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File: 85 KB, 640x640, absinthe-pontarlier-glass-without-cut-main1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10951068 No.10951068 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10951085

A strong alcohol that tastes like anise.

>> No.10951098

Tastes like shit

>> No.10951112

Anise flavored cough syrup.

>> No.10951116


>> No.10951117


>> No.10951120


>> No.10951121

make sure you get an authentic pour.

>> No.10951127

You’ll hallucinate. It’s very very strong

>> No.10951131

It's nice after the whole "ritual" thing, but that gets tiresome when you just want to get drunk. They make these dumb spoons and slow dripping ice water spouts to dilute and sweeten up the drink.
Tastes like black licorice, which I don't hate, but it is better if you just pour in a teaspoon of sugar and some really cold water and stir. This is for a big cup of course

>> No.10951132

well for one thing you dont need the sugar

>> No.10951383

What country are you trying it in?

>> No.10951388

expect your friends and family to be visibly embarrassed for having been associated with such a faggot. Get a beer or a whiskey or something, theres no need to lower yourself to drinking some fennel flavored meme drink just to feel "cultured"

>> No.10951522

OP here turns out the absinthe I got was Eastern European absinth which is different but "similar" and doesn't taste as good but whatever I got it for $6 CAD, just means its the set on fire type and not the dissolve with cold water type.

>> No.10951535

Anise flavored booze
What brand you doing? I've drank it a lot depending on the brand you can get a mild high from it. Nothing psychedelic

>> No.10951549

Absinthe doesn't actually cause hallucinations. That was a slander against it spread by people who wanted to ban it.

It's just a high ABV spirit, and will knock you on your ass like overproof rum, but not make you trip balls.

>> No.10952473


Learn what real absinthe is before you fall for some 55% ABV Windex.

>> No.10952705

hope you like aniseed / black liquorice otherwise you're going to be disappointed. I remember drinking half a bottle of bourbon and half a bottle of absinthe in 1 night, threw up everywhere, never touched absinthe since, the smell makes me want to vomit

>> No.10952771

Make sure you add a few drops of laudnum to it.

>> No.10952821

Allow me to recount the story of the first time drinking absinthe (barring doing a shot of it with friends a couple of years before)
>Friends 20th Birthday
>Dinner at a nice little bar/restaurant, then drinks at his place where I'm crashing
>Dinner goes well, have a couple drinks with my meal
>Back to his place around 7:30-8pm
>Crack out the absinthe
>First take a shot with friend
>Friend says that's enough for him and goes back to his Jack and Coke
>Then tried "Bohemian-style", aka lighting it on fire
>It's alright
>Try it a few other ways
>Next thing I remember is everyone just sitting around chatting and watching Rage (Ausfag music video show)
>Friends computer connects to the internet
>Friend still has a dial-up connection
>It makes the noise (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsNaR6FRuO0))
>I say "Are you still on dial-up?"
>Everyone (about 8 people) turn to me and angrily yell "YES!"
>Dumbfounded I ask why they're so mad
>This is apparently the 6th time I've asked that question
>I don't really understand what's happening, I don't remember asking
>I go to take another drink from my glass
>It's water
>I ask where my absinthe has gone
>Friends tell me that I stopped drinking and switched to water about an hour ago
>I look at the clock, it's now 10:40pm
>The last thing I remember before now was making another drink at about 9pm ish
>Apparently I had another couple after that, before I stopped
>Apparently I started this massive conversation about the best level of drunkness and tippsyness, which only ended about 5 mins ago
>As I'm absorbing all of this and wrapping my head around it, my friends computer connects to the internet again
>Decide to play a prank, using what I've just learnt
>"Are you still on dial-up?"
>"Haha, gotcha!"
>We keep watching Rage
>Eventually crawl into spare room and fall asleep on futon

