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10954141 No.10954141 [Reply] [Original]

>not making your own mead
>not banging lusty maidens
Explain yourself!

>> No.10954154

Can you not be such a faggot about mead? It's actually good, you shouldn't reddit it into oblivion. Thanks.

>> No.10954156

Is it vegan though

>> No.10954161

Honey isn't vegan so no.

>> No.10954168
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It's 2018. Get with the times, gramps.

>> No.10954182
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>> No.10954184

Kill yourself vegancuck
>oh wait you already are with your shitty diet

>> No.10954210

>everything I don't like is soy
Made me reply/10

>> No.10954219

nah dude I love craft mead!

>> No.10954226

I don't have access to beeeeees

>> No.10954230

When I was 16 years old, my two friends and I made a batch of orange mead for a national holiday, and while the taste was something that could have been greatly improved upon it at least got the job done when it came to intoxicating us during the festivities (which mainly occurred in a park in my city).

I was not a major alchohol consumer at the time and did not quite know how to drink properly, so I chugged down atleast 1,5 litres within a very short timespan, thinking "I don't feel anything, better drink some more" every 30seconds or so.
Then suddenly, BOOM I was as drunk as I had ever been before or since, remembering near nothing.

The next morning I wake up in an unknown appartment, confused and experiencing a hangover of such a magnitude that I dare not even start to reminisce about it with fear of evoking the sensation I felt then.
The appartment belonged to a girl I barely knew who was friends with another girl I went to school with.
She, in quite an embarrassed state, felt like sharing what had occurred during the evening and I listened in growing horror as she told of my drunken exploits.

>> No.10954231

Nice English

>> No.10954234

Thank you, retard.

>> No.10954235


I don't care to tell much about it, but the highlight of it was that I made out with a girl for the first time in my life.
I had thrown myself upon her, burying my tongue as deep as I could into her throat. I knew she had a slight crush on me and took that fact as an open invitation to molest her like an anteater, which she atleast at the time apparently did not mind. We fell down onto the grass and had a clumsy makeout session and in the heat of the moment I stopped kissing her, looked her deep in her eyes and projectile vomited square on her face (including mouth, nose, hair and shirt).
As if that wasn't enough, after I had emptied myself on her and tried to muster out a sloppy apology I suddenly thought the whole ordeal as rather amusingly absurd and started cackling like a hyena, sprung up and ran off into the night and was found by the girl, who'se appartment I woke up in, passed out in a ditch and got then dragged to her home that was close by.

Haven't touched homemade mead afterwards.

>> No.10954261
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>> No.10954267

fuck alcohol drinkers

>> No.10954272

Being a vegan isn't a life worth living for any duration.

>> No.10954284
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Holy fucking kek. Thanks anon..

>> No.10954295

I'd like mead more if the dudes who quote monty python endlessly and have stupid beards didn't also like mead. Regardless of what other boards say, there is a stigma attached that repels people from what you enjoy.

>> No.10954364
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>not partaking in a beverage you enjoy because you despise some of the people who drink it
You know that is true of any beverage you can name including water. It's massive insecurity on your part.

Anyway OP, here's a dry mead I had brewing back in may. Is yours sweet or dry?

>> No.10954395

op here

i want to get a bigger jug but i dont have the space. does it alter the flavor much? also mine will be sweet i recently put mango and some spices, hopefully it will be ready next summer

>> No.10954413

>underage baby.
Go back to cod.

>> No.10954504

Can you make mead with maple syrup instead?

>> No.10954811

I don't see why it should, but I've never made less than a 5 gallon carboy at once so I can't guarantee that. Seems like if anything a 1 gallon batch might be more yeasty since presumably you're using a 5g packet which can ferment up to 5 gallons. However, I usually use 2 packets for 5 gallons just to have it really take off quick, so it probably wouldn't be any different.

What's your honey amount and water amount? I typically use 1 gallon (12 lbs) honey to 4 gallons water.

>> No.10954820

That's not mead, that's called pthc. Canadians have been brewing that shit for decades.

>> No.10954828

It wouldn't be mead, but a mead like beverage could be made with it, sure. The issue would be the ungodly expense because real honey's high, but not near the price of real maple syrup.

>> No.10954830

>everyone who drinks alcohol magically gets blackout drunk
Most of us know our limits and don't go past them.

>> No.10954832

Aunt Jemima's maple syrup is only $6.58 where I live

>> No.10954876

i've got mulberry and dandelion wines aging in-bottle and just started a blueberry that i'm going to oak in the fall. i'll try mead eventually, but i want my own bees first.

>> No.10954893

>>he thinks Auntie J's pole syrup is genuine maple

>> No.10954898

This. Anons seem to think partaking in anything instantly makes you an addict.

>> No.10954920
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oh dear

>> No.10954930


I grew up making maple syrup but never tried to ferment it

>> No.10954939

you're a funny guy, getting people to google that

>> No.10954951

He got me, but DDG said it stands for
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography

just ignore the rest of the clearly horrible results

>> No.10954957

Its actually called Acerglyn

>> No.10954970
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I've got @ 10 gallons of blueberry wine in primary fermentation right now. They usually end up tasting like a nice merlot so the oak aging seems like a good idea. Oak barrels here in the US are expensive af so I can't justify it (:

>> No.10954972

If you live near some maple trees it's free

>> No.10954986

I'm just planning on using chips, desu

>> No.10955003

I used about 0.375 gallons of buckweat honey (3lb) for this batch tho i typically use clover as far as the yeast go i put in about a third of the packet and store it in the fridge for about a week or untill i need it again.

>> No.10955020

are there any chips specific for wine or like how do?

>> No.10955024

there's quite a variety, i'm planning on putting them in for 3-6 months after I rerack from secondary
