No.10965878
File: 1.08 MB, 2056x2431, 20180725_180834-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brownie batter side tastes like cheap chocolate cupcakes. Wtf
Sugar cookie side is good
This is cold, not heated. Would it make a difference heated?

>> No.10965922

I know I prefer heated Blueberry to regular.

>> No.10965942

MC Chris is a faggot. But he does have a couple of good songs

>> No.10965999

Not all of us.

>> No.10966106
File: 73 KB, 714x800, 1531546316459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG! Right in the childhood.

>> No.10966111

Food for children?

>> No.10966118

There is nothing wrong with liking sweets

>> No.10966126

So, vegetarians don't eat meat. pescetarians only eat fish. vegans don't..whatever, they're weird. what are people who don't eat "childrens food" called? and don't say "adult", because "adult" isn't a diet

>> No.10966177
File: 913 KB, 2067x2419, 20180725_180612-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tastes okay, both sides good. Probably better heated

>> No.10966240

it was really bad

>> No.10966244

What madman eats cold poptarts?

>> No.10966245

>17g sugar in one small lil pop tart
umm, wont that lead to brain malfunctions?

>> No.10966255

yeah, if you EAT it. the fuck do you think we do here?

>> No.10966262

>eating cardboard with sugar paste
>PAYING to eat cardboard with sugar paste


>> No.10966570

>half shitty flavor
>half exclusive delicious flavor

>> No.10966593


I feel attacked

>> No.10966831

He probably isn't allowed near the microwave.

>> No.10966842

>he can afford a microwave/toaster
Woah! Look at Mr. Moneybags over here!

>> No.10966856


>> No.10966927

toast it and butter

>> No.10966938

zoomers dont wear glasses, grandpa, we use multifocal contact lenses. get with the times

>> No.10966952

they don't, unless they're obese

>> No.10967082

These contradict each other

>> No.10967095

Real zoomers wear contacts AND non-prescription glasses

>> No.10967096

i actually liked the coffee flavored ones

>> No.10967660

MC Chris is dead.

>> No.10967700

>tfw first time discovering pop tarts and eating them straight from the package
>tfw didn't know I was supposed to microwave them
>tfw moved to another country that doesn't have poptarts
>tfw I'll never have the chance to eat toasted poptarts
>tfw European

>> No.10967708
File: 51 KB, 413x243, 1517951557579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10967713 [DELETED] 


>> No.10968379

Go back to /pol/ retard

>> No.10969821

cheeky cunt

>> No.10970527

>flatten 2 pieces of bread
>toast in oven
>put jelly/jam on one
>put the other over top
>Instantly better made poptart.
people will eat doodoo if it was covered in sugar I swear.

>> No.10970536

Why didn’t they just do one whole of each of the two flavors per pack

>> No.10970586

Are poptarts that good ? We don't have them here

>> No.10970723

>What madman eats cold poptarts?
all the OG's freeze them.

>> No.10970750

BIG facts

>> No.10970753

Not really. It's just cheap pastry with jam inside and icing on top. They're a sweet treat once in a while, but you get sick of them fast.

>> No.10970850

dumbass, I'm judging you from rim frames.

>> No.10970873

apparently kids today.

when we had poptarts at work, i put some in the toaster and some of the younger folk were looking at me strangely because they have never saw anyone do that before.