>> No.10952823

>Next morning wake around 10am
>That's not normal, I always wake up early after a night of drinking
>Worst headache of my life
>We all go down town for coffee
>I get my hands on the strongest painkillers I can and pop a couple every couple of hours
>Does nothing, head fucking kills
>Friends all laugh and tell me that this is what happens when I get so smashed
>They tell me about "Are you still on dial-up?", expecting me not to remember
>I stay I remembered asking, then pranking them
>They say "Which time, the first or second?"
>Find out that last night they explained to me multiple times, that I had already asked about my friends internet
>I had also tried to prank them twice, once at 10:40pm and again a bit after midnight
>"But I went to bed not long after I pranked you at 10:40pm..."
>"No you went to bed the same time as everyone else went to bed or left, just before 2am"
>When we finally get back to friends place, I check my bottle of absinthe
>There's maybe a third missing
>Ask who else had some
>Birthday friend had a shot when I first opened it, remember that
>Other friend who's a good girl and doesn't drink much also had a shot
>Remember trying to get her to have some, but don't remember her doing it
>Friend shows me video of her doing it on his phone
>The rest was all me
>Headache comes good around 5pm ish
>Have another friends 21st
>Have a couple of shots of absinthe, then spend the rest of the night drinking beer, then vodka
>The next morning I remembered all of that night

>> No.10952828

When I was 18 I got shitfaced on vodka. Other then some trivial small details, I remembered the whole night up until me going home and passing out on my veranda. I remember briefly waking up when my dad came and told me to come inside and I remembered waking up again later with a blanket on and my dog curled up next to me.
At 19 I drank an entire slab (24) of heavy beer stubbies, before I had a bit of a vomit and passed out. Once again, I remembered everything about the night, even things others didn't.

The only other time that I ever blacked out from drinking and didn't remember bits of the night, was the night I decided that my drinks for a party would be a couple of bottles of vodka, straight. I got through both of them. The only part of the night I don't remember is the last hour or so before I went to bed, however I've been told that other then a few attempts to pick up, that hour was mostly just me passing in and out of consciousness on a chair and rambling incoherently to random people.

The first night drinking Absinthe still remains the only time drinking during which I suffered significant memory loss.

>> No.10952994

Wtf i love absinthe nów

>> No.10953472

To placebo yourself that it's more/different than any other alcohol

>> No.10953499

It's like your body is drunk but your head is more or less normal. It's pretty weird but still pleasant.

No you don't. Shut the fuck up with your old wives tales. Absinthe hasn't been like this for at least a century.

>> No.10953501

r u srs absinthe dood? ur gonna trip so hard mann it's like totally crazy bro! good thing you have a few days to prepare yourself. you want to be in the right headspace haha. get ready for a legendary night of epic proportions

>> No.10954313

Watery, French, Ouzo.

>> No.10954323

It's honestly better as a summer drink with ice.

>> No.10954332

Which means it's basically not absinthe in any way. Hills Genuine Absinthe is a meme.

>> No.10954349

Are there any other drinks that you water down? Is it common for anise drinks?

>> No.10954426

This. And grappa...
Summer drinks with ice.
Doesn't take much to catch a nice buzz.

Bicardi 151. But depending on your taste... I would drink this just to get blasted drunk. I recorded a song in one go that my room-mate left lyrics that he absent-mindedly wrote while on the phone and just left them on the stand next to the phone. I took 'em, decided the song needed a raspy voice, so I drank a bunch of 151, smoked a clove cigarette and then drank some milk. Played it to some basic chord progression with a drunken blues overdub solo. It turned out brilliant on the recording. I will never do that again because it really fucked me up, physically.

>"Milk was a bad idea..!"

>> No.10954452
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>This. And grappa...
Grappa is the worst shit

>> No.10954471
File: 165 KB, 401x284, Hunter Thompson in From Hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's common for alcoholic drinks with a high alcohol content. Even an ice cube in a glass of scotch can change the entire palate of the drink. Doesn't need to be anise flavored...
And scotch has less alcohol than absinthe.

