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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10961126 No.10961126 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm trying to cut out most processed sugar from my diet but holy fuck, everything has sugar added to it these days. Even the most basic of foods will have sugar added to them if you care to look at the ingredients. Has anyone successfully gone about doing this?

>> No.10961135

I love sugar, but I’ve been cutting back a lot and I feel your pain

>> No.10961657

You have to cook your own food OP. Cook all your meals for the week on Sunday and put them in separate containers in the refrigerator. Stock up on sweet potatoes, chicken breast, brown rice, vegetables, eggs and seasonings of your preference. Its what you have to do if you want to cut out sugar in this day and age.

>> No.10961673

I mean like yeah, this

>> No.10961687

Whenever I make brown rice and eat it a day later, the texture turns super rubbery. Is there a way to avoid that?

>> No.10961697

Don't eat it a day later.

>> No.10961705

>i eat fried bacon cookies and apple pies, theres sugar everywhere!!!

>> No.10961708

You may be able to make it have a less rubbery texture by pouring some water over it before heating it back up.

>> No.10961856

I'm 6 weeks into this

fuck me, I can't eat most things

Condiments! holy fuck most of them are just sugar!

ugh, basically cooking and fatty foods are your only saviour.

If it makes you feel better, i've already lost weight by doing this, and I look better, but I feel just as depressed :(

>> No.10962407

Yeah, kind of sucks desu.
Mayo and mustard.
Homemade vinaigrette with olive oil, wine vinegar, mustard powder, spices.

>> No.10962436

How is that so fucking hard?
Don't eat sweet things and don't buy precooked meals.

The refined sugar/hfcs in the rest of your food should be negligible. At least here, i don't know about the US

>> No.10962440

Yeah. You just don't use sugar when you make your food.

>> No.10962445

>fit thinks it can cook and give advice
Why would he have to limit himself to that diet shit you mentioned? There is no fucking processed sugar in pork, cream or white rice.

>> No.10962450

Ok, what do you snack on? Can't eat bread either because that contains sugar. Or sauces. Or many pickled & fermented things. Eating strictly fruits, vegetables and meat is pretty fucking boring m8.

>> No.10962457
File: 88 KB, 1024x904, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans literally can't make their own food without adding sugar
please tell me this is real

>> No.10962471

>don't buy sweet bread
>make your own sauces
Also eat the fucking pickles, most of the sugar is in the brine.
You said you wanted to cut MOST sugar.
Eating some is fucking fine.

>> No.10962497

I saw a Dutch video of a guy who tried this. Youre right about most processed foods like jarred sauces. It's probably good for you just because you have to avoid tons of shit you shouldn't be eating anyways

>> No.10962502

he's not talking about home cooking retards

>> No.10962515

>a post on a cooking board isn't about cooking

>> No.10962574

I have NEVER added sugar when baking bread. Wait, don't tell me you buy bread in a supermarkt? What are you doing on this board? I swear this site needs a containment board dedicated to fastfood, soda, and other factory made "food".

>> No.10962585

If you ferment something there shouldn't be any sugar left. You just add salted water, herbs, and spices to make fermented pickles, sauerkraut, or whatever.

>> No.10962596

>pretending everybody has the time to make everything from scratch

Maybe if you're a NEET, but I'm not going to fucking bake my own bread every time I want a slice.

>> No.10962605

I don't snack. Don't buy snack food and you won't snack.

>> No.10962607

it is really easy to not put sugar in food you cook from scratch. it is much harder to avoid added sugar if you use things like premade sauces, grocery store bread, and pre prepared food, none of which is "home cooking"

That is why OP talked about looking at the "ingredients list", not the "recipe"

>> No.10962608

Making pasta sauce from scratch takes 5 minutes longer then using a sugar jar anon
Make porridge from quick/rolled oats and milk, not from prepared sugar porridge packets
It's not hard or that much more time consuming

>> No.10962635 [DELETED] 

>Making pasta sauce from scratch takes 5 minutes longer then using a sugar jar anon
now you and I both know this is a significant exaggeration especially >>10962608
>Making pasta sauce from scratch takes 5 minutes longer then using a sugar jar anon
I make pasta sauces all the time and its objectively a bigger pain in the ass than opening a jar. there is absolutely no debating this fact. and this is only if you rush it, too. a good tomato sauce has to simmer for hours.

>> No.10963264



I've been eating like a fucking MONK for the past year because I can't stomach dairy and excessive sugars. Anything more than 30 grams of sugar makes me sick and sleepy.

Bro, it isn't easy, but after you cut major sugars from your diet you'll feel much better, and your tastebuds will begin to mature. Here's how you start

Look for vegan diets, looks for vegetarian options and add meat. Mornings you can have some Greek yogurt, eggs, some steel cut oats with real frozen berries.
Rice and curry are great options. fruits, salads and meat will become your deserts, trust me. It feels daunting at first but eventually you just cannot go back, sugar is a cancer and your body will fucking thank you for it.

>> No.10963269

Baking bread takes less than 2 hours and is cheaper than going to the grocery store. AND you get so much more, while being even more delicious and healthy.

Bake your own bread anon.

