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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, milk-horizon-organic-whole-milk-1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10959596 No.10959596 [Reply] [Original]

>Vitamin D
>Helps prevent osteoporosis
>Helps lower blood pressure
>Helps reduce cardiovascular disease
>rich in Vitamin D which can help with depression, chronic fatigue and PMS
>can help reduce the progression of Osteoarthritis
>rich in Choline which can help support sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory.
>Milk is also fortified with numerous vitamins, including vitamins A and D. It may also contain small amounts of vitamin B2, or riboflavin, vitamin B12, Magnesium, phosphorus and around 0.1 milligrams per cup of vitamin B6

Not only is it delicious, buy also extremely healthy. How is milk so based bros?

>> No.10959627

because cow is tasty fren

>> No.10959671

Lactose also probably helps keep your gut flora healthy if you can digest it. I think it was proven to work as a probiotic in very small amounts even in lactose intolerant people. The protein in milk was also shown to be the best protein supplement in athletes compared to other protein sources.

There's a reason so many cultures revered cows so highly.

>> No.10959700

Damn, milk truly is based!

>> No.10959712


>> No.10959733

I can't drink milk anymore, so I buy a gallon and turn it into yogurt for breakfast and sauces.

Good source of protein and vitamins.

>> No.10959757

How do you think the nutritional value of human breastmilk compares to cow?


>> No.10960002

Some may even call it the drink of champions...

>> No.10960056

I don't get PMS because I'm not a woman, sorry. Shan't

>> No.10960601
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>Drinking pasteurized milk

>> No.10960650
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I was curious about this too, can anyone weigh in?

>> No.10961101

Gotta drink that milk!

>> No.10961105

Anyone can.
Baby formula is designed to mimick breastmilk. So go compare the nutritional info on a package of formula to that on a package of cow's milk. You can easily google this info.

>> No.10961130

But then he couldn’t shitpost his big tiddie anime girls

>> No.10961180

redpill me on this unclean milk

>> No.10961199

Idiot farmers were feeding their cattle fucked up shit and the milk was becoming awful to drink.

You can drink raw milk perfectly fine so long as the Cow is healthy.

>> No.10961207
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*This thread bought and paid for by The American Dairy Association*

>> No.10961458

Shiga toxin producing e-coli doesn't make a cow sick.

>> No.10961515

The only idiot here is you

The utter is pretty close to the anus and poop, therefore there's a high likelihood some pathogenic bacteria will be present on the surface and may be transferred to the milk. Pasteurization kills any bacteria, but, just like ANY OTHER heat treatment, will degrade some of the vitamins/nutrients thus lowering the nutritional value. Not really a deal breaker difference if you're consuming a well balanced and varied diet

>> No.10961699
File: 55 KB, 640x480, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American milk is disgusting swill.

>> No.10962017

Children should be breastfed until 14 and formula should be illegal

>> No.10962025

>grass fed
Fuck off with this meme, grain fed milk tastes much better and has a stronger flavor. Grassfed cow milk tastes like water. The only benefit of grassfed cows is their meat.

>> No.10962033

>formula should be illegal
Why's this?

>> No.10962040


>> No.10962059
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>buy also extremely healthy

Unless you have lactose intolerence.

>> No.10962070

The only grain fed milk I have ever drank has been pasteurized, and that tasted worse than the raw grass fed milk I have had. The best is raw goats milk imo though.

>> No.10962101

>tfw you love Milk but it gives you a thick coating of phlegm in your throat

I just want to neck a nice, cold pint everyday lads.

>> No.10962540
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 64b84504f94942ed50cfe2f2d4754188--go-vegan-vegan-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10962567
File: 43 KB, 657x527, frog friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10962723

>tfw live in a country where raw milk is completely illegal and impossible to procure :(

>> No.10962727

>posts skim milk

>> No.10962813
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>> No.10962830

That doesn't prove calcium increases fractures. It just proves that more calcium doesn't prevent them. It's not like calcium intake is the only difference between all those countries. And the country with the highest calcium intake doesn't even have the most fractures.

>> No.10963678

>It just proves that more calcium doesn't prevent them.
no it doesn't you can have both positive and negative confounding. ecological correlations are fucking worthless

>> No.10963685

Why isn't vitamin D ever listed on dairy products?

>> No.10963690

bro cant u just clean the udders?

>> No.10963691

I see it on the label all the time. What are you going on about?

>> No.10963706

It's only added to fluid milk so incels can absorb the calcium.

>> No.10963709

You can and they are. Even dipped in iodine directly before milking

>> No.10963753
File: 962 KB, 250x328, 6PEzPNe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when you buy the really top shelf shit and mix that with 3 servings of honey wheaties

>> No.10963761

Why does Horizon milk have such a long shelf life? Is it Ultra Pasteurization? And if so, why isn't all milk ultra pasteurized? Is it prohibitively expensive and that's why Horizon costs 2x to 3x more?

>> No.10963769

At my local grocery stores, cottage cheese, ricotta, all milks organics, 2% all brands of the milks, cheeses - none list vitamin D. Neither do the butters, its not on the labels at all.

>> No.10963771

it tastes bad


>> No.10963773

Ultra high pasteurized tastes like shit. They sell it in boxes unrefrigerated in Europe. Horizon is a meme.

>> No.10963781

Why argue with him when I already gave you the right answer, >>10963706
you thirsty (you) monster.

>> No.10964417

because it's the only time in your wizard life that you get to suck on some tits