I've only had some bootlegged version of if that this guy makes and keeps in an old miner's cave that he's turned into a wine cellar. He keeps it mostly a secret but the whole town knows, and since he and my dad went to school together we got to go down and sample some of it. Strong stuff, but wasn't bad once the ice was introduced and swirled around. Turned it sweet-ish.

>> No.10954478

Johnny Depp got Candlejacked the

>> No.10954534

>Milk was a bad idea
A tall glass will mess me up on my best day.

>> No.10954561

It will have an anise taste which means like licorice. Unlike jager though it isn't a liquer and is usually higher abv which is why there's complex rituals that dilute it and add sugar. Give it a try and then you can be one of those people who can make snooty comments about how you had Absinthe.

>> No.10954611

I drank the milk on purpose to get the phlegm going and catch it in my through due to smoking a clove cigarette while drinking 151. The milk made it stick and it worked for the vocals. I'm never doing that again...
I don't normally drink milk but it doesn't bug me.

It's just a simple (and expensive) way to get really drunk.
If you want the romanticized stuff, you're gonna have to make it on your own or find somebody who does.

>> No.10954617

>not "through"

>> No.10954629

Mouthwash and root beer.

>> No.10954670
File: 144 KB, 508x499, Dehydrated Water.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not far off, there.
don't forget the toothpaste

>> No.10955290

Should I be careful when drinking Cocaine coca cola?!

>> No.10955388

Coke Cola? Just keep in mind that they didn't drink it by the liter.

>> No.10955661
File: 121 KB, 499x404, Bond, Jim Bond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10955689

If you actually got it in Easter Europe then >>10951127 If it was produced or imported into Leafland then a mix of >>10951112 and >>10951116

>> No.10955718

Disappointing alcohol.
No, there is no peer-reviewed scientific study that has ever supported the idea absinthe is a hallucinogen.
It's also doubtful whether there was ever really some since lost historical version of absinthe that did that, and if there was, it probably did so more through brain damage than an actual pharmacological mechanism.

>> No.10955742

Wasn't it the wormwood that was hallucinogenic?
That was supposed to be the case, if I recall.
Then it got all diluted and the recipe changed and we got Vermouth, literally Worm Wood?

>> No.10955773

I already wrote:
>if there was, it probably did so more through brain damage
You can try adding back in all the brain damaging adulterants and then you might get hallucinations eventually, but it'll be more because you're destroying your brain than because you're hitting up a receptor like a normal psychoactive compound.
>Today it is known that absinthe does not cause hallucinations.[86] It is widely accepted that reports of hallucinogenic effects of absinthe were attributable to the poisonous adulterants being added to cheaper versions of the drink in the 19th century,[90] such as oil of wormwood, impure alcohol, and poisonous colouring matter (e.g. copper salts).[91][92]

>> No.10955843

If it's Czech, it's meant to be prepared differently. They pour the shot over the cube and light it.

>> No.10955845

Also there was an attempt to argue thujone might be hallucinogenic by being similar to THC back in the 1970s, but that was conclusively shot down.
The more mainstream explanation for why absinthe is something people wrote about a bit historically as causing hallucinations is that it was mostly hype i.e. Someone raised brain damage / hallucinations as a potential health risk of absinthe long ago, and the hipsters of that time period thought "cool, fuck health anyway, I'm going to openly abuse the shit out of absinthe just to get the very thing you're warning me about!"
Also it's important to note that alcoholism of any sort can lead to hallucinations, particularly if you're really dependent on it and then suddenly get cut off.
And lastly you have Van Gogh, who certainly painted as though he were hallucinating all the time, but that might just be because he had brain problems independent of any substances he was abusing.

>> No.10955917

Don't burn your mouth on the flaming sugar cube, you're not supposed to drink it while its on fire. I had a friend do this

>> No.10956551

>And lastly you have Van Gogh
Fun fact, most popular oil paints of the day contained lead. Forgoing rinse-water, some artists used their mouths to moisten their brushes. Van Gogh most likely had lead poisoning severe enough to damage his brain's ability to process light properly. He probably saw halos around lights because of this.