>> No.10963271

Not even just for body, food will just taste so fucking good when it isn't craving sugar 24/7. Even cheap subway will be fucking amazing, lunch meat, eggs, tuna, garlic. Flavours feel more real.

>> No.10963289

>Even the most basic of foods will have sugar added to them if you care to look at the ingredients.

stop eating prepared foods

>> No.10963311
File: 96 KB, 600x608, supermarket-refrigeration-3-meat-produce-case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has anyone successfully gone about doing this?

Sure. It's called cooking from scratch. This pic shows what basic foods look like. there is no added sugar here.

>> No.10963315

OP is a lost cause
>Eating strictly fruits, vegetables and meat is pretty fucking boring m8.
was good enough for all of humanity for tens of thousands of years but not good enough for OP apparently

>> No.10963325

Buy whole ingredients instead of pre-made stuff. Examples: raw meat, spices, flour, fruits, and vegetables. Aim to have no more than one ingredient in each item you buy.

>> No.10963639

You obviously misread the title of the board, fuckwit. Go ahead and scroll up to the top of the page. It's right there waiting for you.

>> No.10963642

>If you ferment something there shouldn't be any sugar left.
Not true.

>> No.10963648

Foods without processed sugar:

>> No.10963650

>If you ferment something there shouldn't be any sugar left

you're confusing fermentation with yeast (i.e. booze) with fermentation with lactic acid bacteria (i.e. pickles, kimchi).

And even in the case of yeast fermentation, there might very well be a lot of sugar leftover. Fermentation stops when either the yeast run out of sugar, or if the ABV gets too high. In the latter case there is still sugar left over. I.e. a sweet wine.

>> No.10963651

Where do you see processed sugar in >>10963311 ?

>> No.10963655

>Greek yogurt
Semi-related, but why is it so FUCKING difficult to find a *full fat* Greek yogurt without added sugar?

>> No.10963658

Because you're too lazy to make it yourself. All you have to do is buy normal full-fat yogurt and strain it.

I suspect the reason why it's an uncommon product is that "Greek yogurt" is marketed to the health nut crowd, and that same target market tends to have a serious fat phobia, so that specific product doesn't have much of a market.

>> No.10963670

Yeah I got diagnosed type 1 diabetic. It's not that hard. Avoid junk food and soda obviously. Read ingredients labels, it's not hard to find bread with no added sugar etc. And yeah you're going to have to do most of your cooking at home because a lot of places add sugar to things like buns. A good way to tell how much sugar they add to buns is this: two buns without sugar are 30 carbs or less, if the chains website says their burger has more than 40 carbs there is refined sugar hiding in there. Sweet sauces from Chinese places have it too, just order Kung Pao chicken or something like that and you'll be good to go. It's not really all that hard if you just pause a minute and think about things. Is it sweet? Why is it sweet? Just how many carbs are in this? Things having really inflated carb contents is a huge red flag that spoonfuls of sugar (pure carbs) were added. Google is your friend too. You can do it OP, and you definitely don't have to bother with this >>10961657 nonsense to do it. You said sugar but if you're trying to cut carbs in general but have a bad craving for a crunchy snack a small bag of pork rinds has no carbs and jerky is low too as long as it's not doused in sugar marinade. Even nuts only have about 5 grams of carbs per serving.

>> No.10964371

Start keeping a list of all the different premade food products you like to keep around the house (eg. bread, red sauce, mustard, etc.). When you have a day off, go to your preferred grocery store with a notebook and just be an absolute autist for several hours. Read every label completely and keep a list of products with minimal or no added sugar. You might have to try a couple different stores to find one that has everything you want.

Anything you can't find you'll have to either do without or figure out a way to make it at home form scratch. You should be able to find brands or versions of *most* foods that at least have very little sugar added in. For context, the WHO's recommended max daily added sugar intake is 25-35 grams, so 2 grams of sugar per serving isn't a huge deal.

It's a big initial time investment, but once you know exactly where to go and what to buy, it'll be a lot easier.

As for eating out, that's trickier, but doable if you're careful. A lot of people I've seen do this establish cheat days, so that could be a way to accommodate social occasions.

>> No.10964380

>Chicken vegetables oatmeal nuts
I eat nothing else so 0 added sugars

>> No.10964398

Steam it.

>> No.10965773

Millions of people have gone on the keto diet, OP. It's not that hard.

Buy meats that aren't sugar-cured.

Buy uncooked non-starchy vegetables.

Don't buy processed foods.


This morning I had a bigass omelet with cheese, shrooms, bacon, and green onions, along with diet soda with some lemon squeezed in. Total carbs were around 15g. That's my meal for the day. I might have some beef jerky for a snack later (gotta be careful about the brand, a lot of them dump sugar into it).

Tomorrow I'm planning on having salmon with some broccoli with cheese and butter.

Note that for both broccoli and green onions, you can't have way the fuck too much, because they have some carbs in them. Two midsized heads of broccoli is about the cutoff. Ain't nobody eats that much at once, though.

If you want some recipes and meal ideas, grab some keto cookbooks or go to some keto diet sites like ruled (dot) me. (Dumb name for a diet website, but what the hell.)

>> No.10966809


Work with whole foods and this problem goes away.