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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 149 KB, 728x1048, hard to swallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10950012 No.10950012 [Reply] [Original]

Tried a McDick's Filet-o-Fish for the first time today; quite an underwhelming experience. Not great, not terrible. Why does it seem that everyone on this board has such a strong opinion on it, even outside of shilling/shitposting? It's basically just a microwave-dinner-tier fish patty with a bun, maybe slightly better but not much

>> No.10950027

>It's basically just a microwave-dinner-tier
So in other words it's terrible. Thanks for the insight.

>> No.10950032

Kill yourself you stupid roastie

>> No.10950053

They're old and stale because nobody orders them and the fish and cheese combo is repulsive.

>> No.10950055 [DELETED] 

>redditors don't have a similar line of thinking due to their site design promoting hivemind groupthink and social karma system and hiding all the bad opinions

>> No.10950074

Some microwave dinners are tolerable, they aren't all Banquet brand dogshit
It's just so inoffensive, I don't see why cu/ck/s get so into it, negatively or positively

>> No.10950090

It's because as fast-food fish sandwiches go it's pretty good, so people who only ever eat shit tier fish think it's good but compared to good fish, especially on the coasts - it's crap. So you see how it's divisive and actually lines up with our current political divides

t. just ate a double filet today for $1 on the app because was too tired to cook.

>> No.10950100

Some people have different standards than you. You find it "tolerable". I find it to be "dogshit".

>> No.10950202 [DELETED] 

Please shut the hell up, I wouldn't even know about this site if it wasn't for r/greentext.

>> No.10950245

And we all wish you didn't know if it, faggot.

>> No.10950287 [DELETED] 

And we were better off before that site took our shitposts and shared them for internet points like the middle dude in the human centipede, leading to dumb faggots coming here for the epic memez and shitting on board culture

Go defend your gay-ass circlejerk somewhere else

>> No.10950321

>Why does it seem that everyone on this board has such a strong opinion on it, even outside of shilling/shitposting?
> outside of shilling/shitposting?
This is not a thing that happens.

>> No.10950324
File: 15 KB, 655x360, 1521629427399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stay on topic boyos

>> No.10950386

only a redditor would make that image

>> No.10950393

Lel, you all wish I didn't know if it, huh? Making a lot of sense there, breh.
Gonna share this, I'll let you title it.

>> No.10950408

You're basically a social cancer

>> No.10950429 [DELETED] 

The snap meme was never good you dumb reddit cancer, it's just a shitty pseudodownvote that came from /v/eddit

Unironically get the fuck out

>> No.10950441

321 confirms

>> No.10950463 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 1536x1536, biu0-square-1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing butthurt "old fags" faster and faster everyday.
Make me.

>> No.10950486

McDicks fish used to be pretty good, though I haven't had one in many years. BK on the other hand had a great fish sandwich. It was fucking huge and tasted better than McDicks. I haven't had one from there in even longer, and I highly doubt it's the same.

>> No.10950497 [DELETED] 

>be indian
>poo in street
>someone tells me stop
>tell him to "make me"
Basically you.

>> No.10950514

>be derp
>gatekeeping muh seekrit club
>getting increasingly angry over nothing
>announcing sage for attention
>dropping stale memes
Literally you.

>> No.10950537 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 406x90, 1525381831984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like countries, if you don't enforce quality entrance at the borders, you'll eventually be filled with shit.

>> No.10950541
File: 105 KB, 1024x576, 1515346424588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT some butthurt fag from reddit has an anal meltdown for being told to go back

>> No.10950575

You can always go somewhere else, hon. :)

>> No.10950601 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 1050x741, 1523534658504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can shit wherever I want

>> No.10950652

I've already admitted I use both Reddit and 4chan, and we've established that you can't force anything to be wrong with that. You're the one bitching and complaining while I laugh my ass off.

>> No.10950661


>> No.10950668

Cared enough to make this image. Back you go.

>> No.10950702 [DELETED] 

Redditors are mouthbreathing teenagers who come here for dank memez they saw on (reddit|9gag|facebook) and post without considering the local board culture.
Like the *snap* memes, they think it's funny when in reality it's a low effort shitpost and pseudodownvote. You can tell a redditor usually by the knowyourmeme filename.

Now fuck off, loser.

>> No.10950733

You're "pseudodownvoting" yourself by repeating the same things over and over, trying to force them to be reality. I haven't done anything to try to make you mad and keep responding, but here we are, breh. I'll pray for you? Lol

>> No.10950753 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10950765


>> No.10950766 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10950774

See >>10950765

>> No.10950781 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10950784

I don't think spamming is allowed here, breh.

>> No.10950786 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10950810

What was your last meal?

>> No.10950853 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10950878

How mad are you while you sit and wait for the cool-down to expire so you can post another duplicate response, breh?

>> No.10950896 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10950929

Do you like the Filet O Fish?

>> No.10950935

>It's basically just a microwave-dinner-tier fish patty

except fried. there's your answer

>> No.10950987 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10951015

So you're saying you've eaten dogshit, and a mcds fish sandwich, and they taste the same? I think it matters what dog the dogshit can from, try some more from a different dog and report back, with pics.

>> No.10951023

Answer the question. And the previous questions.

>> No.10951045 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10951057

Tell me to fuck off if you love Reddit.

>> No.10951103

Filet-o-Fish is the worst food imaginable. It was so bad that I could only eat half. I walked out without finishing the other half even though I was really hungry.

>> No.10951109


>> No.10951144

I get the double, take it home, put the second fish on another bun and put on tartar sauce so I have two sandwiches. god damn i love vaguely fish flavored crunchy shit

>> No.10951149

Who the fuck calls it McDicks? Is this a southern thing or a black thing?

>> No.10951164

Fuck off.

>> No.10951185

You have to go back