>> No.10956606

jaeger but without the added sugar

>> No.10956808
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That's kinda the line that I was thinking of.
From personal experience,,, the brain damage stuff.

along with thujone...

And mental illness, like Van Gogh. But mostly the alcoholism withdrawals.

Thanks for your posts; they are informative for the uninitiated. And a warning. I mean, if you wanna play hipster, go for it, I guess. But buyer beware.

>> No.10956826

true absinthe has wormwood which makes you trip.
think. post.

>> No.10956854

I wouldn't go so far as to say "most likely" or "probably" about that.
There were a lot of different ways Van Gogh could've ended up mentally ill and/or brain damaged and that's definitely one plausible way.
Wormwood doesn't make you trip. At absolute most (and it's doubtful you can even say this much about it) what you can say about wormwood is it might give you enough brain damage to eventually start having problems like hallucinations.
That would not at all be the same as taking LSD and hallucinating.
It'd be like watching a film on your computer with creative input from Salvador Dalí vs. smashing up your computer until it starts making the morning news look like it had creative input fro Salvador Dalí.
One is temporarily activating an existing structure, the other is smashing up shit until random problems start happening.

>> No.10958376

normal, liqourice tasting alcohol.
even if you get proper wormwood-based absinthe with a high % of thujone (the active ingredient) the shit's 55% alcohol, you'll pass out drunk before you so much as see, hear or feel anything different.

The hallucinations and green fairy shit is a myth, mostly because people would do too much cocaine and think "huh, i'm going crazy, has to be this funny green drink, can't possibly be the drugs or lack of hygiene".
That being said, I fucking love absinthe and have a glass every now and then. Good shit.

If you want to experience a "high" from drinking something, order legal herbs off amazon that get you high and make tea out of them, there's loads of them. There's also the usual shit like weed or magic mushroom tea.

>> No.10958423


In Europe, before introduction of hops, ancient alcoholic drinks and brews were laced with hallucinogenic herbs such as henbane, deadly nightshade.

Especially the nightshade family is known to cause extreme deliriant hallucinations

Since thujone is such a mild substance, I have my doubts it could cause any sort of hallucinatory effect.

Absinthe which caused hallucinations was probably laced with tropane alkaloids.

>> No.10958433

Yeah and Chernobyl literally means wormwood and they called it that because when the power plant blew up it was so fucked up it was like everyone drank a bunch of absinthe and then tripped off all their balls!!

>> No.10958461

>Since thujone is such a mild substance, I have my doubts it could cause any sort of hallucinatory effect.
That's a reasonable / correct statement.
>Absinthe which caused hallucinations was probably laced with tropane alkaloids.
That's a lot less reasonable / likely of an idea.
The mainstream guess is that people were never actually getting hallucinations from it.
It's important to distinguish "getting hallucinations from it" vs. "writing that claims people were getting hallucinations from it."
The latter can exist without the former ever having been true e.g. If future historians were looking at old marijuana propaganda they might wonder why that plant was causing people to go on psychotic killing sprees when every test they've done on it in their own time demonstrates that isn't an effect it has.
Also similar to the marijuana case is that absinthe was demonized by baseless health scare writings warning about hallucinations, which probably had the unintended effect of making it seem more interesting to that time period's hipsters, who would then glorify absinthe and the hallucinations it causes in their own subsequent writings to show off their hipster cred even though it doesn't cause hallucinations.

>> No.10958488

Henbane (and atropine) in general produces extremely bitter taste so it would make sense that it would have been added to absinthe which is bitter to begin with from all the herbs.

