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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10952108 No.10952108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

where did the al/ck/ threads go? pls

>> No.10952115

fuck im fat as hell and no girl wants me

>> No.10952116

they went to AA. maybe you should consider that.

>> No.10952120

found the guy deleting al/ck/ threads

>> No.10952128

i really dont get this meme. there's always one sperg crying about "omfg i miss alck threds sooo much omg why do mods ban them".. dude if you miss those threads then make them yourself youlazy fuck. the other guy who started them prolly died of liver poisoning, so stop being a whiny conspiratorial faggot and do something.

>> No.10952130

Fuck off and die faggot

>> No.10952131

just fell off the wagon after 5 months and i need my fellow alcoholics.

>> No.10952137

there were dozens of people that started al/ck/ threads you big dummy.

>> No.10952148

Recently been trying to quit since I got the shakes crazy bad a few weeks ago.

I'm bloated as fuck and gaining weight. Is this normal when trying to quick? Stomach also hurts like a bitch all the time. Also my stress has been through the roof at work and I have no energy.

Trying to eat better and take b-complex / multivitamins, probiotics.

>> No.10952152

maybe you should consider doing that, instead.

>> No.10952154

man, it's crazy getting back on the drinking train. I went five months without it and got the inclination that i could drink again. didn't even get very drunk, woke up the next day wanting another drink. fuck this shit.

>> No.10952156

It was probably just nerves dude, relax, get you some beers and chill out.

>> No.10952179
File: 7 KB, 196x250, 53f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw meth addict and don't know what it's like being an alcoholic

>> No.10952188

idk if that's worse than drinking. drinking is socially acceptable but so destructive.

>> No.10952201

They went to /adv/ because you fags were just using the threads as a 0athetic chatroom.