Back in my early 20s when I was still experimenting with drugs and psychedelics, I acquired henbane seeds and some leaves from a local botanical store and almost brewed some beer with it: but chickened out because henbane is extremely poisonous at low doses and the hallucinations are not like those of psychedelics: they are deliriant hallucinations which cannot be controlled at all. So I eventually threw them away. Nowdays I do not do any drugs, but tropane alkaloids were the only drugs I never had the balls to try, and I am glad I did not.


Here is good documentary on henbane. The experimenters drink wine tainted with henbane and some professor writes down the hallucinations they are having.

>> No.10958507

and I'm trying abstinence in a couple days :'(

>> No.10958528

>Henbane (and atropine) in general produces extremely bitter taste so it would make sense that it would have been added to absinthe which is bitter to begin with from all the herbs.
That's a pretty tenuous reason to make the leap that these were added to absinthe and caused hallucinations in absinthe users. There's an endless amount of plausible sounding possible events you could come up with that never happened in actuality.
The much simpler and less speculative explanation is absinthe never caused hallucinations in the first place.

>> No.10958556

The stuff in Wormwood is also in mint. So to get it in quantities to do anything you'd have to drink several bottles worth in one sitting. It doesn't cause hallucinations in healthy individuals. Although it is worth noting that some of it's ingredients were used as pain killers and stimulents at one time. So the weird high described is likely these chemicals reacting with eachother in fun ways. I don't see it being more of a problem for your brain (beyond the alcohol poisoning) but it's probably harder on your liver than most drinks.

>> No.10958567

>That's a lot less reasonable
I don't know man, we used to use arsenic to dye clothing. I wouldn't put it past someone to use some weird herbs to give their absinthe an extra kick.

>> No.10959295

I'm not even joking why don't you just go back to r*ddit?

>> No.10959518

I wouldn't be too surprised if they did, but I also wouldn't assume that is what they did on the basis of it being not impossible or surprising alone.
Also people at the time would probably know that a plant which very reliably acts as a hallucinogen, is a hallucinogen.
And if they knew some plant acts as a hallucinogen and they were adding this plant to absinthe, then they would have probably attributed their hallucinations to that plant rather than to absinthe when writing about it.
Which is part of why the conventional explanation today is they simply weren't hallucinating from absinthe and the idea you might hallucinate from it was just a myth that got popular to assume and repeat.
I think the second place least speculative explanation would be the same DTs and hallucinations you could get from any alcohol might have been associated in writing with absinthe in particular even though it wouldn't actually be specific to absinthe, which is a lot like the myth / hype explanation.
And more along that line of thought, brain damage from chemicals that aren't psychoactive but are toxic might have caused hallucinations in heavy drinkers too. I consider that more likely than the possibility of psychoactive plants added in and causing hallucinations since unlike with those plants you wouldn't know at the time if something like copper was giving you brain damage, and that meshes with the way nobody was identifying specific ingredients added to absinthe as the real cause of hallucinations.
Though again, the even simpler explanation is just that nobody was really hallucinating off absinthe, past or present, with maybe a rare few exception cases that still didn't have much to do with absinthe specifically anyway.

>> No.10960620
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something like this probablyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdV1Zc_PFdg

>> No.10960624
File: 75 KB, 600x605, 25508189_2046308305626649_5145840328579017659_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdV1Zc_PFdg

>> No.10960675
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Absinthe is good for:
>INSTANT buzz after a stressful day
It's hard to find absinthe where I live.
Of the ones I've tried, I'd rank them
>1. Butterfly. Had it once. Very nice but pricey.
>2. Pernod. Smooth. The only okayish stuff reliably stocked near me.
>3. St. George. Uh...it's alright. can be harsh.
>4. Lucid...spend your money on vodka and licorice

>> No.10960680

This was just fucking sad. Manson should have killed himself after Columbine. Go down with the ship.

>> No.10961751

They must have changed their recipe, the stuff I had was decent.

>> No.10961812
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The ritual of mixing it with sugar is interesting. But don't expect anything different than Ouzo as far as taste and effect.